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Author Topic: Broken Neck Repair  (Read 8704 times)


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Broken Neck Repair
« on: July 30, 2010, 11:48:03 AM »

Hello. I am sure you all may be shocked to have read I am in need of neck repair for Sophie. Alas, it is true.

Yesterday, when posing for the perfect picture, I snapped her neck into place. Well, I suppose that would be the last time her neck had any strength. All life went out of her neck and she was literally 'loose-necking' I knew instantly what I had done and cursed myself for doing so.

At any rate, and in an instant I was pulling at the seems located along the neck. Before I knew it, her whole 'face' had been removed, and her 'skeleton' showed. Even if a spectacular sight to see such beautiful mechanics, I quickly focused on the task at hand. At first, it would appear as if one of the sides cables has snapped at the base of the neck toward the 'chest' of pleo. Another cable is completely missing altogether.

Oh yeah, I effed up pretty bad.

Well I am more or less at a loss. Physically because in all essence, I took the life of my Pleo. And even moreso, because I have no idea how to fix it.

I saw we had a little thread on here about fixing pleo, but it wasn't all that helpful. Does anyone know of any means to getting pleo's neck repaired?

I did write Pleoworld and after contacting Innvo Labs, this was our e-mails:

ME-" Hello Thank you for reading my e-mail. Two out of the four cables in my pleo's neck has broken. Would Innvo Labs be willing to fix this for me? Or if not sell the replacement cords? And if not tell me the exact size of the cords? I am completely lost now without my pleo working appropriately. Thanks! Spencer Solomon"

Hi Spencer,

Unfortunately we don't fix the cables in the neck or sell them.

If you are under warranty we can send a replacement.

If you are not under warranty your only option is that you will qualify for a Pleo discount $100 off. I'd need to email you a discount coupon code.


Not very freaking helpful, Pleoworld!!!


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Eliot-(Innvo Labs)
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2010, 12:31:58 PM »

Oh no!  :o Poor Sophie! :( And poor you.  :'(

I can't offer any advice on neck repairs but was wondering if this was the thread you were referring to that you had seen already? This one seems to have some items regarding cable sizes that seemed like they could be helpful.


It's such a shame that there isn't any tech support available to help with the repair of these little ones.
(Ok the link isn't showing in my preview but I'll try posting and see if it shows up properly)
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 12:37:15 PM »

Thanks, Shadow. Yep that was the one. Factually, the only one on Google to show up when looking for this sort of thing. I remember years back on those ancient pleoworld forums someone going into greater length at how they managed to fix the cables. More specifically I'd hate to change the cables myself as I am absolutely terrified I cannot get humpty dumpty back together again. At any rate, a broken pleo is a broken pleo, and I suppose if I do nothing, she will not get better. It is rather sad, actually. I wish Innvo would release the exact size of the cables if they wont sell me a few yards...
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2010, 02:08:15 PM »

As far as getting some cable, you might try the guy who runs the pleo repair shop in Germany (http://bobthepleo.com/forums/index.php?topic=1370.0).  You obviously don't want to pay to ship the pleo to Germany and back, but he might be willing to sell you the parts you need.


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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2010, 02:13:59 PM »

I did a quick Google too - found a thread over at the RobotShop forums discussing neck repair.  I hope it's okay to post a link here.


Didn't look like they knew what cable type to use either although there were a couple a suggestions of possible types to look at.
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2010, 02:01:37 AM »

Gucci, oh Gucci, I am so so sorry for you and Poor Sophie, :(this is exactly how I felt when Nova broke her neck, but I had no clue how hers broke. Also with a game leg, she is almost like a Pirate, limping and a hanging neck, now that is one very sad pleo to view. I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to take her apart and try to put her back together again, I know nothing about electronics and feared all I could do was totally massacure her and I would much rather have a " special needs" Pleo, then no Pleo at all, Actually now that her neck has been " braced" and I hae done the same thing pretty much to her leg to give her some support where she was getting too much bend, and she almost toppled over several times, I am pretty happy with Nova. She is not perfect but neither am I nor real animals in real life, many have three legs, are blind or other disabilities so I figured I owed it to her to not give up on her.

