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Author Topic: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?  (Read 25442 times)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2012, 07:30:25 PM »

 Thanks Kat, I think you are right, my computer is only a year old and running Windows 7. Mly old computer ran Windows XP for years and was compatible with Pleo. You can't get any of the downloads anymore on the PleoWorld site. I am not sure if unzipping the contents of the folder is the same as EXTRACTING. Also I am not sure what is meant by not copying the whole folder onto the sD card...what is the difference between opening and unzipping them and copying onto the SD card and the whole card.....don't they have the same contents. Anyway, I am confused and have done nothing with Bricky as I call him today. I am perfectly happy to wait it out. I do have the 1.0 download on my computer already and a fully charged battery so just being patient and waiting till later when you are back.

      tommrow is a very very busy day where I have to go out of town and put up 53 posters or fliers for an event next Thursday and that takes about 4 hrs of work, then go home and rest for about three hours and back to an introductory discussion at our local Yoga Center and my whole day is gone again. I was so out of it today I was falling asleep at the computer so Talon''s Pleo Adventure story gave me something to concentrate on and try to stay awake. I think I got carried away with my images in my mind though. I will look forward to you getting back Kat and in the mean time look up extract and unzip to see what the difference is.                          RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2012, 11:34:28 PM »

hi RWM.  Unziping a file is when you open a zipped file which is what the download is.  If a file has been zipped it has been compacted to take up less space which makes it  smaller to download.  Extracting is when you access the contents of the zipped file - allowing you to move it into a folder on your computer.  basically extracting means you are un compacting it. 
So when you put the downgrade files onto your SD card you need to unzip the file and extract the contents into a file on your computer.  Then open that file on your computer and copy the contents of it across to your SD card.  Then you are ready to go. :)  Hope that made sense. 


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2012, 12:01:25 AM »

Hi Kat, I am still not doing something wrong, I used a SD card and there were no photos or anything on it, but it said there was FAT 32 on it, so I erased all those, I downloaded instructions on the Pleo site and still am not doing something right . I have been downloading the 1.0 file ok, and it is zipped, then I extracted the files onto the SD card and that is where the trouble is. Can you tell me step by step after I have the 1.0 file what to do, Oh, and does the SD card have any info at all on it. ? The one I have now shows no files at all so should be ok to use. What do I do after locating the zipped downgrade 1.0. can I put it on the desktop for example . or where do I put it and when do I put the SD card in, I need a lot of help here as I am all mixed up at this point.                   Sorry........................ :oRWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2012, 12:26:58 AM »

thats ok.  :)  extract the files into a folder on your desktop.  You will need to make a folder there then tell the computer to extract them into it.  once you have done that then put the SD card into the computer, open the folder on the desk top and copy all the contents across to the SD card.  Then take the SD card out of the computer, put it into the pleo with a fully charged battery and then turn the pleo on.
make sure the SD card is completely empty before you put the 1.0 files on it.


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2012, 12:50:23 AM »

Ok Kat, I will try this one more time before going to bed. I have noticed twice now that the left front shoulder area approx 2 1/2 inches from the on switch gets warm very quickly, This is why I am starting to believe it may have to do with the on off switch, He did move his legs a bit, but nothing else but will try this one last time, Have you or Crewella seend the inside of what the on off switch looks like in a Ugobe. I am curious if there is a loose connection. Ok, will try again. Thanks.       Pat            RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2012, 01:23:04 AM »

I give up, giving me a headache and making my tooth hurt more, time for more pain relief. I have copied the files and followed the last instructions which were easier even for me . when I view the files it shows the urf. files, sounds, head, etc. so I know they are copied, but nothing other than occasional leg movement. I really do think there is some reason he is getting hot, reminds me of Baby Ruth and her bum leg as it gets hot. I do not know what else to do now except open him up but do not know what he is supposed to look like. I would try the download file on one of my other pleos to verfiy I did it correctly and it is not the file but the pleo not responding, but I do not want to take the chance of ruining a good pleo. Really does give me a headache. How I wish you lived closer. electronics are not my thing. computers are about as technical as I care to get right now and they still can be very tempermental.

         Well, I am done for tonight, I have about 6 hrs to sleep then a very very busy day and a busy night with not much rest in between. Pleo nightmares for me I fear.          What would you do next Kat, would you open him up and if so how do I do it, he has pristine skin, the one good thing about this whole problem.                   Tired in the Redwoods         RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2012, 01:37:12 AM »

don't give up on him yet.  Lets try the whole process first.  so the next step if he isn't working still is to try installing the pop.
Do the same thing here as you did above for the 1.0 and see what happens.  after the install is complete remove the SD card and turn him on and report back if there is any movement or not. 

