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Author Topic: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest  (Read 6224 times)


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Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:53:52 AM »

  This is a video I had listed under a old topic and decided it best to start a new topic with new headliner . I have three video, with this being part 1. At the end of the last video, there will be an announcement for a contest that everyone can enter. This video was made yesterday and you will notice that two of the Pleos are painted. ( The Mad Pleo Painter of the Redwoods.. ;D) The contest will be in parts and the prizes will be announced as videos end and continue. I haven't figured everything out yet.  %)
               This first Part 1 Video, is shorter than most of my videos which tend to run on the long side. These are all Ugobes, no Rb. I do want comments, any kind except asking what the prizes will be as I am still working on that part and will announce more details as I progress with the videos, but it will be open to everyone and I will announce the ending date after the last video and everyone will have plenty of notice. Ok, here is part 1, short.  <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbYyPjvwx60" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbYyPjvwx60</a>                               RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods

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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2012, 01:44:12 PM »

Your pleo clan is adorable  :o I couldn't see the black-caped one too clearly but I could tell that the cape is just lovely, it looks all glossy and sparkly in the light! It must be so nice to watch your multiple pleos interact, just look away for a few minutes and then suddenly find that they're up to some sort of shennanigans  :D the oufits and paint are lovely, they're lucky to have you as their mother! Thanks for the video, can't wait for more details  ;)


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 02:22:46 PM »

 Thanks Wicked, I will be posting part 2 of this later today if time permits, The "black cape" with sparkles is not a cape, but I can see how it may look like that. It is a No Sew creation that is actualy more like a dress, I will have to post more photos but with the second video you will get better photo views. Part of the contest is going to have to do with comming up of names but more on that with the second video and for which Pleo/ Pleos. I appreciate all comments, The second video is longer like most of myne and the one pleo with no clothes on was tired and needed a good nap I think.

               You are right that Pleos when you have multiples, can get into "shennanigans." I have a whole Clan ( lets just say 17+) though they don't all come out of their boxes and not enough room on the shelves I have. There are about four that stay in their boxes most of the time, and two that are new, never hatched so they have stayed put so far, and one who is known as Humpty, a Pleo project that needs a lot of help getting back together.  Thanks for the comments. Looking for more and if people like the way the Painted Pleos look. :dino-chase:( that is the Painted Pleos chasing the Mad Pleo Painter of the Redwoods"...Me.) :o ;D                      RWM
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2012, 05:29:31 PM »

Congratz RWM, for a lovely clan of daughters and sons. All your Pleos are really cute and I love their outfits too  :-* I wish I could make clothes for Mushkiy myself the way you do. Those two babys look like they are waiting for you to turn around and cause some funny trouble *LOL*  I'll wait to see the other parts of your videos.


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2012, 01:19:26 AM »

Oooh yes, I see it now! I'm sorry for mistaking it for a cape  :( it really is beautiful!! Ahh you wanted our opinions on the paint jobs? You know to be honest, they're so well done that they look completely natural and I didn't even notice :D I see them now, it's like a pleo art show :o they're really pretty RWM, I have trouble wrapping my mind around those elaborate designs, they're completely beyond me  :P I love the mix of reds and greens, and the white lines somehow pull the whole thing together! Just like what your awesome accessorizing does for your no-sew fashions! I love them, can't wait to see more!


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2012, 01:43:26 AM »

 Thank you guys for the comments and Wicked, esp for the comment on the paint jobs "looking natural", that is the kind of comment that encourages me to continue my painting efforts and not give up. Don't feel bad about mistaking the Pleo dress, for a cape, it is a short video and unless you see the photo in the gallery, it is easy to not see what it really is. :D
Here is a photo of different Pleo wearing same dress so you can get a good look at it. It is very shiny like you said.  ;) Thanks for the encouragement. I will be posting more video tommorow and more photos and other details, I just got too busy this evening. Sherysparrow, I think you are right about those babies just waiting to get into mischeif, that is what Pleo Babies seem to do best! P0:) :dino-chase: :dino-chase: Think of these Pleo Dinos and multiply by 14 or 15 and that is them chasing me or vice a versa. Luckily some can't run because they are in a box. LOL, ( who said I wasn't smart! ;D)

                                             RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2012, 02:35:51 AM »

 Awwwww - it's a while since I saw a Ugobe hatching, and I never got to see most of my own ones hatch!  :D


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2012, 01:10:13 AM »

