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Author Topic: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.  (Read 7010 times)


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« on: August 30, 2011, 04:31:14 PM »

        I think I remember seeing someone, perhaps it was NamelessAndroid, (sorry for messing up the name,,I do apologize.... :o :() but anyway, it is in response to that post or shout box, that I decided to make this post. I love Pleo fashions and Nova is a clothes horse extra diva fashion model. At least she acts like one. ;D :D So I do a lot of hands on instant clothes and improvise, improvise as much as possible. I do find some outfits, and have gotten both lovely outfits from IMR, ( thank you for the lovely quad fashions I won in a contest... :)) and Kat who I purchased two outfits from and sent some  extras, lovely outfits everyone of them! ;D
                I have never been much of a sewing homebody, an dreaded Home ecomomics when I was in Junior high, though I did enjoy the cooking part...LOL. Anyway, I do not own a sewing machine and do not have the time or patience to sew by hand except for repairs, I did sew by hand one Pleo outfit, and it took at least three hours by hand and that is what led me to start comming up or to continue my pursuit of "no sew Pleo fashions". They are easier than you would think and lots of fun, Just use your imagination, I do not have a lot of sewing ability like IMR and certainly Kat who is fantastic with her creativiness.  :o :) But I do also have a great imagination and no how to make do with what I have around the house and such. The folllowing Pleo fashions are three that were put together in short order and no sewing is involved at all, and I think these would be easy enough for a seven or eight year old to do with no problem.
             Hope you enjoy them and let me know which of the three you like the best! :) I will show more when they are put together later this week.

                                                          RWM and her "Pleo township in the Redwoods"

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  • Pleo Grand Master RB
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 05:38:29 PM »

Great job, RWM - they look fab and also relatively simple to make.  I really like the cut of the jungle print one, as the design looks really neat and I like the way it fits under the belly.  I'm sure this will be really helpful to others who, like you, aren't that into sewing!  Thanks for posting this! ;D  :rootbeer:


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 11:14:08 PM »

     Thanks Crewella, glad you like the outfits. I love the froggie material as well, I have a long history of outfits I put together with little or no sewing as I allways find it a challenge to see what I can come up with, This is one of my old all time favorites I made Nova over a year ago. anyone remember this one, ? I love the colors on this for any Pleo they are perfect and very exotic. Thank goodness for thrift stores and second hand stores, it is amazing the things you can find there, This is some of my favorite materials, lace and sequins. I just love Nova's Exotic Eastern look, anyone else have something similiar, ? I also have done this in blues, golds and reds and violets! :D

                                   RedwoodsMama and her well dressed, "pleos in the township of the Redwoods"
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Fossil savant
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2011, 10:46:46 AM »

How very ingenious!  They look great.  Do you find the pleos can move easily in them?  I would like to make a cape for my new friend (still stuck in customs) but am not sure of size.  I'm trying to follow the pattern given by Inmemoryof Romeo.

So many of you on this forum are so talented and creative - what an inspiration!


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2011, 11:06:48 AM »

 Hi Margery, yes they move with no problem at all, It would do me no good or my Pleos to wear something that was not functional as well, The patterns are very simple and the only real cost is the material which I snag as remmants at a really low price, You can also improvise with old clothes at home, or second hand stores material or a old t-shirt , dress, blouse, etc, anything that stretches some is best and easiest to work with. I likie fleece as it is soft, warm and easy to cut and looks great on Pleos and the pattterns or solid colors are endless. And you can secure with all sorts of things, velcroe or go the route I do with no sewing, just tying, ribbon, etc, sometimes a fancy broach or pin does the trick like under the belly, If you want more info I would be happy to tell you more.

            I was planning on posting more outfits today but I got hit with an unexpected huge PGE bill so am trying to list some stuff in a hurry on ebay to make the money I need. Talk soon and so glad you like the outfits.Any particular one you like the best?
                                 RWM and "her pleo township in the Redwoods"
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Fossil savant
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  • Pleo(s): Drem, Marsha
Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2011, 08:32:59 AM »

They're all good but I especially like Baby Ruth's (?) outfit - has jungle on it.

