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Author Topic: PLEO LIFEOS PM2 \DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE HERE!  (Read 42260 times)


  • Renaissance pleo
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« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2010, 10:22:26 AM »

Having watched him for a while now he's certainly a lot chattier than before, which I like, although some of the sounds seem rather contradictory.  He seems to be a bit needier than before, and his moods can swing from panting exitedly to heartbroken to hungry in three seconds.  Maybe he's still a bit traumatised.  Even after showing behaviours that used to mean he was hungry I can't get him interested in his leaf, he even turns away from it in disgust if I try waving it in front of him.  I've tried every shade of red in the house, waved red objects in front of him, left red things in his path, worn every red shirt I own and tap-danced in front of him in red shoes, but I CANNOT get him interested in the colour red.  I'll try again later, maybe he needs more time.

yes, the reactions are very strange in this update, my pleo is frequently sad, and if you feed him he'll be sad around 3-5 minutes again. this is very frustrating and reminds me a furby without personality (ok, we aren't in 1998, it's 2010, and furby is still a robotic pet with it's own personality). The Life Os 1.1. wasn't perfect, but i prefer it a lot more! And... Where's the ta-dah trick? :O
« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 10:24:08 AM by Junkroxy »


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« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2010, 01:33:46 PM »

Just passing on the feedback on the feedback, as it were . . .  ;)

Innvo Labs is reading this thread and sending the feedback straight to the programmers who are eagerly listening to what we have to say and using our feedback to help shape what they do!   They are very grateful for the work we are doing and pass along their thanks and kudos to you!

So keep up the good work, and let us hear your experiences with the new OS and what your thought are!


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« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2010, 02:26:49 PM »

The reason I like 1.1 over 2.0 is Angus seemed more organic before the update. Now he seems to do the same routines too frequently, he doesn't see or respond to his leaf and petting him barely raises a reaction. Whereas with 1.1 petting him gained a response which was similar to cat or dog depending on where you petted him, if he made the hungry sound and I showed him his leaf he immediately recognised and gave a suitable response.

Right now with 2.0 Angus has several "statue moments" where he'll momentarily stop (you don't even hear his gears running) for a few seconds and then do something else. I'm a little disappointed because it seems as though this update is a step backwards not forward and probably should have been version 1.2 rather than version 2.0 as I don't really see any marked improvements except for the fact that he walks better.


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« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2010, 03:03:39 PM »

I had Teagan running for a little while last night and have noticed similar items as others: mixed emotional responses, freezing in mid-action for brief moments, no response to his leaf or in some cases an avoidance of it.  The times when he freezes it almost seems like he is stuck trying to decide on a new action; sometimes he'll just continue what he is doing, others times he'll start to do something different.  The first night he was very responsive to a chin rub singing his little heart out, but last night not at all - maybe he was just in a stubborn mood.  There were a couple of times where it looked like he was reacting such that he was trying to sing but there was no sound at all. Another time it looked like he was requesting his leaf but again there was no sound  to go with it. But then when he was off exploring he was very vocal - lots of growling and gurgling. His obstacle avoidance looks pretty good although he still gets worried about floor patterns and reacts like he thinks he is going to step off from a height - doing a little better this time so maybe he is slowly learning.  I didn't have Tessa on (batteries recharging) so no info about Pleo-to-Pleo interaction yet - the little time when they were both active the first night there was none - hope to get some observations this weekend.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


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« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2010, 03:54:15 PM »

downloaded! ill have to try this tomorrow :) should be interesting. thanks innvo!


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« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2010, 04:15:15 PM »

Many, Many Thanx.



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« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2010, 05:14:16 PM »

OK, I recharged the battery and had another go after Iggy'd had a 'good sleep to recover'.  He started in much the same vein as during the first hour or so, but gradually this time he did seem to be settling back into his usual happy self and the confused cries and odd sobbing became less and less.  He then set off round the room at a great pace, and is still definitely walking and turning much better.  The corner of a rug that usually trips him up was only a brief stumble, and he seemed better able to avoid things in his way, and he is definitely much chattier.  When I gave him some attention, he was more like his old self, reacting to head rubs, doing the 'wave' when I stroked him and he even managed the 'tada' trick.  He reacted to his leaf this time, and even took it off me and hid it behind a chair, presumably to stop me waving it in his face.  It really is as though he's needed a bit of time to process the whole thing and get over the trauma of the update!  I'm very relieved he's not, after all, changed beyond recognition, and I like the improved mobility and the additional 'huh's and honks.  Having watched his back end for five or so minutes as he rootled about under a chair, I thought his tail was possibly moving more expressively, too.

