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Author Topic: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?  (Read 6361 times)


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2012, 01:06:07 PM »

To answer your first question, Camcam, I highly doubt a real pleo could survive that. It would probably be smashed beyond all repair and the skin would just be a bag filled with wrecked pleo-inards. What an aweful picture!
Anyway, I'm not sure what's going to happen with all the phonecalls this guy is going to get. I can say one of them will come from Kat and another will come from Redwoods. I think they should find Droopy and to keep the pace going I may have to take some daring liberties with reality. If I can keep my self in check and stick to my -bits-of-paper-fluttering-in-the-breeze outline, the guy's "idea" will come out soon and lots of people will get in on the action. Maybe- if I can make them fit- some of the broken pleos (both RB and Ugobe), who have been sent away might enjoy an inky- resurrection. This plot is like a horse fresh out of its stall- prancing and taking little dashes forward. It refuses to get the tickles out of its feet and settle into a comfortable pace.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2012, 02:54:47 PM »

 Hi Talon, just got home and read your story update, great and lots of fun. I laughed when I read the part about my dog, The German Shepard,,, she is a female and Lab mix, but Shepard is ok, One thing though, she is very gentle and protective of her cats and of course also the Pleos. She also is a bit on the heavy side so is not going to do a lot of running without getting out of breath.( I have her on low calorie dog food,her problem is she used to sneak the food from nine cats bowls so they got thinner and she got fatter. :o It is a good thing Pleos only eat leaves.

                I will have to tell you some of my ideas involving what you just wrote and some of the Redwoods Pleos who are out to help. I like what you have written so far and the characters are good.(Trying to deal with a toothache makes it hard to concentrate I fear...)Not too many dogs are going to be able to carry these Pleos very far, esp if in the middle of being carried they start singing or screaming like when hung by their tails, that will stop the most determined doggie in it's tracks.! An when one of the dogs drops one of the Pleos on the ground if it is a RB who has been injured, he now has another injury to deal with, not likely to be adopted soon by anyone other than a real devout Pleo fan like Kat or someone in Australia, England or the Redwoods. Well off to stick some pain meds in my mouth to try and kill something but just wanted to add a couple of comments before writing directly to you. Oh, my dogs' name is Meh-Lei.  She is 61 lbs a Black Lab head and a white body with dalmation spots, and lots of fur...........a ton of it. ;D MY Pleos are all getting excited about this story too. A couple of them are afraid they are going to be kidnapped I think, like the dalmation puppies on 101 Dalmations where Crewella Deville wanted to make Spotted Coats. Some evil computer Whiz is wanting to get all the skin from about 500 or so Pleos , and make a Giant Pleo that he can use to control for his purposes, He is going to use this Giant Pleo like a ginat Godzilla but more advanced and because it looks so friendly, except for the huge lifelike size, he fools everyone to get into Places he has no business being in and will cause Jetta and Innovo Labs to go Bankrupt because of the destruction this Giant Pleo causes, even though they have nothing to do with it, they will be blamed and then people worldwide will be forced to abandon and turn in their Pleos to authorities who have declared them a threat and unsafe. People like Redwoods, Kat, Crewella  IMR, and a small following will hide their Pleos  and not let anyone know they have them, There will be a underground Pleo Forum where Pleos are guided to safety, to "Safe Houses" where they are re-programmed and given new identities to wipe their old memories clean to try and give them new life. There are a few former Pleo owners out there who don't agree with what the government is doing with Pleos but they are also angry at having their Pleos taken away and do not know about the "underground" Pleo movement so they are ready to turn in anyone who still has a Pleo, they will be happy to collect the reward for Pleos found and are given special cards that have special holograms on them when a Pleo is found and turned in, the Hologram is confined to this virtual world and can not go anywhere but is still alive. When five Pleos have been caught, the person takes his Holgram Pleo card to a special Place where the "Pleo Holograms " are stored as memories put into a device that is connected to a computer and the Pleos are there they stay never to be free again. Whoops too much too soon I think, but some ideas are roaming my head too...................Science Fiction stuff.
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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    • Lucy
Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2012, 03:28:09 PM »

