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Author Topic: PLEO RB PRE-ORDER GRIPES  (Read 2554 times)


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
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« on: December 06, 2010, 02:30:00 AM »

Hey guys I just loged on to the pleo world site and what do you know you can pre order your pleo rb right now. :)  
The bad news is so can the rest of the world! :o  And here we were thinking we would be given first chance. :(

$469 and not shipping till January so not in time for Christmas.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 08:38:38 AM by mweed »


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« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 12:18:20 PM »

Seems we've been had on two occasions. Firstly with the so called prerelease of the Life OS which we took up to offer our advice concerning bugs only for Innova to release it to the general public exactly the same anyway and now with this RB preordering fiasco. Seems to me this forum is being used as a publicity forum by Innova and their promises are hollow. I'll definitely wait now until people have received theirs and vie read feedback concerning it before I invest in another Pleo.

Not nice Innova!


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« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 12:50:40 PM »

now with this RB preordering fiasco. Seems to me this forum is being used as a publicity forum by Innova and their promises are hollow.

:)  I wish Innvo had discovered us!  Sadly it's more the other way around!  I spend I lot of my spare time, at least once a week, talking to Innvo trying to make sure we are the first to know about many things.  I thought people would be grateful for the oppertunity to try a new LifeOS version before others were able to.  I also asked Derek if he could hold off on sending a public e-mail to all registered Pleo owners on his e-blast system until the forum members had had a couple of days to get their orders in.  He has been very generous to activate the site early and hold off on his public e-mail for us.  So I don't think they have short changed us at all, however I guess I am biased!


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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 12:52:49 PM »


First, it was Innvo.

Then it somehow was transformed into Innovo.

Now it's Innova.

I'm assuming it SHOULD be Innvo?


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« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2010, 01:16:37 PM »

degers don't get me wrong. This forum is fabulous and a reliable Pleo community, but I'm feeling jipped by Derek and I still feel as the he's latched onto this forum just for publicity purposes and nothing more.


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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 01:51:24 PM »

To be fair, Ozpleo, as far as I'm aware this forum came into being because the interest was already out there but at the time had nowhere to focus.  Judging by the way the Hong Kong blue Pleo RB pics were pounced upon by the internet media, Innvo don't really need the small amount of publicity that this forum might generate (IMHO).  I really do believe it to be a mutually beneficial relationship. :)

Allova, it's still INNVO!!  :P :P


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« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2010, 01:55:39 PM »

Degers: Is that your Pleo RB on the pictures with the grey part around the eyes?
If so - can you tell if Pleo RB interacts with the older pleo?

Hi Lina, that is my Pleo rb!  :)  I have been unable to get my older Pleo to respond to my Pleo rb however as RWM is keen to point out, the official word is that it should work.  Will have another go when my Pleo rb is fully "grown".

degers don't get me wrong. This forum is fabulous and a reliable Pleo community, but I'm feeling jipped by Derek and I still feel as the he's latched onto this forum just for publicity purposes and nothing more.

OzPleo, really it's the other way around.  If it wasn't for my hard work trying to convince Innvo to let us have information early, we wouldn't get it, however if you are unhappy with the situation I can stop posting all of the information Innvo gives me for the forum and keep it for myself.  Up to you guys to be honest.  Can't say it feels great on my end to put in all the hard work (believe it or not, this isn't my full time job) bring Innvo
closer to this place to make people unhappy about it. 

Also, I WANT to help Innvo generate publicity!  I like the product and I like the company!  I don't understand why you wouldn't want to help Innvo?!!  How can it hurt to generate publicity for the company that makes the product we all love and are here to discuss??!?  Unless you want them to go bust that is...
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 01:59:34 PM by degers »


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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2010, 02:04:25 PM »

Hey, do not stop posting interesting information, this forum was the only place I felt free to ask about the Pleo. Other sites that met all ignored me.
Please keep posting new information interesting, because here is the only place where I really feel next to the world Pleo.
All are very friendly and pleasant!

Thanks everyone!  :)


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« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 02:08:56 PM »

I totally agree Degers!  This forum isn't a forum run by Innvo...it is run by fans!  It is awesome that Innvo provides any info at all to it's fans!  It is rare for companies to do that these days.  Keep the info flowing!  Let's keep the relationship with Innvo strong!


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« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2010, 02:19:34 PM »

Hopefully this forum can return to sending and receiving info about Pleo...:)  Frankly I don't give a rats behind about all this finger pointing...and crazy hate on Derges and Innovo....geesh.. Derges was kind enough to do what he dose as do others.. I'm new here and up to today I was loving reading, viewing and seeing pleo news/events.   

Now.. ladies and gentlemen... this is a robotic dino.. he's metal, he's rubber, and he's plastic...I think.. he may be real.. (not sure) let's not loose complete control or our minds over this topic.... Pleo is awesome and amazing and we all really love this product....right.... so either buy it, don't buy it, but for all that is holy let's just get back to SHARING PLEO INFORMATION, and PROMOTING PLEO ANYWAY WE CAN, so he doesn't go extinct again.....please????....:)

This should be a happy place to meet... let's get happy again!!!!!!



