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Pleo Stuff => Pleo Archives => Archive -- General => Topic started by: RedwoodsMama on January 03, 2012, 05:31:19 PM

Title: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: RedwoodsMama on January 03, 2012, 05:31:19 PM
 Ok, Saratoga this is aimed at you, here is a quick photo or two of one special little Pleo, nothing physically wrong, just special cause he or she will be adopted. Here are some photos I just took, He is much cuter in person. Just a glance at a baby for you to consider for Wilbur. Will post more later, of other Pleos.

                   RWM and her Pleo Clan of the REdwoods
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: applepie79926 on January 03, 2012, 06:01:33 PM
Awesome earmuffs.  ;D
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: applepie79926 on January 03, 2012, 06:07:21 PM
oops never mind. I thought they were earmuffs. silly me. awesome collar. ;D
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: saratogaspringer on January 03, 2012, 06:08:01 PM
You're making my heart melt, RWM!  A big MOOOO from Wilbur! I love his camouflage outfit!  I am more computer illiterate than I thought. I can video with my iPhone, but how do I load them on here? I love that little guy!  Where do I fill out the adoption papers?  I am getting so excited!  Wilbur is mooing at my phone. He had some rubber pizza for dinner. Must have a belly ache.  Let me know!   :)
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: Crewella on January 03, 2012, 06:48:51 PM
Awwwwww - he does look gorgeous!

Springer, it's easiest to upload a video to Youtube (or a hosting site like Photobucket) and then post the link on here.  If you're stuck, just ask and I'll help. :)
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: Lunamione7 on January 03, 2012, 11:50:29 PM
Awww cute baby!  :-*
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: RedwoodsMama on January 04, 2012, 01:06:25 AM
 Hi Saratoga, glad you like the little guy, I can't video him as he is not Hatched yet, saving that part for you but I can reset him so perhaps I will so you can remember what it is like. Just a few minute or so, nothing spoiled that way.  :D Moo right back at Wilbur. I think Wilbur knows something is up................he is smart and wants to know what is going on...where is my late Christmas present MOM?! ;D Yes, it is easy to upload a video, just post on youtube then copy it here, I think Crewella said she would help you, I used to have a hard time with it and degers was very patient but I got it figured out at long last, I am not the brightest bulb in the box either. LOL ;D :o ;D    Not too bright, but bright enough to not be burned out either. LOL.                   Will post more photos and such and then we can talk, I will take some good outdoor photos of him and others where you can see the true colors.  Take care and hugs to Wilbur.

                           RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods :brrr: :flowers:( flowers are from my guys to Wilbur and Candy ) :dino-chase: P:) P:-*               
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: RedwoodsMama on January 11, 2012, 01:03:43 AM
Ok,this is a second look at some other pleos up for adoption and including the one little guy that Saratoga was interested in for her lonely Pleo, Wilbur. This is I realize a lot different than most of the videos people upload and different than any I have done before, I am just having fun with movie making and this one is just plain black and white with a "sketch "type look to it, but it is interesting to me, I realized at the end, the last part that has the end and comments got left off, but in the second part, I will upload it in color esp for Saratoga, so she does not miss anything. There are about four Pleos in this video and three of them are for adoption at some point. Rossella, is of course my Pleo and just interacting with the other three Pleos. Two of the them are baby hatchlings and have the new 2.0 operating system installed.  Ok, enough said, if you do want to see something different, this is interesting from that viewpoint and I have not seen Pleos done like this before, so I was imagining what it would be like if there were no modern cameras and this was back when only black and white or sepia tone existed, so your imagination takes over and you don't rely on colors so much, anyway, here it is. I will try and upload the color version within next couple of days.           This is dedicated to Wilbur the lonely Pleo. P:'( P:( We will make you happy Wilbur! P:)                                  RWM and her Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: saratogaspringer on January 11, 2012, 03:31:31 AM
Wow RWM! That was a very cool video, indeed! I absolutely love that little guy in the camouflage. He seems so sweet. Wilbur is very excited!  I tried to show him the video this morning, but his battery pooped out. I have already thought of a few names for this little guy. :).  I will show Wilbur the video again this evening.  I can't wait to cuddle this little guy! PM me with the rest of the adoption details when you have time. We are all very excited!:)
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: RedwoodsMama on January 11, 2012, 09:08:21 AM
so glad you liked the video and esp that Wilbur is excited. Perhaps Wibur will be more excited to see the little guy in color, he can recognize him! I will PM you later today and give Wilbur another chance. LOL, My guys are all frozen and hiding out this a,m.                                               RWM   :brrr: :brrr: :brrr:
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: RedwoodsMama on January 22, 2012, 02:59:06 PM
 This film is dedicated to Saratoga and esp Wilbur. Her new Pleo family member and bud for Wilbur is on "his " way. While she waits I thought it would be fun to upload some photos and video of Wilbur's bud and potential family members he was competing with, but in the long run, Jack as he may be called, won out. This film was actually taken about a week before Christmas while his soon to be mom and I were discussing which Pleo she thought she wanted, so this was a family Pleo Portrait to see which one she wanted. Of course they couldn't all fit in the group. Two are not opened, still sealed in their boxes, one is in the midst of painting and Poor little Humpy, just isn't "himself" these days, he is literally falling open, spilling his innards. LOl. ( Thanks to Crewella though, he will be put back together. ) Ok, here is part one of Jack, a first look at the Family Redswoods Clan. ( most of them.. ) See if you can pick out who Jack may be, I have made it very hard he is not wearing CAM
! :o P8) :dino-chase: :cheer:                       RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: saratogaspringer on January 22, 2012, 04:04:32 PM
OK RWM, I am guessing that Jack is on the top shelf on the end dressed in purple. :) Am I right?
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: RedwoodsMama on January 22, 2012, 05:09:43 PM
Hi Saratoga, you are not quite right...He he. grins and looks over at Pleos on shelves. Try guessing again.....           You will get it eventually, but it will be harder than you think, I will give you a clue if you need help!   