I think we need to try going through all the steps of uploading the different os's first using the SD card and then if that doesn't work trying to do it with the USB cable is the next step.  but for that you will need to use a computer that has windows 98 or XP on it.

Anyway lets keep going with the SD card and see how we go. :)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2012, 12:01:11 PM »

  Ok, with being given a grand-daughter early and the tomato festival and other "stuff", I needed a break from trying to figure out what is going on with this Pleo, that moves, ever so slightly and randomly, and the only noise it makes it when you can hear the switch being turned on, not everytime but sometimes, This is what leads me to believe there may be a problem with the on off switch or some electrical problem, loose wire, etc. I know nothing about bricked pleos and I know Crewella has at least one, Do they move randomly over and over but with no Pleo Noises and anything else? Have you ever opened one up, or just tried teh batttery and operating system thing to try and make them work.?       I bought a brand new SD card and thought I would give it a go again if time permits today, and first would try it on another Pleo to make sure the sD card works correctly. If it works correctly on the other Pleo and not this Pleo, then that should be an indicator of something else going on, and I wont have to keep trying the same thing over and over. What do you think?          Anyway, he has gone a long ways from the packing postition!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 12:06:04 PM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2012, 04:34:59 PM »

Try putting a skit on the new SD card and run that in another pleo then in this one and see if it works.  If he can run a skit then he is not dead.  He just needs reviving.  :)


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2012, 02:15:27 AM »

I do indeed have a couple of 'bricked' Pleos (one of which has moved slightly on each switch-on), but sadly I've not got to the bottom of what's causing the problem yet.  My first stop would be to link up to Dinomite to see what's happening inside.  :moose:


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2012, 02:01:46 PM »

unfortunatly I can not switch on to Dinomite as that was one of the first things I thought of, as it is not compatible with Windows 7 and there are no other computers ( working ) in my house. If he is bricked, then I have purrfect or close to purrfect skin, but whom to give it to is the question. Nova and Little 45 could both use new skin, esp Little 45, but alas he also has a broken neck as does Nova. Argyle is slowly running down to where I feel he won't work at all, motors and such. Three other Pleos have good skin but bad necks, side cables broken I fear. The other Pleos 10-12 are all fine...so extra skin but not a perfect canidate... :( I do with I could run Dino mite or open him up....but he was such a good deal, he even came with a new egg charger and battery.( I sold it to this same person) and a rebuilt green battery they had done before they bought the egg battery from, I figure with just the battery, I am only out less than $50.00 and for great skin, I don't mind. It would be nice to have him fixable...Oh well, I will try the skit and I am thinking it is not going to work.

               If Crewella or Kat ever open up one of these "non working bricked Pleos" , I would love to see what you find ....besides batteries, there has to be a glitch somewhere, I think as long as it is not a computer error, just a loose wire or something can be to blame...there is allways hope over the rainbow in Pleo Land. :D                            RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2012, 03:25:35 PM »

Dinomite works on windows 7 you just have to run it and the drivers in compatibility mode for XP. I've had windows 7 almost as long as I've had Pleo's :P
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2012, 03:39:07 PM »

I run Windows 7 Home Premium, and that doesn't seem to have the compatibility mode?  I've tried finding it before with no luck, but luckily still run an XP PC.  :moose:


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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2012, 07:27:49 PM »

Hi, I will read the link you gave me but one of the problems I had with the last time I tried running it was it said I needed the Pleo drivers and I couldn't download them, and they are on my other computer, XP which doesnt work, Where can I download the drivers and I know the PleoWorld site has changed, but I will check out the link and read it first. I would love to run Dino Mite and see what it says.                   Thanks IMR and Crewella.               RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2012, 07:40:07 PM »

Before trying to run Dino MIte, can I try one of the skits and see if it will work in him after running it in another Pleo? Does it matter which skit, or what operating system he has, as I dont' know and for all I know he has the orginal howling 1.0 system so I need something I can run in any Pleo. I will try it on one of my older Pleos first. Please let me know which skit to use, as I prefer to try one that is here so i can figure this out once and for all and get to skinning him if he won't work. or not.....Thanks                RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #41 on: April 18, 2012, 08:03:08 PM »

