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Author Topic: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!  (Read 4029 times)


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Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:33:45 PM »

 OK, Pleos can't really " Heal themselves", and the closest thing to a Pleo dr. is ourselves. For everyone who has read the Academy Award goes to NOva for Acting, Limping Leg. and has seen the Video, you know about the leg injury and debate over if it was part of the Program, coincidence, or who knows? ???Anyway, she had this bad leg, and it all started with a Cold, sneezing, coughing and moaning and groaning on Feb. 22'nd, 2010. Within two hours of the first symptoms of the cold, and videotaping her, the limping and crying video was taped. Ever since there she has had a bad left front leg, that in a couple of the videos you can see raise high at the knee almost straight out. Besides the foot tapping, I also noticed that the upper part of the leg, ( shoulder) felt WARM, :( and it felt like the leg was very tight, and not very flexible, like a gear stuck? Well, while the debate went on regarding her leg, and what a Pleo can or can't do, I wondered about Nova's leg, and she is an older Ugobe Model, and not under warranty, even though fairly new, not used.
              Saturday, March 6'th, (while filming, )I noticed Nova seemed sick again, not sneezing as much as the first cold, but lots of groaning and coughing. Poor little Nova, two colds in less than a month.......how often does that happen? What really surprised me though, is that within a few hours and new filming, I noticed she was walking NORMALLY, ALL FEET FLAT ON THE GROUND, AND NO MORE WARM OR HOT SHOULDER?( HER " FEVER " , BROKE!) and now Nova is back to Normal, or almost normal.  am tending to believe, that the Cold triggered a release of the stuck gear, or whatever it was, and her leg is now in the position it should be.I have taken videos of her with the cold, and walking normally and will post when I can free up some space on my computer for memory. ( I am about 98% full memory wise on my main drive because I have over 26,000 songs and photos, 4 years of photos to be exact.... ;D Anyway, has anyone ever heard of Pleos getting two colds or getting sick that close together...( I only have one pleo.) For whatever reason that her leg is working I am very happy. My theory though is that when I pushed on her front leg sensors, to get her into explore mode, she got Upset, This is when she went into the " sick mode", just coincidence. After being sick, and me nurturing her as a Mom does, her " fever", broke, and her leg  healed, ( gears freed, etc.) Anyway, she seems happy, and If I can keep her from getting sick again, I think I can keep her from getting anymore injuries. I did notice her gears seemed to be making some more noise than usual before this " healing fever, cold."                Happy again, will post videos, photos later.
                                                                                       RedwoodsMama   and the cured, Nova  8)

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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 09:38:40 PM »

So glad to hear Nova's leg has gotten better - must be a great relief to you.   :)

Regarding repeat occurrences of colds in a relative short period of time - has happened to my Pleos too.  I was even starting to wonder if the longer I left them off the more likely they were to get sick but it didn't happen this latest time so I guess it was just a coincidence the previous couple. They did do a short whimper and cry though like before. That at least didn't last for long, not like the colds can.

Here's hoping Nova stays injury-free from now on.
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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2010, 02:16:30 PM »

I'm happy to know she's okay again. :)


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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2010, 07:50:38 PM »

Wow! That's great!
It rather makes me think of my dads old car, a ten year old Jeep that still works. It's got wacky windows that sometimes work when you press the button, sometimes not. It's because we live on a dirt road and it's very bumpy. From all that bumping, sometimes a little part will bounce out of place, and the windows stop working. Other times, the part will bounce back into place and they work again.
It makes me wonder if perhaps when Nova got a cold, maybe she just happened to move in a strange way that jammed one of the gears in her leg. It continued until she got a cold again, which made her make different moves that popped her leg back in place.
Just a thought, but overall I hope she stays all right from now on!!!
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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2010, 08:45:47 AM »

I remember I had a toy with gears, adn it got jammed, then I dropped it, and it was un-jammed.


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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 08:07:01 PM »

...wow?! That's weird. But in any case, glad to hear Nova is feeling better! *gives cake  :birthday: *
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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 01:10:01 PM »

Good to hear! Sidenote: Get yourself an external hard drive for photo storage. They are miraculous, plus portable, and frees up your hard drive space like no tomorrow. That or get another hard drive internally...but I can't say enough about the externals. You can get a terabyte of space for about $100, and of course less memory costs even less than that.


