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Author Topic: Not Sure What to Do....  (Read 1933 times)


  • Head of the herd
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Not Sure What to Do....
« on: April 24, 2013, 05:29:36 PM »

I'm somewhat in a pickle right now and not sure of how or what to do.

Well my dad had his surgery, it went well, but he's still in a lot of pain and I have to help him with therapy and all. Been extremely busy trying to care for him, go to school, and then go back to work. Unfortunately the little RB I bought hasn't been getting much use at all from either I or my dad. I guess we were expecting more or something; it doesn't... do much other than wiggle around or make noise. Only time it walked was when going backwards due to edge detection on our tile floor. Right now it seems he's been playing with our Furbies more.

An issue we face right now, though, is that disability hasn't gone through yet for my dad and they're taking their sweet time. We are trying to apply for food stamps as well (I have very little income and he doesn't have any income right now) and it's a lot of back and forth with paperwork. We're squeezing every penny (or at least I am) when and where we can.

So now comes the idea of possibly re-homing our little girl (I had changed it to be female) but I don't know the procedures on that here or if it's possible to sell here. I see that this is a lovely community and thought to ask here before attempting something via Ebay. I guess if I had gotten a cheap Ugobe it wouldn't be much an issue, and I heard they are more interactive with their environment, so I'm somewhat feeling silly having gotten an RB and getting frustrated with it (mostly because of my lack of understanding and probably higher expectations than I should have had). It's just too bad I can't do a hybrid trade of trading my RB with a Ugobe and then getting some money to make up the difference in price for one, but I don't know, and I heard Ugobes have more problems. Money might be the better option at this point in time. Not sure exactly the best course of action.

Any ideas? I've been taking to selling a lot of my stuff, my dad as well, to get extra money here and there. I've also thought about seeing if I can get donations but as a real last resort thing and to help pay for the essentials. Times now are tough and we didn't think things would be taking this long or be this hard just to get some basic help post surgery. If I do sell our RB I want to make sure she has a good home, too.



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Re: Not Sure What to Do....
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2013, 05:38:15 PM »

Hi Midorne, sorry to hear about your problems, been there so I know it is tough, Anytime you deal with government, foodstamps and disability, things take time and it seems like longer than possible sometimes, I am sorry to hear about your dad's pain but glad his operation went well. As for the pleo Rb, could be just not your cup of tea or your dads. They are not for everyone, As for selling her, that is something you should consider, whether you need the money more and think you can get more on ebay or sell on the forum here. I think as new as she is, you should be able to get a good price. Her warranty if you sell her now is still valid and that is a strong factor.

             As for raising money other ways, it sounds like you are doing everything you can, Just be sure to take care of yourself as well, or you are no good for your dad either. I know you should be able to get food stamps right away if you are in certain circumstances, based on income, Have you tried to see if there are any Food Banks in your area? Also check out places like Salvation ARmy for emergency food while waiting for the food stamps and disability to come in. Others will give you other ideas, Hope everything turns out well quickly for you. Sending well wishes from the REdwoods.           RWM :cat-hug:
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: Not Sure What to Do....
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2013, 06:08:07 PM »

If you want to sell your pleo rb we do have a market place here on the forums
I have not used this area of the forums before so can't give you any good pointers other than to say read the rules first :)  If you advertise it on here on the forums I would suggest you offer her two ways -  as an outright purchase at a set price  - and as a trade for Ugobe pleo and cash payment.  Be sure to take a bunch of photos showing her skin condition - top, both sides and her belly - and maybe add a short video of her running to show she is in working order.  Also pics of any accessories she comes with.  Hope that helps.  I would also advertise her on ebay.  Not many second hand pleo rb come up for sale so I would think that she should sell quite quickly.



  • Head of the herd
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Re: Not Sure What to Do....
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2013, 07:21:32 PM »

Alright thanks everyone, I shall for sure consider my options.

