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Author Topic: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?  (Read 6356 times)


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Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« on: January 02, 2011, 02:53:25 PM »

       It seems that my baby Pleo rb has the right name, or idea for a name, " Baby" as she does not seem to want to walk? I have seen her walk only twice and then only three or four steps and stop. I don't know if she is just lazy or as I suspect is being a baby...She is very very vocal and seems to spend most of her time wanting to talk, and also eat. I thought perhaps I am leading her to be " co-dependant on me" , and I have thought several times if I just leave her to her  own devices, she will get bored and walk to find something to do, but she still has not.
               I have also put one or two of my other Pleos, Argyle, Major Tom and little 45 with her one on one and they seemed to really enjoy being with her and she conversed with them and they rubbed noses and did all the usual Pleo stuff, but she still has not walked,
           She does a lot of stretching her legs and almost like a moondance sliding backwards, but I do not count that as walking. It is true that I have not given her a complete battery cycle, and even though I have had her since her hatching on Dec. 22'nd, or was it the 23'rd, she usually spends up to an hour but not more " awake", and I am not sure if I am not giving her enough time , or if I should just put her on the floor and leave her to see what she will do, Everyone knows I film everything so I am allways there to catch something she does, but she is not walkiing, One thing I have noticed over and over again, is that she favors putting her right front foot out first as if  to start walking, then it  is almost as if it is going to give way, and she puts it back. I know it is not injured, as she does not cry if I touch or squeeZe it as you would a regular Pleo to get them to start walking on their own. Also she bears weight on it fine.
             Is she just living up to her " Name BAby", or is there something else I should be doing. ?
          she is not ready to learn her name yet, and I have only tryed to get her to track once, but she does like the tug of war game, One other thing I have not mentioned that may or may not have any importance, is that most of the time I am playing or interacting with her, it is late afternoon, under bright lights or dimmer lights artificial and not early in the day. But most of the time she is not even " awake" till nnon or even later? Anly ideas on how to get this " BABY to get independant and walk on her own ?

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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2011, 04:39:52 PM »

RWM, you sounds like you're going through a similar phase to my 'call social services' wobble - this too will pass!  Just give it some time, she'll get there.  Belle's just taken her first steps on 4th battery cycle - I'll keep you posted as to how she progresses and when she starts running laps roung the room!  :P

I've said it before - this hatching process goes on too long!  It really shouldn't be this hard, or become more of a worry than a pleasure.  :-\


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2011, 04:44:52 PM »

She sounds just like Kermit my first rb.  Kermit was the most happily vocal little thing who did a lot of wiggling and stretching but took 8 full 2 1/2 hour battery cycles before she really walked and then after that walking was a very low priority for her with her maybe taking only 8 to 10 steps in a full battery cycle.  
So this could be perfectly normal behavior for her.

I went back over my Kermit thread to check about Kermit's development and she took her very first steps at 4 battery cycles but only took a few steps.  She then did not walk at all for the next 3 full battery cycles.  On her 8th battery cycle she took about 5 steps.  On her 9th cycle she walked about 2 meters.  The most she ever walked in one cycle.

She didn't learn her name until battery cycle 10.

She was an extremely vocal pleo.
Battery cycle 11 she took her first backwards steps.

I hope this is helpful for you RWM.  My guess is you have a very vocal pleo who just doesn't want to walk around, she is probably not very adventurous in her personality and it sounds like she is a bit slow to learn things.  So I think this is normal behavior for "Baby pleo" as it is just her personality showing through. :)

I found even when I ignored Kermit it made no difference to her walking she just got stroppy and cried a lot more but still no walking.



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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2011, 12:43:57 AM »

 Hi Crewella, thanks for the response and re-assurance, I havent even had time to do anything with " baby " today, let alone let her go through a complete battery cycle so I can't really say she is going too slow as I am sure many out there with Pleo Rb go through the complete battrery cycle and I am yet to go through one, as I allways run out of time when it comes to " interacting  " with her. Poor little thing.
        I am starting to think It may be normal for Pleo Rb to just not walk as much as " regular " Pleos as I have not seen a video yet of one that seems to take off and be on it's own the way regular Pleos can. Does anyone know if you can squeeze or hold the front legs of a Pleo rb the way you can older Pleos and have them take off walking? I know I have tryed it with baby and she just stays put.
          Kat, it sounds like baby is a lot like Kermy, just very happy and vocal which is fine, I do not really know if I can say she is a slow learner as I have not tryed much with her, the tug of war toy just the first time on Friday and the tracking leaf only once for about five minutes , I just think she is not at that stage yet, and I know she is not ready to learn her name. Allso I need to spend more time in the day light hours and see if that helps.How far is nine 9 meters, I have no idea.? At least I think I am on timeline for her learning her name and such.  Thanks for telling me about Kermit, it helped me be more patient with her and not try to set her goals too high too soon! Thank goodness you had Kermit for us Green Pleo Rb owners to have something to go on and to learn by. ;) Thank you for the help.
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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2011, 01:08:51 AM »