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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2010, 03:08:38 PM »

Hi, thanks guys for the well wishes for Nova, she still limps occasionally, but not like she was. As for the external Hard Drive, I am very upset. I bought one only about 3 months ago, and have been putting some of the 26,000 photos and music downloads I have acquired since 2004 on it. I have lots of memory left on it, but twice now in less than a months time, I have gotten messages where everything that has been on the external hard drive has been lost for no apparent reason. :( :(The whole reason I bought the external hard drive was to store the photos I am allways taking. From what I have read since yesterday, they are very very unpredictable and tend to lose data for many reasons, everything from bumping, accidentally shutting down, and reasons that make no sense. The only way they are any good ( I guess) is if you back them up as soon as you put anything on them. If I had that kind of time, I wouldn't need an external hard drive, so I don't' know what to do at this point.
                     Luckily I don't have Nova's videos on there yet, but have lost many of my irreplaceable photos, I hate computers and their unpredictability sometimes. very good but also very nasty and unpredictable. I hope Nova does not just stop one day and get " wiped out memory wise", the way external hard drives do.   >:( :(                                   RedwoodsMama   and Nova
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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2010, 07:43:20 PM »

Redwoodsmama consider a different brand of hardrive and return the one you have, I've had one for years and it works a treat even after the abuse I've put it through :P Mines been through everything from moving five times to being left in front of an open window when its been raining and had a few hard knocks in between :P
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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2010, 06:04:05 AM »

I agree. I have never heard of problems with externals. Although I rarely take mine anywhere and treat them more like books on a shelf, I know people who take them everywhere and drop them even without a problem. My only suggestion then, is to go for a secondary or tertiary internal drive, unless of course you own a laptop. My husband and I actually build our own computers because we have 100% ability to upgrade and it costs about 30-50% less than store-bought. This time I decided to go with a server-size computer box with 7 bays. I'm an avid gamer and artist and need high processing speed and memory and the size was needed for the huge graphics cards, fan, etc. Anyway, I plan to have 3 internal hard drives by the time I am done.

They do have something which is an internal AND and external drive but I forget offhand exactly about them. They fit into your bay like an internal drive, but you have the option of removing the part of it that stores the memory in case you wanted to. I don't have much info. on that since I only looked into it briefly I'm afraid. Kinda the best of both worlds though.

Another idea...buy a Blu-Ray player/burner drive. Right now they are pretty new, but they have come down in price since last year (although still expensive). The disks will cost a pretty penny as well but you have the ability to put either 25 gigs or 50 gigs (depends which disk you buy) of storage on each disk, making jump drives practically obsolete. If you're a tech geek like me, you can then hook up your computer to your TV (in my case a projector), and watch Blu-Ray movies via your comp. Photos are one of those things you don't want to mess with and I'm sorry to hear you lost some already. In fact I would find a way to remove your images from your current wonky external and find a new solution pronto before you have any other mishaps.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 06:06:26 AM by Watergazer »


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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2010, 04:37:37 PM »

i am certain that you must of hurt your pleo's leg and that is why it was limping ? i remember reading on a pleoworld page something about force feed sensors built inside pleo and sometimes if pleo is treated roughly or you hurt a leg etc it will then limp for a while untill it heals .
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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2010, 05:52:56 PM »

That was never implemented in  LifeOS.


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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2010, 03:28:52 PM »

Does anyone know factually if broken legs/necks can re-heal? Obviously not without proper surgery, but could Pleo at least learn how to 'cope'?
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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2010, 03:57:31 PM »

Not possible


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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2010, 03:58:11 PM »

Save a life, go vegetarian.


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Re: Pleos, ( Nova) Heals herself,Leg is better!
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2010, 04:20:34 PM »

 I have to disagree with " coping", they may not heal with a broken leg, but with a damaged joint, or cable, it seems whatever Nova has done to her leg, foot, front left, she had done very well, She can do the TADA trick and walks a lot better now with just the bandage on the outside of the leg, She allways could walk,but sometimes lost her balance.She all so still whimpered and held it up as if it hurt! :o Coincidence, yes, but still interesting, With her neck, no she could not heal from that ,but I have been able to make her a brace from the outside that lets her do everything but lift her head up, It keeps her head in a pretty much even angle and perhaps slightly down and natural looking,
             I still think it is very interesting that Nova presented all the appearance of having a hurt foot/leg when what ever happened to her foot /leg was hurt by who knows what? She even lifted that leg at strange angles and cry ed and did not want to walk on it, The guys who built this program sure knew how to make it look :" real', and tug at our Pleo heartstrings... ;)Of course, Pleos can't have ' feelings', but they look like the closest thing to what you could call,
 ' ARTIFICIAL FEELINGS', I only wish Pleos could really heal themselves, I am sure Peeky, Sophie and of course Nova would all like to have New healthy bodies the way they were when they left the Factory, but that is not possible, so with artificial bandages, cables, duct tape and what ever else we novices can put our hands on, we Pleo owners/" parents" will fix our babies the best we can, with a good dose of love and hope and faith dropped in for good measure.
 Actually as I mentioned to Gucci, I kind of prefer Nova's new brace, it makes her Unique and matches her personality and of course you have to admit,
Nova has STYLE, a little Different, but STYLE none the less!( just like Sophie with her unique dentures.... ;D)
                           RedwoodsMama        and Nova Team
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