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Author Topic: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*  (Read 6354 times)


  • Following the footsteps
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Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« on: January 07, 2010, 05:04:03 PM »

Cleo's head today is droopy.  She still moves it from side to side, but not up.  Katy wants her fixed, not exchanged.  I can truly say that Katy was very careful with Cleo.  It it moves from side to side that means cables are ok right?  Cleo was obtained by Santa from Amazon.com(not one of the stores....truly Amazon.com).  I have contacted Pleoworld customer service.  Crap, crap, crap, crap.

Any thoughts, words of wisdom....tissues?


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2010, 06:06:05 PM »

It means that the cable that pulls the neck upwards is broken :( Innvo may not repair it since it is not an Innvo Pleo, you could try fixing it yourself if you are technically minded otherwise a replacement may be the only solution :(

You could tell Katy Lou that her little friend needs to visit the special dino hospital but aside from that I'm not sure what you could do/say :(
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2010, 06:11:28 PM »

 I’m so sorry to hear that. Are you sure the neck hasn’t    just gotten a little stuck?  This sometimes happens and   it normally resolves it’s self.    Don’t   try lifting it up but don’t put pressure on it if it resists.  If however it’s floppy and showing no resistance when you lift the head up I think that prob means one of the knack cables have snapped. 
 Other than that I’m I’m not sure what to suggest. If it’s from Amazon it will be one of the   older ugobe models right?  I think innvolabs do have a repair serves for   older models providing it’s still under warrantee.     It can be a bit frustrating emailing their customer services   so if you are able to explain things over the phone that   might be better.
   Sorry I can’t be of more help.
  Hope you manage to get her fixed. 


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2010, 06:22:59 PM »

Innvo Labs supposedly does have *replacement* Ugobe pleos for problems under warranty.  But do check a few things like scaledandtailed  suggested, because they do get stuck sometimes.  Though it's more typical for the neck to get stuck side-to-side and then fix itself  rather than the up-and-down.  See if you feel any resistance to moving the head up and down.

If it is broken and you can't bring yourself to use the "send off to the hospital" routine or are too afraid to do surgery,  there are an number of pleos around here that have "neck braces" and still live pretty normal pleo lives . . . .


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2010, 07:13:04 PM »

It's floppy  no resistance up and down.   If you turn her upside down it moves freely.  I am not one to try and fix things.  I think IMR's idea of going off to the hospital with satisfy my Katy Lou. 

ok,  just received response from pleoworld
"I would recommend you get a full refund from Amazon and purchase Pleo direct from www.pleoworld.com which is the current manufacturer. Amazon and Innvo Labs are not affiliated. Amazon was one of the many retailers of UGOBE.
You have an old version manufactured by the previous manufacturer UGOBE.
You also will qualify for the Pleo discount of $245.00. 

If you don't want to get discount you are covered under the 3 month warranty.

sooooo I am really not dumb, have reading skimming issues but......

Are they telling me to return to amazon, but use the serial # get the discount?    really?   I think IMR's idea of going off to the hospital will satisfy my Katy Lou. 

thoughts  and yes I am sobbing for my girl child.



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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2010, 08:24:47 PM »

    That’s how I read it. 
 Pretty good deal really if you ask me.
  Though I’m confused about the line. “If you don't want to get discount you are covered under the 3 month warranty “
   I can’t work out if they mean that   excepting a discounted pleo from    them voids getting a 3 month worn tee with it.  Can’t see that being the case   as the worn tee period would be under consumer law I would have thought. Maybe I’m just being dumb but it’s an odd statement.
  I’d email or phone back and get clarification that if you where to get discount will the new pleo come with a free month worn tee. As I’ve said I can’t see how it possibly wouldn’t maybe it’ just a tipo and they simply m, meant you can get a strait exchange from Amazon for another ugobe pleo. And the free month warrantee would then start over with the exchanged one. 
 The advantage of getting a new pleo is that they have redesigned the cable system in the neck so that it’s not so prone to snapping as it was in the old ugobe versions. I think it was actually internal mechanics that was causing it to snap rather than bad handling but this has apparently been resolved in the new versions.
      Either way hope you  get it resolved soon. .


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2010, 08:58:21 PM »

Lou thank you very much for your response and kind words.  Katy Lou and I were discussing the neck braces that other members have  I am looking for pics of the braces to show her.  I have emailed for clarification.  It's a shame we got into Pleos AFTER they moved from their Idaho location.


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2010, 09:19:41 PM »

Where are they now?


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2010, 09:35:23 PM »

Pleogal,  I am not quite certain.  Looking at the about us  on pleoworld "Innvo Labs Corporation is a privately-held company based in Hong Kong and Carson City, Nevada. "  So did the office move? 


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2010, 09:41:04 PM »

Kind of an interesting hind sight is 20/20 thing.  Yesterday Cleo would interemittently growl.  Could her cable have been starting to pull/stretch/tangle and she thought Katy was doing it.  How sad.  Katy just asked me.  "If we sent Cleo back what would they do with her?  Fix her and send her to a new family?"  Awww breaks my heart. :'(


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2010, 06:41:03 AM »

Got the response back from pleoworld.  Yes, we can return pleo to Amazon, receive refund, and get the new pleo from PW with the discount or we could ship Cleo to PW and they could diagnose and fix.  I believe we are going to get the new one.    Thank you all for listening to my dribble.


