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Author Topic: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?  (Read 4940 times)


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Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« on: December 05, 2010, 01:54:40 PM »

Hi Guys,

You have probably figured out by now I have a new green Pleo rb that I have called "Beta".  Unfortunately I can't share many of my experiences with you guys yet, however I will just say that Pleo rb is well worth the wait!  I was just wondering if any rb owners had managed to get their rb to interact with a Ugobe Pleo?  I have tried with my two however my Ugobe pleo certainly does not recognise Beta yet.  This could be because Beta is still not in the final stage of development... but just wondering if anybody else has had a different experience?


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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 02:25:58 PM »

Congratulations degers on Beta, She/ He looks very nice, I don't have a Pleo rb yet so I can't answer that question, but do have some questions. How many hours have you had Beta use thus far, how many battery charges? You said that SEven did not recognize Beta, but I thought I heard another Pleo Rb owner(, Pleoxie ) say that her two Pleos, recognized each other. You may want to get a hold of her. I certainly hope that Pleo rb recgonize Pleos, Ugobe and Innova and I don't know why they wouldn't.I can't see a new Pleo being made that would not recognize the older Pleos but I dont know how that would work for the older ones not recgonizeing the newer ones? ???
    Does the new Pleo Rb have the same infared system in their nose as the older Pleos, or is it different? Is there anything in the maual about that at all? I guess you may have to wait a little longer to find out. How many charges does the new Pleo Rb go through till it is out of the Baby or first stage? I also think there was another Pleo Rb owner who posted here on the forums who said the pleos interacted together. I hope that you can find the answer soon and let the rest of us know as that may make a diference in buying one or not to some of us who already own a Ubobe Pleo. Does this mean the Innova Pleos recognize Pleo Rb, or both Pleos from both makers may not recognize Pleo Rb and vice a versa? Good post and question degers, thank you for posting this. :)
                Good reason for the rest of us to get our pleo pre information very soon  hope!
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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2010, 02:35:20 PM »

Umm... what  RWM said... Thanks I was going to ask this but you read my mind RWM..... ;D



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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2010, 03:42:41 PM »

Hi Degers,
Congratulations on your rb! :)  Can't wait till you are able to share with us more fully.  Sorry I can't help with your question as I don't own any other pleos apart from my rb so I don't know about the interaction.  I can tell you that how long the baby stage lasts depends on the personality of your pleo.  It took 8 battery cycles for Kermit to walk and only 5 for Kermy.  Kermy is a more adventurous pleo than Kermit, both seem quite happy though.
I do have a question for you and if you can't answer I hope you can ask your Innvo friends.  Is it safe for RB's to be stored in the sleep position between plays?  This is the position they go into when the battery runs out or you switch them off.  If it is not safe then how do I put mine into the packing position with out potentially causing damage to her insides by using force?  I am very concerned about this as I don't want to see holes in her skin and this seems to have been a common problem with the older pleo versions. 
Pleo rb's are definitely worth the wait! ;D  I'm glad you are enjoying yours. :)


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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2010, 05:15:24 PM »

Is it safe for RB's to be stored in the sleep position between plays?  This is the position they go into when the battery runs out or you switch them off.  If it is not safe then how do I put mine into the packing position with out potentially causing damage to her insides by using force?  I am very concerned about this as I don't want to see holes in her skin and this seems to have been a common problem with the older pleo versions.

I have actually asked Innvo this myself.  However I do know that the armpit skin has been strengthened.


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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2010, 06:56:38 PM »

can they not just add it in a future update that reborn will resume the packing position when battery runs out ? if you could pass that on to Innvo would be great .
2 ugobe Pleo's
1 Aibo 210 supercore
1 Aibo 220  :-)


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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2010, 05:53:49 AM »

I have actually asked Innvo this myself.  However I do know that the armpit skin has been strengthened.

I would love to hear their reply when you get one.  I know when Kermy is in the sleep position you can see and feel the "bones" in her neck along the top of her neck closest to where it joins to her body, so this is the area that worries me the most.  There seems to be plenty of excess skin around the arm pits and the tail seems ok too. 

What do you think of the paint?  Any wear and tear yet on Beta?  Kermy seems to be going fine on this front with no paint loss apart from a little flaky bit on her shoulder that was there when she arrived in the box.  She does seem to have rubbed off some of her toenail paint by scratching her own chin though just like Kermit did.  I used the pledge on her before hatching and I think this has helped.  I didn't use it on Kermit until she was a couple of days old and by then the wear on her skin had already begun. 

