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Author Topic: How to have a more active part in the forums  (Read 2426 times)


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How to have a more active part in the forums
« on: September 03, 2009, 01:04:45 PM »

You visit the forums on a regular basis, keep up with all the latest things going on, post in various topics, and even occasionally chat with other members in the chat rooms.  But somehow it just doesn't seem like enough . . .  There's this emptiness, this longing . . .  the urge to do something!  But you just can't figure out what it is . . .  Maybe you need to get more invovled.  But how?  As it turns out, there ARE way to be more active and involved!


Fantasy Pleo:  For the physically young, terminally immature, young at heart, or those in their second (or third) childhood . . . unaware to normal forum members, there exists a secret society of members who meet clandestinely to explore the imaginary worlds of people and pleos.  The Fantasy Pleo board is available for those who enjoy fictional role playing and fantasy stories.   Now, it is a secret society, so you'll have to ask to join . . . .

The Bob Project:  Do you like to take pictures?  Do you get out of the house much?  Have you every taken you pleo with you?  Then the Bob Project is for you!  Have fun taking pictures of your pleo out and about, post them for others to enjoy, and get nifty prizes for your efforts!  You can't beat that!


Newsletter staff:  Is your degree in journalism going to waste?  To you dream of being a hack writer?  Are your spelling and grammar skills laughed at by the ignorant masses?  Well, then, maybe you should join the newsletter staff here!  We're always looking for volunteers to help write articles, or go do some investigative research, or just help us plan out our next newsletter.  And with our grand vision of putting out a monthly newsletter, we need all the help we can get!  :o  Perhaps you'd like to do a monthly column, write reviews, help create tutorals, draw cartoons . . .  uh, wait, I think we have that last one covered!

Hosted chats:  This is a new area we're experimenting with, but if you feel either very talkative, knowledgeable on a specific topic (doesn't have to be pleos, but pleo related is desirable), and don't mind doing a little crowd control, then hosting your own regularly scheduled chats may be just the thing for you!   If you're willing to commit to spending an hour online at the same time once a week for at least four weeks in a row, we'll give it a shot!  And who knows, you could become an international celebrity!

Store owner:  Can you sew?  Paint a picture?  Do anything craft-wise?  Then why not put your skills into creating things for pleos!  Once you figured out what you want to make, we'll help you set up a store font here in our mall.  That way, you can share your love for pleo with other pleo owners and get paid!  Whoa.  Did you hear that?  Paid?  As in, make money?  Sure.  You may not become the next Bill Gates, but if you're having fun, who cares!

For the seriously involved . . .

Librarian:  We are looking for someone with good organizational skills, reasonably familiar with working on the computer, who is willing to constantly invest 6 or more hours a week into gathering pleo knowledge.  The In return, you will win the undying favor of hundreds of pleo owners and gain the right to be called as Mr/Mrs/Miss Know-it-all, archiver of knowledge.

Moderator:  Do you come here several times a day?  Read every post?  We are looking people with good people skills, familiarity with the internet, forums, and chat room etiquette, and well known to the community to help in the role of forum moderator.  Ideally we would like to have people from various time zones to provide better coverage.  We're not looking for enforcers, but rather guides, to help steer things clear from trouble.  New to the forums?  Don't worry.  Keep active and in a few months, who knows?  This could be something to consider.

Pleo Power

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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2009, 05:25:35 PM »

OK, you can decide if I'm right for any of the position's listed here. ;) :)

Fantasy Pleo? : I'm already in there. ;) (and like it. 8)   don't take me out. ;))

The Bob Project? : Ive contributed a few, and cant really think of anyware else. ??? (maby when I can drive, I can get a few more. ;))

Newsletter staff? : probably not the best one for me. %)  but I can do it if you need me to. ;) :D  (I can right a really good review about Pleos if needed. ;))

Hosted chats? :OK, if you want.  I'm almost always on here. :)  (but only after 5 on Monday's and Thursday's. ;))

Store owner? : no, because I cant think of anything to sell on here. :-\ 

Librarian? : maby, if you need one .  8) (but only if I get to stay in the FB. ;))

Moderator? : I can be one if you want me to. :)  I'm almost always on here, I read every post (most right after they are posted. ;)), you name the skill ;)(just look at my profile. :D), I'm pretty familiar with the web in genrill and I know this site like the back of my own hand, and am good in the chat room on here. (just ask allo b blue eyes and Totofogo. ;)) and well known? if you ask probably 99.999% of the pepole on here "have you herd of Pleo Power" they will say yes. (and the ones that don't haveint seen many topics. ;)) and Ive helped where I can. ;D and I'm on eastern time. (but still almost always on.)  I haven't enforced here, just helped. and I wont be a tyrannical maniac, I would be the same, just with a few extra ability's. :) (That would only be used if needed. ;)) (Oh, and if I was a mod then I can still be in the FB right? ???)