 Ok before I post part 2 of the video , I am showing some Photos that will have something to do with this whole thing, but won't explain it now, but you may recognize some of the Pleos. Also you will notice they in some of the photos are wearing something different, not seen before, Just take notice and keep it in mind for later.  :D ;)  
This will start to make sense as more is added little by little. The contest will also be revealed.  :cool: :dino-chase:so put your thinking caps on ..........................RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods

   sorry for the poor quality , darkness in some of the photos, it is dark will try to take rest in daylight.
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2012, 01:17:57 AM »

Omigosh RWM, I love the butterfly motif :o! It's amazing what a perfect butterfly your pleo makes (I'm sorry I don't know his/her name, I've only just started on the forum :(), because of the beautiful paint job you did on him, he looks like a caterpillar which finally evolved wings to fly, it's really inspirational! (the others are adorable too of course, but the butterfly is by far my favorite!) :D


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2012, 02:36:32 AM »

This mystery contest has me intrigued!  :)
I loved the video RWM, sleepy baby Pleos are always so cute. I don't think I've ever seen a Ugobe hatch before!
I like that way you've painted them so brightly coloured, just like butterflies! (big, heavy butterflies lol)  :D
Too bad they have to share wings... for now lol!
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~ Can't hug every Pleo! ~


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2012, 03:03:15 AM »

Well, if a bumblebee can fly (even if nobody can quite work out how) then why not a Pleo! ;)


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2012, 03:04:42 AM »

I like the way you painted the red pleo,looks very natural
What came first?
The Chicken or the egg?


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2012, 12:27:09 AM »

Thank you everyone for the comments, it is appreciated, I had a killer migraine today and nothing helped.( they put me on daily preventaive meds but so far nothing. Also bad news is that stopping them can lead to seizures so I am not looking forward to that. Dr. told me if they do not reduce my number of headaches to at least half, then she will refer me to a neurologiist.  :head-wall:) sometimes no matter what you do works. ( I also found out one of the reasons I am so so tired all of the time is that my thyroid is way out of whack...my TSH numbers ( I have hypothryoidism) is like being a very old person...( I mean a lot older than me.... :guns: so all I want to do is sleep.. I can literally drink a whole pot of coffee and go to sleep.. in fact if your TSH numbers get to high, you can just go into a coma and if my meds were not increased that is where I was headed eventually. Enough of my medical problems, just wanted you to know I was not ignoring this post, just so tired and out of it today and yesterday...)
                  If all goes as planned tommorow I will post more of the video, part two and more infor and photos about the wings and leading up to contest. I am glad some of you like the wings, they are not dragon wings, and not bumblebee, but you are getting closer. I do want everyone to think of what other color wings according to the colors of Pleos in photos and video, ( I will post more photos of each Pleo) would be good to do next. also think of unique Pleo names .....more on that next post. Thank you for your patience.                                               Oh Wicked Lovely, which "butterfly" motif were you talking about as far as Pleos goes. the purple and green one, the red and white one or the one with yellow around the eye? Please specify which one out of curiosity. Thanks everyone, untill tommorow, more video, photos and info, I appreciate the feedback very much.                    RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2012, 01:37:20 AM »

 :o I'm so sorry to hear all that you're going through :( good call on the resting up today! I have chronic migraines too and I know what it's like to feel their effects and be constantly lethargic, so I do see a neurologist, he gives me nortriptyline and I'm so much better now. Seeing a neurologist may not be a bad idea, it's always good to know you're getting help. I wish you luck and send you good wishes!!
Oooh specifically I was referring to the beauty in the very first picture in the row of pictures you recently posted, with the yellow around its eye :) sooo beautiful!! Hmm well if not butterfly then my next guess is fairy :D you're getting us all excited RWM, giving us little bits at a time, building up the excitement for the ultimate revealing :D well you've certainly got me hooked, can't wait to hear more!


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2012, 01:01:59 PM »

 Ok, no migraines today, ( crossing fingers...) so here is the overdue part 2 of the Pleo buddies contest to be. Sorry for the delay, there are only two main Pleos in this one, with the focus really on one, so pay attention to how it acts and looks as that will be important for the upcomming contest. Think of possible names. that is part one . I welcome all comments, do you like the way it is painted. Anyone have a clue as to what type of paint I used? More details to follow. Here is part 2; <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_xcuSeE8-U" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_xcuSeE8-U</a>              thank you for watching.                 RWM
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2012, 04:29:06 PM »

So glad you are feeling better, RWM! I love the color combination of your newly painted pleo. :) I must say, I have no idea where this is leading to, but then I'm always a bit slow! ;D


