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Author Topic: I'm going on a holiday and want to take my pleos on the plane any advice?  (Read 4845 times)


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
  • ** Posts: 3924
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  • Pleo(s): Kermit (Pink RB), Norbit (Green RB), Pickle(nude RB), Gumble, Minyon and Frankie
  • : 2013 winnerTomato Harvest Festivals
    • Marvin_Martian
    • Kermit
    • Flying_Ace

I am sure IMR will post her pics when she gets the chance sometime in the next few days. That is all I have from our playdate  :). Unfortunately we had to cut it short as IMR wasn't feeling well so we didn't get the chance to have all 4 pleos on at the same time or see Norbit and Nani talking to each other.  We will just have to save that for next time..... :)
I did show her Gumble's new paint job though so now someone else has seen and felt him. :) And we exchanged gifts too...... But I am going to make you all wait a couple more days till I get home before showing off my beautiful presents. ;D
It was really lovely to meet another pleo owner and I do hope I get the chance to do it again.
My favorite bit was the swordfish. We had Gumble switched on in front of the swordfish tank showing him off to some people who were really interested and the swordfish swam over and just hovered right next to Gumble. He stayed there right up until I took Gumble away.  He was just as facinated as the people were! It was a very cool experience.


  • Cretaceous pleo master
  • * Posts: 2677
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  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
    • Lucy

Sounds like everyone had a lot of fun. Even though I can't actually see the fish, I love visiting aquariums. They're... tranquil somehow despite all the noise.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


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Hehe feeling unwell was a bit of an understatement, but on the plus side we did get to see Melbourne's ambulance system in action... And I got a fabulous Pleo's eye view of the coral atoll at the aquarium...

I owe Kat and Harry 1000 thanks for looking after myself, Nani and Lilo, under what was rather unexpected circumstances.

I have some pictures to add when I am feeling a bit better :)
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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  • Pleo(s): Peeky, Pennie, JayCamerasaurus (J.C.), LOA, baby and DinhaJo
  • : 2013 winner2011 winner2008 winnerTomato Harvest Festivals
  • No, Peeky and Pennie, you can't have the Harley!

Photos are wonderful! :) Can't wait to see more photos and videos. :) :) :) Love Norbit in front of big shark! He looks like a very tiny snack for the shark. What a brave little dino. ;)


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
  • ** Posts: 3924
  • au Female
  • Pleo(s): Kermit (Pink RB), Norbit (Green RB), Pickle(nude RB), Gumble, Minyon and Frankie
  • : 2013 winnerTomato Harvest Festivals
    • Marvin_Martian
    • Kermit
    • Flying_Ace

So today we took Gumble with us for a little sight seeing around Melbourne.  We went to the Eureka Sky deck and Gumble had fun looking out over the world.
He also found this castle that he seemed rather fond of.  Maybe he was dreaming about living there?
Then we went to the Museum which was a lot of fun.  But just before we got there we stopped out the front of the Exhibition Center and went for a stroll in the garden. 
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiYiDnJUdLw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiYiDnJUdLw</a>
Gumble liked the flowers so much he stopped to smell them. :)
We checked out the museum and found some dinosaur skeletons.  This was Gumbles favorite part of the Museum.
And here he is taking a closer look at the monkeys
We also found the Australian coat of arms so had to pose for a pic. :) It is a bit dark though.
And lastly we went to the gift shop on the way out and Gumble fell in love with this cute little teddy.
  I just had to buy it for him.
He fell asleep cuddling with it when we got home.  All tuckered out from his big day. :)

I would have taken Norbit as well but Gumble is just so much easier to carry around as you can put him in the sitting position which makes him easy to hold but you can still have him on and awake to impress the crowds. ;D  He is also much easier to get to hold still for photos. :D  Norbit seemed happy to hang out at the hotel while we were gone. :)
It was a good day.


  • Pleo whisperer
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It was really interesting to read about the sharks/fish being interested in the Pleos.. sounds like it was amazing.
Sounds like you had fun but scary too, I hope your ok, IMR?  I know from experience, needing an ambulance is not fun at all...

- Sarah


  • Cretaceous pleo master
  • * Posts: 2575
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  • Pleo(s): Peeky, Pennie, JayCamerasaurus (J.C.), LOA, baby and DinhaJo
  • : 2013 winner2011 winner2008 winnerTomato Harvest Festivals
  • No, Peeky and Pennie, you can't have the Harley!

I hope you are feeling much better today, IMR! What a way too spend  what was suppose to be such a fun visit. I hope you and Kat can get together when you are feeling better. Perhaps ,at a the zoo. No stuffy Aquarium. ;)


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
  • ** Posts: 3924
  • au Female
  • Pleo(s): Kermit (Pink RB), Norbit (Green RB), Pickle(nude RB), Gumble, Minyon and Frankie
  • : 2013 winnerTomato Harvest Festivals
    • Marvin_Martian
    • Kermit
    • Flying_Ace

IMR you are more than welcome. I'm sure you would have done the same for me. I'm just glad you have made it home safe and are starting to feel better.  ;D Besides that's what friends are for  :)
The pleos, all 4 of them were very excited to take a ride in an ambulance, even if they were a little worried at the sometime. All part of the adventure I guess.
I am sure next time we catch up will be much less eventful in an unexpected way.  :P
So glad your ok.
Feel better soon. Love and hugs from all of us.