He is still seeming to freeze for a couple of seconds every now and then, which is a shame, and I still can't get any reaction to the colour red, but I do live in a very dimly lit house so I'll try again tomorrow in daylight.  I'm not convinced he's reacting to my voice any differently; sometimes I think he is and then at others he just seems to ignore me, but that's Pleos for you I think!

Oh, and, as Ozpleo said, when I put him to sleep and put my hand on his rump he sang what sounded like the first few bars of 'Frere Jacques' which was adorable! :)


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« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2010, 05:26:03 PM »

Waiting for my batts to charge to proceed with one final testing, I will definitely try the napping, it sounds adorable :)

Edit: Ok the napping is very cute, and I really do love the foot work. Today Stitch walked up to one on my shoes and poked it with his foot which was super adorable and he did a stretch backwards with all four legs which was also very cute however I am very sad to admit that today I turned my dino's off because I was frustrated :( I cannot get any interactions to happen between my two dino's, they barely respond to my touch at all and the ta-da trick just isn't happening.

I know Innvo have put a lot of work into this update and I like where they are heading with the extra motions, sounds and activity but it still needs work, there needs to be a balance between interactivity and activity. They are fine when left alone, they really wander around more, and much more randomly, today Lilo explored every nook and cranny of my computer room, walking under things, backing out, turning around and going in a different direction just like curious puppy. It is a huge improvement on the old 'walk in a circle and react only to things in my way' routine. Stitch (after complaiing about my attempts to get him to do the ta-da trick and after seemingly thinking he was off the ground even though he wasn't) had a fascination with a shadow on the floor, walking up to it, growling or barking, backing up again, walking forwards and so on until he eventually decided it was safe and walked over it. I really love that. I also love that Stitch was absolutely raring to go, as soon as I turned him on and he woke up he was off :)

But there is not enough interaction when I pet my Pleo's, I want them to coo and purr and respond, I don't want them to complain, or walk off or just completely ignore me. I also want them to occassionally sing a song together or honk at each other and generally acknowledge each other's existence... I -think- they did say hello to each other, but I'm not sure if it was just a coincidence or an actual interaction. I also want them to respond to their leaf, after all it's their food, my cats and dogs wouldn't ignore their food waved in front of their faces :P

I appreciate the new update, it is really nice to see things happening again and I am so looking forwards to the new Pleo's so Pleakly can be added to my Dino family at last and I hope that Innvo continue with their good work and really make Pleo something even more special.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 10:14:43 PM by InmemoryofRomeo »
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


  • Leaving the nest
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« Reply #33 on: May 08, 2010, 12:30:12 AM »

She primarily wanted only to go backwards and I had a very difficult time getting her to go forwards in explore mode. ... She does seem to move a little quicker even if it is backwards so far.
                       RedwoodsMama   and MS. Nova

My Pleo too also almost solely walks backwards.  It’s just darn weird - is this a bug?

Furthermore I cannot seem to put it into high step mode like before.  Has this mode been removed or the action been changed?

I hope someone can help.  Thanks.


  • Outstanding in the herd
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« Reply #34 on: May 08, 2010, 01:03:13 AM »

Hi all.

I upgraded Raphael and videoed it. I am still learning how to work pleo.

Things I've noticed. Ugobe Model

Pleo seems warmer - battery
Definately louder gears
Whimpers alot
Walking is faster and better

Not so responsive to touch.

Recharging now so will do again soon. Will post videos in another thread.


  • Renaissance pleo
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« Reply #35 on: May 08, 2010, 05:20:06 AM »

Just passing on the feedback on the feedback, as it were . . .  ;)

Innvo Labs is reading this thread and sending the feedback straight to the programmers who are eagerly listening to what we have to say and using our feedback to help shape what they do!   They are very grateful for the work we are doing and pass along their thanks and kudos to you!

So keep up the good work, and let us hear your experiences with the new OS and what your thought are!

