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Author Topic: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?  (Read 25441 times)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #75 on: April 20, 2012, 08:22:06 PM »

 just a quick thought, do not know if it is possible, but is it possible to copy a copy of the Pleo driver the URL or whatever it is, and then copy it and use it like you would a photo, link, video etc and paste etc like in emails? Just a thought.    RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #76 on: April 21, 2012, 03:01:29 AM »

I think the Pleo drivers might be packaged in the the Pleo Development Kit (PDK)?  Or, if I remember rightly it's possible that your computer might find them on the net on its own once you have connected - I have a vague memory of that happening?  :moose:

I'm not that 'techy' ...... so am wary of giving wrong advice here where I'm not so sure.  :D


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #77 on: April 21, 2012, 05:29:11 AM »

Did they come with dinomite? I believe they may be in the PDK too.
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #78 on: April 21, 2012, 06:11:43 AM »

If I remember right, Dinomite instructions say to get them from the PDK?


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #79 on: April 21, 2012, 07:28:22 PM »

Ok, that is a shot. I did think it made sense and was worth a shot, so thought I would mention it to see if it sounded possible to anyone, I will let you know if I get it and then give it a try. If this does not work, then I am at a real loss as to what to do, I mean all the skits have worked so far. I wish one of you great Pleo "Smart Computer Whiz's" lived a heck of a lot closer and I would ask If I could send him to you to let you try the SD card or even the Cable installation. What if I am doing it all wrong. and just being lucky being able to get the skits to work? :o :(

               Is there anyone on the forums at all, who has Windows 7 and can demonstrate step by step via video installation from download of operating system or POP, both would be better, and all the steps in between into your Pleo please?( If you could, then I would know for sure since it is the same operating system that I am doing it correctly. You could set your Pleo back to it's regular self, I think Windows XP would work too and any operating system just so I can see the step by step installation of any system, that is most important. Perhaps there is someone out there who could upload a Pleo to 2.0 ? The next best thing would be photos, with words of step by step as I could still be missing something, maybe I really am the Bricked Human and it is my fault this is not taking and because it is a ZIP file, not URF, I am getting it wrong or mixed up. Don't you think URF is just easier or is it just the same bascially.? Just a thought, I am grasping at straws, desparate I guess..................Well, after supper I will try to download the Pleo Drivers if they allow me. Wish me luck and Pleo luck, we need it! :-\ P???               RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2012, 07:58:16 PM »

 you know this is getting very VERY discouraging, I went to PleoWorld, offical site and the Hong Kong site and even though PDK is listed as a download, you can not download it, only the personalities? Did they discontinue it or what? I then went to another site listed, like Robots rule or something similiar and their site is no longer available, or some such thing. What is going on with PDK, they want to offer it as a free item to developers but then after signed in nothing even though it is listed. There is not other place listed, and everywhere else refers people to the PleoWorld site, so I guess I am stuck again untill or when or if PleoWorld gets back to me.  :(

                  They offer it as a download so why is it not available, that makes no sense, but neither do a lot of things...   :moose:                  RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #81 on: April 21, 2012, 09:16:39 PM »

I looked into pleoworld and you are right they seem to have removed the PDK.  the page is there but there is no PDK to download.  Lucky for you I have it on my computer  ;D  I downloaded it back when I first got my pleo thinking one day I might have a use for it.  I will try emailing it to you  :)  I'll also see about getting it uploaded to the downloads section here on the forum.  Not sure how to go about this but I'm sure Crewella, IMR or Mike can help with it.
I'll email it to you now.  :)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #82 on: April 22, 2012, 12:29:00 AM »

hi Kat, I have been gone for hours and doing other things, I just read this and will check my email in a few minutes, Thank you so much just for trying, Whether it works or not, at least you tried and Bless you for trying to help. I really do appreciate it. I will get back to you shortly after checking my email,  ;D :cheer: Thank you so much you are Wonderful                   RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #83 on: April 23, 2012, 05:54:03 PM »