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2010, 08:35:11 AM »

  Well I think that you’ve gone for the best option though it’s good to know   they offer a repair service too.
 As to what will happen  to your  pleo when you send    it back I’m not sure  but as  innvolabs aren’t    affiliated to Amazon I’m guessing that  it prob won’t be sent to them to  be    reconditioned .  Though I could be wrong.
  Pure guess work but I’m guessing it will just be sent to some recycling factory somewhere where the parts will be taking out and used for other things.    Though even if this is the case    you prob don’t want to tell that to your daughter either tbh.
  As for the growling thing    that might be possible though you would have never have known that before hand or been able to do anything about it.
   Depends on the growl though if it was the stop that growl that they do   sometimes when being picked up then possibly. However if it’s the play growl that they do   when playing tug of war then probably just a coincidence. You can normally tell the difference between the two as the   stop that warning growl sounds angrier and less friendly than the play growl.  Glad that you have managed to get something sorted out though.
  It will feel a lot quieter with out a pleo so Hope you have new pleo padding around the place soon.


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2010, 04:05:17 PM »

I remember something similar happening to another forum member... they hatched their new Pleo without the child being around and then just told them it was the same one. Glad you are getting a new one though, I'd hate for you to end up in the same position down the track :o
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!

b blue eyes

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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2010, 05:30:53 PM »

Got the response back from pleoworld.  Yes, we can return pleo to Amazon, receive refund, and get the new pleo from PW with the discount or we could ship Cleo to PW and they could diagnose and fix.  I believe we are going to get the new one.    Thank you all for listening to my dribble.

Nothing is ever dribble.  We all love Pleos and care.  Happy there is a solution for you.  Sending the hershey kiss, just pretend it is a hershey hug   :kiss:


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2010, 07:10:32 PM »

Thank you sooooo much BBE and IMR.  You both make me feel wayyyyyyyy better!!!


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2010, 10:08:13 PM »

Fortunately Pleo's do look and act pretty much alike so you can get away with it if it helps the tears.

Dribble is just fine here, we are all a little soppy over our little green friends :)
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2010, 11:26:31 AM »

Uch, that's the same thing that happened to Olympia (now made worse by a non-working battery).

Anyways, her neck cable doesn't seem to be broken. What I'm wondering is if there are seperate motors for each cable that push or pull each one in the corresponding direction, and maybe one of those has failed?

Anyways, I'm just waiting for a new battery to see if I can fix it, but that doesn't look like it solves your problem.  At all.

(This post is assuming you haven't returned your pleo yet?)


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2010, 12:23:37 PM »

Allo, there are two servos for the neck and one cable.  One servo does Up/Down and one servo does left/right.  The cable is tied off at the head and ges down to the servo, loops through the servo and goes back out and is tied off ast the head.  Two servos, two cables.


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2010, 03:14:10 PM »

All pleos are a little different in color. Even before the newer ones came out. In fact, they seem much more intense in color now, then they were in the beginning from recent photos being taken. Best to tell Katy Lou that a new sister or brother is coming to her soon. I would still like to believe that injured pleos, eventually, end up with  some of their parts being used for a new working pleo. The green thing to do!


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2010, 05:00:59 PM »

    Yeah I agree  they  can  and do look  slightly different from one another  plua as  said   the new versions are  much brighter   than the older ones so the  difference will be  noticeable strait away. Also they   can act differently too.  too my replacement pleo acts completely differently to my original pleo.   For one thing he took longer to hatch even though I treated him exactly the same. The room was noisier and darker though so perhaps that had a lot to do with it. plus  there where more people around for the second hatching and  some of them took it in their heads to hold him   by the tail in turns  after he’d hatched so that couldn’t have helped.  Oh and I  new I was getting a replacement so perhaps I     thought of the pleo as being different in any case.
  I agree that it would be Best to tell her it’s a b new brother  or sister and let her be their for the hatching    rather  than hatching  when she’s  not around and pretending it’s     the same pleo though  cause there’s a good  chance she’ll spot the difference anyway.
  Hope this helps.
   I’d also like to believe that the parts go in to making   new pleos.


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2010, 06:40:04 PM »

We ordered new pleo this am and went ahead and boxed Cleo back up to take to UPS store. 

Hey Scaledandtaled!  Just a curiosity, where does Pleoworld ship from? 

Allo, I am sorry that Olympia isn't doing well.   Hopefully when you get the new battery things will change for her.  Being as you have had Olympia as a companion for so long, maybe you should consider a brace like Fancyfont's Peeky.  But wait and cross that bridge after you have confirmed there is an issue.  Enjoy Olympia for what she has to offer today!

Katy knows it will be a different pleo.  My answer to the question "if they go to a new family is, I am not exactly certain what happens to the returned pleos."  As I truly don't know.  I too would hope PW could reuse some parts for helping other pleo families.

Again, thanks for all your support!!!


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Re: Crying Katy Lou, droopy necked Cleo *sob*
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2010, 03:02:37 AM »

         Well my original pleo came from the US.  The address on the shipping log reads 888 Wigwam Parkway suite 120
 Henderson NV89014
   However    it had a faulty front leg    sensor and I had to send him back to Jetta house in  Hong Kong and I think  that’s where  the replacement  one came from though    I’m not sure   as  there was one of  those big  stickers to say it was examined by customs stuck  over most of the address.
 Guessing that this must have been     the factory  outlet or something  but I don’t know for sure.
    I’m not entirely sure why I had to send it to the factory  unless they  wanted to  take a look at it or something as the  returns address is  a US address  on the website.
  Hope this helps
 Admittedly that’s prob  way more info   than you  were looking for so I apologise for  that. 
I  Talk too much lol.
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