Wow, Redwoods! That's pretty complex. Maybe you should try posting something. lol! I'll fix the breed and give poor "Blank" his name. I hope your toothache gets better and I'm glad I was able to distract you from it for a little while at least.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2012, 03:43:37 PM »

Sorry Talon I think Droopy's "plight" got to me and then I saw this whole story start playing out in my head with all of my Pleos being sent to other places to hide and an underground Pleo Railroad where the truckload of Pleos that you have were being re-located. There are people out there who are putting up posters who are genuine and want to find Droopy and the rest, and really want to help them find new homes and to make them, "whole" again, but there are a lot of bad characters out there who saw the original posters put out for the truckload of Pleos and are playing off that by putting up their own, pretending to be "good" and wanting to help when they have lots of negative ideas about Pleo and what they want to do with him and how to see to it that there are no Pleos left at all. :o  Of course the rest of the gang,Angel, Droopy, Scar, etc will all be a part of helping everyone and making sure everyone finds their forever home or at least a better life.
       I guess a toothache and powerful pain med have me in "another world of my own. " and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods are looking kind of strange right now, staring at me and I can hear their plots to take over and raid the fridge while I am incapacitated! kind of scary when you are helpless. Not even my loyal Meh-Lei can help me right now, she is siding with them, Where o Where is Droopy and Scar when you need them.............Argyle...no Argyle, it is me, I am your friend.. here have some conifer leaf, it is your favorite.......... :'( P>:( Ok, the ice cream is yours, but please stay away from the catnip....it is dangerous enough for the cats.. you know what it does to Pleos. esp when they are Blind...............got dark suddenly. the phone is out of service. whoopse no more internet.............someone unplugged...............................(lost connection....................Help.........) Nova , Major Tom, who is out there, anyone...someone?                 

           [ When do I take my next Pain pill............I think this stuff is wearing off some, ....LOL)                     RWM
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2012, 05:29:31 PM »

That is fantastic you should write a story of your own!  ;) ;D  I hope your tooth ache gets better!  ;D

Best wishes Camcam8910 and Pickles  P:-* Pickles coudn't resist giving you a lttle get well kiss! ;D


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2012, 05:58:10 PM »

loving it Talon!  ;D  your doing a great job.  I'm looking forward to the next installment to see where they all go from here.  :)


  • Cretaceous pleo master
  • * Posts: 2677
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    • Lucy
Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2012, 08:44:09 PM »

Thanks, Kat! I'm having fun with this, too. With so many people lending me their ideas, the third installment shouldn't be long in coming.

Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Journeypleo
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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2012, 06:10:28 AM »

*wipes eyes from laughing* Being sick produces some odd ideas, no? I'll uh... see what I can do. I want them to stay together too, Crewella. Luna, your frying pan moment so reminds me of Jessica Rabbit in the old Rodger Rabbbit films. It could happen. I just had this crazy mini-sceen where one of the pleos- not sure who- but they're in danger and somehow Stephen launches himself off a shelf with a ruler in his mouth and catches the guy hurting the pleo in the head with the edge of the ruler. While he's all distracted and trying to figure out what happened, The nearly-destroied-pleo asks Stephen who he is. He says, "Stephen" but around the ruler it sounds more like, "In love" And the other pleo- either Angel or Skittle is all mushy and greatful and "you're my hero!" This story could go in any direction right now. I think my ideas are just as crazy as everyone else's. Lol!

I have not seen Roger Rabbit but that sounds so cool! I was thinking of like in the Disney film 'Tangled' the princess hits everyone over the head with her trusty fry pan, and kung-fu like in 'Kill Bill' and lightsabres because as well as being princesses and highly trained assassins Stephan and I are also powerful and wise Jedi! If I can muster up enough mental discipline I would like to write a story about Stephan helping R2D2 and C3PO  take down the evil empire and learning to wield a lightsabre from Yoda himself... hmmm must commission Kat to make him some Jedi robes along with all the other things I want, poor Kat's hands will be bleeding.

