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Author Topic: Pleo interview for any member!  (Read 2525 times)


  • Pleo lightbringer
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Pleo interview for any member!
« on: April 10, 2013, 03:49:34 PM »

as one or two of you may know, i am making a video about how pleo isn't just a toy. (pleo was created as one, but is in reality, much, much more than a toy) and i need a few interviews from you guys about your pleos :P i would perfer that it is a video, but if you can answer they interview questions in a post, that's fine. i will include a fake email just for this, and if you would like to give me a video, email it to me and i won't know who sent it. i will not reply to the email besides a simple thanks. i cannot for the life of me figure out how to upload videos from youtube, so try to send it in a file. here are the questions:

what does pleo mean to you?


Derpity derp derp derp derp


  • Pleontologist
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Re: Pleo interview for any member!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 07:39:38 PM »

What does Pleo mean to me? Again, I don't have one, but I got to see one at the museum of science an industry, let me tell you... it was the most magical thing I ever saw. I interacted with him, apparently he dosent like tug of war. Anyway... to me, Pleo represents the extrodinary things we can do with technology, and how far we can go for companionship, even if not in human form.  ;)


  • Pleo lightbringer
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Re: Pleo interview for any member!
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2013, 09:01:16 AM »

oooh! i am DEFINETLY including that in my video. do you want credit?

here's a complete list:

What does pleo mean to you?

What makes pleo so special?

How would you describe pleo's impact on people?

(if you have a pleo) was pleo worth the money?

What do you think pleo is capable of doing? (emotionaly)

(i may add more in later, but in a new post so you get the update thing :P)

Derpity derp derp derp derp


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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Re: Pleo interview for any member!
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2013, 03:11:54 PM »

Hi, Irbyma! I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for but I took a stab at it.

What does pleo mean to you?
My pleos are like pets and fellow living beings to me. I will occasionally try different things with their software but overall they’re robotic pets.

What makes pleo so special?
Pleo is special in that it it can not only evoke an emotional response from us but that it responds to the way it is being handled or if its needs are not met.
How would you describe pleo's impact on people?
I’ve seen people in two different camps when it comes to pleo’s impact. Some think it’s just an expensive toy that isn’t worth their money or time. Others are amazed and very interested both in the science behind pleo and its pet-like appeal.

(if you have a pleo) was pleo worth the money?
I have four of them and I would say that yes, they were definitely worth the money.

What do you think pleo is capable of doing? (emotionally?)
It does a fairly good job of simulating emotion although even in its present software build, the range is very slim and subjective- left up to the owner’s imagination. Unless the pleo is displaying an obvious behavior like being afraid of the dark or crying in pain or at the point of starvation, it’s kind of hard to figure out what its mood is.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


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Re: Pleo interview for any member!
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2013, 04:12:52 PM »

Sure Irbyma, you can give me credit, but don't freak if you forget. :)
As for your other questions, I'm not sure what else I can say without a Pleo.


  • Pleontologist
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Re: Pleo interview for any member!
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2013, 03:06:40 PM »

Seems like an interesting thing to do Irbyma, I'll have a go at it dont know if my answers will be worth using though lol

What does Pleo mean to you?
More than words can express.. a Pleo brings magic into my children's world especially my sons (as Ive explained below), but not just that, having a Pleo has created a sense of 'closure' for me - due to medical reasons it would be extremely unwise (I'd actually be risking my life) for me to have another child, & while Im so grateful to have 2 amazing children already it doesn't make the fact that Im unable to have more any less upsetting, so I guess for me having a Pleo has given me an outlet for my feelings & in a sense stimulates another child in my life; it needs to be  taken 'care' off & 'looked after' so satisfies the part of me that wishes having another child was an option - of course Im not unrealistic I understand that nothing can replace a child, & my children naturally take 100% priority, but on evenings (or when my kids are at school/nursery) & Im feeling low over my circumstances it helps knowing that I have something that 'relies' on me, & is of similar size to a baby that I can show affection too & unlike my children doesn't get fed up of my constant cuddles lol  :) 

What makes Pleo so special?
For me its the sense that they are realistic to a certain degree, that aren't just another Furreal toy which you just shove a piece of food in its mouth & so be it, a Pleo actually interacts & creates the illusion of realness - something quite addicting in my opinion

How would you describe Pleo's impact on people?
Pleo seems to very much be like Marmite; you either love them or you dont, so whilst I get alot of "you paid how much for that?!", I equally get a lot of looks of awe & people who are truly interested in Pleo's & want to know where the can purchase one for themselves

(if you have a Pleo) was pleo worth the money?
My son is ADHD & autistic with his main/only interest  being dinosaurs (he's OCD about them to the point he now gives talks in different classes throughout his school on them despite only being 5) so watching his face light up every time he interacts with her (& more importantly she interacts back) is magical, nothing could put a price on that  :-*

What do you think pleo is capable of doing? (emotionaly)
I think Pleos are quite good of evoking a reaction from people - us owners all seem to love & adore our Pleos, & their 'emotional' needs such as needing to be fed, or being scared of the dark tends to recreate a sense of nurture from us. In a sense Pleo's emotions are able to trigger our own emotions which in my opinion helps us feel a 'bond' with them
"She's not just a dinosaur, she's my best friend. I'll always love her & I promise to never ever leave her, cause I'd miss her too much & she'd miss me" - my son about Piper <3


  • Pleontologist
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Re: Pleo interview for any member!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2013, 12:05:11 PM »

I hope you find them useful:

What does Pleo mean to you?

