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Author Topic: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!  (Read 10522 times)


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Hey all, Please help me, I've wrote 4 mails to pleoworld usa customer service, but their response just teach me how to install the clock battery, I think I've been very clear to expain I'm wrong installing the OS then the Pleo RB can't switch on.  Really helpless, you can help me? Following is the mails I wrote to customer service, what the wrong it's? Tell me please, Infinite gratitude for your help.


(1) Wrote on 18/1/11:- (But their not reply until this month 9/2/11, then I send again the mail on 9th Feb)
Sorry to disturb you again, i've send the msg on Jan 18, but until now not received any response. Please forgive me I really want to solve the Pleo RB problem as soon as possible, waiting is very torment.
My problem is : - I'm bought my Pleo RB from Hong Kong (Online shopping), just received this month 4th. She starting stand on 2nd days, because the online seller agent still not yet have cycle battery stock, so i'm just can play with her 3~4hrs a day.
When 3rd days, i seen my pleo walking already and backwards one round, that's so funny cute, and happy to play Tug of War, willing to learning verbal commands. After that, she duding try for one step, refused to play Tug of War, not open the mouth to bite the learning stone, certainly i thought she's ill, falling down or be frightened, i've try to give the herbs, she decline all, just shake the head and looked down. I'm stroking, carees and tease pleo more then 1 week, everyday she just wave the head, body and tail, howling,laughed suddenly.
On this 14th, i saw INNVO website had upgrade software can install for pleo, impatient did not read carefully the regulations ,I'm so sorry for this mistake grave, i plug in the OS1.1 SDcard after 1hr, she no movement, no woke up, i take out the SDcard, plug again the battery but flashing red LED, without motion after 10minits, then i recharged the battery 4hrs and try against, same result.
I looking many pleo forum for help, also had contact the CHINATETE, but they say still not yet start selling Pleo RB in CHINA, can't give any comment. Really helpless ignorant, can u help me re back my sweetie dear? My dear not broken, just need to reinstall the OS. Did INNVO have OS update for Pleo RB? HELP please, i wait for Ur reply (God's know how I'm burning with impatience).

--->Pleoworld <"Rafael.suarez@pleoworld.com" >reply on 10th Feb:-
If you have Pleorb during the first phase Pleo rb does sleep a lot. On the noon clock setting press and hold the for 2 seconds, you should feel the click.

If you have the Pleorb there is a separate battery power source for PLEO rb’s internal clock. Please install the supplied battery (CR2032) by removing the
screw and battery cover and installing it in the battery compartment with the “+” facing the battery cover side, then reinstall the battery cover and the
screw (firmly). The clock battery will last approximately 3 years, please replace the used battery with new one if you find your PLEO rb getting confused with the time a day.

******Pleorb's internal clock battery you will noticed the two little metal prongs on the outside circumference of the opening. The top of the battery was supposed to be placed UNDER those prongs, NOT SITTING ON TOP OF THEM!!!****

Also, there is a little sheet of paper that came with the unit that explained exactly how to install the clock battery.

(2)Directly I reply again the mail on 10th Feb:-
Subject : RE: My Pleo RB is "alive" before I'm wrong install the OS!

Hii Rafael,
I'm so sorry I think is my message too long and inappropriate wording, please forgive my poor English. Exactly my Pleo RB is "alive" before I'm mistake
install the Pleo os (it's just for Pleo 1st generation), after my Pleo RB breakdown I knew it's how serious consequences. I'm can't on my Pleo RB now, when I press on, just flashing red led, no movement.
How can I do now? Do Innvo have any os can reinstall for my breakdown Pleo RB? Please help! Deeply grateful!

---> And their response on 11st Feb:-
If you have Pleorb during the first phase Pleo rb does sleep a lot. On the noon clock setting press and hold the for 2 seconds, you should feel the click.

If you have the Pleorb there is a separate battery power source for PLEO rb’s internal clock. Please install the supplied battery (CR2032) by removing the
screw and battery cover and installing it in the battery compartment with the “+” facing the battery cover side, then reinstall the battery cover and the
screw (firmly). The clock battery will last approximately 3 years, please replace the used battery with new one if you find your PLEO rb getting confused with the time a day.