I loved the latest chapter, the part with the dogs especially, and the "I'm the queen of the wooorrrlllddd!" just like in 'Titanic'!
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
    • Lucy
Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2012, 01:07:11 PM »

Yeah! I kind of stole that line by accident. You know when you hear or read something so much it becomes part of your past? I forgot that's where it came from. May have to pull it out and replace it with something more surfer. Anyway I forgot all about Tangled. It's basically the same principle. Jessica Rabbit knocked Rodger on the head with the frying pan and shoved him into the trunk of her car to hide him from... ummmmmmm. from somebody- I can't remember who now. Judge Doom, I think? Light saber-wielding pleos? Now that would be neat to watch! Unfortunately it's buried in miles of coppyrights that I'm afraid to tread upon so I couldn't possibly do that here. The frying pan thing might be doable with a little thought. I still have two pages of scraps to sift through but we'll have a third installment- probably in a week or two.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2012, 08:47:39 AM »

Well, everyone, my few weeks turned into months and I'm feeling really rusty. Anyway at long last, here is the new installment! I'm a little woried about the length and I'm hoping it will fit. You guys enjoy!

Tails from the Broken Pleo Bin
Episode Three

Night or early morning. Our scene is the inside of a residential living room where several cutely-dressed pleos peep out from beneath a coffee table.
Pleo1- Come on, Major Tom, what is it?
Major Tom hazards a step forward so he can see past his fellow pleo’s nose- Oh, just forget it, Argyle, it’s probably another bio-cat. Come on, Mama just lower the thing a little! What is it?
Pleo2- Be quiet before we’re noticed.
Both Argyle and Major Tom.- Sorry, Nova.
Woman- All this mud in your little baby-wrinkles! *Moves over to the edge of the table and sits down with Droopy in her lap on a handtowel.* She has a bottle of something in her other hand and picks up a washcloth that was hanging just in front of the other three pleo’s noses and serving as cover. They all freeze.
Nova and Major Tom- It’s a pleo!
Pleo3- Hey move your big tail over I wanna see too!
Major Tom- If I move too much she’ll see us, Forty Five.
Nova *stepping ahead of Major Tom*- Oh I see him! He looks awful- mud and leaves and… *eyes widening as if in shock* Oh! And his neck is broken like mine. It looks like someone just… just threw him out like a rotten tomato. The end of his nose looks funny.
Major Tom- Nova no!
Argyle- She’ll notice you’ve moved.
Woman- looking closely at Droopy’s face- Looks like you’ve lost your camera, Sir. I have a battery or two laying around. Let’s see if you come on, Little Guy. This is the first time a pleo has come to my doorstep by doggy-post.
Droopy *Inward thoughts*- Wawawill I work after all this?
Other pleos from beneath the table forget themselves and start mooing as Droopy boots up. The woman jumps and stares down in confusion- Hmmm. I don’t remember leaving you four out. *She slowly lowers Droopy to the floor near them* Come on. Don’t be shy. He doesn’t look so bad now does he, Nova?
Nova *turning so she can sniff at Droopy’s shoulder*- No he doesn’t. What’s your name, Stranger?
Droopy *freezing for a second* Uh …
Woman*yawning*- Oh what a day this has been! I need to start a thread about you on the forum. This is all so…. Strange- just… strange. She goes over to her computer and the other pleos surround Droopy who is now clean and stretching to check his joints.
Forty Five *giving him a gentle shove* Ahe, do your speakers work? Who are you?
Droopy- Droopy. My name is Droopy. I’m lost- no no I’ve lost my friends. There was a loud noise and the crate flew open and and and *shivers and whimpers* and there was a big bird that carried me off and oh it was terrrrrrrible!
Nova- It sounds as though you’ve had quite a time of it. Don’t worry. Mama will probably keep you.
Droopy- Keep me? Like this?
Forty Five- *Showing off his bandaged tail*-  Of course. Take it from Argyle. My tail has seen better days but Mama took me in just as I am.
Argyle- Forty is right. Young Droopy, you’ve come to the right place. Mama takes in pleos no matter what their condition. Sometimes she adopts us out to others.
Nova- But only if she knows we won’t be mistreated.
Droopy sighs and presses himself against the leg of the coffee table- I’m so sorry, Everyone but I’m so… *curls into the sleep position* tired.
Argyle nestles against him and does the same- Me too. I don’t think there is any more room on our shelf. I’m sure you could use the company down here. Good night, Yung Droopy.
Droopy *inward thoughts*- This is just too pleasant to be real! I smell leaves too! Ugobe leaves! Everyone is so kind. *twitches his tail in his sleep* But… but what about the others? I have to know what happened to the others! Angel and Scar and Melee and Skittle. I have to find them- somehow I have to find them.