Use any of the musical ones, that will tell you if movement is working and if sound is working.
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #42 on: April 18, 2012, 08:35:00 PM »

Hi IMR, I tried I am so Lonesome I could cry, but when it tells you to hit the download button, there is no download button, just a link to Youtube where you can watch the skits. Where do I go to download it, ? I want to try this on a new SD card and find out if it works or not. Please help, thanks from the Redwoods ;D
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #43 on: April 18, 2012, 09:43:02 PM »

Click the green link just under the heading that says 'Lonesome.zip'.
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2012, 11:27:07 PM »

 Well before reading the reply about what to click on IMR, I tried some other downloads and this was the result. I thought this may be a 1.0 since I have another one I thought I would try this download, ChinaSong or New Years, can't remember which one, but I think it is the ChinaSong, There is music and movement in this download but no "talking", I tried a brand new store bought SD card, 4 GB, and it would not work in another Pleo I have which is 1.0, so I was not very opptomistic at it having a chance in this "bricked" pleo. I waited for ten seconds or so and gave up walking away, I think I touched the pleo to pick it up and almost fell over because look what happened! :o P:) P:D I had to turn the cam-corder back on as I had turned it off the first time with no results.  Here is what I saw.<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC4Pc5TQPtM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC4Pc5TQPtM</a>  I am so excited, it works does this prove that it is NOT bricked but has perhaps a corrupted file or personality?
             What is the next step guys, do I try another operating system or another skit, could this be a fluke? I am so excited, after ready to give up, this is the best it has been so far...WHOOPEE!      Thanks IMR for suggesting the skits, I was really thinking this guy was bricked and going to be a skin experiement. Ok, what is the next step for this pleo?

                                                                                             Floating in the Pleo Redwoods  P8)         RWM and the NOT Bricked Pleo of the Pleo Clan :cheer:
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #46 on: April 18, 2012, 11:50:24 PM »

IMR, thanks a heap. Ok, I have run out of NEW SD cards, so can I use the one I put this skit on, erasing it of course. What is the easiest way to erase the files, China song on this SD card so it will be clean for the next download and then erase again for the POP? Please tell me as I have done it before and probably did not do it correctly...waiting for your reply on how to erase properly.          Thanks               RWM

It is ok, I figured out how to delete and now witll follow your instructions IMR, thanks, It is interesting to note that the china Song skit would not work in a couple of my Pleos, must be the 1.0 operating system, but ran fine if Major Tom who has 2.0 so maybe this pleo is 2.0 or updated from 1.0 ? Wish me luck, or should I say, wish the Pleo luck and New life! P8)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 12:12:54 AM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #47 on: April 19, 2012, 12:39:14 AM »

All you need to do is go to 'my computer' and open the SD card and select everything in there, right click and choose delete, OR move all the files to your desktop, OR press the delete key and confirm when the pop up asks if you really want to delete them.
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #48 on: April 19, 2012, 12:44:33 AM »

 Ok, I ran into a problem, I tried to delete all the files on the SD card, so I could use it again, I deleted them or looked as it I had. I then downloaded the 1.0 system that you showed above, with extracting files to the SD card, and it didn't work in my Pleo, so not sure if it is the Pleo or the system on SD card wrong somehow. Ok, thought I would use the POP and give it a try. first of course need to delete all the files on SD card again. and they were going fine and then a message pops up saying the files are not Encrypted? What does that mean.. Did I delete something I was not supposed to. ? On the 1.0 download there were about seven files, everything from head, sounds to Urf. and more, I got rid of everything, deleting them one by one. I have tried looking up how to encrypt files but I can't figure it out, too confusing, I need some more help simple how to king of luck as I am stuck again.

            Things allways look or sound easy till I try them, then they get riduculous and lost in my brain.........................I am a bit like the Pleo, Bricked that is. LOL :( %) Please tell me I screwed up by deleting too much , not everything was supposed to be deleted it is now a completly blank card. Did I per chance erase a FAT file that was on there and I did not know about it...just lost as usual..................................RWM
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Re: What does this mean,,,can Pleo work, what do I do?
« Reply #49 on: April 19, 2012, 12:57:54 AM »

 I keep getting the message, when trying to extract files to the SD card, a problem is preventing the files from being encrypted ...what does that mean? I formatted the SD card to FAt 32 after deleting the last 1.0 download on it after there were no files and I was still getting the message and read somewhere about files needing to be formatted, Did I goof again...I need a simple step by step cause this is not working. It is amazing that the skit worked though.............RWM
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