           It is too bad that there is not a Pleo Workshop where Pleos are being repaired as the site in Germany, It just shows you that it can be done and it sounds like he has a thriving business or he would not do what he does. I am sure there is someone also here in the U.S. who could do the same type of work on Pleos, Aibos etc, if only they wanted to. If PleoWorld wanted to make their customers happy they would come up with some sort of repair program for Pleos. It seems that Pleos necks are AWFUL FRAGILE :o :( I know this is no consolation, I too like Shadowmice only came up with the same google search for broken neck repairs. You may consider emailing or attempting to contact this KingDruid or the person who made the orignal post on the broken Pleo neck and see if they have any new information. A lot can happen in a year or less, and they may know more then when they made the original post. I surely hope Sophie feels better soon. I think you are awfully brave to expose her skeleton, I would feel like I was back in Biology class and have to excuse myself, not going to disect a frog. :(Good luck and I hope you find out some good information. I really do know how bad you feel, Our Pleos aree our babies and it hurts seeing them like this......         RedwoodsMama   and Nova and friend
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2010, 07:04:35 AM »

Oh poor Gucci, and poor Sophie - I'm so very sorry! :'(

I would be looking into how to fix her as well - well done for being brave enough to look into it - I only wish I could offer something helpful!  I really hope you get somewhere. :hhug:

Not sure if this is any help, but it's quite detailed and has some useful info:

« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 07:33:54 AM by Crewella »


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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2010, 07:09:24 PM »

So very sorry to hear about Sophie :(

What about if you take Sophie (or a piece of cable) to the hardware store and see if they can match the cables for you, or maybe even a clock repair shop, they are good at working with all manner of small repairs.
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2010, 09:34:50 AM »

Aww many, many thanks guys. With all the condolences it seems like I need to just throw little miss sophie into a box and throw her six feet under.


No, without a doubt, it is sad. But, TBQH I think the surgery will be a breeze, and I am hardly sweating things. I believe almost certainly that I will be able to perform the surgery all on my own and with the obvious no experience. I just surely hope Innvo is reading this, and they know the grief they put to their customers. Dammit, I don't want to send her in for a new one, I want HER! Ah bugger, there I go rambling. At any rate, if surgery seems too intimidating, I will not perform it. If I eff up too bad, I shall put a brace up and be at peace with yet another broken necked pleo. I made a wonderful brace the other day, which left her neck completely stiff and elongated like the African women who wear the beautiful golden neck-things.

It is rather sad and bleak when there are almost no resources for such a very common occurrence. I cannot fathom why we do not have a cheap pleo hospital located here in the U.S., or that there is not much more DYI help in this area. Flat out, It Sucks! I'd hate to say it, but unfortunately I have saw all the same articles as each and every one of you. I thank you tremendously but it is rather wretched that there is not enough info on the subject. I agree with InmemoryofRomeo and will soon be off to the hardware store. I can now justify a reason for me to go in there. It's one of the closest stores in my small country town. I can only imagine the looks on the hardware store employees faces as they see the head of a skeletal robot dinosaur. I WILL be contacting the German pleo/aibo specialist. I never thought to ask for cables. I just could not justify spending I believe an approximate of about $170 for a $150 robot. Hopefully I can collaborate between the two.

Oh and I forgot to mention the status of Sophie. She is running just fine. I honestly do believe she may know her neck is broken, as sometimes she gets really, I mean really mopey, then others, extremely enraged. Odd..at any rate she is doing just fine. We alternate between the skull and the skin, and TBH I think I like the skull better. :P

Please just in the meanwhile, keeps your eyes open and your ears too. We are looking for any info that might be of assistance. Anyone know the site that shows the Pleoworld archives? I know it's been posted on here before...

