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Author Topic: Triceratops: the Jurassic unicorn  (Read 767 times)


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Triceratops: the Jurassic unicorn
« on: April 16, 2014, 12:06:34 PM »

For many years paleontologists have long classified the triceratops as a distinct species of dinosaur.  But like the modern unicorn, the triceratops of old is only a myth.  As with the current trends of today's youth to adorn themselves with outlandish attire and body piercings, so too the protoceratops youth at the end of Cretaceous were into piercing and adorning themselves with gaudy body enhancements.

It was also typical that young males wanting to keep up with the latest technology were into weapons and fighting.  So it's no surprise that forehead mounted weaponry became the 'in" thing.  The sad part is that many parents gave in to their children's whims, even to the extent that at the funerals of youth that died, they were often buried with their favorite adornments. 

Over eons of time, these piercings and body adornments fossilized along with the protoceratops remains, sometimes even fusing together with the bones.  And it is from these remains that scientists have been mislead into believing that they are a different species.

Youth today would be wise to take a lesson from this that even though it seems harmless today, that some archaeologist thousands of years from now may well look back on your poorly thought out behavior and think you too are a different species . . .

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