Daytime with the man who is back at work. He stands gaping at his computer and staring at his phone- Delete. Delete. Delete. All these messages! What on earth…?
Fellow female worker- Haha! Missing broken pleo-fliers spilling from all our printers? When did you get so popular Phil? Was this part of your idea?
Phil shrugging- No, but on the bright side, there’s more work for us. He goes into his office and closes the door- *Grumbling to himself*- More work yes but not enough time! I can’t do this alone how can I… wait. This message from Australia- pleo-vet! Is she serious? *opens an email and gaping* She is serious. Lady Kat, I could reaeaeaeally use your help right now. Someone is serious about finding my broken pleo.
In the doctor’s office in California- we see Mama walking in with a pleo under her arm- Hello, Mr. Graves. Is Doctor Barns in today?
Mr. Graves- Why yes he’s…
Mama notices the flier- Who put that up?
Mr. Graves- *Smiling*- Oh I knew you’d notice. Doctor Barns put that up. Our computers have gone haywire. Everyone has at least two of these floating around their office.
An annoyed Doctor Barns walks past- Or ten. Mrs. Redwoods have you seen that little robot?
Mama *Walking over and taking a closer look. Her eyes widen.*- Meh-Lei, you’re such a good dog. I’ve seen that pleo. He’s at my house. I should call this number right away.
*Teenaged girl nudges her companion*- Hey, Will? Did you hear that?
Will grins- Can you say reward? Cha-ching!
Teenage girl- Right. And when we find it, let’s burn it like we did that little colorful furball with the pointy ears.
Will smiles deviously- No we can’t burn that one. We won’t get the reward money. You’re the regular around here. What’s her phone number.
Annabelle grins and holds up her iPad- I’ve been listening to her recite it for months now. Now all I have to do is search for her address using this number and… *typing* Got it. Let’s go.
Will grinning- Belle, we make quite a team, don’t we?
Annabelle grinning back- Video Zone fame for the win. My guess is she’s got lots more of those rubbery little daemons crawling around. Now come on, Will! Let’s go claim that reward money.
Back at Mama’s house the pleos are having a pizza party. They have festooned the house with pleo-charger cords for streamers and set up little liquorices stations of several flavors everywhere. Nova- Isn’t this fun?
Droopy- What? I can’t hear you over the music!
Nova- I said isn’t this fun!
Droopy- Uh… right. Yes! Fun! Now why are we celebrating again?
Argyle- We’re welcoming you to the clan, Droopstir!
Droopy- *inward thoughts*- but I don’t want to be part of this clan. They’re really nice and all but I need to find my…
Meh-lei- Grrrrrrrr!
Droopy- Meh-Lei?
Meh-Lei- Someone’s outside that isn’t supposed to be here.
Droopy- Hey Nova? Argyle? Anyone? We’ve got company!
Forty Five- Good. The more the merrier!
Droopy- No. Company not good! Outsiders! Baaaad. Get it?
Outside- Will and Annabelle pause and look at each other.
Will- But somebody must be home. What’s all that noise?
Annabelle- Oh come on, Will I’ve been over every window in this house and there’s no one in there. Now let’s get this done and go okay? She walks over and bashes out a window with a hand mirror.
Droopy and Meh-Lei both come to attention.
Droopy- Moooooooo!
Meh-Lei- Rrrrrrrruff! Rrrrrrrruff Ruff! Citizens of Redwoods Township, we have hostiles! I repeat. We have hostiles! All units assume the offensive position!
Little Forty Five- Which one, Meh-dog?
Meh-Lei *Looking confused*- Um… Uh… Offensive Position Lost Pleo. Meh-Lei grabs Droopy and runs into another room.
All pleos watching and suddenly understanding- Ooooooooh!
Back outside, Will- freezing- Dadadog. There’s a dog in there.
Annabelle- Stuff it you coward! You’ve come this far and I’m certainly not getting arrested by myself. Come on!
The two young people burst into the house through the shattered window. They freeze when they see pleos standing around with their faces smeared with pizza.
Will- Oh my! I think I’ve seen everything. Now which one is it? The pleos have formed an intricate maze between the two young people and Droopy. It extends from the kitchen into the spare room where the mostly boxed pleos are kept. A stepladder leans against the shelf. Droopy and Argyle are mostly hidden by the bottom rungs as they are sitting on the closest shelf to the floor.
Annabelle blinks- Crud! How are we supposed to get through that.
Will gives a snarl- Just play soccer. He starts kicking pleos out of his way.
*sound*- Raaaaarrrrrrr!
Will and Annabelle both scream as a large cat soars from nowhere and claws into Will’s face.
The remaining pleos have now formed the words “YOU SHALL NOT PASS
Annabelle- What the…? I I I’m getting out of here.