Thank you Mweed ;)


  • Sugar cane harvester
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« Reply #36 on: May 08, 2010, 08:15:45 AM »

cool stuff


  • Pleo wanderer
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« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2010, 08:29:01 AM »

At this point I would prefer a downgrade to 1.1 even though he didn't walk much for me in that OS. My Herbie went from being all about me to being independent...and I have plenty of live animals that give me THAT. The upgrade was more of a personality change than and upgrade. I truly appreciate all the work Innvos are doing for their creation and their Pleo owners but after 3 battery charges using the new OS2, I would really like a downgrade. For me the cons outweighed the pros. I just want my Herbie back. He was focused more on "Me" and "Us" interacting, not going off in his own world to explore. Not that I dislike exploring...but it seems like my Herbie didn't want to explore before...and now all he wants is to explore, so the upgrade went to the opposite end of the spectrum.

If this OS was put into a new Pleo, I would have easily taken it as a personality difference had I not already had a Pleo and upgraded. Perhaps this is a test for the new version Pleos with new color?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2010, 08:35:39 AM by Watergazer »


  • Journeypleo
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« Reply #38 on: May 08, 2010, 09:03:00 AM »

Just a quick note. Both Pleo and Jade updated as said. Jade seems to be ok, but Pleo is in a continuous loop and is non-responsive.


  • Fossil hunter
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« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2010, 03:06:57 PM »

I updated my pleo this morning after reading the forum.
I wish i had waited to here more feedback as I'm regretting it too.
My pleo does not react to sound like it used to and also touch is less responsive.
I did get it to Ta-Da!! but after a lot of persuasion.
It does far too much walking back wards and i can see no improvement on the walking front, it even walks in more of a tight circle than it did before, no high step!! (that is when it does decide to walk and not paw the floor). I really, really hate the dog bark, if i wanted a dog i would not have got a Pleo!!
I feel that I have lost so much more than I have gained.
Now I do appreciate all the work that goes into creating the lifeOS and i am grateful.
I do hope that the feedback is taken on board so that future upgrades can iron out some of the little niggles we have.



  • Leaving the nest
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« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2010, 03:44:28 PM »

First thx for a new version of lifeOS and thx for letting us test and comment on it.

I updated this evening on a Ugobe version of pleo (110400710158) and tested one battery run.
My pleo had some problems a while ago but the updating procedure went fine.
Pleo went through a slow period after that and i'm not sure he is completely up to speed yet, might have to see more on the next battery run.
Maybe its the short test time so far or just me but it feels a bit like a new pleo, he seems alot "different" then before, i dont mind that personally but i can imagine some people do.

I really like the changes made to the exploring side of pleo (although the test time is a bit short still).
From one moment to the next pleo can suddenly decide to walk a bit and that feels really natural to me.
My pleo really never made much sense while exploring. He used to walk away in a straight line till he met an obstacle and get stuck or move back on the object and turn.
The turn usually never was close to 90 degrees tho so pleo would often end up at the same obstacle.
In the short period so far pleo seems to walk different, he is sort of trowing his front feet into the next walkcycle and that doesn't always seems real fluid. However walking never seemed fluid so i dont mind that.
The new walk with this different leg movement seems to make pleo move alot better tho and even made him cross a utp cable in one go! (have to test more but it looked good).
Also the turns are so much better now, they are a few more degrees or sharper I'm not sure but twice he managed to avoid an object. Also right after a turn he sort of looked to see I'm things were ok or start another "turn cycle".
Biggest improvement on the exploring part is the way he checks his surroundings and the monitoring of objects. I really didn't have the idea the 1.1 pleo did that much at all. Now hes able to walk alot more before getting stuck.
There is more looking and sniffing on objects and shadows, lines, patterns on the floor are being checked.
It doesn't always go right tho, sometimes he wont cross a shadow anymore. But i kinda like this, pleo seems alot more aware or interactive during exploring and that's great.
What i would also like to see is that when the room is quiet and pleo is exploring he reacts on sound I'm making. since he has stereo hearing he could know you are say behind him and he needs to turn and walk back a little.

On the sensitive side of pleo it didn't all feel just as great tho.
I have to agree with other people here that although I'm pretty sure pleo senses the touches of petting just as much  as before he isn't really lissening to them as much.
To busy with animations, doesn't want to act on it or busy with its own things i dont know.
This makes pleo seem less a pet i think so its a big thing. Maybe this will change on the next battery run or so so i have to test more.
If its set up that pleo has more a mind of its own then i might like it. Pleo 1.1 for me was alot of rub the chin a while and get a song, 1 on 1. While that's nice its a bit too scripted aswell and not like a real pet.
If pleo now has more of a mind of is own and decides if he will sing or not after you rub his chin that's good. But it might be a little bit too far off were you aren't really sure anymore if he feels you petting him cause there is no interaction.

