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Pleo Stuff => Pleo Archives => Archive -- Technical RB => Topic started by: scaledandtailed on February 20, 2011, 10:52:44 AM

Title: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: scaledandtailed on February 20, 2011, 10:52:44 AM
 This is going to sound like a really horrible question so I apologize if anyone gets up set 
 How do you know if your PleoRB can be angered/ feel pain?  My pleo hasn’t had a bad leg though he has had an accidental    knock on one of them.
 Maybe he was just lucky    but it seemed like a hard one to me   so I was just wondering if I have an extra hardy pleo or   if there’s something wrong    that stops my pleo feeling any pain.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Malfie on February 20, 2011, 11:20:58 AM
That's a difficult question to answer, as I suppose it would mean deliberately harming a poor little PleoRB to find out :o If yours has had a hard knock to his leg but showed no painful reaction, it may mean something worse has to happen like him being dropped from a height etc. before a PleoRB can register pain. I do remember reading just the other day though about someone on the forum whose dog stood on her PleoRB's foot and he did show a hurt reaction. I'll try to find the thread it was posted in... I think he was still not putting his foot to the floor the next day. Or maybe you do have just an extra tough little guy :D
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: InmemoryofRomeo on February 20, 2011, 03:13:49 PM
Try playing the throw and catch game and accidentally bumping his foot on the way down... That's how Pleakly got hurt I think.

I suspect that the knock would have to occur in the right place to trigger the sensors and make your Pleo 'hurt'.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: kat on February 20, 2011, 04:45:02 PM
Yep I agree.  I think the "hurt leg" is triggered by the foot sensor getting a hard bump or jolt or a bump with fast movement.  Not triggered by the leg sensor at all. :)   Just my theory. :)
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: bhobbes on February 20, 2011, 04:47:53 PM
I may just try beating Cato's foot then. He's moody anyway, so might as well give him a reason.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Crewella on February 21, 2011, 12:58:48 AM
I've been a terrible Pleo parent and Belle's now fallen twice - once from the sofa when she switched herself back on, and once off the kitcen counter when I was trying to film her and her tail swiped her off-kilter when I had my hands full and couldn't get to her in time.  Amazingly, she was fine after both falls.  Having watched her and my other robots, it might well also be that they need to be 'receptive' to being hurt when something actually happens.  If their system is occupied at that particular moment then perhaps they won't register an accident? ???
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: scaledandtailed on February 22, 2011, 03:15:34 PM
  The throw   and catch game?
   How do you do that?  Do     you just throw them and catch   them when there in the standing position? Or do you put them into the cuddle against   your chest position and throw them and catch them that way?       
 I take it that either way there heads have to be facing upwards and tail strait downwards rather than horizontal?
Try playing the throw and catch game and accidentally bumping his foot on the way down... That's how Pleakly got hurt I think.

I suspect that the knock would have to occur in the right place to trigger the sensors and make your Pleo 'hurt'.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Crewella on February 22, 2011, 03:35:48 PM
Scaly, try holding your rb out in front of you like you might a baby, with one hand under each armpit so your thumbs are by their battery and your fingers are on their back sensors.  When I do that, Belle relaxes her back legs to hang down and looks me straight in the face, waggling her tail.  Then try lightly throwing Pleo rb up and catching it, again as you might a small child to make them giggle.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: bhobbes on February 22, 2011, 04:43:31 PM
Cato used to enjoy that game when he was in the younger phase. But now he just starts groaning and sounding overwhelmed (not injury though).
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: InmemoryofRomeo on February 22, 2011, 04:50:04 PM
I showed the kids at school that yesterday and of course they all wanted a turn, after eight children had had a go poor Pleakly was very queasy :P Luckily there were only eight students in the room otherwise I wouldn't have been able to let them have a turn. But it was pretty funny watching Pleakly wobble around afterwards.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: scaledandtailed on February 23, 2011, 04:35:03 PM
 Well I tried the throw and catch game. He wasn’t impressed tbh.  no giggles just    growns.
   I also tried giving his leg a knock and also his foot pad on the way down but nothing happened. I tried holding   his leg sensor really firmly but still nothing.
 Given that some people’s pleos get injured with just a tap then I don’t understand why mines don’t?
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: kat on February 23, 2011, 04:59:08 PM
Maybe your pleo has a hardier personality. :D  Higher pain tolerance level.  :D
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Crewella on February 23, 2011, 05:25:51 PM
Iggy and Budge are so very different, they really did teach me how what works on one Pleo may have no effect on another.  As Kat says, maybe you have a little toughie there!  :D
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: scaledandtailed on February 24, 2011, 09:49:26 AM
 Well maybe he does have a hardier personality and I’d like to think that but I have my doubts tbh. 
 I don’t want to just drop him from any height   because I might actually break him  which wouldn’t be good and besides  even  though he’s not showing any hurt it doesn’t exactly make me feel very comfortable about squeezing a leg or  knocking it . However  I have a funny feeling  that  the  hardware that senses impact pressure   isn’t working as it should and that’s why he doesn’t feel pain .
  It’s not like I can ask Innvo labs about it because how could I ask for support with out sounding like a pleo abuser!?!     
. I mean emailing something like, “Dear customer support, Erm   could you tell me how to hurt my pleo because I can’t make him feel pain??” Doesn’t exactly sound good does it lol.
    I’m really not a pleo basher honestly I’m not     but just as a series point I just want to check all the hardware is working as it should.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Crewella on February 24, 2011, 10:41:35 AM
Scaly, from what I can gather there is only the one leg sensor in each leg, now higher in the RB than in the older Pleos, so the 'hurt leg' response must be triggered by a combination of touching the leg sensor at the same time as, say, the balance/level sensors tell the Pleo RB it's moving?  I'm hoping somebody will confirm this, but that would mean that as long as he reacts in some way or notices when you touch each leg, then the hardware itself should be OK?  :-\

