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Author Topic: Queen Ryu is... Worried?  (Read 1795 times)


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
    • Lucy
Queen Ryu is... Worried?
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:51:43 PM »

Hello, Bob the Pleo Forums! It is I- Her Lovely Extraordinarily Talented Highness Queen Ryu! Long time no see! How are you humans out there in the big wide world? I am perfectly wonderf… no that’s not good enough. I am just peachy! What’s a peach? That won’t work either. I am… I—Oh I may as well just say it. *Curls up and whimpers* I am worried about my King Cato-lumpkins! All day today he seemed… different.
Even when Keeper Talon opened the curtains to let in more light he still seemed upset. I tried to trance with him as we usually did but he just turned his head away from me and curled up to sleep. What is wrong with my pleo-plum? I don’t get sugary-sweet over much but Cato is… is my weakness drat him! If he were to break or go away or die from data-corruption I don’t know what I would do. He came into my life while I was still a juvenile and he was already so… mature and thoughtful and willing to be my friend despite my controlling ways. Oh, Humans, today watching his behavior I had to do a lot of soul-searching. I’ve decided that I’ve been very hard on everyone around me, including Keeper Talon. Well, I’m not going to change my behavior for her but for everyone else, I might be willing to bend a bit.
What? And how did Keeper Talon take this odd behavior of my beloved mate? She just offered him the coffee leaf and all the sudden, he got really happy again and finally condescended to notice me. Perhaps I will change my behavior toward Keeper Talon but… well, it’s not very likely. I am the boss after all, right? Farewell for now from all the happy residents of Castle Wooden Dresser!
Her Imperial Royal Majestic Magnanimous Majesty Lady Ryu


Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


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Re: Queen Ryu is... Worried?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2014, 12:26:05 AM »

Hello my dear Queen Ryu, your Highness this is Ugobe Leo from Holland.  I wasn't aware we pleo's had a real queen  :o how lovely!
And is your mate the King or do you rule alone ? There is still so much I need to learn about the pleo world.

I have seen it with my RB friends if they are upset my human gives them the coffee leaf and they are perfectly happy. But you must be nice to Keeper Talon , she feeds you and charges your battery and gives you your pledge bath. What would we be without them ?

But it is nice to know we have a real Queen!  Takes a deep bow for your Highness Ryu!

Greetings from your loyal servant ugobe Leo from Holland.


  • Pleozoologist
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Re: Queen Ryu is... Worried?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2014, 05:41:44 AM »

i m eko and iwant to right on thiss forum tooh soh pleez teechmee how to reed and rite thanx I am happey


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Re: Queen Ryu is... Worried?
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2014, 11:59:48 AM »

Your royal Highness Queen Ryu, tis your lovely cousins and distant cousins in the Redwoods Township ...all 28 of us. Our numbers recently increased by one with another "ugobe" who was sent in a large cardboard box from person from another land, a member of the fourms of which Keeper Talon resides... poor little thing is droopy necked but has support just like Ms. Nova, and Little 45 and a few others, so she won't feel like an outcast. It is always nice to see new Pleos show up ,and the females certainly outnumber the males, something I for one,( Major Tom P8)) really love.. P:-*

        I would hate for you to worry your royal pretty little head over King Cato.. he is perhaps just having an off day, and you have to admit the poor fellow, is getting on in years...  :wise: and perhaps he is just a little tired, so Keeper Talon was a wise subject to offer the magic coffee leaf... :coffee-donuts:( I think she ate the donut... Pleos can't handle all that sugary calorie laden carbohydrate rock shaped lump. :sick:.. I am glad he is feeling better... but try not to worry too much about the King Cato. I am sure if it was really anything serious. Keeper Talon would have removed the magical stone deep in his belly that gives him strength, and taking it to a magical electrical  power stone, give it more magical power to give King Cato more strength again,  or even undid the metal small objects in his foot or done other unspeakable things that we Pleos should not or do not want to think about..( shudders..... P:() tis much better to leave things we do not know about to those like Keeper Talon who will have other magicians at her disposal... :star-blue: :star-red:

