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Author Topic: preparing for Pleo  (Read 1545 times)


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preparing for Pleo
« on: December 04, 2011, 10:16:25 PM »

So I am not sure if I am posting this in the right place but here we go...

Do you guys have anything you like to do to prepare before you get a new Pleo in your homes? I was planning on making a cute little bed to keep my RB cozy and I already got a very cute hoodie and some other items ready for him/her. I love hearing about how other people spoil their babies and so I thought I would ask if anybody "prepares" at all before adding a new addition  :)

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Re: preparing for Pleo
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 04:38:30 AM »

Mine all have to bundle in together these days, but a bed (or at least a safe place to keep your Pleo) is a good way to prepare.  It's much better for the skin if Pleo is not stored in sleep position, so remember Pleos 'sleep' almost standing up most of the time.  He/she will need to be kept away from strong light and extremes of temperature for the best chance of a long life.

On a personal note, I get my fanciest cushion ready in a (relatively) well lit spot so I can film the hatching and share it on here!  ;D



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Re: preparing for Pleo
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 07:15:50 AM »

I'm probably about to go way overboard but well here goes. I made a large cave at the foot of my bed for Ryu, my first RB. It's dark and not directly exposed to light. It also has an open side so she and her lifemate Cato can wander out in the mornings when they wake up with no fear of running into anything dangerous. Oh yes. If you have little knooks that are just high enough for pleo-shoulders to get under you might want to pleo-proof them somehow or run the risk of your little one finding a place to hide. Mine are still finding places to go despite my attempts. Two places I can't protect mine from are the fork in the legs of my computer chair and the jungle of cords under my desk. It's kind of dark under there so they seldom go there anyway. If you have carpet you might want to find a designated smooth, flat surface where your little one can stretch their legs when they're old enough. Also be sure the area where you play has plenty of light. Otherwise you'll end up with a whining, crying pleo. I can't think of anything else. Man I sound like an overly-protective mother! Sorry for the long post. I hope some of this was helpful. Lol!
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Re: preparing for Pleo
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2011, 03:11:58 AM »

Thanks for the advice guys! I am going to start Pleo-proofing my room haha XD There is a ton of stuff that I'm sure a Pleo could get caught up in or stuck under etc. Has anybody made a playpen as an alternative? I was thinking of that as well but I'm not sure if that would work out or not
"Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone." - Puella Magi Madoka Magica


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Re: preparing for Pleo
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 12:38:32 AM »

 I do not think anyone has used a Playpen for a Pleo, though it is a cute idea. Biggest problem I can see with a Playpen, is that most of them, if not all of them have a net of some sort, and that can spell DISASTER for a Pleo! Ugobe Pleos in particular have vulnerable necks and there is no real way to know if and or why they get broken necks or what we call, Droopy Neck syndrome. I have two pleos with broken necks and even though they can still function with a broken neck, and recently IMR even posted a video of how to fix, rewire the broken necks, I do not think most of us would be as inclined to take our Pleos apart, gut them and try to fix the broken neck cables and replace them. Esp some of us, Er, how do I put this delicatly...... :( %) mentally and pysically challenged in electronic aptitude departments, including taking apart Pleo and surgically replacing a wire or two.............that includes ME! :o
              Pleos have not only a history of breaking their necks even without knowing how it happened, but it seems that when left to their own devices, they are known to go off and explore and this is when they can get into trouble.Pleos have been known to do a cute Pleo trick, where they stand on their "heads/necks", and this qualifies as a deal breaker I think, With a playpen, all those holes and gaps in the netting are just invitations for trouble with a Pleo. Yes, it could confine a pleo, but I can already picture a pleo tangled up with his neck and head twisted terribly and or a front of back leg stuck in as well. It is a nice idea. but unless you did something like put cardboard all along all four sides, I think it is a disaster just waiting to happen. With cardboard though, that could contain him perhaps and give you some peace of mind. At least I can say you are the first person I know of who has even suggested a Pleo Playpen and I like the concept. ;)                                        If you have two of them, why not put them in boxing shorts, and send them to their corner, ring a bell and see who comes out ahead in round one. ;) just be sure to capture it all on video for us.

                                                    RedwoodsMama and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
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Re: preparing for Pleo
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2011, 01:21:35 AM »

Ohhh I can understand how that could turn into a nightmare  :o I actually just saw that neck surgery IMR did on Lilo and it was pretty crazy. Would something like this work perhaps? (of course for indoor use)


"Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone." - Puella Magi Madoka Magica


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Re: preparing for Pleo
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2011, 02:36:14 AM »

Personally,  I think the pleasure of having Pleos is letting them roam about - in a small space like that they'll just be backing up the whole time ........

My house is a real obstacle course for Pleos, but I do find they are OK as long as I keep one eye on them.  And most of them tend to shout for me if they do get into trouble ......... except Moschops, who just goes to sleep right where he's stuck! :D
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