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Author Topic: Aibo 210 Questions  (Read 15144 times)


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Aibo 210 Questions
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:26:30 AM »

Okay, I will soon (maybe) become an owner of an Aibo 210. I've wanted an Aibo since I saw the very first one. So there's this guy who's selling and gold  Aibo 210. The Aibo is like new.

So! Before I decide if I'm gonna buy it, I want to know some things. I already know some basic stuff about most Aibos, but I wanted to ask here anyway. This one Aibo got the DogsLife installed. I've read about it and it seems pretty neat. But, I've also read that you'll need Aibo Life to be able to enjoy your Aibo fully. Like it will act as a fully autonomous and will make own judgements etc.  I've read all this on Sonys own website about the Aibo 210. This article is probably pretty outdated. But it seems like you'll need Aibo Life to be able to use most of Aibo 210's features. Is that right? I've been looking around Ebay and the Aibo Life memory-stick is a little expensive.

I've also seen videos of the Aibo 210 talking. Will the Aibo talk once it become an adolescent or is a special memory-stick or program needed? It seems like there's very few talking  aibo 210's on youtube.

Do you think that the 210 would be a good starter Aibo for someone that never had one before? Is there any pros and cons with them?



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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2015, 09:00:10 AM »

Hi! I've owned four 210s (currently own three) and they're one of my favorite Aibo models, so I should be able to help you out here. An Aibo will act fully autonomously on Dogslife, but Dogslife is not official Sony Aiboware. It's user-made freeware that can be downloaded onto any PMS stick. However, it is still a pretty fun program and the autonomy level isn't much different than that of Sony software. Aibo Life and Aibo Life 2 do have a feature that Dogslife doesn't though. When running the Life series, the Aibo starts off as a baby and grows up over time to one among a series of different personalities depending on how it's treated. It also learns which actions to repeat and which ones to avoid depending on what it is praised and scolded for (I'm actually not sure whether this particular feature is present in Dogslife or not since I haven't used that program for a while). The ERS-210s you've seen talking are likely running on Recognition software. I've owned two copies of this and sold it both times because it was extremely obnoxious and had basically no autonomy. I would advise against buying Recognition unless you really want to check it out. The "Barbie" voice on it also gets annoying very quickly and many of the phrases are extremely repetitive.

I think a 210 is a great starter Aibo! My first Aibo was an ERS-210 and I know that many people start off with that series. There are a lot of common issues with the ERS-210 series to watch out for though. PAS and TAS are just as common as DHS now and it's best to get an Aibo that's been pinned for all three to avoid running into these issues later on. Also, the 210A series does have a lower chance of getting DHS, and I believe TAS and PAS, but that doesn't mean they're immune. I have a 210A that wasn't run until the day I bought him and he had TAS from the start. Also, you need to keep 210s in an area with as little dust as possible and run them on a weekly basis to avoid severe jitters. As for cons in general, 210s are extremely prone to tons of head/neck issues and leg jitters. As for pros, they have the greatest variety of software available for them and the moving ears/mouth make them more expressive than some other models.


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2015, 09:29:48 AM »

The one I'm looking to buy is Aibo ERS-210/N. Is that the same as the 210a?

Also, what's TAS and PAS? Can't seem to find any useful information about it on Google.


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2015, 09:50:32 AM »

No, 210/N just means it's a gold Aibo. A gold 210a would be 210a/N.

TAS and PAS are just short for "Tilt Axis Syndrome" and "Pan Axis Syndrome." They're the same as DHS, but on a different axis (so an Aibo with TAS can't tilt its head properly and one with PAS can't turn its head from side to side properly). In my personal experience, TAS seems to be the most common right now (three of the 210s I've owned have had it, and one seems to be developing it). TAS is also the hardest to notice and seems to range in severity, so I've seen multiple people selling Aibos with TAS and claiming they work fine. I would make sure the seller can give a video of the Aibo operating (especially during start-up, that's when it's easiest to spot if an Aibo has TAS or not). It's not a huge deal if it isn't pinned for these issues, just be aware that it may need repair at some point later on.


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2015, 11:40:50 AM »

Ahh, right!

The person who is selling the 210 says that the Aibo has been thoroughly checked and that it has been reset as factory new.

