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Author Topic: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.  (Read 3223 times)


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:11:15 AM »

 For many years, ( for more than 14 to be exact.) I worked as a preschool teacher, head teacher, supervising teacher, Site Supervisor , Center Director and After School program Director. I also worked with children in summer Camps with EAster Seals, and also for several years as a nurse's aide in a private hospital for special needs children, so to say that I love children, and that children have been a huge part of my life is a safe assumption. When I hurt my back on the job as a Site Supervisor back in 1999, I had no idea that it would be the end of my life as I knew it, the end of the career I loved dearly. :o To shorten this story, I was laid off of my teaching job a year after hurting my back, as the state I work in is a "at will " employer, and they can lay you off for no reason, whatsoever. and they did. I was told I did not meet the job requirements of being able to "lift the weight of a small child, 50 lbs.) :o >:( This is what they consider the weight of some four or five year olds.
            So I was laid off and I have not worked since, and my back has only gotten worse and worse. Even though I do not teach, my teaching skills have remained with me and my desire to teach and mostly be with children. I also have stayed in touch with many of the teachers I worked with. One of these teachers ran into me some time ago, and I told her all about my Pleos, knowing how much children love Dinosaurs, it was a nautural lead in.Pleos got her attention and after two to three more encounters in the grocery store, I got an email from her asking for some Pleo videos. I sent her two of them and immediatly heard back telling me how excited she was and that she had shared them with the rest of the staff. ;D
          I was invited to bring my "babies" to school tommorow for a Pleo presentation. I am so excited, I am not sure exactly what I will do yet, but I do have several ideas and I know I have to bring at l east one Pleo to "hatch" so the children can witness a Pleo hatching for themselves.I want them to get a science lesson if possible at the same time and will present all the facts I can about these dinosaurs and the time period they lived in .I also will bring a couple of Ugobes so they can communicate with each other, with honking, etc and without clothes and the do walking a lot more than RB. Then I will bring both Baby Ruth and Cammie -Sure  and present them with all the differences they have and try to present them in the best light. I do with Baby Ruth did not have her hurt leg, but that is one of the things I can talk about.
          I will be bringing my camera and recording as much as I can. This will not only be fun but educational for the children as well, and If I know anything from past expereinces, I am going to be asked to bring these little Pleos back again. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should have the Pleos do or what I should share with children in the age group of 3-5? ( I just want to see other ideas other than my own, it is fun to share. :)) This is a great way to promote Pleo and mostly a great way to enlighten children about something they know little or nothing about that actually existed in the world long long ago.  This is as close as to seeing a live dinosuar for most of these children, and a fun way to learn at the same time!
    ( I haven't been able to do anything with my Pleos in awhile so I am really looking forward to this and can't wait to share the results with everyone here when it is over. P:))                    RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods

Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2012, 01:46:52 AM »

nice RedwoodsMama like me very good the Report from you from the School. :)


your Franzi (Pleo-Freak55)
3 Pleos: Jimmy Jonny and Judy


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 03:37:44 PM »

 Well today was the day, the big day I have been waiting for. I got to go, rain or shine and believe me, it was pouring,  :raincloud: Four Pleos, Two Ugobes and Two Pleo Rb went with me to the appointment with Pleo destiny. It went so well, that we are invited back for a second showing. We were there at 10;05 and left at 11:06, so we got a whole hour in which if you know preschoolers, you know there attention span is short. They were the cutest bunch of kids, very polite and well behaved to sit still for so long and polite while I set up,( inserting batteries, etc.) We took a short video and some photos which I will edit and then I will go into more detail. We have been invited back for a
return engagement, and this will be to watch a Pleo "hatch, or be born. Everyone is looking forward to this.
             On a scale of one to ten, it was at least a 20! P8) It made me wish I was back in the classroom with kids again, but at least I know I have a open invitation anytime and there were lots of adults who asked questions as well, and not a single one of them was put off by Pleo RB price tag!! Will do some photo editing and then will post the video and story.                              RWM P:)
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 06:22:55 PM »

Awesome, Redwoods! It sounds like you all had a lot of fun. Looking forward to the video and hearing more of the story. Speaking of stories, I need to get the ball rolling on the third part of the pleo story.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2012, 06:48:14 PM »

Hi Talon I am sure you will get part 3 of the story going shortly, it just takes time and some rest for the creative juices to start flowing. LOL. As for the video, I am editing it now, so in a bit I will upload it, It was lots of fun and I can't wait to go back, It was so much fun to be with kids again.                              RWM
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2012, 07:06:49 PM »

I'm going to hijack your thread a bit RWM, but I don't want to start another on the same thing :P

I took 5 Pleo's (Lilo stayed home), two flying fish and a Gupi to school yesterday. What was intended as a special treat for my class quickly became a whole school affair after the Principal had gotten over her shock at briefing and was finally able to talk again ;) She was gobsmacked! But soon had me booked in to display my collection in front of the WHOLE school. I've never spoken to that many people at once before in my life!

