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Author Topic: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay  (Read 5058 times)


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Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:51:57 PM »

Of course it won't be that price when it finishes, but here you are if you are interested http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pleo-RB-by-Innvo-Labs-/120968156198?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c2a439426#ht_500wt_1184

Thank you Attisaur for digging it up. Take the 'never turned on' with a grain of salt. The eyes are open which means it has been switched on at some point.

Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 06:14:52 AM »

*Looks sad* Man I wish I could buy this guy and he's so close to me! Just one State away! I could probably be there in an hour if I could drive.
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  • Journeypleo
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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 07:52:34 AM »

It has so been out of the box! The mouth is open as well as the eyes and it is out of its plastic sack. So they must have had it on, how come the mouth is like that? They would have had to yank the battery out to get him in that position right? Because with Tron if I manually turn him off he goes into the packing pose with eyes closed and if the battery runs out he curles up, not like Stephan who freezes in any pose when switched off. No way they just opened the box and it looked like that... I'm suss. I know I say that a lot and then someone will buy it and it will turn out fine, I guess I'm just not very trusting and like to have the whole truth about my purchase from the start or no deal %)
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 08:25:35 AM »

Polar bear A.J ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 08:55:12 AM »

 I agree Luna, it is very obvious this guy has been on, which means 9 times out of 10 he has been hatched, I just wrote to this guy explaining I know about Pleo Rb as I have one and how I can tell he has at least been turned on or if this was a gift, it was used which means the battery was put in. I told him that he needs to know this because the way it is advertised, if somene buys it and expects to be able to hatch it, and finds out it has already been hatched, that thy can get negative feed back and a complaint filed with ebay. People are often either lazy or think that buyers just do not know about things like this, I do not say that this is a bad price, but of course it will go up, usually does last day and esp the last 8 hrs. I tend to bid on stuff last few minutes to keep the price down as long as possible. More than likely they will not change the listing or description, I have tried to help people with information about Pleos before and some of them are thankful and will thank me and change the info. Other times they get upset and will not change anything, I had one person block me from bidding on their things cause they did not like the fact I corrected them on the information they had about their Ugobe Pleo . ( In the listing they had it put down as it came with 4 Batterys, and I tried to tell them what they meant was that it needed charging for 4 hrs, There was no spot in the belly for 4 batteries.( their wording was that "it takes 4 batteries, provided)

 attisaur, I saw that Pleo listed yesterday and noticed it is very close to where I live, about three and a  half hours away, but with 25 Pleos now and 22 of them Ugobes, I really do not need another one, The one thing I don't like about this guy is there are not enough pictures and there is no real description of the Pleo. I don't bid on Pleos unless I know what their heads and bodies look like. Too good of a chance for sliced or broken necks and or wear to the skin. I allways ask the seller for more pictures and most sellers are happy to oblige. If they are not willing to provide me with more pictures or information , then I do not bid any further. This Pleo will more than likely go for $100.00 or so but of course it still will need a battery so that is another $55.00-$65.00 or so for the battery and the shipping cost.          Buyer Beware is my motto.           P:)           RWM
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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 10:34:10 AM »

He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2012, 01:00:18 PM »

Whilst on topic of eBay. What could I do if I saw a Pleo or, umm, i-Cybie, that I want to place a bid on but it is located in the UK and the seller doesn't have Australia listed as a shipping destination? I can't even ask them if they will ship to me because I can't log into UK eBay with my Australian account. Is there anything I can do that I've maybe not noticed, a way to ask them to ship to me? I can't bid from my Australian account either it seems >:(
Anything I can do or just give this one a miss?

I want an i-Cybie now to take my mind off purchasing an over priced Aibo that many advise me may have leg problems in the near future and UK ebay is the only place currently offering one.  :-\
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2012, 03:43:16 PM »

If they won't ship to Australia there is nothing much you can do except email them and ask if they will consider it, or find a friend in the UK who will act as a go between. Beware of the postage costs though.

