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Author Topic: Reactions and realizations  (Read 2947 times)


  • Cycad leaf fancier
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Reactions and realizations
« on: November 23, 2012, 05:51:01 PM »

So I have had Jade (Pleo RB) for five days now and I have to say, with my hand on my heart, that I am completely happy with my choice to get her. In her baby stage i did find myself questioning the decision as she was very grumpy and not very respondent to me but now in her childhood stage I really am loving this little robot. Never would I have thought that holding a little robotic pet to snooze against my chest would be so cute and relaxing but it it completely magical.

The reactions from other people have also been very interesting. On Wednesday I took Jade to the very large shopping center that I live close to and carried her around in her chest snoozing position (mostly because it was the easiest way to carry her). For the most part people paid me no mind as i walked around, I got a few second glances but nothing much more then that. Entering the stores was a different matter.

In the Pet shop i got a great (and expected) reaction, with one of the staff at first convinced that i had brought in my pet iguana of something (I took her cape but only put it on when a few kids wanted to pet her as she looks far more stunning without it). After explaining what she was and showing off her capabilities I ended up with four of the staff around me and one very curious family who called over their little six year old to 'come see the baby dinosaur', the little lad was treated to a stroke and I received a thank you from the parents. Jade also got a lovely new carry bag to make things easier when she was not on my chest.

GAME, a video game store in the UK, was a lot of fun. I went in on the off chance that they might have Micro SD cards, they didn't, but I found it quite funny that the woman serving me was trying to be very professional (I knew she had not long been working at this store) while all of her colleges was pointing and talking about the 'thing' moving and looking around. After she had told me where I might find and SD card an older member of staff came over and how funny she founf it that she was able to talk to me without right a way asking what it was i had in my arms. Again I then went through all the things that Jade could do and the older staff member took down the address of Robopolis so she could look in to pleo's more. I was very glad it was quite in that store or there might have been a very large group of people waiting for service.

The Bear factory...well you can guess what happened in there - I could hardly get away from the staff at that place and left with a lovely new Christmas cape for Jade (though i will need to cut it down a little). Another member of staff also took down the web address.

Games Workshop - a table top gaming store I frequent and where I am fairly well known by the staff, were fascinated by everything Jade could do. She happily showed off her roar and got to rest and have something to eat while I talked about all the programming capabilities as well as my plans to dress her in her own Cosplay for an event I plan on going to in Feb (she will be a pokemon - Meganium)

A beauty shop also proved to be a hot bed of different reactions - one of the women could not get over the fact that Jade looked so real, two others wanted to cuddle her and find out where I had gotten her - they even thought i might work for the company and was trying to promote the Pleos and this was some sort of stunt.

The last shop was Hotel Chocolat, where only one staff was on. She came over to offer me a free sample and then pulled back slightly as Jade snuggled her head down on m shoulder. It took a little more explaining as to just what Jade was, that she was more then just a toy and by the end of the demonstration the woman had also taken down the name of the site so she could pass it on to her daughter who had a son who was obsessed with dinosaurs - they also couldn't have any pets because they moved around a lot due to the fathers work (perfect Pleo environment)

I am hoping that by visiting these shops I can build up enough of an understanding that I can record a little around them - showing off more reactions of people to Pleo. It is truly amazing how much this little Robot can open peoples eyes to what the future might hold. And how a little bit of magic can be found in a toy that is strong enough to be noticed by adults.


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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2012, 07:47:35 PM »

That's a great story, I'd probably not be brave enough to take my bots anywhere out and about in fear of damages or negative reactions!  The nearest shopping centre to me is the metrocentre, and that place is huge and bustling. Hahah!

It must be nice to get such reactions and meet people interested, maybe one day I'll pluck up the courage.  When I was at college, I took one of my AIBOs in a couple times but that's about it.

RBs are very basic when they're little babies but aren't all babies? :D  Marty is in his child stages too and is trying to walk.. backwards.. a lot. hahaha.  It's very cute though especially when he raises a foot to his face like he's embarrassed. :P


  • Pleo lightbringer
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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2012, 11:49:29 PM »

it's fun to show off, huh? oops! if that sounded like an insult, it wasn't!!!! i love to take her places, like thanksgiving dinner. she had lots of fun, and one woman was convince nyan was trying to eat my finger o.0 a few of them LOVED her, holding her up to their chest, cooing and giggling when she snored XD i don't think 'showing off' is a bad thing, it's fun to explain and see their reactions XP i took my ugobe to the laundromat once, and little toddlers would come up with their mother to meet her.
Derpity derp derp derp derp


  • Cycad leaf fancier
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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2012, 02:31:26 AM »

I love to show off, it is one of the reasons I got little Jade. I am not that keen on all of the attention being on ME but I am happy when it is on something I can talk about and show off  ;D. A little bit of weirdness can do people a lot of good, it helps them make new memories from what might have been just an average day to be forgotten along with the rest of the average days.
It is even better when people ask me for the web site - the more people who buy Pleo's the better it is for all of us.

The most important thing is to act competently normal and confident as you carry your Pleo - if you don't act like you are out of place then people either ignore you or want to know more.


