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Author Topic: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk  (Read 7931 times)


  • Renaissance pleo
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Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« on: April 14, 2009, 03:15:03 PM »

Interesting video  ;D

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pcAsEUOW9Q" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pcAsEUOW9Q</a>


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Re: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 04:11:03 PM »

Very cool! But, is it real? I mean, it could be fake, but I don't know  :P


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Re: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 04:59:34 PM »

Interesting, but I don't want a remote controlled dino :P I wonder if that overrides the heat sensor that switches Pleo off once he/she becomes too hot, I could imagine that too much walking could cause damage if it did.
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


  • Renaissance pleo
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Re: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 05:13:21 PM »

Interesting, but I don't want a remote controlled dino :P I wonder if that overrides the heat sensor that switches Pleo off once he/she becomes too hot, I could imagine that too much walking could cause damage if it did.

The lipoly battery is very cool! I'm very happy now with my pleo. I can play with him after the recharge, the battery isn't warm! I cannot understand why Ugobe doesnt use the lipo instead of that horrible NiMh  >:(


  • Sugar cane harvester
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Re: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 12:02:59 PM »

Very cool! But, is it real? I mean, it could be fake, but I don't know  :P

At least everything in the video seems completely doable with the available pleo tools and the right skills. Quite a bit of work I imagine, but probably fun and not too difficult for someone with the right skillset.

Now there's yet another type of thing I wouldn't mind being good at :) ...

As for heat I would guess that this doesn't affect heat-preventing shutdown. For the pleo, being remote controlled like that is likely exactly the same as receiving commands from Dinomite. I don't recall seeing or reading about any way to cause or prevent a heat-related shutdown at the software level, so my guess is that it's a more low-level feature and therefore unaffected by things like this (and anything else we might do in the way of skits and other personality programming).
« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 12:06:59 PM by bjoreman »


  • Hatchling
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Re: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2009, 04:10:28 PM »

This project is certainly very real and working.

All Pleos are equipped with a small 7-pin connector next to the power-switch. It is hidden under a small bit of plastic glued on to keep us from doing silly things. This port contains a 3.3V power-source and ordinary RS232 (at 3.3V level).

RS232, for those who might not now, is the same kind of serial data-communication used to connect ordinary dial-up telephone-modems to computers, at least before USB got popular. PCs usually have it at -12/+12V levels though, and in rather large 9-pin D-SUB connectors. Well, actually ... they usually don't really have it all that much anymore, since it is of limited use today. For ordinary users anyway. :-)

The actual communication that can take place using this Pleo RS232-port is the exact same that you have through the USB. Not at all as convenient as just connecting up a USB-cable, but a cable could be made to connect the computer (using a voltage-level shifter) this way. The end result is the same, since a driver on the computer converts the USB-connection to an ordinary COM(serial)-port.

For hardware-hackers though, the plain RS232-port on the Pleo is great. This means we can, with relatively little fuzz, connect more or less anything we like.

In this case, XBee radio modules are used to extend the serial link wirelessly.

XBees are intelligent radio-modules that uses the ZigBee-protocol (IEEE 802.15.4). They are small, relatively cheap and quite configurable for many different purposes. They can be networked, with several modules talking to each other at the same time, or used as single point to point serial link. They also run on 3.3V, and can therefore be powered straight from the Pleo-port.

On the non-Pleo side of things, in this video we find the Altoids-can. Inside it is another XBee. The two XBees are configured to talk to each other and simply replaces the cable that could have been used, instead creating a nice wireless radio connection.

The XBee in the altoids-can is accompanied by a microprocessor board, in this case an Arduino. Arduino is a very nice fully Open Source controller board built using the Atmel AVR ATMega CPU-series. It's incredibly easy to use, quite cheap and has a lot of helpful users spread out across the internet.

The Arduino then communicates with the Wii-Nunchuck using a protocol called I2C.

A program running on the Arduino simply reads the position of the accelerometer inside the Nunchuck and transmits appropriate commands tho the Pleo over the wireless connection. As said, it's exactly the same commands that you would be able to send using Dino-mite over the USB-connection. No actual hacking inside the Pleo software is necessary, and the only modification that needs to be done is removing the small glued down piece of plastic covering the connector.

Using the serial-port on the Pleo, other things are also possible, like connecting a small Bluetooth-RS232 module to it instead of the XBee, and then use any computer with bluetooth to talk to the Pleo, for example using Dino-mite, wirelessly.

Lastly, in order to keep the Pleo from getting bored with the whole ordeal and move away by itself, a very simple skit that does nothing at all is placed on the SD-card.

End result: Wirelessly remote controlled Pleo. Sort of like a RoboSapien, but green. :-P

Pleo Power

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Re: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2009, 04:46:12 PM »

Im confused about this
The lipoly battery is very cool!
is this another tipe of battery for pleo??? or is it for the Xbee??? or both??? and don't those EXPLODE!!!!!rely easaley :o

if its for the pleo and they don't blow up  were can they be found ;D

and Hi

[UPDATE] I found the other topic here on this ;)  and still want to no are these ones the EXPLODEINGones here                   <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DcpANRFrI4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DcpANRFrI4</a>
[/youtube] ???
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 06:02:17 PM by Pleo Power »


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Re: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2009, 02:10:16 PM »


One thing to note is that Pleo's 7-pin serial port is not simply RS232, it's TTL.  This means you cannot just connect your computer's RS232 pins directly to Pleo, you need an RS232-TTL converter. It has to do with voltage levels (+/- 10V  versus 0-3V) and sign changes.  Things like the XBee and bluetooth serial modules are already TTL, so those can be used as they are.


  • Sugar cane harvester
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Re: Control Pleo with Wii Nunchuk
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2009, 07:10:21 PM »

very cool stuff
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