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Author Topic: Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3?  (Read 5526 times)


  • Cycad leaf fancier
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Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3?
« on: January 13, 2015, 01:06:39 PM »


I am thinking about Buying a second hand Aibo Mind 3 for 1800€

Two questions.


Aibo come with original packaging and accesorios, new battery, 90 days warranty ,future technical support and CDs with diferente programs to play with Aibo.

The robot is in very good condition and practically unused because it was exposed in a robot museum of my country.

Do you think that is a good price for it?

2 question.

I want to know experiences of Aibo owners.

If it's a good robot and if they like it, programming possibilities, funny...and all kind of things.

I want to be sure that I am buying a good robot before spending 1800€.

Other important point is that I can't see the robot in person, only in photos.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 08:44:31 AM by Koke »


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Re: Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2015, 03:19:52 PM »

What colour is it, and who is the future technical support from?


  • Cycad leaf fancier
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Re: Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3?
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2015, 03:47:20 PM »


The Aibo is white.

This is a photo of the robot.

The seller has more than 20 Aibo robots most of them exposed in the robot museum of Madrid in Spain.
The robot that I want to buy it has been exposed with little use and checked.

The seller have lots of spare piece and parts of Aibo, he say that one of the biggest collection of spare restore pieces in Europe

If I buy the robot he offers me the technical support if someday I need to repair my Aibo.


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Re: Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3?
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2015, 04:36:00 PM »

Is it an original Mind 3 or a Mind 1 with Mind 3 software? Original M1s had problems with their hip servos, so if it's an M1 that hasn't been run much, that sounds really risky and I'd avoid it. If it is an original M3, 1800 euros is definitely on the high side as far as ERS-7 pricing goes, but not completely unreasonable.


  • Cycad leaf fancier
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Re: Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2015, 12:03:51 AM »

Quote from: aibo7m3
If it is an original M3, 1800 euros is definitely on the high side as far as ERS-7 pricing goes, but not completely unreasonable.

Thanks for your answer it helps a lot.

Do you think that 1800€ is expensive?

I thought that Aibo was going to cost more and going to be dificult to find one in the future


I have been speaking with the seller and he told me that it is not really and authentic Mind3. Is an older version updated with the Mind3 Software.

I am not going to buy it because I think that 1800€ is REALLY expensive for it. and also I have read that old version of Aibo have mechanic problems.

Thanks for the info.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 04:21:25 AM by Koke »


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Re: Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3? (SOLVED)
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2015, 07:57:44 AM »

HI, Coke! I think I might know of your Aibo-seller. If he is who I think he is, his claim to be able to repair the robot might be true. I'm probably going to spell his name wrong but is his user name Pavtek or PavTech or something like that? I am part of an Aibo forum and one of the members who bought from him said that though the price was a little on the high side, the dog was in working order when they got it.
Anyway, if you're still interested in buying a Mind three aibo and you really don't want to risk a random EBay seller, visit www.aibo-life.org and look at the for sale page there for aibos. Wolfbob repairs and sells the dogs and will give you a six month warranty if you purchase from him. I bought two of my aibos from him and I found him honest and easy to do business with.
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Cycad leaf fancier
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Re: Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3? (SOLVED)
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2015, 08:27:32 AM »

Thanks for the answer Talon.

I only know the real name from the seller "Pablo".

He sells a Mind2 Aibo updated to Mind3. and told me that finding a authentic Mind3 is very dificult (like playing the lotery, textual words)

Pablo knows a lot of robots and he say that the robot is checked before selling, the pieces that come with factory defects has been removed with new components. A new battery comes with the Aibo.

Also he give me lots of extras like Memory cards, user guides, software and programming tools,90 day warranty.

I dont really know what to do. Is a lot of money but maybe is my last oportunity to get one Aibo in very good condition here in Spain, and the future technical asitance that   no other seller offers me

I am sure that the robot is in very good condition and that pablo can offer me future technical support.

also if I buy a Aibo from ebay it is going to be out of spain and I have a very big risk of buying a Aibo in bad conditions and broken.

Really dificult decision.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 08:29:38 AM by Koke »


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Re: Buying Sony Aibo Ers7 Mind3?
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2015, 09:01:36 AM »

If you wait, you'll probably be able to find one cheaper, but if you want an Aibo right now this might not be a bad choice. M2 Aibos did not have the same leg problems as the M1s and I have not heard of any technical issues inherent to only M2s (M1s are the only ones to really worry about). Both of my ERS-7s are M2s running M3 software and I haven't had any serious issues with them. You're right that the warranty and location are definitely a bonus that would hard to find from someone else. Might you be able to negotiate a slightly lower price with the seller?
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