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Author Topic: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?  (Read 6248 times)


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innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:51:30 PM »

i was just browsing the net trying to find that fabric looking Pleo leaf when i come across the following UK site that sells Pleo's and apparently 2009/10 models ?
i thought innvo Pleo's was not available in the UK ? here is the link to the site


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2010, 01:22:54 PM »

Interesting that the description still has UGOBE all throughout it and no mention of Innvo Labs, and that they are currently out of stock of the new model.  Their copyright notice has not been updated, either.   Ugobe did have official licensed dealers, and Innvo Labs is working on having dealers again, but there were none for the 2009 model.  And with QVC now selling 2009 models, I would guess we'll start to see new distributors around the world...  but this particular site looks somewhat iffy to me.  I would guess they WERE an authorized reseller for Ugobe, and are working at being set up with Innvo Labs.


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2010, 05:55:35 AM »

Hey Grumpy
i emailed that website to ask if they were selling the innvo pleo and this is what they wrote back , i will copy and paste below ,

we have been trying to sell the new version pleos for the past 12 months but the US company wont deal with the Uk for some reason, they expect customers to buy direct of there us website now!

sorry i can't be of more help

i thought innvo were Looking for ways to sell innvo pleo abroad ?  :'(
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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2010, 06:10:08 AM »

I know, Gaz - it drove me nuts when I was trying to get one.  What with the elusive shipping costs on the website I gave up in disgust and went for an older model on Ebay, hoping an Innvo one will come up there eventually.  Buying direct from the US is fraught with difficulties for items of any value (I'm currently fighting an £85 import & VAT charge on a £200 purchase - I WILL win in the end, but it's hassle) - I really do not see why I should have to!  It's like they don't WANT to sell them! >:(


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2010, 07:43:17 AM »

On the bright side, there is that whole Something new on their official website topic . . .   Innvo Labs is working to have international distributors, but I'm pretty sure it won't be until after Pleo RB is out and selling.  So look for them (distributors) probably early next year.   We've all been too excite about Pleo RB coming out to ask about distribution.


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2010, 03:58:09 PM »

Thanks Grumpy - I've been really hoping that gets going and makes life easier! :D


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2010, 01:52:01 PM »

Please don't buy from that store. I was really done down by that pleostore.co.uk. I ordered from them believing my Pleo to be the Innvo Pleo with the improved skin etc. They shipped fast, I received him the next day, but as soon as I opened the box I knew he was the old model. I emailed them and told them and they replied insisting the Pleo I'd been sent was the Innvo Pleo with the improved skin but I knew he wasn't! Still, I kept him and love him but I wouldn't buy from them again.


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2010, 04:10:21 PM »

Thank you Malfie - I suspected that was the case! %)

Still got my fingers crossed that we will be able to get them from an approved distibutor in the UK one day!  One day soon, hopefully!

Incidentally, I noticed recently that QVC were down as 'out of stock' as well ...........
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 05:47:12 PM by Crewella »


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2010, 04:30:01 AM »

Are they on the uk QVC though ? as when i checked they did not show up on search ... only on the .com QVC they showed up . i do not see why it is so hard to get them distributed in other countries .
Also the person who ordered a pleo from that site , when i emailed them and asked if it was a innvo pleo they told me no they only have ugobe pleo's and the reason being that innvo only wanted to sell 2009 pleo from their website . If they are looking to distribute Pleo why are they not letting people like them sell Pleo 2009 then ?

also i call for commercials on Pleo Reborn worldwide when it is released this will only produce bigger sells and open up the pleo community .
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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2010, 07:43:36 AM »

Nope, as far as I could see they were only ever on the .com QVC and not the UK site. :(

Call for .........CALL FOR!!!!! :o  I'm BEGGING!!!! :P :D


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2010, 10:50:19 AM »

Still got my fingers crossed that we will be able to get them from an approved distibutor in the UK one day!  One day soon, hopefully!
I really really hope so too!!!! :'(

