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Author Topic: Cute things your Pleos did?  (Read 10618 times)


  • Hatchling
  • Posts: 8
  • de Female
  • Pleo(s): Nessaja
Cute things your Pleos did?
« on: June 08, 2023, 11:54:39 AM »

Hi all,

I just wanted to start this open thread to collect any cute things your Pleos did or are still doing. Every Pleo is different and it seems like each Pleo has it's own little quirks and behaveours and I'd love to know everything about it. <3

Starting with Nessaja:
- Nessaja is currently running LifeOS 1.0 (the very first one) after I had to downgrade her from LifeOS 2 for the 2nd or 3rd time.
For some reason, Nessaja never wants to eat. Instead, she wants to play with her leaf. All the time. From the moment I turn her on untill I switch her off - She shakes her entire body like a  puppy and asks me to play with her.
- As soon as she spots something green she gets really excited and wants to have it immediately.
- I once picked her up to bring her into another room. While I was walking from one room to another she suddenly got into a sitting position (I didn't even know that's possible with LifeOS 1.0) and stayed like that untill I tried to put her on the floor. The audacity! She became the saddest and most unloved Pleo on earth and I had to pick her up again.
I wonder if ther's some sort of cuddle mode...?

What about your Pleos?

Greetings from Germany,

Apollonia and Nessaja.   


  • Cycad leaf fancier
  • ** Posts: 32
  • gb Male
Re: Cute things your Pleos did?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2023, 03:14:30 AM »

Hey - thanks for joining in and trying to keep  the forum alive ... like our Pleos  ;D

Is yours an RB?  I have bought one recently but stuck on a red-light LED despite having a good battery .... no one on the Fb forums seems to have a solution.  I haven't run my Ugobes for a while ... sadly - they are cute .... I'm waiting for some small capacity sd cards to see if I can get my RB to run a skit - who knows.



  • Hatchling
  • Posts: 8
  • de Female
  • Pleo(s): Nessaja
Re: Cute things your Pleos did?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2023, 07:14:44 AM »

Hey - thanks for joining in and trying to keep  the forum alive ... like our Pleos  ;D

Is yours an RB?  I have bought one recently but stuck on a red-light LED despite having a good battery .... no one on the Fb forums seems to have a solution.  I haven't run my Ugobes for a while ... sadly - they are cute .... I'm waiting for some small capacity sd cards to see if I can get my RB to run a skit - who knows.
Hi there,

you're welcome. ;) It seems like the forum is asleep since it was offline a few weeks ago.
My Pleo is a Ugobe and I don't have any RB experiences to report but I would take a look at the battery compartment to find out if something is corroded or anything and try to measure the battery voltage with a specialised device I don't know the word for... Is it a multimeter?
Anyway, if the problem persists it could be a software thing or something hardware related that has nothing to do with the battery.
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