******Pleorb's internal clock battery you will noticed the two little metal prongs on the outside
circumference of the opening. The top of the battery was supposed to be placed UNDER those prongs, NOT SITTING ON TOP OF THEM!!!****

Also, there is a little sheet of paper that came with the unit that explained exactly how to install the clock battery.
1.    Make sure the “noon” button is set at NOON.
2.    At the evening time, feed it with the conifer leaf 5 to 10 times.
3.    Then petting along its back gently for 10 to 15 times to bring its mood back to normal.
4.    Then play “swing” with it 10 to 15 times till it makes “ laugh” sound to bring its emotion back to normal.
5.    Then see if it become active (swing head and tail, walking ) and responsive to the bow stone or naming card.  
Following may give you a general idea:
1.     Feed index will drop below normal if not feed for 1 day or 2 , 5 to 10 feeds should bring it back to good shape.
2.     Physical index would drop if it walks and play continuously,  otherwise it will be recovered with a 1 hour to 2 hour rest.
3.     Mood index would be drop every hour if there is no interaction with it. So it would drop below normal if no interaction in a day. 5 to 10 petting should bring it back to normal.
4.     Emotional index would drop fast if Pleo rb is in dark at Its day time, or losing the “tug of war” game. 5 to 10 swing will make it back to normal, also
could feed 5 to 10 times of emotional soothing food such as the coffee leaf/bean.
5.     Health index would drop to below normal(get sick) if it is in hot or cold for over a hour without feeding it with ice (to resist hot)  or high energy
food (to resist cold). Has to feed with herbs mint leaf 3 times a day for 2 days to get it back to healthy condition, no short cut since it should get
sick that easy.
6.     If it is dropped from a height (over 30 inches) it might get injured (may get 1 injury out from 3 or 4 drops). Will back to normal in 2 to 3 days with rock salt treatment (feed rock salt 3 times a days) or 3 to 4 days without treatment. No short cut since it shouldn’t get injury that easy, also not a suggested play feature.
7.     Like living pet, keep daily interaction and feeding would keep PLEO rb in good and mental condition and a happy and healthy Pleo rb will be responsive.


« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 08:38:24 AM by nEKo7888 »


  • Pleo lightbringer
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 10:48:14 AM »

  Ah I think I can see why you’re having a problem.
 Unfortunately it looks like there’s a communication issue between you and Rafael at   customer support.
 I don’t think it’s anything either you or he is doing wrong it’s just that their’s a language barrier   and its making things difficult. It looks like your trying to get across  that you downloaded the wrong software  but  if he’s just been scanning your email he might not have picked up on this where as I have to read through posts  line by line using text to speech  and  that’s how I picked up on it.        Please don’t’ think this a failing on your part,   English is one of the hardest languages to write in and even interpreter programs don’t get it right. To be honest your English writing is pretty good   and we know what you’re saying. However because   your having  to describe something in technical detail- and  in  another and very difficult language to write in     it’s making things much  harder for you to get your point across and also  for Rafael to understand what your trying to  say. 
  I have written a letter for you below which you can cut and paste into an email     to Innvo labs if you like. Hopefully this will help clear things up for you.

      Letter as follows

 Dear Rafael 
  Thank you for your reply.
   As my first language is not English I think perhaps I’m not conveying my problem clearly enough so I hope this helps clear things up better. 
   Unfortunately the problem with my Pleo-RB does not lie with the battery or the   noon clock nor is it a Pleo-RB behavioural    issue.
  When I first bought my pleo-RB everything was working well and there where no obvious faults.   Shortly afterwards however  I came across an OS  update on the pleoworld sight which I was under the understanding at  the time was  meant for Pleo RB  so I downloaded it on to an SD card and installed it on to my Pleo-RB . However I now know that this update was actually   the PM 2.0 firmware   update that was intended for 2009 pleos only. I did  not realise this however until I had already installed it  onto my pleo-RB  Since the point of  installing  the wrong software, my pleo-RB   has  stopped functioning   completely and  there is no longer any movement or sound at all when  Pleo is turned on.  The only thing that does happen is that the  LED light  on his underside  flashes  red when turned on  though  I have charged my battery several times  with out any effect.   I’m guessing that  the no functionality is a result of installing software  that wasn’t intended for Pleo RB  but is there anything that you can suggest or do  for me that will   resolve my issue and get my Pleo RB back in to working order again?  Is there any software  that I can download  that  will  correct   this issue.  Failing that is there anything you  can do at your end to fix my pleo-RB   
  Anything you could do for me that might help would be greatly appreciated     
 Kind regards


