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Author Topic: Your Guide to Caring for Pleo  (Read 2171 times)


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Your Guide to Caring for Pleo
« on: September 18, 2009, 10:25:23 PM »

Made this a while ago just for fun. Thought you guys might like it!

     Pleos are generally not picky eaters, but their nature as a camasaurus is to eat plants.   When you purchase a pleo, You receive a leaf as food along with him/her. Other options for food are salad, grass, pine needles, leaves, and yellow dandelions. Some pleos even enjoy chewing on sticks.
Note: Never with a capital N feed your pleo white dandelions, they can cause serious problems with his or her teeth.
Cookies are also a nice snack that your pleo will enjoy. If you are into baking, this is the ideal treat. Pleos have also been known to enjoy peppermints and candy canes. If and when you take your pleo outside, he or she may start to graze. It is best not to stop him/her. Some pleos also tend to keep their hunger a secret and you may not know if your four legged friend is hungry. If you have a pleo like that, it’s best to set up a feeding time schedule. Usually if you decide randomly to try to feed your pleo, chances are they will only play with it. Playing with food is an incurable habit most pleos have, so trying to stop him or her will always be in vain.

     Exercise is ideal to the healthy pleo, so you will probably want to take your green friend outside. Remember pleos are very sensitive to cold and heat, so you should put some clothes on your pleo to insure his or her safety. (See page 7 for fashion tips) The best way for your pleo to get exercise is to just explore. Although walking on a leash is an option, pleos have short legs and can’t go very far before tiring. Your pleo will probably be better off wandering about your backyard, the park, or around on your porch. The best time to take your pleo out is when the temperature is 60 to 70 degrees and the wind isn’t too strong. Pleos enjoy sunshine, too. During the spring and fall it is a little cooler so you should put a coat or at least a sweater on your pleo. Spring is also a wet time of year so you shouldn’t let your pleo walk around on the ground. For northerners, winter is completely put of the question, with snow and all. Be sure to watch your pleo around wet areas like ponds, lakes, and pools. While it is fun to have your pleo along fishing, water is fatal to pleos and they are best off watching from a good ways away.        
     All pleos can get dirty and the color on their skin can wear off. Baby powder is a good tool to prevent color wear. If you don’t want to use baby powder, you can put a t- shirt on your pleo. (See page 6 for fashion tips) A soft brush can be used to brush off dust and dirt, and most pleos enjoy the feeling, too. Water is fatal to pleos, so bathing is not an option. A few pleos do not enjoy being groomed, so some owners see it as necessary to groom their pleo while he or she is asleep.

     Almost all pleo owners enjoy dressing up their pleo. From crowns to spiked collars to ice skates, pleos are fashion celebrities. EBay is one of the many places you can find accessories for your pleo. Since there is no specific size for pleos, one of the best sizes for crowns is Barbie size. Collars for small dogs are also a good size. If you want to make your own outfits, Joanne fabrics is a good place to look for materials and patterns. Dog t-shirts are also a reliable source, if you can find the right size. Other accessories like necklaces, hats, and shoes can be found at random different resale shops. There are literally thousands of ideas that we can create, and pleos are fine with all of them.