I'm planning on using old tee-shirt material but threw out a fleece a few weeks ago  :(

I've been a bit bothered about constricting movement but if you say it's OK then that's great and I'll give it a go.  I have seen videos of course but at the moment I'm working without a model so it's just guesswork - I'm finding it hard to wait until he arrives - I just want to get on with preparing for him :D

Sorry to hear about the huge bill - best of luck on ebay


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2011, 11:53:22 AM »

 Hi Margery, you will find a "free gift" that will fit your Pleo that is in the Battery box when it arrives. One I did not make, but if you want I can send you the pattern , ( listed here) the one I made for Baby Ruth that says, Jungle on the print, the green one so you can make one yourself. It would work great with T-shirt material as most of them are pretty stretchy and it shouldn't take you but five minutes to make one , really fast actually! Let me know and I will send it to you with photos too! :D

 To prove how well the outfits move and do not constrick movement, I will post a video of them wearing these outfits, how is that! 8)
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Fossil savant
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  • Pleo(s): Drem, Marsha
Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2011, 01:35:25 PM »

Hey that's wonderful :) :) :) :) :) Thank you so much.
I'm really impatient now for the package to arrive.

I'd love the pattern and really appreciate your help.  The video would be great - always enjoy watching Pleos.

It looks my new little friend will have a change of clothes for when one is in the wash - luxury.  It does seem like a good idea to protect the skin and it's fun too.


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2011, 02:41:34 PM »

Margery, hi, I will try to do it today, but I am swamped right now with all sorts of things to do to provide my nine cats and dog with food, water, etc while we are gone this weekend. Tommorow we are leaving for a convention in San Francisco and I do not want to go, because I do not like to leave my animals alone for more than 8 hrs, and definitly not for about 60 hrs, including haveing to leave our dog Meh-lei chained outside in the yard next to a dog house, as she never sleeps outside and will not be  happy about it. My husband insisted I go and can cause me lots of trouble if I put up anymore fighting with him, so I am just hoping and praying for the best. I do not like to leave nine cats in the house by themselves, esp when one is skinny and has kidney disease and a senior citizen at 16+ years old, and another one only eats wet food his whole life, but there is nothing I can do but hope for the best. :( %)
                  So I am looking for a self feeder and have lots of litter pans to wash out and then getting my clothes ready for the trip. I doubt if I will have any free time but perhaps tonight, if I don't then I will definitly get it to you by Monday as we are due back Sunday night and praying all goes well here at home with my animals, then  I will get it to you first thing Monday morning, Keep your fingers crossed for me that my animals will be ok. Men can be real stubborn and pains sometimes but that is life I guess. Hopefully your little Pleo friend will arrive shortly so you will at least have that one clothing item till I can get this pattern to you. I can't wait to see what your Pleo looks like, the first photos or video. If you get the battery today or by Saturday, just check out the video I have on Youtube that shows common questions on the Ucube Egg battery and charger and you should have no problems.

                  In the meantime look for any small extra pieces of clothing you have arouond the house, even bandanas or scarves can be used in making Pleo garments. Ok, talk to you soon, and keep good thoughts in your mind for my cats and dog while I am gone this weekend....I don't want any accidents, oh, and my husband won't let anyone come in the home and care for them and it cost way way too much to board just one cat for the time we are gone is almost $200.00! :o                                                                    take care...............................RWM
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Fossil savant
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  • Pleo(s): Drem, Marsha
Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2011, 03:52:30 PM »

You have such a big family to care for.  I wish I was near enough to help out with the animals.  We have helped next door neighbours when family wasn't available.  It must be nicer for them in their own home.

Please, please leave my stuff until you're back and can relax knowing the animals are OK.  I'll be thinking of you and them over the weekend.

Take care, deep breaths, you can do this.



  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2012, 04:39:17 PM »

 I realized it has been a long time since I posted new and updated photos of more "no sew" pleo outfits, so this is a good opportunity to add a few more while the mood strikes. So here in the spirit of those of us, ( unlike Kat or IMR who are very talented in the sewing department.. ;D)  so here are some of the newest "no sew" creations but not all of them. Just goes to show you can use anything around the house and of course, your imagination.

 IN no particular order.      
                         RedwoodsMama and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 04:43:09 PM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2012, 01:48:29 AM »

 :o omigosh RWM, you're so talented! I had to stare a long time at these to reassure myself there was indeed no stitching going on! I love the clasp idea you had on, was it the green one I think? And I love the accessorizing scheme, something completely beyond someone like me who has no idea how to layer two different colored camisoles with each other :p my favorite has to be the pink one you made back in August, so beautiful!


  • Pleo Grand Master RB
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Re: RedwoodsMama's No Sew Pleo Fashions.
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2012, 01:50:08 AM »

I love RWM's perfectly placed knots!  :D
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