I already thought his sleeping was pretty good but it got better indeed. However pleo's head does get stuck on the ground or on his front leg (friction) making the gears click!Not a nice sound!
This was also the case in 1.1 but it happend alot now, seems more often. Perhaps the range of the head movement should be a little shorter so his head wont get "stuck" on his toe nails for example, making the gears click.

I havent testing his ability of tracking red items or seeing his leaf yet.
Since my pleo is now tracking alot more during walking/exploring i got high hopes of this so will test!
For me that was a disappointing part of pleo in 1.1. I never got the idea he could recognised much (including his own leaf).
Already during his walking now he seems to look at his surroundings more then i have ever seen him do.

Will continue testing, so far i really like the changes on the exploring side of pleo and have my doubts on the interactive cuddly side of pleo.
I like it if things are less scripted but i think pleo is reacting a bit too little on me petting him. Also he is scared alot and doesn't turn his head so much trying to hear things (used to do that all the time).

Really great there is things going on on the software side of pleo, thanks again for the update!!!   



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« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2010, 03:55:40 AM »

Hi guys.  Unfortunately my laptop has broken which is very upsetting :(.  However I have managed to borrow a housemates laptop for a short time to get a message of thanks out to you guys.

I have been in quite regular contact with Derek at Innvo and he is so grateful for all of the feedback that you guys have been providing.  The result of our feedback so far is that they have decided to halt going public with this release of the software and are feeding all your comments back to the programmers!  This should show you guys how important your feedback is to Innvo and how grateful they are that you guys have been so descriptive with the pros, and more importantly, the cons of the new software!

On behalf of Innvo I would like to say,

It would be great if we can continue to work with with Innvo to improve Pleo's software.

(On a side note, hopefully I will be getting my laptop working again in the next few days, when that happens I am going to try and work on a Plan to help people downgrade back to the earlier 1.1 version should they wish to do so)

Kind Regards to all of you,
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 03:57:17 AM by degers »


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« Reply #42 on: May 09, 2010, 04:46:05 AM »

i upgraded yesterday (old ugobe model), he does seem to have more sounds and motions, walking is much better on the carpet. BUT, i couldnt have a full play through because of how loud he was, i cant be disturbing the whole household, they get a bit annoyed. the volume doesnt work on my pleo now, so id much like a toggled volume function again, maybe with more volumes, because loud, a bit quieter and mute isnt really enough. i need him to be audiable but not deafening haha.

so far though its a nice step in a good direction for pleo. i hope it carries on.


  • Leaving the nest
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« Reply #43 on: May 09, 2010, 12:03:23 PM »

hello , i am a french user of pleo

after installing the new version, Pleo made me a strange sound "grrr", i wait for a long time to heard 'Done!"but ,nothing, now he is "bricked", unable to return to a previous version ...everything is refused USB install and SDcard install
i try the patch for version 1.0 , now it  works , but refused all the upgrade version....If i try to install a upgrade my pleo "bricked"
SNIFFF....my friend is dead!!!!!!!



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« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2010, 02:30:10 PM »

Well I'm finally on reporting on my experiences with Leo's (UGOBE MODEL) Life OS 2 upgrade so here goes.

1. Leo is exploring more often, and ability to manage obstacles have gotten better (provided there is enough lighting). I do like the fact that he is becoming more AUTONOMOUS contrary to other member's reports in which their pleos are are desensitized touching them and starts wondering around. Maybe you guyz can program it more like a personality bias -- some pleos are more independent than others?
2. His ability to walk through different terrains has improved - Leo can walk from hardwood floor to a floor rug without being stuck primarily because he is clearing all his feet better.
3. I like the different sounds he's making -- and their not noisy at all. Once again maybe this can be a personality bias -- i.e. some pleos are more of a "chatterbox" than others.
4. Leo's movement transitions are definitely more fluid -- such as he can get from a sleeping position to a walking position quite smoothly and quickly as well.