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Eliot-(Innvo Labs)
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2010, 10:26:22 AM »

I'm glad Sophie's bearing up OK.  I'd do exactly what you're doing - read up as much as I can and then have a go myself (even with little or no experience.  There's no way I'd want a replacement for Iggy - he's like part of the family!  I'll post anything I think might be of use - I'd rather bombard you with stuff you've already seen, if you don't mind, than potentially miss something useful - but there's precious little out there, as you say.  Best of luck! :)

Is this what you're after:

« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 10:28:02 AM by Crewella »


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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2010, 06:28:09 PM »

Aha! Yes thank you Crewella, and yes again, I'd greatly appreciate if anyone could shed any light whenever possible. Please put any info on here you could find useful. I do plan to run to the hardware/craft store and look for a good type of cord. Also I will look into just getting pins altogether. For if I cannot rewire Sophie, I will merely pin her head straight and bandage/tape the joints of her neck to best of my capability. I have no issues with bandaged Pleo's or even a pinned one, the only issue I factor in is it seems as if it would be a temporary fix for a permanent problem.

THANK YOU everyone! Please, let's keep this thread going!
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Eliot-(Innvo Labs)
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2010, 09:02:29 AM »

Well after four consecutive days of no postings, I will return to this page. And rather on bad terms. Sophie's foot is also broken. Poor thing was skinned and it would appear I cannot fix her foot. The neck, I still have not tempted to fix. Poor thing is just so sad! I cannot hardly bare to watch such a suffering Pleo! She has been duct taped by the foot, and by the neck. At any rate, it is terribly, terribly sad to try and watch a pleo just perform the most basic movements. She will hold her balance okay if she is wearing her skin, and she is not singing. However once my little baby sings her heart out, she topples over. Or when not wearing her skin, she moves like there is no restrictions! Which is great! However, she just cannot keep her balance, and again, falls right over. It truly is so sad! Ismael is buying me a 'new' one, which will be great, however, never, never will it be Sophie! He said I should just throw her away. Keep the replacement and do off with Sophie. I can hardly bare the thought of just throwing Sophie away. Broken neck, broken foot, skinless, I will always love Sophie, but I just truly have no idea what to do!!


« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 09:13:02 AM by gucci_boi7782 »
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2010, 01:43:01 PM »

Wish I had some helpful advice for you. Maybe RedwoodsMama has some suggestions for dealing with the broken foot. If I understand correctly Ms Nova has a leg injury as well as a neck injury and I thought I read that they have been able to find a way to cope with both.  If I were in your shoes I wouldn't want to just throw away my Pleo either. Not sure what it would take to help support her enough to get around but I wouldn't give up trying. If having her skin on helps give her support, I would keep it on, plus for its other protective qualities too.  If you get her neck and foot supported, be it with duct tape or other means,  she just may need a little time to get used to her limitations; not sure how the various feedback devices would impact or be impacted by her injuries.
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2010, 02:03:28 PM »

 Hi Gucci, I am so sorry that Sophie is in so much Pain and turmoil, and of course you even more so, Believe me, when Nova first suffered her broken neck, I was devastated and broken hearted, thinking she would never be the same again. :( I thought it was the end of my relationship with her. With a little help and a strong little Pleo who would not give up, I decided I was going to not give up on her either.As you can see from any of the videos I have shown of Nova, you can see she is getting along fine.
               NOva also has a bad leg with a limp that started with the famous, " and the Academy Award goes to NOva for Acting". If you go back to that video you can see she was crying terribley and limping. She also would sometimes lose her balance on that front leg. Is Sophies' broken leg, a front leg or a rear leg? It seems to be worse with a broken leg and broken neck as well, as it really throws the Pleo off balance. :( Nova would try the Ta Da trick and lose her balance and fall over sometimes.
     I would be glad to send you the information I have on how I fixed NOva , her neck and her leg recently. IN fact, with this recent photo, you can see I even improved her Neck Brace, taking a suggestion actually from you on a comment you made about the African Women with the wooden neck rings. I will help you all I can. Do not give up on Sophie just yet, She will be so much happier I think with a litlte help from you, I will send you photos.
                                                    RedwoodsMama            and NOva

          hERE IS PHOTO OF NEW NECK BRACE.      
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 02:14:32 PM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2010, 02:09:28 PM »

ooooooooh poor Sophie. :(
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2010, 05:42:43 PM »