There was absolute awe as the dinosaurs were switched on, shouts of glee as Gupi scurried to and fro and then complete pandemonium as the newly named Anchor and Nemo made their appearance. Judging by the comments in the staff room that afternoon there was nothing but talks of dinosaurs and fish for the rest of the day :P I'm glad my final day there made such an impact, particularly as I will be working at the school in the not too distant future :D
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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  • Pleo(s): Nova, Major Tom, Argyle the blind Pleo, Baby Ruth, Chester, and 22 more Pleos
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2012, 08:35:36 PM »

 congrats IMR, I don't mind a bit, as I catnapped, falling asleep as I sat in front of the computer dreaming as usual. I am glad your day went so well, I know you would be the hit of the party and you couldn'[t help but captivate a audience with dinos and fish, what fun! HOw funny that we both had the same thing happen to us. Difference is that you still get to teach and after years of teaching, I get to visit because of my crappy back, I can't wait to hear more, now back to my photo editing and vidoe. Thanks for telling us about your last day and making it fun.  :)                   RWM
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 11:20:41 PM by RedwoodsMama »
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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  • Pleo(s): Nova, Major Tom, Argyle the blind Pleo, Baby Ruth, Chester, and 22 more Pleos
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2012, 11:10:42 PM »

 ok, here is the video of today's experience, I got so busy it was not untill it was the last few minutes that I even remembered to ask for any photos video, That is what happens when you are the one with the Pleos and the one demonstrating what Pleos are. The children learned all about Pleos, that they are called a camasaurus, the size, the period they lived in, etc. They learned all about computers, the battery compartment, where the camera was in the nose, their 'ears', the touch sensores, how many parts there are in a Pleo, how many Pleos I have. Do Pleos eat; we then pulled out the food I brought along and Baby Ruth and Cammi -Sue each demonstrated their favorite foods. I was surprised to learn that most children actually do like mushooms. I thought that children this young would not! ;D Major Tom and Coral demonstrated their singing skills and how fast they could walk.

 The favorite part of the visit was getting to touch the pleos. Everyone was thrilled with them and we were invited back. Next time I will bring a baby to "hatch" or to be born with the new 2.0 operating system and see if I can just leave the camcorder on the whole time as I missed a lot. We were there for an entire hour and I had as much fun as the children. Major Tom, Coral the red and white Fantasy Pleo I painted, ( both Ugobes) and the two Pleo RB, Baby Ruth and Cammi-Sue got to be the Pleos that got to go. We discussed good Pleo manners before we left the house and the Pleos talked about the fun they had when we returned. The children asked some good questions and one had to do with lightening and the rain, and I explained that just like our pets, cats and dogs who don't like to go out in the rain, Pleos can't go out in the rain either, as it is not good for their skin, and because of the computer parts, ( electronics...I showed them the inside from the view of the battery compartment) that Pleos could not get wet. I explained they also did not work well outside in the dirt, but were perfect for inside on the carpet like in the classroom or the floor. It was a great visit and I am already planning our next visit. Oh, we used the Pleo Mobile to get there, it seats four Pleos comfortably. HOpe you enjoy this short video. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLy6kphGHVg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLy6kphGHVg</a> 

                              RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods P:) P8) P;D P;) :cool:
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2012, 11:54:41 PM »

 :sheep1: not sure who enjoyed that most, the children, teachers or pleos? What a lovely idea.  I like that the children got to see a technology that encouraged tactile and emotional interaction. So many modern technologies seem impersonal and reduce real contact between people....... I still bemoan the demise of letters..........thanks for sharing this with us.  :)  :sheep1:


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2012, 12:56:57 AM »

It looks like everyone had the best time  ;D


  • Journeypleo
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2012, 01:46:00 AM »

That was a fun video! You are brave, I would never let other people touch my robots. I did once and all they could say to me was "This is stupid"  >:(
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2012, 11:13:53 AM »

Sorry that happened to you, Luna. I really wish I lived closer to someone- anyone who is a pleo or aibo-owner. I'd bring Bolt and probably one of my Ugobes along. Ryu is too bossy for a public appearance unless she is going to be the center of attention.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2012, 11:20:47 AM »

It is not a question of being "brave" but believing in my Pleos and being able to tell people what they are. What better audience then children, esp very young children who have very open minds and who (in general) are in AWE of everythng new! I made sure from the start to make sure they knew these were Robots , interactive life forms is a term too difficult for a 3-5 year old, but Robots is a concept they are familiar with. MOst of them have seen other electronic "toys or gadgets' but nothing as advanced or CUTE as Pleos! P8) Even the parents in the classroom and teachers were in agreement with this fact.