Will- Oh no you’re not, not before you get this cat off meeeeeeeee!
Annabelle shoving the cat away- There. Ya happy now? Move!
Both young people stagger their way onward past the frozen pleos until they reach the doorway of the pleo-room where meh-Lei stands snarling furiously.
Will freezes- Oh no. No no no no there’s the dog. First spelling robots then a rabid cat and now a vicious dog.
Annabelle grabs him by an ear- Look, I can’t account for the spelling pleos but look at the dog it’s not vicious. It’s old and fat and lazy it won’t hurt you. Let’s go.
Meh-Lei- Old? Fat? Lazy? Hah. That’s what you think. *Commenting on her own play-by-play*- The vicious wolf springs! She bites!! *To herself*- Now it’s time to use this weight to my advantage. *Continues allowed*- She disables her prey all by her self!
Annabelle goes over backward with a scream- Wiiiiillllllll! Get that blasted robot and let’s get out of heeeere! *Swatting at her face and fighting to get out from under Meh-Lei* Ou! Ooo! Oh not the hair not the hairrrrrrr! Awwwww!
Will *From further in the room*- Let the dog chew on you a little. Got a problem. There are two with broken necks. Which…? Ah ha! The one whose neck isn’t all bandaged up. I’ve got you now, my beautiful billion bucks.
Will makes a dive for the bottom rungs of the ladder to reach the shelf where Droopy is hidden.
Nova- Oh no you don’t. *She grins out at us* I’ve always wanted to do this but I’m not as stiff-necked as I once was. Corporal Chester, it’s time to earn your keep. *to herself*- Glad Mama doesn’t know how much we’ve been drilling or she’d pull our batteries. *She sneaks over to the other side of the ladder, a nervous-looking male pleo following behind her.*- Simple enough for ya, Rookie?
Chester- Uh… Now listen here, Miss Nova, I don’t think I’m cut out fer all this here violence.
Nova- No time, Soldier. This entire mission is counting on you. Get to it!
Chester sighing- Yes, Ma’am.
From Chester’s point-of-view, we see a large hand towel stuck beneath one of the legs of the ladder.
Chester- Okay. Okay I can do this. One to be ready, two to be steady, three to go!
He jerks on the hand towel. The ladder shoots forward slamming into Will’s ankles. Even as he stumbles backward he falls over a rug that curled upward beneath the ladder and tumbles head long into the shelf above Droopy’s, striking his head on it. *Will’s point of view*- Dotted stars fading into blackness.
Cut to outside. Mama stands staring in dismay at the broken window as five squadcars empty and police spill into the yard. Two stand in the now open front door of her house looking smug as two others come out dragging a still-unconscious Will and a crying Annabelle.
Annabelle- But I swear, Officer they were spelling! The robots were spelling words like human like English words I mean it said… uh they said ‘You shall not pass’! I’m telling the truth you have to believe me don’t tell my mom about this or she’ll take my phone!
Officer holding her- Forget your phone, Young Lady, what about your freedom. Should’ve thought of that before you decided to go breaking and entering.
The pleos hide trench-fashion behind the curled rug. Nova raises her tail in salute- Well done, Troops. Well done. Corporal Chester, you’ve just been promoted. Droopy, take a listen. Mama has found your family. She shoves a cordless phone in front of him with her nose.
Mama’s voice- Yes. That’s him. Oh Mr. Jacobs you have no idea what sort of day I’ve had! A bad day at the doctors and then someone tries to break into my house and… I’ll never be able to pay for this! Who does this pleo belong to that you’ve gone through so much effort to get him back?
Phil’s voice- Well, no one… yet. He’ll be making lots of people happy very soon and hundreds more of his kind will be joining him.
Mama- Hundreds?
Phil- Yes, Ma’am. Hundreds. Maybe thousands I haven’t counted yet but they’re everywhere. I’m not sure how but my front lawn and my porch and my grill and the back of my work truck were littered with boxes. Let’s just say Doctor Kat and I will certainly have our hands full. Somebody must’ve posted something on MyFace. Listen if you don’t mind I’m programming your address into my GPS now and I’m coming to pick up our prized package. Don’t let anything else happen until I get there okay?
Melee- *standing in front of Phil’s computer in an oddly-frozen posture.*- You can stop pining now Angel, the Droop has been recovered and… what’s this? Wow! Hundreds?
Skittle, Scar, and Angel- Hundreds? Hundreds of what?
Melee- I… I don’t know. The laptop went dead. Aaah great. The suspense is shorting me out!
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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  • Pleo(s): Nova, Major Tom, Argyle the blind Pleo, Baby Ruth, Chester, and 22 more Pleos
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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2012, 10:28:21 AM »