Poor Sophie :( Gucci can you get any closer pics of the foot please, it's hard to see what you mean from the photo. Although you said you had tape on the area which might make a photo difficult, is that helping? The foot is of course designed to swivel which makes things more awkward. Unfortunately I don't have a naked Pleo to look at (I really need to dig one up but they never come on ebay here) so I can't help as much as I would like.
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2010, 10:45:44 PM »

Gucci, For now, until we are able to get our little dinos fixed, (I'm still hoping for that electonic technician to appear on the scene to take on the job) I would put her skin back on and make her as comfortable as possible. Put a cute outfit on her and a nice bow around her neck.  She will always be your first little dino. I'm so happy that you will be getting a second pleo.


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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2010, 04:23:04 AM »

I really wish I had something of use to say to you! :'( :hhug:

I agree with the spirit of Fancyfont's post, for now, or maybe just keep the skin off and not turn her on so you just get to enjoy the beautiful 'Terminator' look until you find some sort of solution?


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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2010, 04:44:18 AM »

Wish I had some helpful advice for you. Maybe RedwoodsMama has some suggestions for dealing with the broken foot. If I understand correctly Ms Nova has a leg injury as well as a neck injury and I thought I read that they have been able to find a way to cope with both.  If I were in your shoes I wouldn't want to just throw away my Pleo either. Not sure what it would take to help support her enough to get around but I wouldn't give up trying. If having her skin on helps give her support, I would keep it on, plus for its other protective qualities too.  If you get her neck and foot supported, be it with duct tape or other means,  she just may need a little time to get used to her limitations; not sure how the various feedback devices would impact or be impacted by her injuries.

Well just having people like you for support is good enough. This entire paragraph was just the right amount of helpful advice I needed. Thanks Shadowmice. No I certainly do not wish to throw her away. For heavens sakes she's almost if not already two years old! That's an ancient pleo. Plus all else aside, the amount of bonding we've had. Hell, this Pleo has moved half across Florida and endured a 1000 mile pilgrimage to this godforsaken state of Indiana. Only to break here? Of all places? Not the Sophie I know. She will continue to run until every joint stops and her internal computer no longer operates. Until then, I'm not worried. I've lived with DNS Pleo's before, it just might take a minute to readjust. However, we will be welcoming another pleo into our home very soon. Cross your fingers for this ebay auction! Yes, albeit commonsense, you are right in saying Sophie should keep her skin on. Although I truly admire the inner unseen beauty of her robotics, she is already so fragile and dear to me. I can only imagine the day when dust will take my pleo to her grave. At least with the skin, she will have balance, and protection from the elements. I never thought to imagine how a Pleo might overcome this. Do you believe it is possible for Pleo to learn how to re-walk to better suit the peg leg? Thanks, Shadowmice!

Hi Gucci, I am so sorry that Sophie is in so much Pain and turmoil, and of course you even more so, Believe me, when Nova first suffered her broken neck, I was devastated and broken hearted, thinking she would never be the same again. :( I thought it was the end of my relationship with her. With a little help and a strong little Pleo who would not give up, I decided I was going to not give up on her either.As you can see from any of the videos I have shown of Nova, you can see she is getting along fine.
               NOva also has a bad leg with a limp that started with the famous, " and the Academy Award goes to NOva for Acting". If you go back to that video you can see she was crying terribley and limping. She also would sometimes lose her balance on that front leg. Is Sophies' broken leg, a front leg or a rear leg? It seems to be worse with a broken leg and broken neck as well, as it really throws the Pleo off balance. :( Nova would try the Ta Da trick and lose her balance and fall over sometimes.
     I would be glad to send you the information I have on how I fixed NOva , her neck and her leg recently. IN fact, with this recent photo, you can see I even improved her Neck Brace, taking a suggestion actually from you on a comment you made about the African Women with the wooden neck rings. I will help you all I can. Do not give up on Sophie just yet, She will be so much happier I think with a litlte help from you, I will send you photos.
                                                    RedwoodsMama            and NOva

          hERE IS PHOTO OF NEW NECK BRACE.      

