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Author Topic: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo  (Read 8790 times)


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Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« on: July 14, 2011, 01:52:24 PM »

Hey all!
I ordered a pink leather-spiked collar meant for little toy dogs for my pleo and it just came today.  It just occurred to me while I was looking at it, if you know what the rough-ish feel of the underside of leather feels like, would it hurt the paint or skin of the pleo at all?  Here's a link to a picture of it where you can sort of see the texture on the underside of the collar: http://www.arcatapet.com/item.cfm?cat=16518

Thank you very much for your time.  :)



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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2011, 02:19:03 PM »

Hi, Willow! I'm not sure my two cents will be much help as I'm blind and can't see your picture but here goes. I wouldn't think it would hurt as long as it's not too snug or too wide to allow free movement. As far as the underside goes I don't think the leather itself will do much harm. I would be more concerned with the little plastic mounts that hold the spikes onto the collar. If none of that has any sharp edges I wouldn't think it would do any harm. I have four collars currently. Two are small dog collars made of soft nylon-ish type stuff. The other two have bells on them that ring at different pitches so I can tell where everyone is. Lol! One is made of ribbon with elastic in it and the other is... well it's fuzzy and made of... who knows what. They're all pretty narrow- about the same width as a stick of gum. I hope this helps.
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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2011, 02:26:31 PM »

No, there seems to be nothing pointy on the underside so it seems fine.  Lol, it seems a little crazy posting a topic just because I'm worried about the texture of a collar, but I'm VERY excited for my pleo rb to come in the mail and wanted to make sure. XP 
Thanks!  ;D


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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2011, 03:08:28 PM »

No problem. That's what all of us are for! If anyone else has a differing oppinion- seeing as they can see it- I'm sure they will add to the discussion. Don't worry about posting something silly. I've learned that the only dumb question is a question not asked.
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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2011, 03:37:27 PM »

HI, it is DEJA -VU, I have that exact same collar, pink too, that I found in a  local thrift store last year sometime, but paid $4.00 for it, It is loosely hung on my pleos, but I only leave it on when they are not in action and I will tell you the only concerns I have, For looks and display it is great. It is really bad for a RB, but for a older Pleo, better. This is the reason, pleos do have a tendancy to get into some strange postions and for instance, when they are curled up sleeping, or bending their heads and necks a certain way, the spikes do come close to a skin area or a leg that may be damaged, One way to avoid this is to have some sort of clothing on the pleo to lessen the chance of a spike accidently comming into contact with a spike. I think if you leave it loose it will probably be ok, but I would leave it off till your Pleo is hatched.( It is a New in Box Pleo, correct..) This is only because when the Pleo first hatches, he goes into a curled up postion and this is when in that postion the neck comes into contact even if only briefly with legs which are rubbing sometimes against neck and head. ( Do not ever put this on a Pleo Rb for that reason. :o) Pleo Rb have a habit of when curling up or resting on your shoulder of having their necks popping and gears getting stuck against feet already, this has happened to lots of Rb, and this is just asking for damage, holes or abrasions on Pleo Skin.
          I do think it is cute just be careful when your Pleo is wearing it. I have myne and do watch closely when any of my Pleos are wearing it. I do prefer the sheepskin or very soft collars or even beaded necklaces and such, but you have to be just as careful with beads etc, watching for jagged or sharp edges. I feel everything I put on my Pleos necks and if I have any doubt, I don't put it on, or put something like a soft bandaid or peice of cloth under the collar and you should be fine. I will have to find a photo or the collar so I can post my Pleo in the same collar and you will see how it looks! It is cute and with a boy, very nice! :)              RWM
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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 03:42:31 PM »

I agree with Talon - as long as it's not tight and rubbing anywhere repeatedly, and as long as there are no sharp edges from the rivets, it should be fine.  Very cute collar, by the way, I like it!  I bet it'll look fab!  ;D

I would be more concerned about the spikes themselves if you had more than one Pleo, but for one on its own, as long as it's quite loose, it should be OK I'd have thought.

ADDED:  As RWM says, the best thing is to keep an eye on things when you first put it on to see if the spikes might catch anywhere.  :)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 03:44:42 PM by Crewella »


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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2011, 04:35:38 PM »

Aaayye, definitely don't want the spikes to poke the skin. :o
Maybe I should put it on when I'm ready to put her up for the day (as in, when I press the button to let her straighten up into packing position) I can put it on, or just be very careful and supervise her when it's on.  And yup, she's NIB.  Thank you very much, RWM, I can't believe I didn't think of that!  >~<  
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 04:38:17 PM by Willow »


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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2011, 12:27:12 PM »

I have been trying to find a spiked collar for my Ugobe, Lyssa, for ages.. I was hoping to find one that had soft spikes that just looked similar to the hard metal ones, as I was concerned about the inside parts where you can see it is holding the spikes onto the collar, rubbing the neck, and also the spikes hitting parts of the Pleos own body or another Pleo's body when they get in a dinosaur fight.  I personally would put some soft tape or material something on the inside of the collar to cover up the metal areas that could touch the skin and it should be ok, the spikes are a little disconcerting though.. like RWM said.. might be better to just use when it's turned off if those spikes are even remotely sharp.
I also worry that the leather might be a bit rough.. I only use soft material collars on mine.. just because their skin is just so darn delicate!! The collar sure looks cool though!