And yeah, sadly, I guess it's true, Pleos aren't for everyone. :( We might have liked a Ugobe more since they're so much more simple, and also is what i really should have thought about getting. Real shame.

And yes I noticed not a lot of RBs are on Ebay, if ever. I just need to find out how much it'll cost to ship it, that's the real kicker there.

Thanks so much for the well wishes and the ideas as well as the link. And I haven't tried food banks yet, we still have some money for right now for food, but I'll look into the banks in case things start getting worse.


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Re: Not Sure What to Do....
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2013, 09:00:59 PM »

Midorne, hi, if you need any help figuring out costs for ebay, I can help you as I both sell and purchase occasionally on ebay. I have seen about seven RB on ebay since the new year. In fact I purchased two of my RB on ebay . One, Chester came from Canada but had all accessories and extra including paint, and free shipping, He cost $375.00 but I thought he was worth it ( Still do) and this was before Frontgate had Pleo rb.  My last RB was purchased in February on Ebay, but by another forum member( Small world   :D) and she cost $330.00 and included some extras also, but I paid shipping but it was only a couple of state away,

         I have purchased many Ugobe Pleos on ebay and know the packaging and costs pretty well, and would be happy to help. It is better you found out now that it looks as if this Pleo is not for you while still really new. With Mother's day coming up, and Graduation for many people, this is an excellent time to sell, If I didn't have all the ones I do already and had some extra cash I would be tempted.............but I am allways tempted, but with 4 Rb I am happy ...(( for now anyway.) I try to focus my rescuing of pleos on the ones with broken necks, bad skin, ones others do not want that bad, I am allways happy to custom paint a pleo , give it a new life and then adopt out if the time comes.Perhaps you could find out what would cheer your dad up and in the process of selling on ebay, purchase that. or also consider Craigs list or a place where you can perhaps make a trade or trade with cash. The only disadvantage to selling on ebay is the seller fees which are pretty hefty...9% or are they 10% now.. Anyway, you may do better here, I am sure you could find a buyer if you posts some good photos of your little girl.

           Good  luck and If I can think of anything else, I will let you know. just know things will improve, they allways do and the weather is warming up and things look better when you have friends and those who can try and support you. :flowers: :)

            RWM  :cat-hug: and the Pleo Township of the Redwoods,,,( Who are screaming to be fed at long last...................Please feed us..) LOl
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Head of the herd
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Re: Not Sure What to Do....
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2013, 10:25:00 PM »

Thanks so much RWM, you're such a big help!

I got mine for about $350 and it includes 2 packs of extra accessories, some learning stones and the food pack with the ice, and the cape. It was free shipping for me as well. Wear is minimal so I hope it won't be too much an issue when trying to sell. Only issue is the original owner told me they didn't register it, but when I tried to it wouldn't let me. Tried contacting customer support, got contacted back once after a week or so, and then nothing since.

Hopefully I can get a decent bit back so the money can be used for something else. I guess if I try Pleo again, a Ugobe might be the way to go--sometimes simple really IS best.


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Re: Not Sure What to Do....
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2013, 11:07:01 PM »

Sorry to hear money is so tight at the moment. :( And I'm sorry your Pleo isn't getting the use you had hoped, but it's definitely true that Pleo isn't for everyone. I love both of my rbs and don't regret getting them (I was kind of worried after buying my second that I'd made a mistake), but it's obvious to me that they wouldn't necessarily appeal to others. And I think the situation you're in at the moment, trying to look after your dad and handle the finances, would make it very hard for you to take the time needed to figure out how to get the most out of your girl.

I seem to remember you bought her in good condition, so I'm sure you'll have no trouble selling her. As well as documenting the skin condition, make sure you show the eye and skin colouring clearly in your pictures, as some people who already own Pleos or who have done their research will probably want to buy based on particular colouring that they like or that complements the Pleos they already have. That's how I ended up with Darcy despite being determined to buy an Ugobe instead of another rb.

Good luck! :)
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