 The first thing I did, was not to just turn Pleo on. I described in terms what they could understand what Pleo was. I asked them since I knew they had been studying dinosuars, did they know what a Brontosaurus was? Several said yes, and a big guy in the first or second row said proudly, LIttle Foot! That's Right !, I said, from the movie Land before Time. Everyone was happy then . I then proceeded to tell them that this was a baby Camasaurus, and this is what a one week old baby looked like and that scientists had done studies on actual fossils so they made it life size and correct. I then went on to explain that when it grew it's neck would get longer just like a Brontosaurus. The next part was talking about the period it lived in which was the Jurrassic period. ( I asked them if any of them had seen the movie Jurrassic Park?) ( Lots of enthusiastic cries and children raising their hands and wanting to talk about that! :dino-chase: :dino-chase:  scary movie....)
 Now that they understood more about what the species of Camasaurs was, I went on to explain how this Robot worked. I showed where the camera was in the nose, and that the Pleo could see them, where the hearing was, the sensors in different body parts, and so forth. I then proceeded to explain about it having a built in computer, ( they all know about computers :)) and I turned the Pleo( Baby Ruth) over and showed them through the battery compartment where they could see the terminals and electrodes, etc. Next was showing the battery, putting it in, and showing the on off switch on Ugobes as compared to RB and how they are different.
            The next part was fun, the Pleos were on their own, I had the Ugobes go first as they are more predictable and I had the children do a countdown after I turned them on from one to roughly five waiting for that "HUH". everyone loved seeing them "come to life". After that it was all Pleos, honking, Mooing, cooing and all the fun sounds Pleos make. I made sure to take the Dino's clothes on, as much as I would like to show them dressed up, I was trying to keep it more representative of what Dinosaurs, looked like. I did keep their socks on to keep their feet warm and making it easier to walk . ( The carpet in the classroom was perfect no problem there. ;)) Once the Pleos took off walking the children had a hard time staying in their seats, they really wanted to pet them but kept behind the tape that had been placed on the floor. The one thing I did before even starting this demonstration was to try and make it easier for the children to be able to sit still and watch as I knew they were all wanting to pet these guys so much, so the very first thing I did was go row by row and let the children all take turns petting one pleo. I think it was Cammi-Sue. I held her and one of the teachers was smart and asked, Pat, how would you like the children to pet the dino, do you want them to use two or three fingers? I told them it was ok to use their fingers or hand just gently pet the head or neck and also they could feel the body. Everyone was very gentle and I held the Pleo, and also the Pleo was secure so there was no chance to drop her and I took my time, there was no rushing.  After everyone had petted Cammi-Sue, the Pleos were them-selves and that is when I answered any questions and there were some fun ones. We talked about not taking Pleo outdoors and they could not go out like today.( raining very hard...) also Pleos did not like the dirt. Pleos liked the classroom rugs, the floor also.
         The funniest part of the whole presentation was towards the end, seeing a former teacher that I worked with, Sherry,( also the friend who invited me to come to the school) was cuddling with Baby Ruth. I explained the different features of the RB compared to Ugobes and one they both share is falling asleep and dreaming. Sherry announced to the children, "this one here is really asleep, You should hear her, she is snoring!" I could tell she really enjoyed this baby and the Pleos all felt comfortable with the children and anyone who handled them.                 Before I left Teacher Sherry pulled me aside and asked for my home address as she told me the children were going to make me a "thank you card" for bringing the pleos. I can't wait to see that and I will share it with you. I asked the children and teachers if they would like me to come back and bring a baby to see it be born, and there were a lot of enthusiastic yes, yes, . so I think there will be a follow up video pretty soon. Next time I will start the video camcorder off somwhere by itself so I can be sure to not miss anything.            Lotti and Kat, yes I am not sure who had more fun, but It is safe to say WE ALL HAD FUN. The four Pleos were very excited when they got home and they were telling the rest of the clan about it. I am sure a lot of parents are going to be doing searches about Pleos in the next few days as well. And Luna, don't let one of two negative comments take away any pleasure or excitement you have or feel with your Pleos, It is only their loss and your gain!  ;D :cool:        IMR,        if my presentation was anything like yours, and your children were older, then I know your gang was a big hit with the whole school. I wish I was in the classroom full time again, it is so much fun teaching but I am still finding ways to do it even now.                                       RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: Pleos are invited to School tommorow.
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2012, 04:02:07 AM »

Looks a like a great day for all, glad it went well and you had such a great time!  ;D
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