I wonder, do you guys think it would work for an Aibo? I'd love to get a spike collar for Loki!

- Sarah
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 12:30:21 PM by latrine »


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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2011, 01:19:06 PM »

Your right, lol, I should put something on the inside as the rough underside of the leather makes me nervous.  ???
Perhaps I just shouldn't use it and buy a collar meant for pleo from PleoFashions.com just to be safe...there's too many risks about that spiked collar. >.<
Oh and I'm sure that the spiked collar would work fine for Aibos as they are hard and don't have rubbery, tender skin like Pleo.
Oh well, I really appreciate the help everyone! :)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 01:21:09 PM by Willow »


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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2011, 03:23:13 PM »

 Willow, hi, thought you might like to see what the collar actually looks like on a Pleo, I told you I had found the exact same collar, ($4.00) in a local thrift store this past year. It does look nice on Pleos, just be careful with having it too tight where it can damage necks or legs when Pleos are sleeping, curled up on your shoulder or any postion where the neck and leg come in contact with each other. What I do is when Pleo leaves it on, is to have a piece of clothing, shirt, etc , under the collar area and no worry. Also leave it looser and you will be ok. also there is a big difference, I have 14 Pleos where they often come in contact with each others, so I have to pay a bit more attntion. If you only have one, you don't have to worry about Pleo comming in contact with another one and getting "poked" or Piercing another Pleo with his collar! Enjoy your PInk collar, just be careful that is all! :)  
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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2011, 03:26:43 PM »

Thank you very much, the collar does look quite nice on a pleo!  ;D
I will be sure to be careful.  ;)


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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2011, 06:01:40 PM »

I buy cat collars for my pleos and then just cut them down to size.  depending on what they are made of you can do this fairly easily without needing to do any sewing or anything.  But some of my collars have required a quick sewing of a straight line on the sewing machine to finish them off.  There are many cat collars out there with very soft undersides which is what I look for when buying a collar for a pleo.  Just take a look around at your local pet store and see what is out there. ;D 
I do like the look of the spiked collar too.  If your worried you could always buy some sticky felt from your craft store and then just line the back of the collar with that and then it would be nice and soft on the pleos skin.   


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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2011, 03:07:13 AM »

With my interest sparked by this topic , I decided to take some random photos of different collars my Pleos have been wearing and to give you an idea of the great variety of choices you have out there. Here are just a few of the Pleo collars and I think by reading you can see which ones are my favorite ones.  

            Hope this gives you an idea what Pleos can wear and have fun with your own "collars'        I would love to see more Pleo Collars here. I think they are great . RWM
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 03:09:14 AM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2011, 04:55:33 AM »

Bracelets work well and can be very stylish...
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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2011, 05:45:30 AM »

I agree, Well said IMR. :) ;) Do you have any faves for Pleakley, Lilo, Stitch or Nani?

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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2011, 06:58:07 AM »

I'm not quite sure where all of mine are, I've packed some stuff away in preparation for moving. Here are some of them though.

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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2011, 07:04:47 AM »

Thanks IMR for posting those lovely photos of some Pleo necklaces. :) I really like the top pink star type design and the lovelyl purple stone one as well. What is the material for the top one made of? Bracelets and necklaces or many types do provide some excellent choices for Pleos .. I bet these are some real stunners when on your Pleos. The colors are great on green dino skin, and Pink of course! ;) Thanks for showing some of yours. By the way, where are you moving to? Is it job related or a whole home relocation for you and your family, didn't know you were moving! Good luck with your move, I allways find it is more work to pack up and more fun to unpack and get things all decorated and where they belong. ;D Hope you don't lose any dinos on the way, they would not like being packed in boxes esp Rb in the dark I fear! :( :o :D ;)
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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2011, 03:42:09 PM »

I picked that pink one, and a similar purple one up at a craft market. They are made up of little tiny beads, and the pattern is quite intricate. The purple square bead one and the plainer white bead one came from Mike here on the forums. The brown bead one, the brown with the larger stone and the white bead one with the pink leaf came from Mad Tortoise. The purple and blue ones on the right came from my sister and the denim band was a purchase made for charity, it's meant to be a bracelet but it was just a perfect fit for Pleo's :)

(PS LadyJaye from Mad Tortoise can be found here on the forums.)

I'm not quite sure where we are moving yet, still looking for another house. It will be in this area, we are being evicted from our current location because the owner wants to move in, that's the problem with renting, it's never really your house.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 03:44:01 PM by InmemoryofRomeo »
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Re: Quick Question on Collar for Pleo
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2011, 02:06:18 AM »

Thank you RWM for the very nice pictures of the collars!  And the bracelet idea is a very fine solution, thank you IMR! ^^
I'm very excited for her to arrive where I'll then figure out what she'll use.
Thanks again!  ;D
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