As RWM says, Ugobe are the original version of pleo. They were made by a company called Ugobe who sadly went bankrupt and closed down. They later sold the rights to make pleo to a company called Jetta who now have Innvo a subsidiary of Jetta making Pleo rb. Pleo rb is the latest model of pleos available. Just to confuse things
Innvo also make a 2009 version Pleo which is the same design as the original Ugobe pleo but has improved skin and I think neck and tail mechanisms.
So to break it down:
Ugobe - original pleo made in 2006
Innvo - 2009 pleo (original pleo design with improvements)
Innvo - Pleo rb latest model of pleo. (slightly new design with new features and improvements)
Hope that answers your question and doesn't just confuse you more