((Oh, and what are the reporters? did you ferget to mention them. ???))          (oh, and I'm probably cabable of more then one. ;))


  • Grand Poobah
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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2009, 05:42:52 PM »

He he!  You probably DO host many chats . . .  You ARE always on! 

Reporters are people on the newsletter staff.

But Alas, a number of the positions probably require you be 18 or older, for legal reasons.


Pleo Power

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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2009, 05:54:22 PM »

He he!  You probably DO host many chats . . .  You ARE always on!
yep. ;D

Reporters are people on the newsletter staff.
Oh, sorry. I didint know that. ???

But Alas, a number of the positions probably require you be 18 or older, for legal reasons.
legal reasons? but after we do the stuff for Newsletter staff and Librarian we pass it to you, don't we?  and I wasint after Store owner because I don't have anything to sell that has to do with Pleo's. (and no sewing machine.) and I suppose mod is one of the ones you need to be over 18 for? ^-^  and probably Hosted chats too? %)  (if so, then maby in November 2011. ^-^ :( :-\)  (so what ones do you have to be 18 for? ???) (just wondering. ;))
« Last Edit: September 03, 2009, 09:33:50 PM by Pleo Power »


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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2009, 11:25:42 AM »

ah the long wait for adulthood, trust me it aint all it's cracked up to be  ;)
edit: just read the newsletter great issue, thank you very much for letting me participate   ;D
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 11:31:03 AM by justbede »
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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2009, 05:31:54 PM »

I think I am a member of all those except the Fantasy Board and Mod :P I'm really not interested in the FB but if you need another mod then I can probably help with that :)

Hopefully with the PDK out there and the re-launch of Pleo, interest might rise again and there might be some stuff to sniff out for the library ;)
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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2009, 08:31:56 PM »

I'd love to help out with the newsletter. Please let me know what I can do for you! :D As I get back into my usual fall schedule I'm happy to say I'll be online alot more in the coming months.

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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2009, 10:17:34 PM »

I am interested in hosting a weekly chat, with no issues. Also, if you needed a moderator I would be honored.
Save a life, go vegetarian.


Eliot-(Innvo Labs)
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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2009, 10:21:18 PM »

Same here.  :)

I'm used to being long winded but enjoy good quality reporting and writing.  :P

Let me know. I've worked as an editor on more than one occasion.  ^-^

Dadio  8)
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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2009, 08:22:34 PM »

I've noticed how behind I am in my posting number. I decided that if I do 15 posts a day for a week I'll get a lot higher pretty fast. Wish me luck!
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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2009, 03:27:17 PM »

I wish you luck! :D I'm trying to actively participate more often but it's hard with school. Just a few days ago I spent all evening on homework which left me no time to go online! Even on weekends I often find myself going out somewhere or doing something. It makes it hard to keep up.
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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2009, 09:58:09 PM »

Remember!  Quality NOT QUANTITY!  There's no award for making the most posts . . . and we already lost one member over excess posting . . .

Pleo Power

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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2009, 10:06:17 PM »

we already lost one member over excess posting
kinda, but the real reason we lost him because he startind fighting with a moderator. (that's something you should never do on a forum.) (and something I'm never going to do on here. ;))


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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2009, 11:42:57 PM »

we already lost one member over excess posting
kinda, but the real reason we lost him because he startind fighting with a moderator. (that's something you should never do on a forum.) (and something I'm never going to do on here. ;))

No, I'll go with the excessive pointless posts. So let's try to keep them down.
Save a life, go vegetarian.


Eliot-(Innvo Labs)
Peanut-(Aibo ERS 31L)

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Re: How to have a more active part in the forums
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2009, 01:07:46 PM »

I'm a little scared too post here but I do agree with mweed.  :)

For the most part the posts on these forums are of a fairly good quality.   ;)
There's really no reason to try and hit a high number.   ???

We really want to hear what most people have to say.   ;)

Quantity is just like spamming a site!  :P

Dadio 8)
PLEO's Forever!
Take Good Care!  - from Dadio 8)  & Stoney [img width=200 height=50 alt=]http://bobthepleo.com/forums/MGalleryItem.php?id=1183[/img]
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