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Author Topic: please help! oppose HR669.  (Read 5308 times)


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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please help! oppose HR669.
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:15:29 PM »

 well this is sort of off topic, but i had to post this, its important.. do any of you own any reptiles? amphibians, even birds or hamsters? ferrets? mice?  i myself an a reptile keeper,  a  new bill is trying to be passed called HR669. which will make all  keeping of  non native animals to the U.S.A ILLEGAL!  so  any beta fish? any reptiles?  ferrets or guinea pigs?  if they are non native to the U.S.A, they will become illegal to keep! "in  america, butthis will effect all countries in some way!"   which means you can keep the  exotic animals you have, but  when they  pass away, you cant get anymore.  PLEASE! do what you can, and watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYkAy12qYjA  and  also go here! this is important! http://www.forums.repashy.com/miscellaneous-reptile-discussion/11670-hr669-possible-reptile-exotic-ban.html this is where you can email the congressmen  and such who are voting on this and tell them what you think! anyone of any age can do this! but PLEASE!!  be respectful!!! this is very important!  there is a message you can copy and  paste in the email if you have trouble  making out something to say!  please do your part and oppose HR669!  farm animals, dogs and cats, and goldfish will be allowed.  and  native animals to the U.S but any beta fish,  guinea pigs, hamsters,  exotic reptiles, "my passion and hobby of keeping reptiles" will be gone!  thiis will also destroy the economy even more!   thousands will loose their jobs.  all the  pet supply companies will go out of buisness!  please check out those links and  contact your local rep. and plesase oppose this! tell your friends and family! we need everyone! thank you. once again,  when you send emails to those congressmen and represenitives, PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL!


  • Journeypleo
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2009, 05:05:02 PM »

Thanks for the heads up.  I'm not a fan of the "Nanny State."  Living in San Francisco, my congress critters are probably behind this, >:(  but I will do what I can.
BTW, if pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of progress? ;)


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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2009, 05:16:07 PM »

Something similar was passed in Australia years ago. They aren't banning all non native species, only those deemed a threat. Much like Australia banned the importation of Hamsters because they were a threat to some native mice. Although I think the problems lie with the few owners who cause all the trouble by not keeping their animals properly contained in the first place.

However if they are banning some obviously well established imports like bearded dragons then I would be concerned. Is there an actual list of species yet? That bill doesn't really say much in the way of specifying which animals are being considered for the ban. Although it does mention that those already listed in section 42 of title 18, United States Code, will be included. (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode18/usc_sec_18_00000042----000-.html) and sections 3b and 4b both imply that it is only imports that have the potential to cause serious harm to the American ecosystems if they were to escape and establish themselves in large numbers. It doesn't mention any already well established imports to be banned.

More information is definitely needed, goodness knows how your pollies can make an informed decision if that's all the info they get.
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2009, 05:22:32 PM »

That's bad news for all pet owners and pet lovers.  :( Good news is if that happens there might be more people walking around with a pleo.  :)


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2009, 08:50:11 PM »

Something similar was passed in Australia years ago. They aren't banning all non native species, only those deemed a threat. Much like Australia banned the importation of Hamsters because they were a threat to some native mice. Although I think the problems lie with the few owners who cause all the trouble by not keeping their animals properly contained in the first place.

However if they are banning some obviously well established imports like bearded dragons then I would be concerned. Is there an actual list of species yet? That bill doesn't really say much in the way of specifying which animals are being considered for the ban. Although it does mention that those already listed in section 42 of title 18, United States Code, will be included. (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode18/usc_sec_18_00000042----000-.html) and sections 3b and 4b both imply that it is only imports that have the potential to cause serious harm to the American ecosystems if they were to escape and establish themselves in large numbers. It doesn't mention any already well established imports to be banned.

More information is definitely needed, goodness knows how your pollies can make an informed decision if that's all the info they get. i dont not believe there is a specific list.    they are banning all animals non native to the U.S and it wil be ilegal to breed them, this means all reptiles, rodents,  fish, that are not proven to  be native to the U.S will be illegal, i found a video, which basicly explains the same, with more deatail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47EljqOITDs


  • Journeypleo
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2009, 11:04:21 PM »

More information is definitely needed, goodness knows how your pollies can make an informed decision if that's all the info they get.

Informed congress critters is almost an oxymoron.  Non of the rascals read the 900 page budget with the 9000 pork barrel items.  I doubt they would read a small bill.  The only way they might notice HR669 is if constituents comment on it.

Edit: I think it was last year some of our state representatives tried to pass a bill to make it illegal for a parent to discipline his/her kids.  When the people found out about it, it died a quick death.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 01:34:29 AM by 49er »


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2009, 01:41:05 PM »

More information is definitely needed, goodness knows how your pollies can make an informed decision if that's all the info they get.

