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Author Topic: Is it possible to name a Ugobe Pleo?  (Read 2158 times)


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Is it possible to name a Ugobe Pleo?
« on: March 20, 2024, 03:30:06 PM »

I was wondering if it were possible to name the original pleo and have pleo respond to being called by the name.
And I was also wondering about what the ID card does. Is it the same as with pleo rb?
I couldn't find much information about the original pleo ID card and giving names that pleo could respond to.

Thank you so much!

-PleoLifeDino :dino-chase:


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Re: Is it possible to name a Ugobe Pleo?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2024, 03:52:03 AM »

No, Ugobe pleos can't be named.
Their ID cards don't have a chip and it doesn't do anything. They can respond to sounds though.
With the pleo RB you can name them using the ID card. When teaching them the learning stones, you can also make them do tricks.
Though i'm pretty sure RB's will only respond to their name if you grab their attention first, this can be done by grabbing their nose or clapping infront of them.
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