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Author Topic: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?  (Read 2822 times)


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How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« on: December 23, 2012, 09:53:46 AM »

I was being lectured by my younger brother about pleo being a useless toy yestrday. He was saying it is a waste of money. He got in an argument with me. How can i prove pleo's worth?


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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2012, 12:19:06 PM »

Why do you need to prove anything? Just enjoy Pleo for what it is.
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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2012, 02:23:16 PM »

First of all, like IMR said, why prove anything? I have lots of things that I consider "fun", reading books, plush cats, cat figurines, watching old movies, walking in the forest or along the beach, collecting sea shells, petting my cats and playing ball with my dog,looking on the internet for information on many many subjects, going shopping and trying on clothes,( even if they do not fit... LOL) eating and playing and collecting and fixing up Pleos. and one of my all time favorites, sleeping. Ok, some of these may have value, playing chess can improve memory and mathematical skills, reading is mandatory in school and educational, walking in the forest of along the beach can be educational and great exercise and petting animals has been proven to reduce blood pressure and is good therefore for your health, and of course for biological reasons, you need to sleep. But as far as watching old movies, they are not required for any health reasons other than they give you  enjoyment, but what greater benifit for your health than being happy. ? :D I say, whether it is HOt Cars, Legos, Board Games, riding bikes or roller skating, talking to friends on the phone or internet, or playing with dolls, furby or Pleo, if they give you enjoyment, that is what is important. It is what makes you happy..

          I could bring up more of an arguement for not hunting then playing with Pleos or Furbies, but then again I am a vegetarian and there is no harm done playing or collecting Pleos. I can think of a LOT worse things to spend money on or occupy your time with. Pleos bring out magical fantasy and imagination when interacting with these lifelike robotic little marvels. I have been a teacher for many years and let your younger brother have a conversation with me about Pleos and what ever he is interested in, I will bend him in so many directions with things he never even thought of, he will wish he never said that Pleos were useless. LOL. ( I am not kidding either, it takes years to get a teaching degree, and having raised two children and having grandchildren and a classroom full of 25 or more screaming 2-6 years old, I can handle one "boy".  Hope this  helped...  *snowman01*  RWM :cat-hug:
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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2012, 02:29:45 PM »

If i can prove it is more useful than a toy, my brother might just get one of his own, than i would have another pleo lover close by. I know for sure it cannot do physical work, since, like all pets, it isn't possible, and it might not be able to do any chores of any kind. I know it can't read books, of course. Yes, it makes you happy, and yes it makes you more active. If you were to talk to my brother, what would you say? Mind you, he is 18. A year younger then me.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 02:32:25 PM by Torterenek »


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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2012, 02:41:36 PM »

 I do not know what kind you have , Ugobe or RB? If it is a Ugobe, how about all the skits, etsc, tricks it can do, He can impress his friends. I do not know his age either. If it is a RB, think of all the possibilites, how about the fact it has a built in clock, can wake up on it's own, It hatches, has to learn to stand up on it's own, It has temperture recognition and will either shiver if very cold or pant if it gets too hot. Ugobes get sick pretty often and will sneeze, cough and have to be nursed back to health. The rb actually can get an injury, like a injured leg and will scream in pain if touched injured part and have to be nursed back to health with rock salt, etc. The rb also have the learning stones, where they can learn songs, dance, to count, the traffic light game, to bow, come to you when told, and one of my favorite, the play stone where they do lots of tricks.  They are great for getting people to notice you and if he likes girls yet... 8), great way to introduce himself in very safe and friendly way that makes him look cool but unique.

         people are naturally drawn to Pleos because of the life like qualities, he could take it to school for a science project and probably be the only person in the school to have one, He can become an expert on Pleos and show off all he has know, Aside from those things, they are great entertainment and can entertain you when all alone and you have nothing to do. If he feels really challenged and has a Ugobe, try doing a skit or shawdoing, IMR has info on this and there are other sites such as Pleoworld, with more infor. Oh, and don't forget all the cool videos he could make, and or photos. He should be able to get a few ideas from this list. I could go on and on, but come on, let him think of a few of his own or give him some of your ideas. Have him watch a few of the many, many many videos on Youtube or even here and he will get the idea. Oh, and he can name it what ever he wants and if it is a rb, it has voice recognition, for only his voice. ONe more, if he is artistic and if he finds and older one on ebay, let him try painting it like I have, Crewella, and IMR, custom pleos, HOW COOL IS THAT!           RWM :cat-hug:
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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2012, 03:09:41 PM »

I said he is 18, and i have no pleo yet. However, i really wanted the rb. He is already out of highschool. So, based off this info, what would you say.