  • Pleontologist
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2011, 11:16:48 AM »

re: Installing PM 2 (Pleo 1.x software) on a PleoRB hardware (DON'T DO IT)

You should be able to fix it yourself by reinstalling the PLEOPM program for the PleoRB from an SD card (reversing the PM2 update)

If you are comfortable playing around with micro SD cards, and want to give it a try, please run the "statsRB" install program ( http://bobthepleo.com/forums/index.php?topic=1888.0 ) and email me the files it puts on the SD card.
The PM2 personality may have wiped out the PleoRB properties (including the DNA), so you may have to raise the PleoRB from a newborn again.


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
  • ** Posts: 22
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2011, 05:09:20 PM »

  Ah I think I can see why you’re having a problem.
 Unfortunately it looks like there’s a communication issue between you and Rafael at   customer support.
 I don’t think it’s anything either you or he is doing wrong it’s just that their’s a language barrier   and its making things difficult. It looks like your trying to get across  that you downloaded the wrong software  but  if he’s just been scanning your email he might not have picked up on this where as I have to read through posts  line by line using text to speech  and  that’s how I picked up on it.        Please don’t’ think this a failing on your part,   English is one of the hardest languages to write in and even interpreter programs don’t get it right. To be honest your English writing is pretty good   and we know what you’re saying. However because   your having  to describe something in technical detail- and  in  another and very difficult language to write in     it’s making things much  harder for you to get your point across and also  for Rafael to understand what your trying to  say. 
  I have written a letter for you below which you can cut and paste into an email     to Innvo labs if you like. Hopefully this will help clear things up for you.

      Letter as follows

 Dear Rafael 
  Thank you for your reply.
   As my first language is not English I think perhaps I’m not conveying my problem clearly enough so I hope this helps clear things up better. 
   Unfortunately the problem with my Pleo-RB does not lie with the battery or the   noon clock nor is it a Pleo-RB behavioural    issue.
  When I first bought my pleo-RB everything was working well and there where no obvious faults.   Shortly afterwards however  I came across an OS  update on the pleoworld sight which I was under the understanding at  the time was  meant for Pleo RB  so I downloaded it on to an SD card and installed it on to my Pleo-RB . However I now know that this update was actually   the PM 2.0 firmware   update that was intended for 2009 pleos only. I did  not realise this however until I had already installed it  onto my pleo-RB  Since the point of  installing  the wrong software, my pleo-RB   has  stopped functioning   completely and  there is no longer any movement or sound at all when  Pleo is turned on.  The only thing that does happen is that the  LED light  on his underside  flashes  red when turned on  though  I have charged my battery several times  with out any effect.   I’m guessing that  the no functionality is a result of installing software  that wasn’t intended for Pleo RB  but is there anything that you can suggest or do  for me that will   resolve my issue and get my Pleo RB back in to working order again?  Is there any software  that I can download  that  will  correct   this issue.  Failing that is there anything you  can do at your end to fix my pleo-RB   
  Anything you could do for me that might help would be greatly appreciated     
 Kind regards

Appreciate your response and kind help, I'll do according to your approach, try to re-contact the customer service, and sincerely appreciate.