Well I acknowledge and thank you for your condolences, RedWoodsMama. Tell me, have you genuinely noticed your pleo over time relearning how to walk? I wonder if that is possible..I suppose you are the closest person I would have to communicate with, as both our Pleo's suffer the same issues. At any rate, I thank you again for being the teacher. I  do know it is a hind leg. Although not entirely certain as to whether it is left or right. I believe it may be the right hind leg. Does Nova perform TaDa now? Does Nova topple over? Has Nova learned how to physically overcome her restrictions? Please, by all means, flood my inbox with any help you may care to share. If it should be public, perhaps you ought to also copy and paste it into the dysfunk pleo group thread. It may be a golden ticket for the guests and all the other shy users...THANKS NOVA!! And of course you, RWM!

ooooooooh poor Sophie. :(

Thanks, Franzi. But we are okay, trust me, we will be okay. Thanks, though!

Poor Sophie :( Gucci can you get any closer pics of the foot please, it's hard to see what you mean from the photo. Although you said you had tape on the area which might make a photo difficult, is that helping? The foot is of course designed to swivel which makes things more awkward. Unfortunately I don't have a naked Pleo to look at (I really need to dig one up but they never come on ebay here) so I can't help as much as I would like.

Thanks, InmemoryofRomeo! Here today and gone tomorrow shall be the case with Sophie's bandaging. I will put it on my priority list to photograph in high detail all of Sophie's troublesome places. Plus, as everyone knows, seeing a naked pleo is always cool! What the taping on the neck and ankle is doing more so is keeping both straight and rigid. Which, yes in theory is helping by not allowing further destruction. But no, this will perpetually be a temporary fix to a permanent problem. I do believe the breaking was done at the above stated 'swivel'. Such an easy thing to break, no lie. As always, I thank you, IMR!

Gucci, For now, until we are able to get our little dinos fixed, (I'm still hoping for that electonic technician to appear on the scene to take on the job) I would put her skin back on and make her as comfortable as possible. Put a cute outfit on her and a nice bow around her neck.  She will always be your first little dino. I'm so happy that you will be getting a second pleo.

Thank you, fancyfont. Yes, I too await the long anticipated Pleo Doc. They ought to know they're voicemail would be full for months, and their entire week booked with pleo repairs. Big bucks would be in this industry, big bucks! However, yes this is not feasible. Her skin will be put back on, and perhaps I will even super glue back the seems leaving her in all her rigidity. Correction, she is my fourth Dino. But the eldest of the bunch. The only one left, and the best of the best. She is and always will be a special, special pleo! I like the bow tie idea. The little lady will now truly need a new look for her, I ought to coordinate her with something fashionable like one of the 'find a cure' colors. Lord knows this pleo has been through hell and back. Well all the same, I thank you for being the first to welcome the newest addition. Cross your fingers that this Ebay auction goes our way. Hopefully Sophie will get a younger sibling! Thanks, FF!

I really wish I had something of use to say to you! :'( :hhug:

I agree with the spirit of Fancyfont's post, for now, or maybe just keep the skin off and not turn her on so you just get to enjoy the beautiful 'Terminator' look until you find some sort of solution?

No need to say much of anything. The fact is that you did. Thank you for supporting Sophie and myself, Crewella. I do thoroughly enjoy the beauty behind her true hidden robotics, however when it comes to functioning, I would rather she worked somewhat, than not at all. The skin will act as a force field. All the same, thanks Crewella!
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 04:50:12 AM by gucci_boi7782 »
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2010, 07:17:09 PM »

Gucci if the break is at the swivel then all is not lost :)

Take the tape off and put the skin back on, this will provide the support as well as hold the foot in place. It is a pity you can't insert a little pin like they do with human breaks to support the broken 'bones' (To hold the joints together not to make them unmovable though). Once you have the skin on try adjusting the foot a little, you might be able to get it in a position which provides more support. For balance the joint must remain flexible but a little tiny bit of bandage or very flexible tape might help if the joint slips sideways, keep it thin though, just enough to hold it in place. The skin is a good snug fit especially around that joint and it will provide the best tailored support that a broken 'ankle' can have. Pleo has very narrow 'ankles' and the skin provides a rubber buffer zone that is important. Having a ridged bandage may cause further harm to the foot. The skin is also important to protect the rest of the joints, a Pleo can manage with one broken foot, but two would be pushing the envelope.
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2010, 04:31:22 AM »