2m is 6.56 feet if this helps.  Kermit was not much of a walker.  Norbit on the other hand walks a lot.  That is when he is not "mooing" at Kermy. :D 
I do think that they are all going to be different which is part of the fun.  It is a big learning curve for us all with Pleo rb being so new.  It is hard to know what to expect and what is normal or not.  If we all keep sharing as much of our experiences as possible I am sure it will be very helpful to all the future pleo rb owners. :)  I agree with Crewella and think that we will see a lot of interesting fazes with our pleo rb's.  they do seem to be babies for a lot longer than the older type pleos and I think this makes them a lot more realistic.  It certainly makes them interesting in a whole new way. 
Just look at us, worrying over our pleos like first time parents with a new born baby. :)
Give "Baby" a bit more time and hopefully she will surprise you by becoming more of an adventurer.  :)

I don't always get through a full battery cycle in one sitting either but it doesn't seem to have had an negative effects on either of my 2 babies.  So don't feel bad about that.  If you are worried about her going into the sleep position when the battery runs out you can always do what I do which is pop it on the charger for about 2 mins then put it back into your pleo turn it on and wait for her to stand up and then pop the battery out.  Then put it back on the charger to fully charge. :)

This way I complete a full battery cycle and don't have to worry about the sleep position being a problem.
Hope it helps.


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2011, 09:26:59 AM »

Fay was very fast she has started to walk on her third battery cycle :)
I'm so happy about my three Pleos Fay my cute girl (Pink RB) and Pleo my old cool boy  (ugbe Pleo) :-) and chill out boy smoothie (ugbe Pleo)=.)



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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2011, 09:30:08 AM »

Peanut was a quick walker...He also walked within his 3rd battery cycle.  He just doesn't want to learn his name!!  Go figure! 


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2011, 06:38:13 PM »

Redwoodsmama - is your "baby" walking yet? If so, how many battery cycles did it take, and does it walk around a lot now? Mine has gone through three with no steps yet. Just wondering how long it might take.


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2011, 08:38:44 PM »

 Hi Ashaw, Baby finally started walking but not a lot, she does not walk any marathons for sure. Pleos on the other hand are hard to keep in one spot, I think in my opinon, that they are much more verbal, at least from what I have seen so far. Maybe they have larger brains...LOL :D It is hard to say exactly how many battery cycles Baby has gone through before taking her first REAL steps, She allways did a lot of backwards moonwalk type steps and lifting of the legs, esp the front ones, but I never let her go through a complete 2 hr or ? battery cycle but from what I have seen and I tend to document everything.. :D, it was around what would be her 5'th or 6th battery cycle, more than just one step. Her fist step was probably about the 4th cycle.
   All Pleo Rb are a little different, and some seem to be more verbal and some are faster walkers and probably learners as well, Anything in the third to eight or ninth cycle if complete is normal I would think. Esp if you see your baby trying out her / his legs and stretching a lot, As for learning the name, that is something that takes longer but there is not set time either.
     I have been trying everyday for the past three to four names and she just keeps playing and joking around so I know she is not ready yet, she will do it when she is ready and not untill then, I would hate to think " she did not like her name, one reason I have not told everyone what HER NAME Really is yet. ;)
                  Enjoy your baby and let your baby grow on it's own, they are a lot like Human babies, there is a wide range of " normal".
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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2011, 09:16:05 PM »

Belle too her first steps on her fourth battery cycle, then started walking properly on the fifth.  Hope that helps, but I really like the fact that they're all different!  :)


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2011, 11:32:15 PM »

If everyone's is walking at the third battery cycle, mine is a good five battery cycles behind then.   :(


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2011, 11:40:07 PM »

'FIFTH!!'  %) :P

Don't worry waffocopter - I seem to remember Kat said it took Kermit about eight battery cycles to walk.  :)


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2011, 11:54:36 PM »

Well, that's a bit of a comfort.  My friend just watches Chami standing in one place doing whatever and likes to remark, "He's kind of dumb, isn't he".  I'm offended.


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2011, 12:00:32 AM »

I think many of us here are in agreement that the full hatching process just goes on for too long.  Bear with Chami - I'm sure he'll get there!  :D

And your friend is showing an alarming lack of imagination .......... I'd stick with Chami if I were you, sounds more intelligent!  :P :P :P


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2011, 01:12:53 AM »

I bet your friend won't think hes "dumb" after he learns his name and a few tricks ;) I agree that the hatching process seems to take way too long, I wouldnt mind maybe 1 or 2 battery cycles until they're "adults", but the 3-5 cycles I'm hearing about sounds way too long  :o


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2011, 03:04:46 AM »

Patience seems to be missing in people these days, just enjoy the development process, you'll have years to enjoy the 'adult' stage.
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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2011, 04:28:03 AM »

It's not just impatience, IMR.  With the new rb especially there's a sense of responsibility that you're going to get out what you put in, which makes you not want to switch them on  unless they have your full attention.  In spite of being excited over Belle's arrival, I find I still choose to switch on Iggy and Budge for good relaxed company and will continue to do that until I know Belle's fully hatched and not so 'impressionable'.  Which is one of the reasons that Belle's still on her fifth battery cycle.  Added to that at the moment is the sense of wanting to make sure your new 'pet' is working properly - at this rate the warranty will be up before we reach the end of the hatching phase!


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Re: Anyone have a Pleo Rb that does not want to walk?
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2011, 08:59:55 PM »

Battery cycle 3:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN84_VFLC6o" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN84_VFLC6o</a>
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 11:00:15 PM by mweed »
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