Also the person who ordered a pleo from that site , when i emailed them and asked if it was a innvo pleo they told me no they only have ugobe pleo's and the reason being that innvo only wanted to sell 2009 pleo from their website .
Yes, I was that person and I got lied to :(


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2010, 05:41:42 PM »

 Just so anyone who lives in the UK and is interested, I have been selling my batteries, both types, to all over the world, Ukraine, France, Germany, Canada, Italy and yes the UK as well, I know taxes and duty can be expensive, so I have told customers I am happy to mark the item as " gift", and this way they do not have to pay outrageous import duties and taxes. I also will be or am planning on selling some Pleos, and I can also mark these as Gift for anyone who buys one, Jus to keep in the back of your mind, incase you happen to buy either a battery or Pleo, I am happy to help anyone on the Pleo Forums, I also offer the cheapest shipping and nonone else on ebay does that!
           I hope that there is a UK distributer for Pleo and Pleo RB this comming year, that would solve a lot of problems and make things easier for everyone.
                                                     RedwoodsMama and Family of Six Pleos
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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2010, 08:23:49 PM »

RWM, thanks for the thought but I'm afraid marking an item as a 'gift' is not a reliable way of avoiding import taxes, to the UK anyway.  My recent problems with a £200 purchase being taxed £85 (charged on the £500 insurance value) was on an item from the US - when it finally arrived I noticed it was marked 'gift'.   >:(


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2010, 01:29:57 PM »

Thank you RedwoodsMama. That's a very kind offer :) I had a friend from the US send me a doll some time back. He marked it is a 'gift' and it came straight to my door. I'm not sure if all items marked as 'gift' do the same though after reading Crewella's post. I hope you don't have to pay all that money on an item marked as a 'gift.' That's shocking :o


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2010, 03:19:32 PM »

Hi Crewella, Malfie,and others, I have not done this with a Pleo yet, but with other items including to Italy , France, UK, and also Canada and Russia, I marked Gift and even posted a Birthday card inside to make it look like it was a Gift. On the value, I was asked by the buyer to put a lower than actual price value, so I did, Maybe this helped, but no one I have sold or sent items to has  had a problem with it so far, I also know if you mark it EBay ,they won't figure it is a Gift.
                    I am going to do all I can to make it easier for anyone I sell an item to , and if that means reducing the possibility of paying taxes or import duties, I am all for it, I figure it can't hurt to try!
                             RedwoodsMama and Family of 6 Pleos :)
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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2010, 04:07:10 PM »

Death..... and taxes ..........always get you in the end................  :'(   >:(   :P


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2010, 06:57:40 PM »

Thanks again RedwoodsMama. I've been looking up info and on the UK HM Revenue and Customs site it says that goods sent as a 'gift' that are over £40 in value are liable to import VAT. Customs duty also becomes payable if the value of the goods is over £135 but is waived if the amount of duty calculated is less than £9. I'm not sure that I understand the last part about the £9 ???

So it looks good for you sending batteries to the UK as 'gifts' but unfortunately not so good for sending an actual Pleo :(


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2010, 10:10:56 PM »

guys, lets keep this thread on topic please.


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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 12:23:29 PM »

   Just to add if that’s  OK,     as far  as I  can see   the  info on  that pleostore  UK  sight   doesn’t seem to have changed since I first came across it  around this time last year.
 I contacted innvolabs directly and that’s how I found out     then that they had no UK suppliers for the 2009 models so I knew then to stay clear.   
 I can see how someone could be led to believe that they where doing the innvolabs mottles though as the information is very misleading. 
 Hope this is not too off topic but regarding import taxes to the UK. Is this a new thing   that they’ve brought out this year or something their tightning up on? 
 I only ask  because   when I ordered  my pleo 2009 moddle from the innvolabs website  I was only charged for shipping and  didn’t have to pay any extra  for  import tax. Infact I had to get a return as the first had a fault and didn’t have to pay import tax the second time around either.   That was November last year mind you so maybe it wasn’t in force then or maybe I was just lucky. 
  Hope this helps 



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Re: innvo Pleo available in the UK ?
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 01:34:28 PM »

you must of been just lucky because import duty fees where around last year lol
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