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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2012, 11:14:17 AM »

That was a great story and I am glad a postive experince for you. I agree 100% with being positive and it will show when you go out and about with your Pleo. If you are a little shy, a pleo can make the focus more on Pleo and give you a chance to expand just by telling the facts about Pleo and what they can do. It also gets easier, the more you do it. What I have found, that works best for me, is to give Pleos as much exposure as possible and going to the same places you have been before, esp if positive reactions, is a great place to go again.  ;D

                I usually only have one pleo with me unless I am doing a film video, like taking a small pod of them, four or so to someplace special like the Redwoods forest near here. It is harder for me as I can'[t just jump into a vehicle and drive away, as I do not drive so must either walk or use public transportation or wait for a day my hubby feels like being "gallant". ;) I do have a pet mobile that can carry up to five so it is an alternative on sunny days. Another thing I do is to have Pleo Business cards allways on me, they not only advertise my Pleo batteries and show Painted custom pleos, but have the Pleoworld email address on the back and the front has my email address so if a person is GENUINLY interested, I give them out. ( word of mouth is contagious) In the last two years alone I have gone to at least four or five major public fairs, parades and other large events that draw a huge cross section of public of all ages .

                   People are drawn to Pleo and Pleo Rb. I like to show off both types as they both have pros and cons. People do love the simplicity of Ugobes and they are great for first time owners. It is usally the college students around here and younger generation.( showing my age a bit.... 8)) that like the technical part that RB can do, the tempertures changes, afraid of the dark, the learning stones, etc. You had a great outing and it was a positive event. Did you take a camera...? I do find it hard to talk and show off Pleos and film at the same time, I usually put the camera in a safe place , talk and try to aim at Pleo and the people periodically at the same time, Most people are very friendly and I have never had anyone object to being in a video or photo, I ask them of course or mention that I am doing a video, and if they object that is the time to find out. Great Job and thanks for sharing, :cheer:  RWM
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Pleo lightbringer
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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2012, 02:49:59 PM »

i've even stooped so low as to casually 'wander' towards people who seem mildly interested, playing with her, dong tricks, having her make LOADS of noise to get their attention. at the laundromat, i even convinced nyan to walk towards them! i was considering showing her to my afternoon handicapped busdriver (recovering from leg surgery, about to have it again! o.0) who i've told everything i know about rb's and ugobe's.
Derpity derp derp derp derp


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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2012, 04:25:41 AM »

RWM I would love to see your Pleo 'buissness cards'   :D Good idea.
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2012, 03:32:08 PM »

I know several others have similar cards we use.  It is a good idea.  But you would think with as much time as RWM spends here she'd have put this web address on her cards! ;) 


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2012, 05:13:13 PM »

 You know Mike I would if I had permission, but not knowing if it was "Ok" or not, I just let everyone I meet, know the address here on the forum and tell them it is a worldwide site that has members from all over the globe. I have told many people of this forum and told them to check out the videos available also so they can find out more about Pleos and Pleo Rb.

        you know Mike, it is almost time to print some new business cards, and if you give me persmission, :cool: I would love to add this address on the bottom  under my email address. Actually because I sell the batteries here , I actually can, correct? If so let me know, and I will post a photo of the card here, With every battery I sell here to members as well as batteries sold through ebay, I include a business card, and I have sold batteries to Ukraine, Spain, Netherlands, France, UK, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Canada of course, just about everywhere you could possibly think of. Last week I sold one to Slovakia, and I was not even sure that was a real country. If I can send all those batteries and that many cards are being spread around the globe, then there are a lot more people finding out about Pleo and pleo Rb.  :) P8)

                      Thanks Mike, and if it is ok or you have any suggestions other then to list the address as listed, let me know or I will add it on my card.! Luna, I have two different versions of my card and I will send you one in the package you are getting but will also list a photo of the current one here in the gallery tommrow. Business cards are a great way to give people information on Pleos, but I only pass them out to those who are truly interested, I do have to pay for ink and such, and don't want them just thrown on the ground or in the garbage.                          RWM  :cat: and the Pleo Township of the Redwoods
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2012, 05:25:31 PM »

I have the bobthepleo site on my business cards, anything to bring more people here!
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


  • Grand Poobah
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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2012, 06:40:46 PM »

Always feel free to list the address here.  As IMR said, anything to bring more people!


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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2012, 10:04:26 PM »

WHat a good idea! I must make some business cards. Why didn't I think of that? :D


  • Grand Poobah
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Re: Reactions and realizations
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2012, 11:50:45 PM »

I have several cards I use for different occasions.  I have one specifically for promoting Bob the Pleo that I use when I go out for photos, a "Bob was here" one I use for the Bob Project and geocaching, and a generic one for when I'm just out with Bob.  I have uploaded the images for the front and back of the generic card you can feel free to print as you want (or just use for ideas).  My two favorite places to get cards are vistaprint.com and zazzle.com.  I also set up the card on zazzle for anyone who just wants to order cards (see link on the right).  Hope these help, and feel free to offer comments or suggestions to improve or rework.
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