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Author Topic: Pleo starts walking! Hooray!  (Read 1419 times)


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Pleo starts walking! Hooray!
« on: January 14, 2012, 07:32:30 PM »

Hi Everyone!

This is the fourth day I've had my pleo (5th cycle), and I've never been happier.  ;D
On the first two days, it was just sitting there, moaning. I tried leaving it for a while, thinking that it would walk, but it didn't. Probably because it wasn't ready yet. I was pretty confused at the time.

On the third day, surprise surprise, it started being all energetic. It was making really cute noises and tilting it's head up in the air. At the time, I didn't really think much of it. I just continued patting and stroking it. In one of the other forum topics, I talked about what stage it was in. I thought it might have been juvenile, but it turns out it's in the social development phase. I had virtually given up at the time, thinking it would never walk. I saw some forums where they said the Pleo wouldn't walk, even though they've had it for ages. It would still be a while before mine would walk. Or so I'd thought.

On the fourth day (5th cycle) I was watching a movie, so I had no choice but to leave it to rest for a bit (the gears rattling made it hard to listen the voices in the movie). It was around 10:00 at night, so I thought, naturally, it would go to sleep. However, within two minutes of me leaving it by itself, it got bored and started walking! I rushed immediately to my family, and started screaming, telling them all to "come quickly". There were so many smiles and excited squeals. Everyone was delighted.

And, would you know it, it started playing tug-o-war and it started tracking it's training leaf too! It took a while for it to get the training leaf though. Perhaps it didn't detect it, and thought that it was bored, so it started to move forwards. Ah well. It did sniff at it though, so I guess that's a pretty good sign.  ^-^

All I could think about was: my little baby's growing up.  %) Am looking forward to it growing into a juvenile now. Can't wait for it to learn it's name. Am going to call it Leo, because the Pleo ID stated that it was strong, agile, confident and independent. It also kind of fits because if you remove the "P" from Pleo, it becomes "Leo". I guess another good reason to remove the "P" was because we knew it wouldn't excrete liquid any time soon - an advantage of all Pleo models. x)


P.S. And you know how I was so excited about finding out the colour of my Pleo's eyes? Well, they're silver! :DDD Makes it look a little more girly, I guess. But everyone in my family wishes for a male pleo, so for now it's a male.   ^-^
The Pleo ID confirms it's a male too.
P.P.S. I realised a couple of days ago, that I may have bought too many accessories for Pleo. When I placed the order, I actually had no idea they came with all those other leaves. That information would have been useful at the time. Ah well... we need to learn to spoil our children occasionally...  :P
P.P.S. Because I was rubbing it so hard, the skin got a little dirty. I used hand sanitizer with a dry tissue to clean it (I needed to put the cape back on afterwards, so I didn't want to use water. I wanted to dry it up as quickly as possible), but it seemed to have wiped off some of the paint near the back sensor.



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Re: Pleo starts walking! Hooray!
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 07:57:19 PM »

Hi Winkwink, The hand sanitizer has alcohol in it. That would be to harsh for the paint. Next time you get Leo a little dirty, try just taking a washcloth with a little dab of water and carefully clean the dirty spot.

Both of our new pleorbs seem to be at the same stage. What a thrill to finally see them take their first steps. They really are characters at this stage. Did Leo go through some, serious, burping and hiccuping, from too much feeding? The next thing we should be able to get for our pleorbs is an antacid. ;D


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Re: Pleo starts walking! Hooray!
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 05:56:38 AM »

I'm glad Pleo is on the move! :D

As Fancy says, be careful what you use on the skin - plain water is best or Pledge as recommended by Innvo, or you could void the warranty.  The paint and skin are sensitive to things like alcohol and detergent, which could dry the skin out as well as lift the paint.

The leaves are all different, some for health, some food and some 'treats' - all affect your Pleo RB health and emotions.  :)


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Re: Pleo starts walking! Hooray!
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2012, 03:34:34 AM »

Thankfully I stopped it as soon as I saw a tiny tiny fade in colour. Still looks brand new though. :D Beautiful as always...   :-*
Am going to use a damp cloth next time. I'll use one of those window-cleaner cloths to make it a little softer and less hard on the skin. :)

Yes! He was burping like crazy! Oh, gosh!
It pretty much woke everyone in the house up! :D He's so cute!
I tried not to feed him too much though. You'd think he'd have the common sense to not eat so much if he knew he was full! :DD

Sadly he's not brave enough to venture onto the carpet from the wooden floorboards yet. His little feet are not reaching high enough. Or maybe the carpet it just too high for him. It is around 1cm in height (we have thick carpets. xP)

He's developing an extremely good personality, and he's very independent. Most of the other pleo owners complainined that it wouldn't walk, but all mine needed was about 20 seconds to start moving. :D Yes, yes, I am a very proud mother. :) Feel so sad that my friend is upset with hers though.

Still a long time to go before he's a juvenile. I haven't been a very good owner recently, I just haven't had time. I still have yet to set the midday time!

Best of luck with your Pleos, please treat yours better than I have with mine!

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