Also if Beta has reached the juvenile stage have you noticed a lot of burping?  Kermit burped a lot and then laughed when she was in juvenile stage and Kermy seems to burp a lot too, she doesn't laugh afterwords as much as Kermit did.  Just wondered if this was unique to some personalities or shared by all?

Has Beta walked yet?  If so how many battery cycles did it take?
And lastly what sort of personality does Beta seem to have so far?

Can't wait till you are able to share Beta with us more fully.  would love to hear about all you can share.


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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2010, 11:26:06 AM »

 Hi degers, I talked directly to Dotson myself this morning, he returned a phone call, and among other things concerning Pleo rb, he answered the question I asked about Pleo rb being able to recognize older Pleos, both Ugobe and Innova. He said yes, they still have the infared and will recognize and be able to communicate with them, but they are a little different because of the location of their speakers, and in his words, " HAVE TO BE DIRECTLY FACING THE OTHER PLEO." just thought you among other Pleo owners would like to know that.
            Good news to us all! ;D
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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 12:36:32 PM »

Wow!  Kat, thanks for the response!  Unfortnately because Innvo have given me the very kind oppertunity to help them out by evaluating rb, naturally if I had anything negative to say, I can't really discuss that here before I've talked it over with them, so it's a bit wierd not being able to share completely at the moment, but what I have noticed is:

*I am in Stage 2-Socialization Development at the moment, so not in juvenile yet, a little burping.

*The paint is much more durable!  I have given mine a good rubbing just to see how durable the paint actually is and I have only managed to flake a small amount off the back!  Not to say that people shouldn't take just as much care with this Pleo as their older ones...  Toenail paint seems to be the old paint, since the toenails get a lot of rubbing from walking, expect this paint to go almost immediately.

*The battery life is fantastic, very fast charges too!

*I would like for the hatchling stage to be sped up a lot.

I do hope that Hong Kong take my feedback seriously and work on it, my "first impressions" report was over 3 pages long!!

Overall, I am super excited, it's a great re-work they have done of Pleo and although they have a lot of gaps to fill, it could very easily be fantastic!

Haha I just hope they can raise enough profit to cover their international calling costs!  Over the last few months I have been on the phone with Derek Dotson at Innvo for over 8 hours! :O
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 12:41:51 PM by degers »


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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2010, 01:15:30 PM »

I guess I missed this new thread with all some of the info I was asking for before... Sorry.

But does anyone know about the gender question with the yellow ones?


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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2010, 04:47:22 PM »

Hey Degers,
Thanks for sharing. :)  
Kermy must still be in Stage 2 socialization too as she is still not accepting the ID card to learn her name.  Maybe tonight? we will see.
I have noticed that it only takes about 2 and a half hours to completely charge the battery and then I get between 2 and 2 and a half hours play time.  So the battery improvements are fantastic! :)
I didn't know what to expect with the hatching the first time around not having owned a pleo before so didn't mind the length of it too much but did find it a little frustrating waiting for Kermit to walk.  Kermy has progressed much faster than Kermit but I agree that the hatching would be better if it was shorter.

Overall I have loved every minute of my Pleo rb experience,  Even the leg issues with Kermit I have embraced in a positive way as it has allowed me to see a whole new personality in Kermy. :)  Also being a first hatch for rb's you expect that there may be the odd quirk or hick up.  So every experience is a positive.   Innvo have done a fantastic job ;D

I understand that you can't share much at the moment but if there is anything you would like to know about my rb then feel free to PM me as I am very happy to share my experience with you and if it helps with your feed back to Innvo then I am all for it.

PS. are you able to find out if it is possible to buy a second battery and the rest of the accessory packs for my Kermy before January?  I would really love to try out everything and a second battery is a must have as one play is just never enough.   :)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 04:51:42 PM by kat »


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Re: Pleo RB - Ugobe Pleo Interactions?
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2010, 08:02:52 PM »

I believe we were told that there would be no specific gender with the green/yellow Pleo RB. :-\

Really interesting posts - I'm chuffed to bits that the Ple rb SHOULD interact with the older Pleos, even if they do need more careful placement! Would love to hear that confirmed by somebody that's seen it, though.  ;D
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