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Author Topic: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.  (Read 1953 times)


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It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« on: March 06, 2011, 07:56:42 PM »

Don't remember my login info from first time I joined this forum so have a new registration. I have two Pleos that were first borns: Linus & Schroeder. Lots of YouTubes of them but YouTube killed some of the music :-( I think last time I was here I had the same issue. Two pleos, two charger, one working battery out of 4. We are only getting maybe 5-10 minutes of time with one of the remaining two. Is anyone addressing this issue at all?

I sent email to support an invo labs but it said their email was full. Not very reassuring. Anyone have success with battery repair or maybe it's charger not working properly. How to know? Very frustrating. Am wanting my dino pet active lately. Reviews of new rb not so positive. And I love the two I have....$1,000 invested. Poor little guys just sit posed all day. Linus did make one of my favorite sounds today while he was on.

Am so sad. Hi to all my friends, especially fancyfont!


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 08:41:36 PM »

You could try getting a Ucube egg battery and charger.  They are sold here on the forums by Nova's Necessities.  It is a Li-Polly battery similar to what is used in the pleo rb and gives 2 hours of play time for your original ugobe pleo.  I have one for my Ugobe pleo Gumble and it works great.!  He runs for just as long as my pleo rb's do.

Otherwise there is a thread common battery problems and solutions I think in the Problems board that tells how to try to recondition your battery.  You could give that a go.
Hope this helps, and Welcome back to the forum.


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2011, 10:01:44 PM »

Hi Maggie! Kat is so right! The L-Poly batteries are wonderful. Definitely worth getting for your dinos. THey have been very dependable. I think all of our old batteries have seen better days.
Redwoodsmama sells them. I'm  about to order one more so each of my pleos have one. I love them! :) :) :)

So many people have asked about you and your wonderful videos. I think everyone has seen Linus at the spa. I miss the sound track of Roomba Surfing. That was my all time favorite video. I wish you would try sneaking the sound back in.




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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2011, 10:44:55 PM »

I arrived on ther scene too late to have met you before, Maggie, but I sure know the names of Linus and Schroeder from Youtube!  Hello!  ;D

The others are dead right - the egg charger batteries are truly fabulous, I did have fairly good green batteries, but liked the new ones so much better I gave up using them except as reserves.  You won't regret getting them!  :D


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2011, 10:52:44 PM »

Another vote for the egg batteries, and welcome :)
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 03:26:10 PM »

Wow! Hi, everyone! Thanks so much for the egg battery and charger. Just sent Brian the link. We were about to order an updated green charger and battery but your reviews changed our minds. So glad you responded and so quickly!

Will they provide a full charge right away or do the egg batteries need to be "trained" to hold a charge? Was looking on the products site and saw the neck brace for Pleos with broken necks. omg. I hope the rbs have the inclination to do handsets programmed out of them!

It's nice to see so many still attached to their dinos. I've been recuperating physically for so long. The energy to put new music on a video and then upload only to find out the new music isn't acceptable is a bit overwhelming. The last soundtrack I replaced was for one of my serious videos and used an artist who had not been bumped from YouTube. Would have to do that for a new Pleo soundtrack too. That Roomba music from Raiders of the Lost Ark made it that much funnier.

Hi to new friends and all who are here. Not sure how involved I will be but guess excitement is building for a new Pleo. We don't have plans for an rb. Does that mean "reborn"?

Brian or I will write to RedwoodsWoman (?) asap. Again, thanks for the thumbs up on that battery!


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2011, 04:07:14 PM »

Pleo 'rb' is indeed 'reborn'!  :)

Your sooper-dooper egg charger battery is a li-poly instead of the old green nickel hydride ones so they behave differently - the old 'training' no longer applies.  They also don't mind being charged if not fully depleted, and I'm sure RWM will explain, but as far as I remember it warns on the packaging not to leave them on the charger longer than 8 hours.