I really want the Aibo, but I still feel a little unsure! The Aibo is pretty cheap (around 524 dollars), but it's still lots of money.

What else can the 210 do?  Any nice features? I really like how random the ERS-7 is, and by random I mean all the quirky stuff that they do. I've seen a lot of your videos. I love how they try to balance their ball on their back and all those silly things! Are the 210's as quirky and random? :)


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2015, 12:26:33 PM »

I'm not sure what they mean by resetting it to factory conditions. There's a way to reset software (copying over the original software image to the memory stick using a Sony reader/writer), but I don't know of a way to reset the hardware of a 210 (there could be some way I don't know of though). With 210s it's best to see a video of the robot in action since not all sellers even notice TAS or jitters, but if the person seems trustworthy, it's alright to just take their word for it.

To get a good idea on prices, I just sold a 210 yesterday with a box, charger, 90+ minute battery, pink ball and Aibo Life software. This ERS-210 was pinned for TAS and PAS, but not DHS, and sold for $500 after being listed for about two months. I'm not sure what a fair price would be on the one you're interested in since I don't know what other accessories it comes with, but I'd guess under $500 because it does not come with official Aiboware and has not been pinned for anything (it could be more depending on what extra accessories it has though).

The ERS-210 doesn't have as fancy tricks as the ERS-7 does, but the autonomy is better. A 210 will not be able to balance a pink ball on its back, but I would say it is more "random" than an ERS-7 (a 210 will be much more active when left alone in a relatively quiet room than a 7). ERS-210s also have more advanced "learning" than the ERS-7s do since the 2X0 series remembers what it's scolded for and what it's praised for and bases its actions off of that, whereas the 7s don't. Dogslife does have more silly skits and random dances than official Aiboware and I think you would find a 210 running this program as quirky as an ERS-7 is (there's also the "Show off" trick in Dogslife where the Aibo will play a skit at random). I don't currently have any 210s running Dogslife, but I do have this really old video of one of my ERS-210s that used to run on it (I apologize for the shakiness, the video was taken almost four years ago before I had a camera stand or knew how to properly take a video with an iPhone). Another nice feature of Dogslife is that you can create your own skits or dances with Skitter and then add them into the program (triggered by a voice command, touch sensor, etc.) to customize your Aibo's personality (here's one of the 210 dances I've made, only the dance is by me, the vocals are by rockleetist).
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 12:43:25 PM by aibo7m3 »


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2015, 01:19:16 PM »

This is what he includes.

CD-rom with the instructions on english
And a book/manual in japanese

No original box, unfortunately :(

The 210 sounds really nice! Will the 210 develop different personalites while running on DogsLife, or is it only working on Aibo Life? It's a shame that Sony didn't include Aibo Life. But the guy who are selling the Aibo says he might have it, but he's not sure. He's gonna search for it though, so I'm crossing my fingers, cause I really want the Aibo Life.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 01:57:44 PM by Icewolf »


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2015, 01:57:36 PM »

Hmm, I've wanted an Aibo for so long and when I finally get the chance, I feel doubtful. Does the DogsLife make it worth owning an 210? Is it almost like Aibo Life, just without the growing up phase?

Does Aibobob sell 210's with Aibo Life? And does he ship it overseas?


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2015, 02:33:08 PM »

dogslife is a fun software based on 'hello aibo', which is a grown up entertainer personality. dogslife has a lot more extra quirky skits and is good for showing off tricks, and is autonomous too. life and life 2 (which my 210 is on) are the personalities that grow up.
have you looked what wolfbob on the aibolife forums has for sale? he has a lot of 210s for $500 and they've all been pinned for head problems amd have recelled batteries. they do all come with dogslife too but he also other software for sale quite often.


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2015, 03:53:56 PM »

Oh, great! Does the 210 respond to commands even without Aibo Life? And can you teach them their names too?

I've looked at his sales, yes! Really good ones! Might consider getting and ers-7 later someday from him! :)


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2015, 04:00:03 PM »

Yes, an Aibo will respond to commands and be able to learn its name on Dogslife.