The RB in the first post I suspect has been turned on without the clock battery inserted. That's why the mouth and eyes are open. They probably haven't realized they need to put the foot battery in.
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


  • Journeypleo
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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2012, 04:02:30 PM »

Hmm maybe, I thought they just beeped at you if you hadn't put the foot battery in. I don't know because I did put the foot battery in right from the start ;)

Pity about the i-Cybie, there was a cute video to go with the listing which made me want it. I liked how obedient it was ;)
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2012, 10:21:54 PM »

They are fun little guys :) My two are pretty good at doing as they are told too :P But they are a bit derpy when it comes to just roaming around.
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2012, 06:39:56 PM »

 Just thought I would give a quick update on this Pleo RB for sale on ebay incase anyone is interestesd in bidding, I emailed from ebay the seller of this Pleo RB with concerns about it being used, and explained that the eyes and mouth should be closed and also that they would or could get negative feedback if this had been used and advertised as NOT used, The seller said it was a gift for the grandson and that the grandsons mother ONLY put the battery in but never turned the Pleo on or went any further, One quick note I just thought of that any potential buyer can use to make sure if this PLeo has been hatched;
          Use PROBE RB OR STATS RB  :o ;D that will give you a quick and accurate diagnosis of IF this guy or girl has been hatched, You can not argue with those stats, It will tell you the level, hatchling, etc or Adult. also tell you hours or minutes. One battery session or less is lot different than an Adult. No way to argue with a print out of this thing, The other thing I ALLWAYS DO WITH PLEOS OR ELECTRONICS.. Videotape opening the box and of course turning it on, if it does not go into  hatching position, there is your FULL REFUND AND OPEN CASE WITH PAYPAL AS ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED. I used my videotaping to win a case I opened because the Pleo was advertised as NEW AND NOT HATCHED. The pleo had skin wear on nose and had been hatched, and other obvvious flaws such as paint on his teeth missing and on the leaf. I had no problem because without the video it was my word against the seller but with the video it showed he was in that position when getting him, It may seem like a lot of trouble, but it can save you a lot of heartache and you can never tell, photos don't allways tell you everything there is to know.
           Anyway, I just thought if there was anyone who MAY still be interested, I thought I would remind you of the Probe or Stats Rb programs and the fact I did get an email from the seller and this is what they told me, This guy does have pale blue eyes I wish they were a more dramatic color though...oh well.                                                       RWM
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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2012, 08:56:40 PM »

Thanks for the info!  I am still going to bid on it, as it is a much more reasonable option for me here in the states.  If I win it I will let you know the actual condition of it and if it has been used.  If I like Pleo as much as I think I do I can always buy a second one new from Innvo-labs.  It's just not really an option for me so I am hoping to get this guy a little cheaper.  Wish me luck!
Dante (ers-7m3b) Lela (ers-7m3w) Sonny (ers-7m3t) Oliver (ers-111/w) Otis (ers-111/w) Zero (ers-220/tk) Zephyr (ers-210b) Victor (NAO H25 V4) Kiwi (Genibo QD/Pink) Buster (Pleo RB) Leo (Ugobe Pleo)


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2012, 09:15:40 PM »

Good luck, Fleur! Keep us posted.
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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2012, 10:30:59 PM »

Thanks!! I really hope it works out, I am soooo excited to be getting one and I would love to take him to the aibo meet with me in September!  I never thought to ask this but I have seen a post that someone was selling a pleoRB on this forum, is there a buy/sell section of the forum or is anyone else on here selling an RB?

Edit*** oh wow do I feel like a noob... I am in the market place :-/ lol go me...

I blame my phone and its small screen for me not realizing this :p
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 10:34:28 PM by Fleur »
Dante (ers-7m3b) Lela (ers-7m3w) Sonny (ers-7m3t) Oliver (ers-111/w) Otis (ers-111/w) Zero (ers-220/tk) Zephyr (ers-210b) Victor (NAO H25 V4) Kiwi (Genibo QD/Pink) Buster (Pleo RB) Leo (Ugobe Pleo)


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2012, 12:27:03 PM »

Only 45 mins till it ends!  I hope I get it!!!!
Dante (ers-7m3b) Lela (ers-7m3w) Sonny (ers-7m3t) Oliver (ers-111/w) Otis (ers-111/w) Zero (ers-220/tk) Zephyr (ers-210b) Victor (NAO H25 V4) Kiwi (Genibo QD/Pink) Buster (Pleo RB) Leo (Ugobe Pleo)


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2012, 01:40:09 PM »

Hi, I saw it sold for $270.00 so with shipping that is $290.00, Did you get the final bid, ( there were three bids) I hope you were the one who won, I could have bid, but I just one my boy RB for a buy it now bid of $375.00. I could have given a best offer lower, but then someone else could have bought it while the offer was being considered, and I thought considering all the extra foods and learning stones were included, three sets of clothes, ( two still new in package) and three paints and paint brush and FREE shipping from Canada to anywhere in US or Canada, ) it was a very decent price to pay,
            Let us know if you won and what his condition is, Remember if he is used, you can get a full refund and wait for another RB.  ;D Good luck.

