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Author Topic: Where to buy batteries  (Read 2000 times)


  • Egg
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Where to buy batteries
« on: March 30, 2024, 04:07:56 PM »

Hello, I have one Ugobe and one RB who will no longer turn on. I am wanting to buy new chargers and batteries in case that will help, but I can’t find batteries anywhere online! Does anybody on this forum know of a place where I could purchase batteries? I am too nervous to make my own, but will gladly pay for somebody else to make a battery pack. If anybody has any ideas please let me know either on this forum or email me mylittlegreenfriendkiwi@gmail.com


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Re: Where to buy batteries
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2024, 05:18:52 PM »


  Fixing batteries is not as hard as it seems.
My Ugobe Pleo had a dead battery and I could only find a couple overpriced batteries on ebay.
So I decided to fix the dead battery I had.
I had to buy 6, 1.2v AA Ni-mh batteries with tabs.
Once you open up the battery pack,
just connect everything the same way as it was with the original batteries but use the new cells.
You have to use a thermistor, but you can use the one already in the battery pack.
You don't need instructions to connect everything, just look at the original battery connections as a guide.
But if instructions make you feel better you can find some on the internet.
And you don't even need to solder, you can just put the right tabs on top of each other and wrap tape around to hold it together,
but soldering would be better.
note - the batteries I mentioned are for Ugobe Pleo and not Pleo rb so you need to research about the voltage and other details,
but the tabs are really helpful.
    When it comes to buying batteries, I have
looked in a lot of places and it is hard to find someone who can fix or
sell batteries. I have fixed a couple batteries not too long ago
but currently I am not ready to go through the process.
WARNING! - I am not responsible for any damage! Repair at your own risk!

- PleoLifeDino :dino-chase:


  • Hatchling
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Re: Where to buy batteries
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2024, 07:37:21 PM »

Thank you for posting the battery information.  I want to revive our original Pleo for my grandson and realized one of the batteries has corroded.  I will try to order the ones you mention.  I will not be able to solder anything.  Does this mean I can leave the tabs as they are, fold them down, and tape them in place?

Thank you again!!!  I could not even find some overpriced ones online.

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