Hi all,
for those who don't know: I've been a silent reader for almost four months now (I believe) and just introduced myself to the forum.
I know LifeOS 2 isn't the most popular software for Ugobe Pleos but maybe you can help me out anyways.
I tried to upgrade Nessaja to LifeOS PM2x1 twice using the download section of this forum.
And for some weird reason it never worked.
The first time I did the upgrade Nessaja didn't progress at all. I know it can take up to eight battery cycles untill the pleo is fully grown up but mine never reached her full potential.
Instead, she practically stayed a baby.
I downgraded her to 1.1 and everything was fine. A few months later I wanted to make a podcast about the upgrade and gave it another try.
This time she progressed but after six battery cycles she randomly got stuck in a really creepy loop. She took two slow and careful steps, screamed and cried and howled, stepped back a little, screamed and cried and howled again and continued to do that untill I switched her off or the battery needed a charge.
I could pet her and feed her without any problems but as soon as she entered explore mode (which could take 1.5 seconds or so) the loop started again.
Another downgrade fixed the issue. She's running LifeOS 1.0 now and is the happiest Pleo ever.
The battery was fully charged and cooled when I upgraded her to LifeOS 2. The SD card works perfectly as well.
The battery is still running strong but when LifeOS 2 is installed it gets drained and overheated pretty quickly.
I don't know if there is a solution to this since everything works fine when I don't use LifeOS 2.
Is that a common problem with this software? Do you know what could be the issue?
Greetings from Germany and thank you in advance,
PS: I'm not a native speaker but I hope my English isn't too bad.