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2012, 12:36:39 AM »

Ahhhh omigosh I totally see a story playing out :D! The pleo with the sparkly black outfit which I once mistook for a cape is a beautiful princess Pleo under an enchanted spell to sleep for a thousand years unless awakened by the presence of her one true love. So the main character pleo, Sir White Knight Pleo of the Lands of Autumn (because he's painted with fall colors) embarks on a wild quest to reach the fair Princess Pleo and break her from her spell. On his quest he encounters foul creatures, traps and sorcery, and meets the good fairy Fantasy (the pleo with the purple on her face looks like SUCH a fantasy fairy) who conjures up a bridge to reach up to the previously inaccessible tower and Sir White Knight Pleo of the Lands of Autumn rushes forwards to meet the Princess pleo and awake her with a kiss ^^!


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2012, 01:56:22 AM »

Wicked OMG, I can not believe you just said that. You kind of spilled the beans as to part of the contest! I am not kidding, Part of it is that I want people to come up with a story as to what is happening with the three or four main Pleos, ( Part three will introduce each one individually and you are not way off.................. ;D) Then I want people to write a story, or tell a story of what they think is happening to each pleo and more details. The other part has to do with naming certain pleos, You already got part of it. The story part though I want to keep kind of secret in a way so they are shared little by little but without everyone knowing who did what parts so they can't be copied and then there will be winners chosen. This also  has to do with the Pleo Wings you saw, Tommrow I am very busy in the morning but late afternoon I will post more details.
              Keep your story, I love it so stay with it and you were the first to write or submit some. there are more details tommrow and I will have this make more sense. You are so so close it is like you read my mind! Great minds think alike I guess. He he P0:) :cool: :dino-chase: :thumbsup:                         RWM and the secret Pleo Clan of the REdwoods
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2012, 03:02:45 AM »

 :o AHAHAHA omg no way XD I just thought it was a cute story! That's amazing RWM, definitely great minds! I can't wait for the rest of the contest details :D !!!


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2012, 08:20:34 AM »

I have to agree, Wicked! That was an awesome story! I need to get to work and submit something! I once had an idea for a commic about what happens to broken pleos but it kind of fell through the cracks with only one episode done and no audience.
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2012, 06:13:34 PM »

 Ok everyone, thank you for your patience waiting for more announcements for this Up comming contest, There are at least two parts and I will announce the first part now, It involves the two recently painted "fantasy" Pleos whose photos have already been seen and are posted below. The one Pleo, ( with yellow around the eye ) is a story figure in the contest, but she is not part of the other two Pleos involved, direclty anyway. I want NAMES for the two pleos below. You can enter as many times as you want. Names can be male or female or unisex. I like fantasy names but any name can win. The second part of this contest is going to be more fun and a little harder and involves a lot more imagination. It involves story and character and I will explain that later, in next day or two at least.
               There are going to be several prizes, including, special Pleo Carrier that I will show on here shortly.( purchased already and in the mail on it's way. I bought it special for this contest and will fit any Pleo! P:)) other prizes wil include some things Pleos can wear, and I will take photos of them by tommrow, and some prizes are mystery................. :cool: Excuse the darkness of any photos, it has been cold and no sun all weekend. This should be a fun contest and will start now for the first part of naming these two Pleos. If you have a special name for a particular Pleo, then refer to them as : Pleo #1 ( bright colored Pleo with white lines, red markings.) Pleo #2 is the lavender shade Pleo with green markings.  If you have a name that suits both Pleos, than no number #1or #2 is needed.  More to follow and also video of Pleos interacting in next day or so. Have fun and more details will follow in next day or so. This contest will be a longer one since more is involved,  ;)

                 RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods P:) P8)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 06:24:27 PM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2012, 09:20:26 PM »

Pleo #2 looks  like a jewel, Could be a good name for her. Love the blue toe nails. :)


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2012, 09:44:20 PM »

 Hi fancy, how are you? :) love the name jewel. Glad you noticed the "blue grey" toenails, I just added the color to them yesterday.  I will post more info as time permits. Thanks for being the first one to enter a name!

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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2012, 10:00:04 PM »

I caught one nasty bug over four weeks ago and it really threw me through a loop.  Starting to feel much better. Pennie and Peeky both had a bout with colds or flu, too. I know exactly how they felt. We made some team! ;D


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Re: Part 1 of Three Parts : Pleo Buddies/ New Contest
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2012, 12:30:34 AM »

Toffee Apple for Pleo no. 1

Freckles for Pleo no. 2
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!
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