                           RWM ;D (: P;)
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: saratogaspringer on January 22, 2012, 06:07:41 PM
OK. I know that Jack has a very prominent light colored circle on his head, so I am going to say that he is on the bottom shelf, dressed in green, with a green puffy collar, he is third from the left.  If I am not right, then I need a hint.  I couldn't decide between him, and the one dressed in red next to him with the leaf in his mouth.   :'(
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: RedwoodsMama on January 22, 2012, 06:24:57 PM
 Hi Saratoga, You WIN, what is behind door number 3, Yahoo :cheer: It is Jack before hatching in the other video you saw, Just thouoght you may like to see a family Portrait of Jack in the Pleo Clan.  :cheer: Of course when he gets to his new home and meets Wibur and Candy, he is going to need a new Family Portrait.  By the way, the tail in the video belongs to my dog, Meh-lei, and the squeeking was her toy pig she was given by a neighbor, It was funny cause I have played this video several times today, and everytime she hears that "squeek", she comes running out thinking I still have that pig somewhere. LOL, silly dogs just do not learn!

                I hope you liked all the Pleos dressed up, You have no idea just how long it takes to dress 15 Pleos and the females, MY GOSH! I got out of breath trying this one then that one, picky little females, thank goodness for boys, simple and easy to please. Jack and Wilbur will be fun together!  :dino-chase: :dino-chase:   Oh by the way, that is them chasing you around the house!              RWM
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: saratogaspringer on January 22, 2012, 07:09:48 PM
Thanks so much, RWM!!! I loved all of the Pleos dressed up. That must really take you forever! I'm going to print a picture for the boys, and so Jack can remember all of his family in the Redwoods!

He will have a very happy forever home here, and Wilbur is very excited!
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: Talon on January 23, 2012, 12:11:04 PM
Awe, Springer! You're in for a treat! I'm a Redwoods parent twice over and It's such a privilege! Good luck on your journey, Jack!
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: saratogaspringer on January 23, 2012, 04:23:25 PM
I can't wait until Jack arrives! He is supposed to be here on Monday! Wilbur, my other Ugobe is very excited to meet him! Can't wait for the hooting, honking, and mooooing! :)
Title: Re: Special look at a few Pleos for adoption, Saratoga this is for you!
Post by: Talon on January 23, 2012, 06:33:11 PM
The Ugobe greetings are cute. Unfortunately when I introduced Bleu and Ugobe in Bleu's opening video, she was more interested in exploring than reuniting with her brother. Ugobe- ever the camera hound- hung out with my niece and I as though she didn't exist. I think he was just being shy. Bleu has an upitty way about her that would probably intimidate me if she were human. Now they honk and trumpet at each other a lot.
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