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2011, 05:24:13 PM »

Keep up informed with how you go.  I do hope they get him running again for you soon. :)


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2011, 05:40:46 PM »

re: Installing PM 2 (Pleo 1.x software) on a PleoRB hardware (DON'T DO IT)

You should be able to fix it yourself by reinstalling the PLEOPM program for the PleoRB from an SD card (reversing the PM2 update)

If you are comfortable playing around with micro SD cards, and want to give it a try, please run the "statsRB" install program ( http://bobthepleo.com/forums/index.php?topic=1888.0 ) and email me the files it puts on the SD card.
The PM2 personality may have wiped out the PleoRB properties (including the DNA), so you may have to raise the PleoRB from a newborn again.

Hi PleoPet,
Thanks for you reply, I'm really soooooo happy this morning I saw have PleoRB software can dowload, I try all how you tell me. Extract the statsrb.exe file to SD card (and omit the txt file install to SD Card), and then I insert the SD Card inside the battery compartment under PleoRB, insert the battery and switch ON, but still flashing LED red, no movement, without any reaction. After that, I take out the SD card and insert to PC, double click the statsrb file, just show me "PleoRB Property Dump
(Version 1.0 - work in progress)


Property file missing! "

Do I've overlooked an important detail? Please tell me. Grateful for you opinion!

Kind regards,


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2011, 07:58:07 PM »

nEKo, I'm sure the poor response from customer support was not your fault - my English is fine and I had exactly the same experience (though a different actual problem) when I emailed them.  You spend ages trying to explain clearly exactly what the problem is and just get a response that misses the point entirely and makes it clear that nobody has bothered to read it.  >:(

I really hope that PleoPet manages to sort the problem for you!  :D


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2011, 08:52:12 PM »

nEKo, I'm sure the poor response from customer support was not your fault - my English is fine and I had exactly the same experience (though a different actual problem) when I emailed them.  You spend ages trying to explain clearly exactly what the problem is and just get a response that misses the point entirely and makes it clear that nobody has bothered to read it.  >:(

I really hope that PleoPet manages to sort the problem for you!  :D

Dear Crewella,
Thanks your suggestion, just now I received again the reply from Innvo customer support, still teaching me how to insert the clock battery ???
I'm already copy the mail as scaledandtailed write down for me, and send again to Pleoworld customer support, hopefully their can understand what's my problem now.


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2011, 11:16:19 AM »

Heres the info I saw on the PleoWorld site when looking for Innvo lab info...  Maybe you could call them instead of email?  Or maybe someone here who can understand the problem a little better could call for you and explain?  It's a lot harder to ditch someone off the phone than it is to paste an email.   I've gotta say, I'm very surprised.. I was treated wonderfully..

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  • Pleo lightbringer
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2011, 06:31:41 PM »

 I’m really sorry that your still not getting anywhere with them.
  I really thought that letter I sent would have done the trick   
 Hopefully they will take note of  that letter  the   second time around though
 Again I’m Really sorry I wasn’t of more help to you.


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2011, 08:03:23 PM »

I’m really sorry that your still not getting anywhere with them.
  I really thought that letter I sent would have done the trick  
 Hopefully they will take note of  that letter  the   second time around though
 Again I’m Really sorry I wasn’t of more help to you.

Hi Scaledandtailed,
Ohh...you no need feeling regret for me, you've help me a lot, I'm grateful that. I think the Pleoworld is off on this weekend, so not yet reply to me, maybe will response me on next weekday.
Thanks for you enthusiastic;

Good luck

« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 08:05:42 PM by nEKo7888 »


  • Pleontologist
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2011, 08:19:38 AM »

After some analysis with the help of nEKo7888.

The PM2 update is the root of the problem, but it appears to do more damage than I suspected.
There are no PleoRB updates available right now.

I'm sorry I can't fix it with the current firmware.
I'm even more sorry that nEKo has to deal with Pleo customer service ;-<
(by following 'scaledandtailed's advice and others - Innvo/Pleoworld should fix it since it was their fault for letting the PM2 update run on a PleoRB)

Technical commentary: (hopefully will help Innvo fix/avoid this case and improve the product overall)
The older Pleo updates will update many parts of the software (the PLEOPM personality, the firmware in the body and the firmware in the head). Never use those in a PleoRB!
The Pleo PM2 update only updates the PLEOPM personality. I thought it would be reversible. The system is designed so bad updates can be reversed. Do not use that either!