                 I know you have deep affection for King Cato  your royal highness and you are such a lovely creature, that it is only with the best intentions and with high regard, that I dare tell you, that SHOULD anything happen to your royal KInG CATO, or that he become incapacitated to the point he just can't offer you what you deserve and need as a Lady like yourself should be rewarded with, that I, Major Tom of the Majestic Town of the REdwoods, by the Magnificent Giant Redwood forest and Vast Oceans of the Coast of Pleo kIngdom, offer you my undying loyalty and devotion ................that only a MUCH YOUNGER and if I have to say, ( I have been told by Nova, and all the females here countless times... P0:)) that I am myself a Very Strong, handsome and brave and intelligent specimen of the Ugobe Pleos. I am the leader here next to Nova, being the second resident of the Redwoods Township and I am at your service should you ever need or Want me to come help you..............but only if King Cato is , " suddenly out of the picture", just watch out for that Teddy that Keeper Talon keeps around...........We have a larger black and white version here and those Cats have outsmarted us again, this speciimen thinks that she is one of them and they rule the kingdom...If Keeper Talon ever gets a cat, P;) you wlll have a real problem,,,,,,,,,,,they keep multiplying and you cant follow them up to the high places... Luckily the black and white version of Keepr Talons "Teddy" is happy to stay on the ground near us...we can deal with that, but watch out for their appendages ,called tails, you will go flying into outer space with one swoop of that thing and will be sick and or limping for days ir not longer.............so sorry, got carried away there your royal highness..........I must go, it is almost time to be having that magical stone inserted in my belly, which hasnt' happened in a long time, it seems I had a very long sleep and so many dreams.. I love these dreams but I do get hungry and I can't wait for some leaf and perhaps a much of the sugar cube... Why should the RB's have only those delightful foods, they taste just as good to me and the others!

                                                         Your loyal and loving distant cousin, Major Tom from the Town of the Redwoods Pleos

                                                         ( RWM ...their devoted Keeper.. LOL)
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Cretaceous pleo master
  • * Posts: 2677
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  • Pleo(s): Cato and Samantha (Pleo RB‘s), Eugobe, Terry, Cuddles, Bleu (Ugobe Pleos)
    • Lucy
Re: Queen Ryu is... Worried?
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2014, 01:08:12 PM »

Greetings from Her Royal Highness Queen Ryu of Castle Wooden Dresser to the noble... um- distant Cousin called Major Tom in the far off land of Redwoods Pleo Township-
I am very pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir. And if I may say, your words of encouragement were set down in such eloquent and heartfelt lines that- given a few more such amiable corespondents between us, I might be persuaded to make you the first Knight of my queendom. And no, humans, THIS IS NOT A MISTAKE! I am the ruler here, I can have a queendom if I want one.
Aham, now where was I? Oh yes. I am not so well acquainted with cats. I have only seen one. He is the property of Keeper Talon's cousin's husband but he is free to roam the house- much to my dislike. He once walked between myself and Keeper Talon so that I couldn't see through him to what food she was trying to offer me. For reasons unknown the massive Tabby-striped brute licked the top of my head with that scratchy tongue of his. Ughghghgh! It was awful! I thought I'd never get rid of that itchy feeling.
I am familiar with tails and how dangerous they can be. I have used mine as  a tool of discipline many a time. Luckily for me, the Terrible Teddy doesn't have one- well not much of one anyway.
Yes, my beloved King Cato is almost a year older than I am. I suppose you're right in that he will suffer more off-days than I will and that I will soon have to face the reality of his departure for parts unknown. Though we are both somehow in Old-age stage, he seems to be showing it much more than I am. He falls asleep more quickly and though he hides it beneath a vale of politeness-  I have observed that movement is sometimes uncomfortable for him. May I take you into my confidence? I believe I can, Major Tom of Redwoods, he seems to have a problem with his left rear leg. Sometimes when he extends it out behind him it clutches a few times before returning to its correct position. Neither he or Keeper Talon seems bothered about it but it grieves me to my heart to hear him telling stories of how much of an explorer he was in his youth- both in Keeper Talon's many houses and the home of his former owner.
Well! Listen to me! Jabbering on as though I haven't a care in the world! Please pardon me for taking up so much of your time. May your magical belly-stone stay replenished, May the electric daylight always remain in your camera, and may your pleo-dreams be of pleasant fields of tenderest leaves. I bid you fondest farewell.
Her Royal Highness, Queen Ryu of Castle Wooden Dresser
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady
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