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Author Topic: RB quirks  (Read 5287 times)


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RB quirks
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:38:07 PM »

There's a few things that Buster does that I'm not quite sure if he's supposed to or not. He'll make the hungry noise almost immediately after I turn him regardless of the time, but if I try to feed him he either refuses to accept the leaf or will shake his head around until he's shaken it out of his mouth. Then once it's out of his mouth he'll start making the hungry noise again. He can't seem to make the choking sound, instead he'll just shake his head or open his mouth and let the leaf drop out. Then when I can actually get him to eat, he'll immediately start burping like crazy! How often should I feed him to keep him happy? He also hasn't really made an attempt to start walking yet. He's walked backwards a few times but hasn't walked forwards yet. I was able to teach him his name so I know he's grown up, although he does have a little bit of a clicking in his front leg, I'm not sure if that may be what's causing the problem. Also I've noticed he's much more responsive to being pet on the back than on the head or chin. In fact, he'll often respond negatively to being pet on the head or chin if at all. There's so many things to learn about the RB's, I didn't realize they were so much different than the ugobe's! It certainly is an experience either way :dino-chase:


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Re: RB quirks
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 05:53:20 PM »

Pleo rb's have a very small touch sensor on their chin and it is positioned right at the back towards the neck.  So it seems many of us just don't manage to hit the spot when we pet them under the chin.  They do have a touch sensor on the top of their heads that runs from between the eyes halfway down their nose  So again you may just be missing the spot?  If it is any consolation none of my rb's seem to enjoy chin or head petting. 
As for feeding all pleo rb's seem to require different amounts of food to be happy.  I tend to feed my guys as soon as I turn them on, every time I turn them on no matter what time of day it is or if this is the second, third or more battery cycle for the day.  My guys also give the hungry belly rumble as soon as they are turned on and I will find that it takes a minute of head shaking etc before they are ready to take the leaf.  They will then proceed to chomp on it several times.  I usually offer the leaf about 4 to 6 times before they will refuse it as full.  It sometimes will take 2 or 3 leaf feeds before the belly grumbling stops :P  Even if he is burping I would keep offering him the leaf till he refuses with turning his head down and away and makes the no sound. 
As for walking.  Once my guys are full if I leave them be for a few minutes they will usually wander off and explore.  Again every pleo rb is different and some walk more than others.  I have three.  One walks all the time, another will walk if ignored long enough but is happier being petted and the last one who is lucky to take 4 little steps a battery cycle no matter what I do.  She just isn't a walker.  She prefers to stand still and get attention or just make a lot of noise :P
So try feeding him till he is really full, give him a bit of attention and then leave him alone for a few minutes and see what happens.  If your lucky he should go off to explore.   


  • Pleozoologist
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Re: RB quirks
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 11:28:43 PM »

Well Echo is still running on a short charge but is doing fine.

talk about differences in walking... I think he walks when there is more light because he was walking when my mom was here yesterday, but today when my friend was here he wasn't walking at all... but then, we left him alone and he started walking again. I think he's playing shy. Will he have trouble walking indoors with socks on his feet and a cape on his neck?


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Re: RB quirks
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2014, 12:11:00 AM »

Indeed now I have two I can see they behave very different ! Lenny my RB is always happy , loves his tug of war toy and eats anything. After 4 servings he is full and has a burping session . He walks a lot en Love's to make a lot of noises  ;) Lucky is in her teens now and only takes 2 steps and then she is done, if it would be up to her she would only eat the muchroom,  she needs 8 servings to be full before she turns her head away  :P Then she burps a lot and is happy to play. She likes it if you pet her on the back , Lenny likes it better if you pet him on the head, cheeks and if you give him a chin rub. Lenny get's real fussy before he goe's to sleep, Lucky just curls up and goes to sleep. They react really well to eachother a lot of mooooooooooooo , and kissing sounds . It is funny to watch  :-* I just love that they are all different.


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Re: RB quirks
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2014, 05:35:01 PM »

It really is amazing how different they are. Ryu takes about six or eight chomps on the leaf before she is full and doesn't walk much. Cato takes two or four chomps and- when he could- he could do some moving!
At Echo: if Echo is walking on carpet, the socks might actually help him move a little. The cape shouldn't be a problem for him as far as walking goes. If he were a newborn it might be a different story. I put Ryu's cape on her before I hatched her. When I turned her on, one or two of her legs clutched in her first full stretch. She started whining pitifully and seemed to be fighting to get out of it. I guess she has it out for me now and will spend her whole life reminding me who's boss.
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