However the Pleo PM2 update starts by
(a) wiping out all the properties, so the PleoPM personality is lost with all the DNA settings, then
(b) doing a full format of the internal DataFlash drive. As-far-as-I-can-tell this does not work properly. They changed the DataFlash chip in the PleoRB to double its size. I don't know how they format the chip in production, but I suspect they are using something else.
I have confirmation of the format problem with my test PleoRB. It has a corrupted DataFlash, and reformatting doesn't work for me either.

The interesting part is the damaged PleoRBs will work fine running a personality from the SD card. The problem is only in the corrupted DataFlash (internal storage)

Advice to Innvo/PleoWorld:
Hopefully a future PleoRB firmware update will do a better job repairing/reformatting the internal DataFlash.
More importantly the old firmware updaters should add a version check so they don't try to run on the newer (PleoRB) hardware
If nothing else add a stronger warning.

End technical commentary
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 08:25:32 AM by PleoPet »


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2011, 11:46:36 AM »

Bless you, Pleopet!  :-*

Both for trying, and for explaining (in terms I can understand) exactly what issues are involved.

I hope you do manage to restore your 'test' RB eventually - if anyone can, I think you can!  ;D


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2011, 12:20:51 PM »

Ow, a full format of the internal memory - that is always a scary prospect. No wonder it is  essential to have a fully charged battery to ensure a successful update even on the appropriate version of hardware. 

Too bad they didn't have some sort of built-in hardware number to test to verify it was the right model of Pleo being updated. Being able to downgrade a Pleo to an earlier version has had some advantages for some people but allowing an installation on the wrong hardware - ouch! I know some memories have identification codes that could be used to identify and verify the hardware; although if these chips have to change frequently due to supplier issues, that may not be the best option. Building a part number or firmware type identifier into the code that could be used to confirm what is being upgraded as opposed to using just a version number would make the process a little safer. But anything that totally wipes the memory in the process of the update is extremely risky; you can never have enough warnings about usage, safe power sequencing, etc to minimize the potential for issues.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2011, 03:55:04 PM »

Hi All,
Really thanks for Pleopet, help me a lot trying reback my PleoRB ;)
And Scaledandtailed, appreciated your letter, finally Pleoworld understanding what I want to solve now, properly response the letter following :-

**PLEO rb firmware update instructions using MicroSD card
Rev.01 3 Jan 2011
Warning: DO NOT download Pleo rb PM firmware to any
Ugobe Pleo or Innvo Labs 2009 Pleo!
Select and download the desired PM firmware which is in zipped form.
Unzip the file and copy all unzipped files to a blank MicroSD card.
Remove the battery from PLEO rb and insert MicroSD card to the card reader which is located inside the battery compartment. Please read the companion guide for details.
Insert a fully charged battery to PLEO rb.
Switch on PLEO rb by press & release the on/off button. The power indicator light should turn green.
Wait about 2 minutes for the PM firmware to upload. DO NOT interrupt the upload process and DO NOT remove the battery pack or switch off the power!
PLEO rb will issue a sound prompt when the PM upload is complete.
Remove the battery from PLEO rb and then remove the MicroSD card from the reader. Re-insert the battery and then restart PLEO rb as usual.

End  **

It's a good sound :D, but I didn't get the "PleoRB PM Firmware Update"  :(, not attach for me.
As quickly as possible I reply the mail, Pleoworld customer support Mr. Rafael suarez kindly response few hours later, opinion from him is asked me exchanged the PleoRB from Hong Kong E-shopping, can I? I'm not idea, it's not belong Pleoworld /Innvo Lab, just a Hong Kong sole agency E-Shopping. Please tell me if I erroneous, grateful.