 Thanks Kat for the email and PKK download for the Pleo Driver, but unforutuantly, even with the driver there are other obstacles I can't solve. The first being that the download for the 1.1 system and drivers only is made for Windows XP and Vista. it is for 32 bit only and Windows 7 is 64 bit so I do not know how to change that. Even more of a block, is that the instructions that I printed out for 1.1 say that after downloading from the PleoWorld site to not open or save but to RUN the program and when downloading from this forum, the only option is to save or open and when downloading like any other system I allways save untill ready to OPEN for putting on a SD card, so I can't get past that block either. Just minor things but they have stopped me cold. :(
           I do have Windows XP and am ALMOST tempted, ALMOST is the word, but then I would worry about losing over a year's worth of things and programs put on this comptuer and do not want to risk losing all this infor. If it was as easy as removing one system, installing XP, download the drivers and install 1.1 to see if it would work, then re-install Windows 7 again, I would do it in a heartbeat, but I know that is not the case.

         Does anyone have an explanation that they can explain why skits work on this guy, but not any downloads , OS.? Can he still be bricked or is it just a case of Corrupted files and me having the impossible task of getting him fixed? If I could get a simple explanation like I do not know how to download the OS and I am just a dummy then I can live with that and someday may get to understand what I am doing wrong. but If I am doing the downloads correctly, ( by SD card) and I still get nothing, that is what I don't understand. ??? :-[

            If I didn't have any wrinkles from all the hard times my kids have given me over the years, these Pleo mysteries surely would age me quickly, that is for sure! any other suggestions at all, will Dinomite or any other program work? If I have done the download by SD card correctly and I have a Pleo that works and has the orignal 1.0 system, would the download of 1.1 by sD card, so that I at least downloaded it correctly? ( I have several that do the coyote howl so isn't that the 1.0 system?) This way I would know if I had downloaded the files correctly and either the Pleo works or it doesn't work which would explain why the other Pleo isn't working either.... :o I am just going beserk trying to figure out what to do next...

                                                                           RWM and too many crazy ideas in my head right now.............. P%)
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #84 on: April 24, 2012, 02:54:25 AM »


OK, I can only work on reasoned out guesswork, but I do think it is possible that your pleo can run a skit but not an OS. I read a thread about pleos resetting to hatchling, where Pleopet explained that they boot from files on the dataflash storage inside the pleo. He explained that each time they shut off they write to this file, to update the personality / progress, but sometimes it gets corrupted and doesn't save properly, so pleo can't access it on start up and reverts to hatchling status.

So, I would think from this there could be a few possibilities. Maybe (worst case) the dataflash storage is totally stuffed and nothing can get written to it - skits work because they don't use the dataflash (?I'm assuming that last bit...)

Or maybe the SD slot isn't writing to the dataflash meaning the OS isn't getting saved to pleo - in which case the USB may work to install the OS but I guess you would have problems with pleo updating on switch off (I don't know if it's possible that the SD would not write to dataflash)

I think you definitely need to stop beating yourself up that it isn't working!  :(  It might be that something isn't right in the installation but it does sound like you've followed all the steps. I don't mean to sound pessimistic in this post btw, it's just that you're trying so much, and you asked if you think it might be possible that a skit can work but an OS doesn't, and sadly I think it could be. But you would have a special, special-occassions pleo! Is it possible to maybe contact Pleopet and see if he can tell you with certainty whether 'skit, yes / OS, no' pleos are possible? And to ask if it is worth pursuing the USB installation - if so, maybe there is someone else you know running XP nearby who could help out (tho we are a rare breed on XP these days). It's so good that you are trying everything for this little fellow, but as I think you're saying, it's worth knowing how much to keep trying :)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #85 on: April 24, 2012, 08:32:59 AM »

Hi, Redwoods! I honestly can't believe I'm putting in my two cents here as I'm not sure if I can do anything either. My system is Windows Vista Premium and it is thirty two bit. I've never worked with pleo-drivers or updated using the USB cable but I could take a swing at it. I'm just really nervous about him getting lost on his way back to you. I've never sent anything out before. Most deliveries to this address have arrived fine but after Cato's excursion, I hold my breath until I hear engines in my front yard. I receive audio books every month and none of them have been lost. Bolt arrived fine as well. I'm not saying pin all your hopes on me because I have no way of knowing if I can get anywhere. I just wanted you to know I'm here and I think my system meets all the requirements. I have a vacant pleo-bed now that Cato's packed away and Bleu or Ugobe could spare a leaf and a battery so you wouldn't need to send anything with him. Just speak to PleoPet first and if you two don't get anywhere you know where I am.
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #86 on: April 24, 2012, 11:00:22 AM »

