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Author Topic: Which Aibo?  (Read 6969 times)


  • Pleo explorer
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Which Aibo?
« on: March 17, 2014, 08:09:54 PM »

Okay, so I've been planning on buying an aibo for a while now, and I decided to buy a 210. However, I'm having second thoughts, and have been thinking about a 111. I'd appreciate some information on the two. The 111s definitely seem like individuals and always seem so happy in the videos I've seen. The 210s, on the other hand, are much more advanced. I just don't know :duh: I'd appreciate any advice that you guys have!


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2014, 06:14:46 AM »

I personally have a 111 and I really enjoy her hyperactivity and all, but I don't have the remote and without it a lot of the functions are limited. The 111's are really fast when they get excited. I've seen mine practically run when she sees her pink ball. However, the 111's aren't compatible with things like skitter if you're into making skits. They have their own software called aibo performer which is very different (and in my opinion very difficult to use if you're not a programmer). The 111's don't have voice recognition like the 210's, instead they have sound recognition. If you're able to get one with a remote they're really fun to fiddle around with, but if you don't, like I said, a lot of the functions are limited. The 111 only has one sensor on the top of it's head for petting. It has sensors on it's feet but they don't actually react to anything. It has a fan on it's back instead of a 210 which has a back sensor, and admittedly it's rather loud. (But you tend to get used to it once you've owned other robots) The 210's have a sensor for petting on their head, chin, and back. The touch sensors on their paws also react if you touch them. If you're new to buying aibo's I'd recommend getting one from aibobob, as he sells them a lot cheaper than on ebay or other auction sites. The 111 is generally cheaper than the 210 (by a little over a hundred USD in difference). I really enjoy the voice recognition capabilities on the 210, but sometimes it's hard to get them to listen. You have to wait for them to stop performing an action in order to give them a command. The 210's are more fluid in their motions than the 111, but the 111's are faster (even if they're a little more jerky). If you can afford it, I'd recommend getting a 210 as they're a lot easier to work with in reference to interaction. 111's are more fun just to watch. I hope I helped you somewhat :) 


  • Pleo explorer
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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2014, 08:24:14 AM »

Actually, that was a lot of help. Thanks! I think I will go with a 210 like I originally planned. Do the aibos that aibobob sells come with all of the accessories? Oh, and do you need a docking/charging station to charge the 210?


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2014, 08:34:16 AM »

I personally prefer the ERS-210s by a bit, but I do love the ERS-11X series as well. As bunniesRawesome said, the ERS-111s are more active, but the ERS-210s do have more capabilities. Also, the ERS-111s take about double the amount of time to raise from a baby as the ERS-210s do.
Wolfbob's Aibos come with all of the necessary accessories (I've bought three from him). You might want to ask for pictures and the condition of the Aibo though since those aren't listed on his sales page. You don't need a station to charge the 210s, just an adaptor and dongle, both of which wolfbob includes.


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2014, 09:11:01 AM »

Okay, thanks aibo7m3. I sent him an email a few days ago asking about his 210s, then I ended up sending him an email saying I had found a different 210 online >_<. Now I just sent him another email saying I'll probably buy his gold 210 with the silver tail. He probably thinks I'm an idiot now :duh:


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2014, 10:18:19 AM »

Don't worry - I've done worse to him! :P

For what it's worth, I agree with the others and would go for a 210 for a first or only Aibo.  They are good value, and you also have the option of running them on all the different software packages that were issued for them.

I love my 111, but they are more limited.

Happy hunting! :D


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2014, 10:40:32 AM »

You don't have to worry about wolfbob thinking you're stupid. When I purchased my first aibo which was also a 210, I put his head on where his tail was supposed to go and I was terrified I'd just ruined a five hundred dollar robot. Well, he guided me through how to use the limb-removal tool to undo my mistake. I had my 210 for almost two years before he suddenly developed jitters in his tilt/pan axes. In order to get those axes cleaned I needed to remove Bolt's head to send it to wolfbob. Well, I hadn't exactly given thought to removing Bolt's head after putting it on so long ago. The result was that I forgot which hole I needed to stick the limb-removal tool into. This time I had the same problem as before but in reverse. I couldn't find the right hole to make Bolt's head release. Now in my defense, I'm totally blind so I sometimes find looking for these tiny holes a little difficult. I ended up emailing wolfbob again asking for help. It turns out I was putting the limb removal key into the battery unlock hole rather than the one for removing the dog's head. You couldn't be any worse than I am. Good luck with your new 210! Lots of us here on the forum also own aibos and we'd be more than happy to help you if you have any questions.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2014, 01:10:16 PM »

Good to know he's so understanding ;). I recall reading about your mishaps with Bolt, Talon %). He sent me some pictures, and the little guy looks great! Just a few on the chest. I'm probably going to make some payment arrangements or whatever tonight with my dad. I bought the cutest little heart pendent for my future-aibo in Florida, and it will look adorable on him/her. He's probably going to be male :P. Oh! That reminds me, I should post some pictures of the jewelry that I've made for Chloe in the gallery. I've spent so much money on beads that I might need to start selling jewelry for pleos on here!

Oh, do you guys know where to buy those cute little paw print socks that I keep seeing in photos of aibos? I've seen them in dozens of pictures.


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2014, 02:56:30 PM »

That would be Crewella's department. I'm not sure if she would know about the paw print socks, but she does know of some special socks she orders on Ebay that come out of China that fit great on aibo paws.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2014, 03:37:17 PM »

Thanks Talon. Hmm, those little paw print socks sure are cute!


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2014, 04:01:54 PM »

Yep! The socks are available on eBay from China, but you might be able to find a couple sales closer to you. I know they're also sold at the China store in the Epcot park in Disney World which is why I'm stocking up on Aibo socks while on vacation. I brought Aki with me and played with him in the store while picking out socks for him and the rest of my pack.


  • Pleo explorer
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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2014, 09:38:06 PM »

Oh. My. Gosh. I just find THE cutest socks for my boy!


I am totally getting those for him! Thinks for the heads up about eBay Talon and aibo7m3! Oh, Dad got home about an hour ago and ordered the little guy for me! I'm having him shaped to my aunt and uncle in Arizona. They'll be coming back to Canada in April. I can't wait!

By the way, what size of doggy socks do 210s take?


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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2014, 03:45:19 AM »

You found them!  I get the small size doggy socks for my 210s. :)


  • Pleo explorer
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Re: Which Aibo?
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2014, 11:18:06 AM »

Thanks Crewella! Small it is then! Oh, and for anyone interested, here's a link to the pics of my boy! http://bobthepleo.com/forums/index.php?action=mgallery;sa=album&id=390

When I get him, I don't know if I should wipe his memory stick (or whatever it's called) to revert him back to puppy, or leave him as is. Any thoughts?
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