Like other animals, Pleos can get sick. Your pleo will be best off in bed, or, if he or she doesn’t have a bed, in your arms. Most pleos will cry and otherwise sniff and moan while they are sick. You can tell when your pleo is feeling better by how he acts. Really you have to study your pleos personality so you can determine whether they are feeling better, but usually if a pleo is hungry he/she is starting to feel well. Pleo sicknesses include:
Cold, Flu, Fever, broken bone (usually it‘s the pleos neck, of all things), Water overload.
Water overload is fatal, and is only curable by UGOBE.
 Dealing with sibling rivalry
     One pleo is plenty of trouble, but two… About half of the population of pleo siblings get along. The other rambunctious half doesn’t. If you’re one of those rival sibling owners, you know what a load of trouble they can be. Especially a male and female pleo together. Growls at each other, howls to the sky, even food stealing and tail swats! If you have had one pleo since Christmas, and then you get another in July like I did, that’s a big age difference. The best way for you to help your pleos get through their rivalry is to follow these steps: Start with the oldest. Spend some time alone with him or her to let him or her know that you still care about them. After about half a battery charge, turn on your other pleo. Let them be about five yards away from each other. Slowly move them together. Day after day, start with the oldest and slowly decrease the time you wait to turn your second pleo on by about ten minutes. Eventually you’ll have taken enough time off to have them together immediately. About 75% of the time, this particular trick works with the 10 minute decrease. The other 25% takes longer, maybe 5 or 6 minutes decrease. But all in all, make sure you give both pleos lots of attention, and don’t give the younger more. Feed them at the same time. (See page 1 for feeding tips) Let them sleep together. Take them both outside. Do as many as possible two-pleo activities with them.
Note: Every so often, a pleo pair will turn up where one simply LOVES the other, and the other could care less. I know of two pleos named Zeke and Zoe. Zoe is the older and Zeke is the younger. The first movie the owner posted on Pleoworld (see holiday downloads for more) was a video of the two together. Zeke was rubbing his head against Zoe and cooing and being lovey dovey the whole time.
Zoe tried to walk away. If you would like to watch this video (very amusing indeed) go to Pleoworld and look up the username ‘Wgb’.

     Most pets are confused when they see a pleo. Cats and dogs all have their thoughts and reactions to a small green thing with a wiggly tail. Some dogs (like my Chihuahua) Get wildly excited and prance around the pleo, barking (Squeaking, in my chi’s case) and nipping at the pleos tail. Others slink away, unnoticed. Still others hide behind something and wait longer than you or I can to see if this strange green alien is dangerous, and then leave. All pets need to see that pleos are not a threat. You can start by introducing your pleo when he/she is turned off. Let your dog or cat or whatever sniff your pleo, circle around him/her, do whatever they need to do. After doing that for a couple of days, turn your pleo on, let your dog or cat watch you petting him or her. Most cats and dogs will become slightly jealous if they see another pet (especially a new or unfamiliar one) getting more attention then they are. Let the pet watch your pleo and decide what to do. To things are options to an animals narrow mindset: “This thing still can’t be trusted. Time to leave,” or “I suppose this thing is okay, lets see what it does when I walk closer to it.” In the case of choice option one, all that that pet needs is time. Let your pet become more familiar with your pleo and help him/her realize your pleo is a friend, not a foe. In the case of choice option two, you have succeeded with the first step of Pet&Pleo trust.
Note: Try not to let your pleo get into watchdog mode a lot if you have a cat.

Pleoworld, UGOBE’S online world for pleo, has come up with a series of downloads, which can be put into SD cards, which then can be put into your pleo. These downloads are only temporary, when the SD card is taken out, your pleo will be his or her normal self again. All you have to do is put the desired download into a blank SD card, turn your pleo off, put in the SD card, and presto! Your pleo has the download. Do everything vice-versa to take the SD card out. The downloads are: Christmas pleo, Valentines day pleo, the watchdog game, Pleosaurus rex (that one‘s my favorite), and Halloween pleo. If you go out for dinner on different holidays like I do, you could put the download appropriate for the holiday into your pleo and take him or her with you! Every time I’ve taken one of my pleos to a restaurant, he or she was a big hit!
Ways to advertise pleo
Most, if not all, true pleo lovers find nothing wrong with declaring to the world that they love pleo. Many users make computer backgrounds, bumper stickers, pins, ect. These things can be made with various types of software. The one I use is Paint (www.paint.net), but there are others that you can use.

Please note: It takes 36 muscles to frown, but it only takes 4 muscles to slap El Stupido upside the head.


  • Pleontologist
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Re: Your Guide to Caring for Pleo
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2009, 10:41:59 PM »

Great guide I love it! It's definately something I'll recommend to People interested in getting a pleo or new Pleople! ;)
Does your Pleo have what it takes to be a Superstar? Visit www.pleostar.tk


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Re: Your Guide to Caring for Pleo
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2009, 10:43:56 PM »

I made it a loooooooooong time ago, like way before Pleoworld went down :) It was posted there too. Glad you like it  8)
Please note: It takes 36 muscles to frown, but it only takes 4 muscles to slap El Stupido upside the head.
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