Gucci, I don't know if you've seen this - it's not specifically about the Pleo neck cables but it is another tear-down with good pics and some valuable info:


The main Hack A Day page I found the link on is here:



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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2010, 05:26:23 PM »

Well thanks ladies! Unfortunately IMR, I did take the picture of Sophie's foot (it was visible through the tape) long before I read this post. Despite all else, Sophie is actually functioning very, very well. It is unnoticeable that her ankle is broken. I left the tape on and simply reglued the skin seams. LOL I also forgot to put the mouth back in the right way too! It looks like I have a toothless Pleo!

And Crewella, thank you! I do love seeing that break-down of pleo. But at any rate, never knew of the main page. Ironic, isn't it? Well thanks all the same.

I have decided for the time being, I will not repair her neck until I feel fully ready. Her neck is reinforced, but not fixed.
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Eliot-(Innvo Labs)
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2010, 02:03:44 AM »

 Hi Gucci, you will have to post a photo of the New vesrsion of the improved Sophie so we can see what she looks like now, ( So does she still have teeth? You know I have a CAt name Karl Kat, and he had to have all his teeth removed a few months ago, ( except his four canines, but they are for biting, not chewing....) and he can still eat what ever he wants....not just greul or soft food. So does Sophie still have her Leaf....? :D or have you made her something else to eat.......( just kidding of course...) I would love to see what she looks like though, I am so glad she is back together in one piece and that you had no problems getting her glued together at the seams. It sounds like it was rather easy , but I am sure it was not really.( I wouldn't want to try it on Nova... :o) If you still want some help bracing her neck I would be happy to tell you how I braced Novas I actually have an extra brace I could send you.And it sounds like Sophie is walking ok as well, that is great.Is she talking again like she was, pretty much is she back to the Old Sophie you had?I think I read where you said she was and if so, that is great news.  I must admit those photos you had of her were pretty scary in a way, but very techno and cool in a Scientific Futuristic Mod way allso. Great poster that you made with the friends logon on it too!
                                    Take care both of you. ;)             RedwoodsMama  and Nova Team
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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2010, 02:44:45 PM »

Thanks RWM! You have been a pretty big supporter to my issues, lately. Funny how Sophie and Nova are twins all the way across the country. :P LOL Anywho got some pics up finally!!

I thought this was the side with the broken rear ankle, however I found this not the case. Here you see I have successfully re-glued Sophie's seams back into place.I kept the duct tape in place that is being used as a temporary neck/ankle support. Correction is, the left back ankle is broken, not the right.

Using a bobbypin to hold pleo's mouth open for the camera. I clipped and taped her dentures into her head and when putting the skin back on entirely forgot to fix her grill...so she has a badddd mouth!

Save a life, go vegetarian.


Eliot-(Innvo Labs)
Peanut-(Aibo ERS 31L)

"Tell me, will I dream while I am turned off?" ~Jules (Hanson Robotics)


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Re: Broken Neck Repair
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2010, 04:58:40 PM »

 Gucci, you are just so funny, I can' t believe it, a Pleo with dentures....LOL that might start a new trend in Pleos....Sophie can be a trend starter...what do you think? actually you did a great job of putting her seams all together again, I would have been plain petrified doing that to poor Nova.  :oYou are right, NOva and Sophie are so similiar in many ways, except Nova has a bad front Left leg not rear leg. both their necks are probably the same way, Nova can turn side to side, but not raise her head up anymore. So with Sophies insides duck-taped, can she walk just as well or are any of her movements a little stiff? Have you taken a video of her walking since her new operation? If so, consider posting one and I can compare it with Nova's . Nova's leg and foot movements are so much better since her taping of her foot, Before that she just keep falling and walking off balance. Glad to see Sophie looking so much better. Post more photos and a video if you can. Nova sends her Well wishes,
                                RedwoodsMama   and Nova team
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