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Author Topic: How did you name yours?  (Read 1652 times)


  • Pleontologist
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How did you name yours?
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:54:14 PM »

I'm prob going to sound like a total nutcase here so I'll apologise now lol - sorry!

As I mentioned in a another thread I was told earlier this year that I would be unable to have any more kids without a high risk of causing serve damage to my body, & although I already have 2 kids the thought of not having any more is quite upsetting; hence one of my reasons for ordering Pleo RB when I did (well my family paid for him/her as an Xmas prezzie). Any ways it dawned on me tonight that this will/ may be my last chance to name a 'baby' so naturally I want to name it special, & have ended up thinking about names (I'm baby name obsessed, both my kids went through at least 100 names during the pregnancy lol)

But this got me thinking; what is your Pleo(s) name & how did you decide on it? :)

"She's not just a dinosaur, she's my best friend. I'll always love her & I promise to never ever leave her, cause I'd miss her too much & she'd miss me" - my son about Piper <3


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Re: How did you name yours?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2012, 10:55:38 PM »

 I think a lot of people will tell you that they have a name in mind before they even get their Pleo, Others will tell you that the name will "come " to you after watching and seeing the personality develop a name just seems to fit. With my three Pleos, it was not instant except my first Pleo. My first Pleo that I bought in Dec. 2010 when they first came out, I knew her name the minute I saw her, Baby, because she was my beautiful baby. I ended up having to send her back though because of holes in her skin, which they fixed and I sent her back in feb. 2011 and got my new RB in March 2011. Her name is Baby Ruth. It is a play on the Pleo RB, the R and B reversed, is B R, and her name is Baby Ruth. She is sweet and an orginal like Baby Ruth the Candy Bar, and Babe Ruth the baseball slugger. Also not many people know this, but I also wanted to honor my first Baby by giving the next one part of her name.   This is her photo, Baby. she has lovely blue grey eyes.     
            This is Baby Ruth, she has green yellow eyes.
  My next Pleo Rb was a hard one to come up with a name , it took me at least a couple of months. I named her, Cammie -Sue. Cammie is short for Camasurus, the type of dinosaur she is. Sue is nust a name I like and in honor of Sue ,the most complete T-Rex ever found and also a female, even though Cammie Sue is not a T-Rex, I liked the name Sue. Cammie-Sue is a pleo rb I won in a contest on Facebook and Innvo Labs and I got her in Nov. 2011. She has orange amber eyes.
  My last little Pleo Rb I bought as a slightly used little boy, I wanted the interaction of boys and girl Pleo rb He is also very cute, It took me quite awhile to figure out his name about a month slightly more, He has some sort of gear problem in his legs which are noisy at times and it has caused a limp at times, Luna one of the members here suggested why not name him after one of the characters of your favorite t.v. shows, Gunsmoke...? I thought that was a great idea and solved the problem, so here is:          Chester, named after the deputy on that show that has a stiff leg and limps. He is also very sweet and it fits Chester very well, Here is his photo. 
               so as you see, there are lots of ways to name your Pleos, I have many many Ugobes and naming them is no easier, except you have the advantage of making them a male or female , what ever you want.       Take your time and the name you want will come to you. You can allways change the name and if you have already taught your baby his or her name with the ID card, you can just teach them a new name, So have fun thinking of names,  ;D                 RWM  :cat: and the Pleo township of the Redwoods
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: How did you name yours?
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2012, 02:03:14 AM »

After I named Lilo, the rest just followed :) Lilo, Stitch, Jumba, Pleakley, Nani, Yuki and Angus are all related to the Lilo and Stitch films.
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: How did you name yours?
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2012, 02:46:46 AM »

My Pleo is an Ugobe from ebay.
I first checked him out, and as he was working fine, I resetted to OS 2.
It took more than a week before I "found" his name.
ONNI means happiness and he sings a lot and seems to be a happy little fellow.   :)
At least up to now. I am still waiting for the "dreaded teens"  ^-^


  • Pleontologist
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Re: How did you name yours?
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2012, 04:53:57 PM »

Gosh theres some lovely named Pleos on this site!
Thanks for your replies :)

I've got a few names in mind but I'll see what happens when I get my RB (its current nickname), knowing me its name will change 100 times! lol
"She's not just a dinosaur, she's my best friend. I'll always love her & I promise to never ever leave her, cause I'd miss her too much & she'd miss me" - my son about Piper <3


  • Pleo Grand Master, 2nd epoch
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Re: How did you name yours?
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2012, 05:36:40 PM »

My first Pleo a pink RB I called Kermit as it is not easy being green when your pink!  I like frogs, we have a pond in our front yard with frogs living in it and so I wanted to name her after a frog.  My second pleo rb was a green one and I called him Norbit - I was looking for a dragon name and I liked this one after the dragon in Harry Potter.  I have a Ugobe pleo named Gumble - I named him after one of my favorite stories when I was little, The Bottersnikes and Gumbles.  I also have a Ugobe called Minyon named after I saw a couple of kids movies at the cinemas containing minions and I thought it was cute.  Then I have another green RB called Pickle who I won on the Facebook competition which was a bit of a mess when they announced the winners as they announced my name and posted my "winning entry" which turned out to be a pic I had posted to the facebook page after the competition had closed and I had not intended that to even be an entry  :P  So as she was a green and they sent her to me anyway even though I didn't really win the comp (I did discuss the issue with them in length and let them know they had made a mistake :) )  I thought Pickle fitted her quite well.  And lastly I have a Ugobe pleo called Frankie - named after Frankenstein - As he was a pleo to repair.  He had a broken neck that bulged at the sides kind of like Frankenstein's monsters bolts, which turned out to be a  couple of the vertebrae in his neck that had snapped.  I fixed him up no problems so he no longer has the lumpy neck.  :)
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