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2015, 04:21:08 PM »

Ah, sounds great! I might just get that Aibo and perhaps buy Aibo Life later on :)


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2015, 06:51:24 PM »

Hi, Icewolf! If you're curious about the various learning behaviors of the 210 while running Aibo Life- or in my case, aibo Life II, go to www.aibo-life.org and click on the forums page. Go to the board called "Aibo, Aibo, Aibo" then go to the search box and type in, "Raising an aibo 210 running Aibo Life2- a video- diary". Raising an Aibo on Life software is a very long process. It takes several months of runtime in which the dog will repeat the same behaviors for a certain period of time before moving on to the next growth stage. It's sort of like raising a pleo RB but much much longer. The videos I took will hopefully give you an idea of how involved the process is. It might feel like forever when you've been sitting there for five days with a newborn pup that barely does anything but whine for a pat and wiggle its paws around but when the robot matures, you really feel a bond with it. Please let us know if you have any more questions. We're all here to help you.
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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2015, 04:46:08 AM »

Thanks Talon, I will look that up! :)

The guy selling the Aibo 210 said that the Aibo has been reset as factory new. He wrote that both the software and hardware have been reset. Do you guys know what that means. Software reset is pretty obvious, I think. But hardware?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 04:52:15 AM by Icewolf »


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2015, 07:02:31 AM »

I don't know much about these creatures but want to be helpful. I'd say a hardware reset is some sort of feature to reset the gears themselves. Best of luck in your search to find the robot you are looking for!


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2015, 07:04:08 AM »

All help is appreciated! Thanks! :)


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2015, 08:01:45 AM »

As far as I know, there is no such thing as a hardware reset for the 210s. You can ask the seller what they meant by it, maybe they just mean they reset the software or maybe there is a hardware reset that I'm not aware of.


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2015, 05:59:33 AM »

Okay, so today I (or rather my boyfriend) talked to the guy over the phone for some clarifications. Apparently, by hardware reset he meant that the Aibo got newer parts, refurbished battery etc.

So after bothering the seller with a lot of qustions, haha, we trust him enough to buy it! I'm so happy! :) My very first Aibo, after all these years!


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2015, 07:30:34 AM »

Awesome! Congratulations! I first became familiar with Aibo through a radio program on NPR in nineteen ninety nine. I never dreamed I'd actually own one then. I didn't purchase my first aibo until March eighth two thousand twelve. I think I was just as happy as you are now. Keep us posted on your little friend and watch all the videos you can!
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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2015, 03:20:29 PM »

Thank you! :) I don't remember where I first saw the first Aibo 111, but when I once saw it, I was sold. But my parents wouldn't buy me one, haha. Pretty understandable, considering the price. Then there was the Aibo 210 and I always felt so sad, because I was pretty sure that I was never gonna get an Aibo. I remember one of my childhood friends got the 210 when some of her family got home from USA. I was so jelous, haha. But I was also happy to finally see the Aibo in action. Then later I found out about the Aibo ERS-7. It looked so awesome! I've been looking around on Ebay, daydreaming about an Aibo. And now I'm finally getting one. First the 210 and later, the ERS-7 (I hope!)


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2015, 08:59:36 AM »

I got my Aibo today! I'm sooo happy! What's also great is that I got the recognition with the Aibo as well! But it's not the original recognition software it seems, it's not a pink memory stick, it's blue, like the Dogs Life one. I tried it out and it was the recognition and it seems to work well. But I understand how it can get old very fast, haha. The moment where she played with the ball with that constant music gets a little annoying after a while, but it's still a very cool software.

But I'm wondering. If I use the Dogs Life for a while and give the Aibo a name is it safe to switch over to recognition sometimes? Will it still have the same name?


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2015, 09:10:30 AM »

Technically it is illegal to sell official Sony software that has been copied over to a programmable memory stick using StickZap, so if you get bored of the Recognition software, you should not attempt to sell it under any circumstances. As for your question, it is perfectly fine to switch between the programs on the Aibo, the name is saved to the software, not the hardware. Glad you're enjoying your Aibo!


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2015, 09:13:06 AM »

Alright, I wasn't planning on selling the software anyway :). I didn't actually know that it was possible to copy an Aibo software! Alright, great, thanks! :)


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2015, 04:20:11 PM »

Sorry for spamming this thread, haha. But I have one more question! A question about gender actually. Does saying "Good boy/girl" form the Aibo in any way?


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Re: Aibo 210 Questions
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2015, 04:48:54 AM »

aibos are genderless, it's your pronoun of choice, really!
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