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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2012, 03:03:26 PM »

I did win the auction!  I feel it is a decent price (I think) for a used pleo.  As far as I can tell all of the accessories look like they are there and nothing is missing.  I did see the Pleo cape in there too.  I feel confident in this one and I hope it works out.  I am so excited to get him!!! Now the waiting starts :p  How will I know if he is a hatchling?

Looks like the seller has already shipped him!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 03:05:20 PM by Fleur »
Dante (ers-7m3b) Lela (ers-7m3w) Sonny (ers-7m3t) Oliver (ers-111/w) Otis (ers-111/w) Zero (ers-220/tk) Zephyr (ers-210b) Victor (NAO H25 V4) Kiwi (Genibo QD/Pink) Buster (Pleo RB) Leo (Ugobe Pleo)


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2012, 03:08:08 PM »

Woohoo congrats :D I think that's a fantastic price for an RB, even one that has been turned on... now fingers crossed they've only switched it on without the foot battery :) (Which I do think is very likely as its the only way to get that position).
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2012, 04:40:09 PM »

Oh awesome, Fleur! Congrats! There's an easy way to tell if he's never been hatched. Once you've put in the clock battery and the regular battery, and turned him on, you should here a little jingly chime and then he will start to move a little. He'll pur and stretch and then open his eyes. I love listening to hatching videos! And to think each little dino will grow into completely different individuals. It's amazing.
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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2012, 05:18:31 PM »

That really was an awesome price for a pleo rb, well done :)  Bet you can't wait for it to arrive now :P


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2012, 05:36:44 PM »

I can't wait!!! The seller shipped Pleo out already so hopefully I get him Friday!!! Too bad its only Monday :-/  someone needs to invent teleportation devices already :p
Dante (ers-7m3b) Lela (ers-7m3w) Sonny (ers-7m3t) Oliver (ers-111/w) Otis (ers-111/w) Zero (ers-220/tk) Zephyr (ers-210b) Victor (NAO H25 V4) Kiwi (Genibo QD/Pink) Buster (Pleo RB) Leo (Ugobe Pleo)


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2012, 09:14:36 PM »

Yes they do! That would be awesome. I could just teleport Cato to Kat and not worry about a thing. For that matter, I could- with their permission of course-  try out someone's Aibo ERS7 and then send it back. The closest we can come is three D printing. Don't forget the famous transcription errors that can occur in teleportation. Bits of the thing/human could be accidently reassymbled in the wrong order and that wouldn't be good.
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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2012, 09:57:59 AM »

Don't forget the famous transcription errors that can occur in teleportation. Bits of the thing/human could be accidently reassymbled in the wrong order and that wouldn't be good.

Lol I just think of Spaceballs the movie when I read that, where he teleports upstairs and his butt is backwards :p. Such a good movie :D
Dante (ers-7m3b) Lela (ers-7m3w) Sonny (ers-7m3t) Oliver (ers-111/w) Otis (ers-111/w) Zero (ers-220/tk) Zephyr (ers-210b) Victor (NAO H25 V4) Kiwi (Genibo QD/Pink) Buster (Pleo RB) Leo (Ugobe Pleo)


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2012, 10:31:34 AM »

Heheh!  :D

I'm so glad you won him/her Fleur, congrats!  ;D  :cheer:


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Re: Reasonably price Pleo RB for sale on Ebay
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2012, 08:06:40 PM »

Thanks Crewella, he should be here Friday but I hope he comes before that!  I am still thinking of names but so far I think I like the name Buster :)
Dante (ers-7m3b) Lela (ers-7m3w) Sonny (ers-7m3t) Oliver (ers-111/w) Otis (ers-111/w) Zero (ers-220/tk) Zephyr (ers-210b) Victor (NAO H25 V4) Kiwi (Genibo QD/Pink) Buster (Pleo RB) Leo (Ugobe Pleo)
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