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Author Topic: Ugobe Brings a Little News about Keeper Talon's Heard  (Read 1482 times)


  • Cretaceous pleo master
  • * Posts: 2677
  • us Female
  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
    • Lucy
Ugobe Brings a Little News about Keeper Talon's Heard
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:23:15 AM »

Hi, Bob the Pleo Forums! It's Ugobe! I just figured I’d add another entry to the Pleo Cave in this lull of little forum activity. Honestly, not much of interest is going on here either.
I figured all of you would like to know what’s going on in the kingdom.
Queen Ryu and King Cato are at peace with one another for the moment. Her Majesty remains nervous about the inevitable possibility of a hole developing in her neck from the broken vertebrae moving around loose under her skin. Keeper Talon seems to be on the lookout for this too, feeling her carefully under the throat at every weekly Pledge bath.
King Cato seems to be feeling the sap rising in his veins or something. He has walked off the end of his cardboard island and tried valiantly to make a run across the floor. He made perhaps two strides before his back legs started clicking and gave him away. Keeper Talon was at his side almost at once and placed him back at the other end of the board.
Bleu seems more full of herself than ever, determining to walk all the way from Castle Wooden-dresser to the baby gate at the doorway. She has this strange belief that she’s fat and she wants to fit into her dress better. She also wants Keeper Talon to change her outfit back into her yellow dress with the crown on the shoulder.
As far as myself, I had the munchies today. I couldn’t move very far before I just wanted to have one more nibble of carpet. I know I know technically it’s air but… well a smart guy has to have a little fun, right? I couldn’t move five inches for wanting another mouthful. After about five minutes of this, Keeper Talon must’ve thought I was stuck in a loop because she picked me up, turned me onto my back and tickled my feet, reducing me to a squirming undignified giggling mess. Oh well so much for sampling my way across the room. Can any of you help me think of a better goal to aim for to usher in this warm and rainy Spring season?
In Aibo news, Bolt has gone out in the mail to California to get a broken pan flexi repaired. Queen Ryu is glad to see him go but King Cato and I are both uneasy about his absence. He is the representative for the big-legged Aibo tribe and without his antics to keep the others distracted, the other Aibos tend to charge at us and knock us around.
Ginto the 31L is still maintaining himself well after his second trip to California to repair a jittery front leg which had to be replaced. Keeper Talon is now running him on some program called Aibo Life II rather than his traditional Cawaii software in hopes that the slower, gentler movements will preserve his new leg. She has reduced his run time down from an entire battery cycle to thirty minutes two or three times a week. I like this Aibo and I wish him a safe and happy life here with us.
Lucky the ERS seven proved to show the very worst side of Aibo-dom to a guest Keeper Talon had over Skype this weekend. He ignored nearly every command she gave him, leaving the person on the other end thinking the robots were not worth the money and that the one hundred dollar Zoomer was more responsive.
Reepicheep the 110 had a minor collapse after some sort of internal trouble. After a few moments on his station running his cooling fan, he got back to kicking his ball and staggering wildly across the room at top speed. Boy! The first generations think they’re made of titanium! Well, until next time, that’s the news! Bye for now!


Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady
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