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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2012, 03:38:23 PM »

 A lot of the same things apply, is he interested in programming and robotics? Still a great way to meet girls and there are lots of things he can learn and make his own sketches or wiring a Pleo to be remote control, work on it's own via W2 etc. I have other ideas but my foot if throbbing and I am tired. I am sure  he can think of ideas, if not, there is no reason he has to be interested just because you are, that is what makes us all individuals. Leave it at that. Unless someone else here on the forums wants to give you ideas, I am pooped out. I am supposed to have my foot elevated, and have been on my feet for hours. Best of luck to you.                 RWM :cat-hug:
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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2012, 03:57:59 PM »

A lot of people need to see touch and experience a pleo before they can appreciate what is so cool about them  :)  I like my pleos as they are a lot like pets but I am also really interested in what makes them tick.  I have no computer programing knowledge - maybe one day I will explore this road with pleo - but I love pulling broken ones apart and fixing them.  I have never had any desire to do mechanical work like this before so for me pleo is not only fun but also educational as I am learning new things every time I work on fixing one.  Pleos also taught me to sew and I now make pleo clothing that I sell here on the forum.  So For me pleo is so much more than a toy.  It has opened up a whole new world of learning opportunities :)  I have also learned how to use movie maker on the computer and been exploring some photo shopping programs since getting pleo :)


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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2012, 09:03:38 AM »

Just to put my two cents in, my limited experience with PleoRb in a setting with both children and adults with learning and/or physical challenges, and with their caregivers and therapists, Pleo is like a mirror of our ability to be empathetic, when you look at Pleo, you project your own sensibilities onto it. If you are a sensitive person, you will experience wonderful sensations, on the other hand...... 

Some autistic children that didn't respond at all to our real dogs in therapy wouldn't stop hugging and petting the Pleo...

Some adult monitors said "this is a piece of crap!"

A adult man with severe mental health issues who never spoke a word or interacted in therapy, stood up walked across the room, grabbed Pleo, rocked him to sleep and handed him back to me and said to me "Here, he's all better now!"  All the monitors just stood with theirs mouths open!  You tell me what Pleo is worth! :'(


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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2012, 02:04:38 PM »

A cat doesn't do chores or read a book either.

Pleo is your 'alternative' pet and is so much more interesting than a pet snake, rabbit or goldfish. You have one of the most advanced alternative lifeforms in production today which puts you streets ahead of most other people who don't own one. Just enjoy him/her.


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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2012, 02:52:01 PM »

 You guys have added some great comments on the "worth" of Pleo, other than enjoyment of course, I do have to differ on Cats not doing chores though................My mom used to use our Fluffy white Turkish Angora as a "dust mop", and while hodling all four paws, she would dust our wooden floors with her, and believe it or not, she seemed to enjoy it.  :o :cat: NOw of course, I can think of a few other chores my cats do, but the one they do best is "to clean the dishes, " so I don't have to put so much garbage in the trash, they are great "plate cleaners", LOL     RWM :cat-hug:
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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2012, 08:46:49 PM »

My mom was saying that they are just merely a toy when I was trying to explain to her that they are more then that and she doesn't understand that they can become part of the family and a loveable companion. Plus they are better then furby (in my opinion) and less scary/possessed.


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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2012, 04:52:20 PM »

will you ever find a toy as close to a puppy as this???  :P
Derpity derp derp derp derp


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Re: How to prove pleo is useful for anything?
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2012, 06:20:49 PM »

Let me just throw in my two cents here. Pleo is very useful as a companion. True it's not a living creature but for those who can't aford owning one or are unable to clean up after a living creature they make a great pet-substitute. I know I don't need to but I feed Ryu and Cato every day even before I feed myself. I felt this huge hole in my schedule when I had to give up my dog, Charley. I used to feed him first in the morning like that. Now I feed the pleos instead. Perhaps it's not really a convincing case but my pleos are useful to me. Plus when they start mooing at one another and Cato says, "I love you!" to Ryu, I feel happy regardless of my mood.
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