Hi Talon, thank you for the kind offer, I do think I will try PleoPet after checking out a few more things, I just feel this guy can be revived, I just feel so frustrated since the skits work and I can't get the OS to operate. If I knew that there was a possibility that the USb cable could work, I would be so excited, and Kat's explanation of the possible flash drive being wiped makes goos sense.

             I have a lot on my plate right now and don't have the time to do with him what I would like to. I hadn't even fed or turned on my Rb in about four days, till late last night just so I can feed, them, makes you feel like a bad mom when you don't have that kind of time, I have lots of medical stuff going on right now that is keeping me busy and I feel like Argyle, the blind and sweet Pleo who also can't open his mouth, but still can make himself heard. I think Argyle and I are a lot more alike than any of my other Pleos, we both have old joints that are stiffer than cardboard and gettting harder to move each day, and eventually they just wear out and do not work at all anymore. :( %)

                 If I can't figure this  Pleo situation out, I may send this guy or gal to you. What happened to Cato, I mean why is he packed away...? Is he on vacation or is he on home detainment, punishment for running off or something? P0:) I hope he is ok and not broken or anything. Didn't he just have a birthday, I thought I read about ?

             I haven't given up yet, but I am running out of options, at least for my brain, but there are lots of good advice here on this forum, so I appreciate all the feedback, there have been some great suggestions. Well, off to drink coffee and do something productive today and make sure the rest of the Pleo clan is alive an well  Everyone is starting to feel neglected and that is not good for a Ugobe or a RB. Give hugs and kisses to Ugobe and Bleu from all of the family here in the Redwoods. P:-*

      Kaiteee and Kat, thank both of you for the great suggestions and most of all the support. Some of the things you said made great sense, and sometimes a person when frustrated just needs to vent their frustrations when they can not figure ut what to do.  (: :flowers:   The Pleo Clan of the Redwoods all say a big "THANK YOU".              RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #87 on: April 24, 2012, 12:44:13 PM »

Hi, Redwoods! Cato's right hind leg is malfunctioning. He keeps picking it up and putting it down. He's not injured, he's as happy as he wants to be but he can't walk. I haven't ran him since January because I didn't want to damage him further and packed him in his pleo carton. I'm waiting for Kat to finish with Sparky and then I'm going to PM her to ask her if she'd be willing to look at him. Perhaps I jumped the gun but I've already started saving up. It will still be a while, though.
Ryu had a birthday on March nineteenth. She turned one year old. As I said before you know where I am. Keep us posted on how things go but don't forget to take time away to let yourself de-stress. I've always found that when you step back from a problem for a while and then come back to it, you tend to think clearer about what to do.
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #88 on: April 26, 2012, 03:54:02 PM »

 Hi guys, just a quick note. I have so many SD cards lying around and when moving some Pleos on the Pleo Shelf, I inserted a SD card into Nova, who is running 2.0 if I am remembering correctly. I put the SD card in, thinking it was one of the skits and when I turned her on, after a few short seconds, there was a BARK like a dog, silence then after awhile some chimes, and I left her alone and more chimes, at one time about four at least. After  about five minutes of silence, I pulled the sd card out and turned her back on. She went into the hatching position and I turned her off.