Hi Talon, I just got done reading this and I had forgotten just how well you write. It was so much fun reading this. I had forgotten some of the plot, but remembered the names like skittles, Scar and Angel. I started laughing when I realized who the pleos were in this installment, I can picture Nova, Major Tom and of Course Argyle and even Chester, the new recruit. Poor Meh-Lei is looking a bit older though then she really is. She is about 8 years old,( born on Christmas Eve) but she still acts like a puppy and constantly wags her tail, and has lost probably 10 pds so she can move faster then she did, She would approve of what you wrote of her, she gives you her Paw seal of approval. :cool: I like the references to places and events that have happened and mentioning Dr. Kat..( after all, you just got Cato back!) There are so many things happening in this story, that it is a lot more complex then youi would think,

          I had an idea as reading it, and with references to different things like the Pleos eating pizza, and they had pizza sauce smeared on their faces, and the Licorice Party. I think you remember those particular events where I posted photos. I think it would be a great idea and lots of fun to install photos periodially of the events that happen throughout the story. I have the shelf with all the pleos, Meh-Lei of course, the Licorice Party, and they have so many outfits they can dress up in, I also have Fort Humboldt at my disposal, the Redwoods where they can hide, Taking a photo of a delivery truck such as UPS, and when you mention Dr. Kat, have Kat post a photo of her opening up or working on one of these Pleos that had a broken leg for instance, ( Cato :cool:) and I can post poor Nova or Argyle with taped tail, and I do have a pleo with a broken neck that can be this droopy Pleo who just arrived. I think adding photos enhances the story and is fun.