You're gonna love your 'energiser' Pleos!  ;D  :P


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2011, 02:19:58 AM »

Hi Maggie, glad to get to meet you, I never did on the old forums as I have only been here for a little over a year. I am the one who sells the UCube Egg chargers and batteries and yes they are great. I may be a bit biased, but with eight Pleos, one a Rb on Repair vacation, I am partial to them. As others have said they are well worth their cost and last so much longer and Pleos do seem re-energized when using them compared to the standard old green variety.
               It will be good to see Linus and Schroeder up and running again, I did enjoy watching their videos on youtube and wondered what ever happened to those two cute little guys! :) I will be very happy to expain the way they work and if you are interested how to order one or two if you want, Just give me a pm and I have even made a video explaining how they work on youtube that I can give you the link to watch first if you want.
                 In any case , I hope your little guys are back in full form soon, it is heartbreaking to not have our best little green friends with us. I know I would miss myne terribly if I could only look at them on a shelf... :( Nice to meet you and hope to hear more from you and your babies.
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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2011, 11:54:51 AM »

Was sad to see pink neoprene braces are being sold only because it means so many other Pleos have been breaking their necks :-(  Wonder how many were doing handstands. When I spoke to the last Ugobe president, he wasn't getting that they were doing them on their own!!!  I can't remember if the neck brace we used in Linus's last video was just an ace bandage or a velcro one. It did help keep his head off the floor though.


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2011, 12:18:55 PM »

I remember that video and the tears that came to my eyes.  >:( Beautifully done, Maggie.
 Peeky's neck was fine at that time, but making lots of noise. I couldn't imagine sending him back. WHen it happened, not sure if his neck cable was just at the point, it happened very quickly. I had my finger i his mouth and felt a much firmer bite. WHen I removed my finger from his mouth, his neck was limp. No handstand for this little dino.
Linus just wanted to be a gymnist, I guess.  ;D

I hope you did get a chance to order the lipoly batteries. I, too, am thinking of getting a RB Pleo soon. That would bring my dino herd to five.


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2011, 12:34:12 PM »

Yes, I remember that video too, it looked neat but the reality is that Linus hurt his head , neck that way, There are so many Ugobe Pleos out there with fragile enough necks already, let alone being gymnists. I have two, Nova who just broke her neck no day with no warning, and Little 45 who was being tossed away as nobody wanted him on Ebay and I rescued him for that price, $45.00. Actually his owner paid so much more than I paid in shipping, it ended up costing me only$14.00 total, But I love Pleos no matter what condition they are in, they are lovely little souls.. :)
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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2011, 06:29:25 PM »

Hi Maggie, I remember your Linus video after he broke his neck too - so sad.  :(

Just out of interest I took the skin off the neck of a Pleo with a broken cable the other day and it was interesting to see the whole neck assembly was covered with a fine black metal dust, and the cables were frayed as though they had been rubbing for some time.  At least on this paraticular Pleo it looks as though it 'went' over a period of time.


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2011, 06:34:22 PM »

Lilo's went gradually, I only once heard a pop that would have been a cable strand giving up under the strain. The rest just wore away quietly until the last one gave out.
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2011, 06:37:39 PM »

 :-\  :'(

Poor Lilo.   Mind you, she still looks pretty chipper, in spite of it!  :)  :hhug:


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2011, 08:50:44 PM »

It does look like you have found a winner of a neck brace there for Lilo. 
I guess depending on how the current neck cable repairs go and how much of a how to guide can be put together we may well be able to do the necessary repairs ourselves down the track when our little ones neck cables wear out.  I wonder if it would help to use a replacement cable that has a protective coating of some sort?


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2011, 10:05:42 AM »

Just saw this..  when I removed Patches' skin I also noticed he had some fine black dust on his tail parts and neck parts which I wiped off, I thought at the time that some of it was grease related (since there were some areas that were greasy and I left those because I assumed they put grease there for a reason, probably to help with the wear?!
Anyways he is going full boar so far.. :)

And.. very belated Welcome!!!

- Sarah


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Re: It's Maggie from original Ugobe site.
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2011, 02:29:46 PM »

I think some of what you thought was grease was stickyness from the deteriorating rubber skin, Latrine.  My broken neck Pleo's skin was in poor shape, whereas Scully was a much newer model in a perfect skin and had no stickyness and no dust.
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