Informed congress critters is almost an oxymoron.  Non of the rascals read the 900 page budget with the 9000 pork barrel items.  I doubt they would read a small bill.  The only way they might notice HR669 is if constituents comment on it.

Edit: I think it was last year some of our state representatives tried to pass a bill to make it illegal for a parent to discipline his/her kids.  When the people found out about it, it died a quick death.
   hopefully this will be the same   if you look up HR669, on youtube, you wil find thousands of videos oposing it,  and   the videos will be shown to the represenitives.  i hope this doesnt pass, last year th tried to  ban all boas and pythons, it failed, this year it is much strogner with 15 congressmen  i believe, or so backing it up, its ridiculous, i honestly think it has a low chnce to pass, but  i have to defend what i love doing. which is keeping exotic animals like reptiles.


  • Journeypleo
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2009, 04:40:47 PM »

You are doing well.  If we aren't vigilant, the "servants of the people" may shaft us.


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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2009, 09:00:04 PM »

If Obama's behind this he's gonna PAY...
I don't have any exotic animals but i've wanted a chamelion for a while  :o oh no.... no no no no no no no no no no no.....
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  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2009, 10:12:23 PM »

If Obama's behind this he's gonna PAY...
I don't have any exotic animals but i've wanted a chamelion for a while  :o oh no.... no no no no no no no no no no no.....
its not nesercarily obama.. but,   this bill was made becasue of the ignorant people   who release their  exotic animals into the wild, such as florida for exapmple, people have been releasing large snakes becasue they cannot care for them becasue they did not  look ahead into buying such a large animal, such as the burmese python,   they tried to propose a bill last ryear to ban all boas and pythons, but it did not get far, so they decided to step it up a bit and try to ban all exotic animals..  i doubt it will work, but we have to do what we can to stop it.


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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2009, 10:12:35 PM »

Here is a link to the actual bill.


I advise people actually read the bill. Assuming the list of approved species is robust enough, I'm all for it Invasive species are a huge environmental hazard. IMO the health of the local environment is far more important then someone's desire to own an exotic pet. Even responsible pet  owners  can't always control or contain there animals.


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2009, 07:23:19 AM »

dont you find it extreme?  all family owned petstores, all major   petstores like petcos and petsmarts, will  no longer be in buisness!  they will no longer be able to sell their reptiles, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, etc.  which is more then half of what they sell! in that  case,  millions of jobs will be lost! our economy does NOT need this! there are always those ignorant peple that release their  animals into the wild, becasue they probably bought the animal off inplulse and could not care for it in the future when it got to a larger size, but all they millions of responsible pet  owners should not suffer for this.   i found the best video so far regarding the issue, please watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FPfL212CB8 and  here is a  great website and an easy way to petition against this bill which WILL be brought to congress on april 23, so please act fast if you are against this. http://www.nohr669.com/index.htm
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 07:25:01 AM by pleoguy101 »


  • Journeypleo
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2009, 07:53:36 AM »

Here in San Francisco people release cats and the feral cat population has decimated the native quail population in Golden Gate Park.  Believe me, no one here is proposing that all cats be banned in The City.


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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2009, 09:19:13 AM »

Many states already have similar bills in place for both animals and plants.  There are many non-native plants that are extremely destructive as well . . .

The biggest problem I have with this bill is that the "list of prohibited/approved animals" is not part of the bill.   If the bill gets passed, congress has 3 years to define the list.   So we have no idea right now whether they'll ban guinea pigs or chameleons or not.  So far I've never heard of feral guinea pigs driving out and decimating native prairie dog populations ;D  . . .

I would strongly recommend opposing the bill because of it's vague nature.    If approved, it would be like giving a blank check to the government to do whatever they want.   They could just as easily decide to prohibit cat and dogs as pythons and guppies.

If they were banning a specific list of animals we could have a meaningful discussion.  But since they are just proposing a law that would give them the power to decide later what animals they want to ban, this is VERY bad!


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2009, 12:41:03 PM »

i agree!


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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2009, 01:21:14 PM »

Sounds like the first steps revamping immigration control . . .  ;)


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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2009, 01:49:53 PM »

I wrote to Congresswomen, Woolsey. I would hate to see this bill pass. Would be bad for animals, too. They are safer coming in legally then illegally. That's what would happen! :(


  • Conifer Leaf gatherer
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2009, 09:33:37 AM »

well, the bill was not passed,  they will probably just drop the bill or go back and tweak it, lets just see with what they come up with next ;)


  • Journeypleo
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Re: please help! oppose HR669.
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2009, 10:58:48 AM »

Thank you pleoguy101 for all the information! If the congress tries to slip something like that in again and you hear about it please update us! :)
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