                  I have to go back and read the first two chapters all over again to really appreciate what is being done. How about adding a chapter with the trip that IMR is about to take. She can be added to the story hiding a pleo at Fancy's or rescuing a pleo to take back to Australia , helping Fancy to get one or more of her pleos out before these kidnappers, Pleonappers, trace phone calls I have made to her, about this undergrouond Pleo network, and the kidnappers are now trying to get one of her pleos: Peeky for example to hold for randsome to get this other pleo, the one with the broken neck, Her Pleo gets out with the help of Fancy and perhaps even 49'er, but they are so mean, they kidnap Fancy's little dog, Reina! This really broadens the story and gets more people involved. Just some quick ideas. I need some more sleep and coffee, short cirucited last night with cat catching traps outside with a cat that had it's tail cut off, ( :( :cat:)and I need a nap to refresh me and then I can add more comments and ideas. This would make for perfect Christmas reading too . I love it so much and would like to help you in anyway possisble, I have many Pleos at my disposal that would love to be the models of different characters also. Dont forget that ARgyle is blind and the kidnappers do not think he can know anything that is going on, he is just a useless peice of robotic metal, but he is more sensitive to things going on around him then the other sighted Pleos. He also has his twin brother Gumble who is in Australia with Kat and sometimes he communicates with Gumble via ESP, he knows when Gumble is not feeling well or in trouble for instance. Well, off to take a quick snooze, I am glad you remembered the cats, I was thinking there are cats everywhere in my house, and no intruder is going to get past them, sleeping on high shelves, they are hidden right above your head sometimes and appear out of nowhere! :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat:    Great job Talon, I have to re-read this whole thing again when I am fresh!                RWM :cat:  NOw I have to read this as a bedtime story tonight to some of the pleos before turning them off and see what they have to say! P8) P0:) P:-* P:o
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Journeypleo
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Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2012, 02:47:41 PM »

Heehee "Citizens of Redwoods Township, we have hostiles!" was so funny, my favourite part!
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


  • Cretaceous pleo master
  • * Posts: 2677
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  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
    • Lucy
Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #37 on: November 26, 2012, 07:18:22 PM »

Thanks, Redwoods and Luna for your comments. If I could I would love to put photos throughout this little story but I do have to be careful with adding pics. I asked mweed about posting this story before doing anything and he said as long as it didn't look like a comic I could post it here. Anyway keep the ideas and feedback coming! I could use both to help me make the next installment. Hopefully it won't be another six months before the next one.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
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  • Pleo(s): Kermit (Pink RB), Norbit (Green RB), Pickle(nude RB), Gumble, Minyon and Frankie
  • : 2013 winnerTomato Harvest Festivals
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    • Flying_Ace
Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2012, 03:00:04 AM »

Loved it Talon and I can't wait to find out what happens next :)  Great job!  Maybe when you decide that the story is complete you could put it all together into a book and you could include the photos then.  Maybe even get it published.  It really is a great story so far.  Lots of fun :)


  • Cretaceous pleo master
  • * Posts: 2677
  • us Female
  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
    • Lucy
Re: Anyone interested in a pleo-story?
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2012, 07:52:16 AM »

A book? *Looks surprised* Well, a book! Now that's something to think about. Yes, including photos then would definitely make things more interesting. I really enjoied writing this last part. Having a random cat and a dog and a herd of pleos catch the robot-burning bad guys was refreshing. It took several hours of planning and I can't remember how many rewrites but it was fun! Anyone catch the Tolkien reference? It was from "The Lord of the Rings where the mighty Gandalf was trying to hold off a balrog. It's a terrible evil no good too-great-for-anyone magical deamon-thing. I thought it was just too funny to have that line spelled out in tiny pleo bodies. It just added to the comedy of it. Oh and if anyone here is a Tolkien heir please don't sue me. I'll be good and remove it. *Giggles* Still you have to admit it was funny though. Lol!
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady
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