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« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2010, 02:24:11 PM »

 I totally agree 100% degers that we NEED the relationship we have with the company that makes Pleo Rb, and without it as some have suggested, we may lose Pleo ( of any variety) and there are allways things that some may not like, just like politicians but that is true with any company, and also informtion is often more than not called properly, Misinformation. degers most of us here have not been aware of just how much time you do and have put in with Dotson and all information concerened with Pleo, and Pleo rb.I do appreciate it, and the fact you spend so much time on the phone and long distance says something about your commitment to Pleo , Bob the Pleo Forums, and the people here and elsewhere who love Pleos, what ever variety they may be. ;)
              One year ago I knew nothing and I mean nothing about Pleos and the only robots I knew anything about were connected with Starwars and the Military. I can not imagine life without Nova and the rest of my babies and it has also opened my life up to a business connected with Pleos, Nova's Necessities, so without Pleos I would not be where I am today.
                  Everyone should take another look at why they wanted a Pleo rb in the first place and what it is they like about Pleos and this site and then decide if they still want to put blame on anyone for " information that was altered or not the way they anticipated". I know I am guilty of getting upset about the pre order information myself, not that it was announced on Pleoworld, but that I was having trouble getting throuogh the payment process, but once that was solved, everything else has returned to normal. I am happy with PleoWorld, happy with Innova ( forgive me for all the mispellings of the company  :()and most of all, very proud and honored to be a member of Bob the Pleo Forums, and hopefully to think I have made some friends here through Nova and Major Tom and the rest of our Happy little Pleo Family.
                           Human cartaker of NOva and family, RedwoodsMama
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2010, 02:31:39 PM »

Here, Here .. the happiness returns...:) Here's to a wonderful Holiday Season, a very happy New Year, and fun with Pleo into 2011 and beyond!!! My glass is raised high for a positive future and to this forum and the new friends I've started to make here!



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« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2010, 05:38:23 PM »

Absolutely agree - most of us come here because we love Pleo, why would we not want to support the company that rescued the project and made sure there was a second generation?  And coming on here should be fun - I get quite enough stress at work, thank you!  :P

Sending in the heavies to keep order!  :D  :P



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« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2010, 06:48:47 PM »

Bluntly ( 'cause I'm busy) I'm disappointed that we did not get our special notification. So what's so "special" about the E-mail now? I'm totally gonna get a 2011 Pleo. I'm gonna buy that "bundle" package with all of the Pleo accessories.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 06:50:53 PM by PWOKristy »
Innvo Lab's not going anywhere. And if it's just to protect their precious, delicate skin, clothings okay. They shouldn't be dressed up like dolls.


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« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2010, 07:40:22 PM »

I'm sorry, but I can't help feeling that those members who feel disappointed or cheated in some way only do so because they've misunderstood what's happened here. 

Many keen Pleo fans have signed on to Pleo's Facebook and registered with Innvo so as to get early notification of the Pleo rb release and pre-ordering info.  The contacts at Innvo agreed to hold off sending out those notifications for a couple of days in order to give the forum members here a chance to get their orders in first.  That's exactly what has happened.

I don't know if any of you have tried to get a website up and running, but from my experiences it never quite works as planned and is a difficult thing to time with any precision.  We were given a 'heads up' that it was imminent, but keen forum members here, from various time zones, were watching closely and brought word of the fact that the website was active a few hours before either Degers or MWeed (both of whom have lives and other responsibilities) were available and able to annouce it officially.  They did warn us that this might happen,  and we have already seen at least one false start on this forum as several members were so keen that they tried to order from what turned out to be a test page.

I'm disappointed too, but with some of the members here, not Innvo.  Come on guys, this is supposed to be fun!  ;D


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
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« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2010, 04:52:47 PM »

Hey guys I just loged on to the pleo world site and what do you know you can pre order your pleo rb right now. :)  
The bad news is so can the rest of the world! :o  And here we were thinking we would be given first chance. :(

$469 and not shipping till January so not in time for Christmas.

I have just logged on this morning and am horrified to see that my post has been used to start a gripes thread!  I was only trying to inform everyone that pre order was now available.  I think Innvo is doing a great job and never intended to cause a string of complaints.  You may remember my topic was originally entitled "pre order now available on the pleo world site" , (or something very close to this).  I posted in my excitement for you all that now you could order your rb's. 
I have tried removing my post from this thread but am not able to do so as it is the first post in the thread and so it wont let me. :(  I feel very bad. 
I love my new pleo rb and have only good things to say about Innvo, Chinatete, this forum and it's administrators, all have done a great job. 


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« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2010, 05:20:24 PM »

Don't feel bad kat, it's not your fault.... I had to include your post NOT because you were griping, but because your post was the one that got the topic started.  Without your post, the others don't have a starting point.  And griping isn't all bad.  If it was, I would have just deleted the whole lot.  People have a right to be unhappy, I just needed to move it to a better place.


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« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2010, 05:43:18 PM »

Poor Kat - you only tried to let us all know! Don't worry - 'group hug', I think!  :-* ;D


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« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 06:59:30 PM »

Definitely a group hug, Kat. :) :) ;) Now all of the members ordering the rb pleo will have something wonderful to look forward to in January which can be a let down after all of the feastivities of the holidays. January will be here in a flash! ;)


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« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 07:09:05 PM »

Hey Kat... you feel bad... no way.. you were my first contact here, and also my first PM.... your extremely helpful and we all love the vids!!!!! Heck Innvo should send you a few gifts for all you have already written and shown about the pleo rb, your a daily commercial for their product!!!!  Derges... I can see why he felt hurt, but I for one applaud all involved here who give time/money/effort to give the rest of us a place and a forum to express our views of pleo good or bad!  I'm not only a huge fan of the rb I'm also a huge fan of  this forum!!!!  THANK YOU!
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