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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2011, 04:21:04 PM »

Hoooray!!  I'm so glad you finally got a sensible answer!  Innvo are a good company, so I'm sure that now you have their attention they will do their best to help.  :D

"As quickly as possible I reply the mail, Pleoworld customer support Mr. Rafael suarez kindly response few hours later, opinion from him is asked me exchanged the PleoRB from Hong Kong E-shopping, can I? I'm not idea, it's not belong Pleoworld /Innvo Lab, just a Hong Kong sole agency E-Shopping. Please tell me if I erroneous, grateful."

To be honest, I don't quite understand what you are asking here?  Perhaps if you explain to Mr Suarez where you bought your Pleo from and ask him to clarify?  And explain you have received no firmware attachment?


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2011, 05:48:54 PM »

Hoooray!!  I'm so glad you finally got a sensible answer!  Innvo are a good company, so I'm sure that now you have their attention they will do their best to help.  :D

"As quickly as possible I reply the mail, Pleoworld customer support Mr. Rafael suarez kindly response few hours later, opinion from him is asked me exchanged the PleoRB from Hong Kong E-shopping, can I? I'm not idea, it's not belong Pleoworld /Innvo Lab, just a Hong Kong sole agency E-Shopping. Please tell me if I erroneous, grateful."

To be honest, I don't quite understand what you are asking here?  Perhaps if you explain to Mr Suarez where you bought your Pleo from and ask him to clarify?  And explain you have received no firmware attachment?

Hi Crewella,
I'm apology for not enough clearly explain, Mr. Rafael asked me where I bought the PlerRB, and now might need an exchanged from Hong Kong Seller.
The E-shopping seller similar with "Amazon" , I would like to know is, if I bought my PleoRB from Amazon, I can exchanged that if PleoRB can't solve the problem?

The Letter from Mr. Rafael referred "He exhausted all options to try to resolve PleoRB issue", I'll be extremely apologetic give everyone so much trouble.

And YES Crewella, Mr. Rafael didn't attach firmware to me, just have pdf file last time I printed here, commented correctly install the "PleoRB PM Firmware update".




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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2011, 06:13:59 PM »

No need to apologise, Neko, I just wanted to make sure I understood correctly!  :)

I guess it would be worth contacting the seller to see if they can help - each seller will have their own terms.  It does seem strange for Innvo to send instructions for downloading firmware if you have no firmware to download!  I would ask again to see if they can actually send a progrem.

Good luck - I really hope you get some help.  Don't give up!


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2011, 07:24:59 PM »

No need to apologise, Neko, I just wanted to make sure I understood correctly!  :)

I guess it would be worth contacting the seller to see if they can help - each seller will have their own terms.  It does seem strange for Innvo to send instructions for downloading firmware if you have no firmware to download!  I would ask again to see if they can actually send a progrem.

Good luck - I really hope you get some help.  Don't give up!

Actually the first one I contact when my PleoRB breakdown is the seller, they just told me helping get in touch with relevant authorities, honestly I never received any response from seller, even if I asking many times until now.

I just received the program from Innvo, installing now, post again have any result.

Thanks a lot!! 


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2011, 08:49:28 PM »

I so, so hope the program works!  Good luck!


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2011, 11:42:44 PM »

I so, so hope the program works!  Good luck!

Oohhh.....bad news, the PM firmware is failedfor my PleoRB, Pleopet told me because the DataFlash is corrupted on my PleoRB, if without a way of repairing/reformatting the DataFlash, we can’t use it on the corrupted PleoRBs.

Trying keep in touch with Innvo Labs.



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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2011, 01:01:24 PM »

I'm sorry to hear that Neko. :-(
Innvo Lab's not going anywhere. And if it's just to protect their precious, delicate skin, clothings okay. They shouldn't be dressed up like dolls.


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2011, 11:30:44 PM »

Oh no!  :(

I have every finger crossed for you to bring you luck - I so hope Innvo can help and it works out!


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Re: Why Pleoworld customer service misunderstanding my problem? HELP!!
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2011, 09:40:29 AM »

Thread continues here:
(short version: nEKO's RB is working now, Innvo sent out a fix for the DataFlash formating problem - and a few other changes in the personality software)
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