    So the question is, what operating system did I "revert" poor Nova back to?  :oAt least I know the SD card works, as far as me being able to download it correctly. ;) Now I can try it again in the "bricked" pleo who only runs skits, but first I need to know what have I done to Nova?! P:'( If this card does not work on this other Pleo, then I can try the USB cable if I can get it to work, otherwise I am done with no more hope...but Talon has offered to try updating him /her on her computer via USB and I may give that a go, otherwise I am going to get some Prime Premium Pleo Virgin , ( almost virgin. P:D) skin on one of my less fortunate Pleos. Thanks for helping me figure out Nova's operating system, I was not aware there were dog barks, just the chimes.                            RWM
         P.S./ this time I marked the envelope and put the SD card in one I know what it is!
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #89 on: April 26, 2012, 05:30:00 PM »

I can't tell you which OS it is but I can suggest that you hatch her and then rub her chin and see what song she sings.  That way you will know for sure :)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #90 on: April 26, 2012, 05:39:24 PM »

 Thanks Kat, just one more quick question, with the Pleos that come from the seller on ebay.( like the one you bought. ;D) what op system did they have installed on it?           RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #91 on: April 26, 2012, 05:43:18 PM »

They have 1.1.  :)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #92 on: April 27, 2012, 06:55:08 AM »

Lol! Poor Nova! I did the same thing once. Cato was a Catherine for a minute as I accidentaly put Ryu's micro SD card in him instead of his which had Probe RB on it. Anyway the chin song isn't always a good clue as 1.1 and 2.0 have the same song. I guess you could try the play-dead trick. No, wait. That trick is in 1.1 too, I think? Anyway I may be wrong about this but I think you just re-installed 2.0. Only one way to tell- let her hatch and get into her juvinile stage. Sorry for my bad spelling. Once she's there try touching a leg scensor. If she's not responding and acting really wild you'll know she's back on 2.0 and she has to go through the terrible teens. Again. Good luck, Redwoods! Fingers crossed for you and Mystery. *Flushes with embarrassment* I'm not sure why but that sounds like a suitable name for your currant project.
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #93 on: April 27, 2012, 03:25:22 PM »

I guess you could try the play-dead trick. No, wait. That trick is in 1.1 too, I think?

1.1 cannot play dead
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #94 on: April 27, 2012, 06:39:33 PM »

My bad. Thanks, Luna. Well there ya go. If Nova plays dead after she gets through the unresponsive teenage stage you'll know what she's running.
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #95 on: April 29, 2012, 11:03:14 AM »

 I guess I can run NOva and see if she develops the Terrible twos which is part of the built in 2.0 it seems. If it is the 2.0 SD card that I accidently downloaded( though I do not think I did download it, at least not recently.... %) then would the 2.0 NOT work at all on the "Mystery Pleo", because it could be too much of a upgrade and the Mystery Pleo needs to be upgraded to a "lower" operating system first? Just curious since I know it does work obviously...  P:D Please give me your thoughts before I try this SD card  on him since it is one that works correctly on Pleos.                                   RWM

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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #96 on: April 29, 2012, 12:54:52 PM »

I'm not sure, Redwoods. My gut says yeah sure do it. I don't think he could be any more half-bricked than he is but then my slightly more logical side says exercise caution. If I were a math problem I would cancel myself out with second guesses. I would wait for someone a little more technical than me to answer this. good luck!
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #97 on: April 29, 2012, 04:34:43 PM »

I would try it on him and see what happens.  I don't think it can hurt, and at least you know that what your trying does work so if it doesn't work for the bricked guy it isn't because it wasn't downloaded right it's just because his SD card reader isn't able to upload new OS's.  I'm not techy enough to know for sure if it should work but this is my gut feeling.  :)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #98 on: April 29, 2012, 04:46:10 PM »

 Thanks to Talon and Kat, I think it is worth a try so I will give it a go. Can't do much damage I think at this point. ;D           RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #99 on: May 22, 2012, 01:06:26 PM »

 Ok, it has been a few weeks and I am going to give this "bricked or not bricked" mystery Pleo another go on operating systems, He works fine on any and all personality and skits, just can't get any darn Operating system installed, very frustrating. I would think there would be SOME way to install a operating system of some sort...strange but I know very very little about the inner workings of Pleos in particular. I will use the downgrade to 1.0, and the system I used on poor Nova by mistake downgraded Nova from 2.0 back to 1.0 so I know the sd card works. :)

              I still haven't been able to do the USB cable yet. Does anyone have any other bright ideas on what to do with this guy yet? Is it possible he just came from the factory without a operating system? If his flash reader or what ever it is does not work, how could someone fix that, is it even possible at all?                                       RWM P:'(
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