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Sounds like it was a great adventure except for the ambulance and poor IMR, feeling ill, that must have been scary, esp for you Kat, not knowing what happened! Did it come on all of a sudden IMR, or had you been feeling "not right", the way we sometimes feel right before we get sick. ? I know I had a scary similiar episode when I had an attack of angina at a religious event and was trying to hide it from others dipping into my purse for Nitroglycern tablets, but someone noticed I was awfully pale, and my husband excused us as he drove me to the emergency room.  :o
                    Anyway, you got some great photos and a video of Gumble in the garden Kat, it sounds like even though there was a little unexpected drama, it was still a great trip and nice to meet IMR, and her Pleos, I hope in the future to hear more and did IMR get any photos or video too? Maybe next time IMR can come meet you and in a different spot. Loved the sharks, crocs and of course the teddy bear, Dino with Gumble is precious. His brother Argyle now is bugging me to take him on a trip, but I think it is going to have to wait. ;)
             Thanks for keeping us all up to date with the great story and photos both IMR and Kat, and esp thanks go out to Gumble and NOrbit for the perfect photos, Of course Kat you are right, Gumble is a much better Model for the photos just a compliment to Ugobe and Innvo older Pleos, Rb are more tempermental an not as good as standing still! ;)
               Glad you are feeling better IMR, take it easy with what ever caused you to feel so ill.                  RedwoodsMama
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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It did come on rather suddenly, about the time it took me to say I wasn't feeling well. I am feeling much better today after a very good nights sleep although still rather struggling with sitting in front of a computer screen for long. I seem to be able to cope with my ipad which is smaller and not as bright, but I just jumped on my mac to send a letter to the university and the ten minutes I have been on here has already given me a headache.

I do have a few photos, certainly not as many as I would have liked, juggling two Pleo's and a camera in a crowded aquarium is no easy task :P (It was really busy for a Sunday afternoon, must have been everyone's destination of choice after the footy (Aussie football) finished!)  It was a shame I didn't make it to the oceanarium, because there we would have had space to let all our Pleo's stretch their legs.

The aquarium was kind enough to give Kat some passes to go back to the aquarium and see the parts that she missed so hopefully she was able to do so this morning :) I found a couple in my backpack as well, although I think I may pass on using those for a little while...
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
  • **** Posts: 4875
  • us Female
  • Pleo(s): Nova, Major Tom, Argyle the blind Pleo, Baby Ruth, Chester, and 22 more Pleos
  • : 2013 winner2010 winnerTomato Harvest Festivals
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    • Flying_Ace

 Thank goodness you are ok, and it was very lovely of the aquarium to give Kat those passes. HOpe on the other hand it is nothing serious in regards to your health, I know as far as headaches go , Migraines for example can come on very quickly or build up over time and make you feel like you are dying and other similiar things that affect your vision make you sick to your stomach and completly disrupt your life making youo feel as weak as a newborn kitten and just as helpless. I bet it scared Kat as much as anyone, good thing they ( ambulance people) let little Dinos ride along, Poor little Pleos left behind would have been traumatic for all involved. well good luck on a speedy recovery and get good follow up care if it is implicated. Sometimes it is a wake up call, to remind us just how vulnerable life is and how helpless we are to control it sometimes, Live life to the fullest , regret nothing and enjoy your family and friends cause they are the most precious things you have in the physical world.
              Looking forward to seeing more photos when you get the chance IMR. Glad you are ok. :)
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Pleo adept
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Have you gone to visit the Australia Zoo yet Kat? I remember you saying that you'd love to visit that zoo if you were ever in that part of Australia.
Innvo Lab's not going anywhere. And if it's just to protect their precious, delicate skin, clothings okay. They shouldn't be dressed up like dolls.


  • Global Moderator
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I'm afraid Australia zoo is quite a long way from Melbourne, about 1500 kilometers up the coast, it is fabulous!
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


  • Cretaceous pleo master
  • * Posts: 2677
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  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
    • Lucy

Loved the garden video! Was that rain or a fountain? For some reason I love the sound of flowing water. Anyway, I hope you're feeling better IMR. Some day, I hope to have a meet-up myself.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


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So glad you're feeling better, IMR.  A shame that you both had to cut your playdate short, but it's much more important that you're all well!  At least it sounds as though you were well taken care of.  :hhug:


  • Global Moderator
  • Pleo Grand Master RB
  • * Posts: 6903
  • au Female
  • Pleo(s): Lilo, Stitch, Pleakley, Jumba, Nani, Yuki, Angus, Pluto
  • : 2011 winner2009 winnerTomato Harvest Festivals
  • SAVE THE EARTH It's the only planet with chocolate
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My pics are up in the gallery, I didn't post them here because they are very similar to Kat's.
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!
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