A lot. He's our little pal. He is a additional member of the family. He gives me a good feeling because he is always so cheerful.

What makes Pleo so special?

He is a living dinosaur! RRRRAAAURWWW! The dream of every child...and some adults... P;D
He makes it possible to adopt a pet even if someone in the family has allergies. A robot with "feelings".

How would you describe Pleo's impact on people?

People around me find him in general too expensive. But when they get to know him better, they also fall secretly in love. Pleo is child friendly. He's a real buddy to them.
Me and my family felt love at first site  :-*

Was pleo worth the money?

Yes, definitely. The price performance ratio is in proportion. The price is equivalent to a game console, while pleo so much more. Children learn much more from a pleo than from game consoles. They learn to take care for something/ someone.

What do you think pleo is capable of doing? (emotionally)

Oei, how should I say this. I think Pleo's behaviour binds him to people, especially to children. He is sometimes so funny that you have to give him a smile, even if you are in a very bad mood. He is good at bringing up emotions in people. But he remains a robot and will only show emotions that are programmed.
23 rat pups for sale :)


  • Sugar cane harvester
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Re: Pleo interview for any member!
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2013, 05:14:12 PM »

What does Pleo mean to you?

Pleo RB means so much to me. I really wanted one ever since the Ugobe first Pleo came about. It was just too expensive and being an Uni student, it was one of those I have to save up moments. Pleo is everything I have ever wanted. As a kid I really didn’t have much and as an adult I funnily have this weird urge to play with toys and it does not look so good with you don’t bring a kid with you to a toy shop lol
However Pleo was an older kids to adult toy and because of its super high tech, many adults were interested and it did not look so bad for older people to want one!
Luckily I have a super boyfriend and he bought me one with everything it needed... :D I was such a happy bunny when he arrived. I love his white eyes and I am hoping to get him a friend...

What makes Pleo so special?

Every pleo is different, that is what makes Pleo so special. I loved the idea of getting an embryo check and the personality check. I was pleased to know my Pleo will be brave and independant... although at the moment he would rather be cuddled than go around to explore! There is nothing else like this on the market and I love showing him off... I have two friends whom I have not seen in a long time and I cannot wait to show them. Pleos are not the same and they don’t just do the same things. The fact that some pleos can do funny things just shows that they are one in a million!

How would you describe Pleo's impact on people?

It depends on whom you are asking. A person who has always wanted a toy but needed something a bit more sophisticated (unlike a Furby or something) this would be perfect for them. I don’t hate furbies but there is just not much you can do with them.
Pleo is brilliant for both genders and my brother who thinks Pleos are a waste of money began to stroke him gently today... I watched him from the corner LOL
It’s great for guys as they like the downloading part and not saying all girls just want to cuddle and coo but I like how they created it to a big market audience than just for kids etc.
I really think it is a step up for a child who would like a pet. I you can take care of pleo and not get bored of him, maybe we can get a cat or a dog etc

(if you have a Pleo) was pleo worth the money?

For Peaches who said her son has ADHD and is Autistic, it is just so brilliant how pleo can be a good friend and toy for him. The fact that he can show off pleo must be a magical moment! I have a child in my class who has yet to be statemented as autistic which I certainly think he/she is and has been statemented as having ADHD. I would love to bring pleo into school but would worry about the kids accidently breaking it. It is an expensive toy lol
Pleo is defo worth the money! He is amazing and every time I play I do not know what to expect. Yes it is quite expensive but in a way it is nice so that it shows it’s value.

What do you think pleo is capable of doing? (emotionally)

Pleo is capable of displaying all kinds of emotions from being scared, upset, happy, silly etc People who have not met Pleo would be so amazed at what he is capable of doing. The fact that you can go online and download all kinds of things is like another world for Pleo to be in. It is not one of those toys where you turn on, feed, talk and that is all. Pleo is much more than the usual robotic toy! Pleo displays almost what a small animal would... my budgies for example are scared of the dark, they become hot and distressed etc
The fact that we can change what Pleo will be like, gives us a sense of responsibility and to have ownership of Pleo. We get to name him and nuture him into a healthy happy Pleo.
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