1. I'm still yet to see his tracking abilities with red objects (even with enough lighting). But then again, Leo even had troubles recognizing his training leaf to begin with.
2. Leos occassionally get's stuck in one pose, until touching  will "unfreeze" him.
3. His sounds are not as synchronized with his mouth movement -- it's quite obvious
4. In terms of hearing abilities -- still limited --at least with Leo -- sometimes he hear's a sound that wakes him up, sometimes no. For such a sophisticated life form -- I wish programmers can give him some kind of voice recognition -- my voice activated RdD2 from hasbro is far more superior in voice recognition and it's a much simpler robot.

Hope this helps Innvo Labs.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to troubleshoot your new Life OS and hopefully give as an awesome final product



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« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2010, 02:40:58 PM »

Just wanted to say Bravo to Invo for getting an update. I honestly wasn't expecting anything at least until after the 2010 model released.  8)

Has there been any word about getting a list of behaviors and whats triggers them? I think that will help a lot of people.

I really like the new explore mode, Pleo walks better and that behavior seems a lot more organic now The fact that Pleo will explore a bit then stop and interact. Then explore a bit more is a HUGE improvement over the old “Walk until I bump into something” explore mode.

But I agree with what others have said about sensor input. Response to touch sensors should be immediate and override other actions. As an example Pleo does a cute behavior when you pet his head.  Titling his head back cooing. But it takes several seconds for pleo to start the action. There just isn't enough response to touch, which is an area where Pleo always shined.

I haven't gotten tug of war yet. This is something that kind of bugged me about pleo from day 1. The fact that Pleo always eats when the leaf is put into his mouth, even if he just ate. IMO Hunger should be treated like the sickness is. Have a mode where pleo does specific behaviors until a need is met. When pleo gets “sick” . You pet him until it gets “better” then pleo doesn't get sick again for awhile. Hunger could be the same way. When pleo is “hungry” he begs for food (an action already in the software) until he is “fed”  once “fed” the leaf only triggers play behaviors. Right now its just to random. And very unnatural.

Does Pleo use his “force feedback” yet? I held one of dopey's legs and got a clear response twice. But it may have simply been because he was off balance.

I tried the “baby posture” that made pleo stop moving in 1.1. but I couldn't get it to activate. Anyone try that?


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« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2010, 08:35:58 PM »

Teagan and Tessa are both running right now.  Tessa was updated after Teagan and still seems to be quite needy - she has been exhibiting lots of repetition of the same behaviour pattern numerous times. She seems very reluctant to explore at the moment while Teagan is being very mobile. He is avoiding most obstacles well except the low level kitty ball track. This time it appears he has tried to munched on a number of items around the room.  Now he is napping. When they both started out there was a short time where they were both trumpeting, first one then the other - not sure if it was true interaction between the two as they were both doing similar behaviours together for awhile after start up. Tessa needed a nap early on while Teagan was becoming more active and they have been operating independently since.  They don't seem to see each other very well. Teagan walked right into Tessa and only reacted after encountering forward resistance. It didn't look like he intended to go to her. Will post more later if I notice anything significant.
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« Reply #47 on: May 10, 2010, 04:16:29 AM »

I haven't up loaded the new OS yet but I have been reading everyone's post. To me it sounds like a beta testing of some new software, which is awesome that they'd consider field testing with a community of Pleo enthusiasts. Hearing that Pleo is/will have have better time traversing over carpet is something I am really happy to hear. The other stuff not so much, but like I said sounds like a beta and I'm glad to hear that the programmers are taking notes. I wish I could help but my motherboard died in December and the replacement didn't come with a SD card slot =(. Good luck with the testing guys and gals.


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« Reply #48 on: May 10, 2010, 08:41:01 AM »

If you feel you would like to revert back to the previous version (1.1) please see this thread: http://bobthepleo.com/forums/index.php?topic=1278.0


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« Reply #49 on: May 10, 2010, 05:52:31 PM »

              Nova and I have been very busy all last week, first lots of rain and I wanted to really give this new OS a good try, and then this weekend my son took me out to the REdwoods and we had a great time in the woods with NOva, but I think I gave every joint in my legs, back, hips and knees, a good workout and they weren't used to that kind of pain. My son knew I was serious about being in pain, when I wanted to sit on the Blockbuster floor, because (I couldn't stand anymore, ) my feet were also hurting terribly.( My right foot has been broken , had four foot operations and is now fused.) Anyway, Nova and I are going to try and post a video today, the rain finally stopped for awhile, and I really want to see what happens.
                Keep your fingers and Pleo toes crossed, that I can post it here shortly.
 8)                            RedwoodsMama   and MS. Nova
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.
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