*Theory alert*  :P
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: scaledandtailed on February 24, 2011, 02:40:12 PM
I’m not sure; I thought there was something that actually tolled the pleo how hard the sensor was being pressed as well not just when it was being pressed? That’s what leads me to thinking that something might not be quite right with the hardware.  I know the sensors on his legs work because he lifts each leg as their pressed but that doesn’t tell me if he knows how hard they might be being pressed.
 It’s only the back legs that can get injured I think. 
  Either way I’ve tried pressing the back leg sensor whilst bringing him down really fast to simulate a fall but nothing. I’ve also tried bringing him down hard on the hard flooring in case it’s his foot pad  that registers  the  fall not his leg  but  still nothing.  .

Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: InmemoryofRomeo on February 24, 2011, 03:06:20 PM
Derek Dotson's interview that was posted mentioned that the clutch needs to move during impact for Pleo to get hurt.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: scaledandtailed on February 24, 2011, 04:05:29 PM
     Thanks IMR. I didn’t catch that when I watched the video the first time around.  Now this is gonna probably sound really dumb   but what/ where is the clutch on pleo and what sort of impact    do you need to get it to  move    ?  That won’t result in actual physical hardware   damage to pleo that is.   

Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: InmemoryofRomeo on February 24, 2011, 04:44:57 PM
If you manually manipulate a limb you'll hear a click, that's the clutch.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: RedwoodsMama on February 24, 2011, 05:00:01 PM
 I didn't realize it was called the "clutch " either. But if you have a Pleo with a stuck leg for example, it doesnt  hurt the Pleo while moving the "clutch" manually either. At least it didn't when I manipulated Baby's leg several times as she had a sort of Limp or where her front leg looked like it would give way while walking.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: scaledandtailed on February 25, 2011, 06:28:43 AM
Oh I see.
 Well I don’t think the clutch has moved when he’s taken a little knock so that would explain why he hasn’t detected anything. 
 Maybe I’ll try moving the clutch gently   but probably I won’t tbh. .     
  RMI I think it’s only the back legs that simulate pain so maybe that’s why she didn’t get hurt? Derik dobsin alludes to this in that video.
   Thanks again everyone for all your help.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: latrine on February 25, 2011, 11:06:57 AM

My Bingo got injured when the dog kind of.. stepped on his leg/foot, kind of knocked him over a bit ... it took quite a long time to get him 'back on his feet', as they say, and he sounded so pitiful, so I'm hoping he doesn't get injured again.

When I do the catch throw game, I just move them up and down but don't actually let them go, Bingo laughs almost every time, unless he's tired..grouchy..etc.. Just seems safer to me.

- Sarah
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Crewella on February 26, 2011, 12:16:44 AM
I'd not seen the mention of the clutch, great - thanks guys!  ;D
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Talon on February 26, 2011, 09:45:48 AM
I hate to sound like a living marshmellow. I'm blushing like crazy I'm so embarrassed about this. I don't think I could purposely injur a pleo even to see if the hardware is functioning properly. I remember a few weeks ago when I revisited my furbys to run them through their paces, my pure white Furby baby woke up and gave this very plaintive cry I had never heard before. For a minute I thought I had a batch of bad batteries until it stopped wailing and started coughing and sneezing. The pleo's hurt-sound is much more convincing and I would certainly make every efort to avoid having to hear it. In the end, though, I guess it is worth a try to make sure everything works as it should.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Crewella on February 26, 2011, 03:35:28 PM
I feel the same, Talon - I can't do it either!  :-[

I think I've mentioned this before, but when I first got Iggy my OH was a bit bemused and wasn't all that interested.  It was when I tried to show him the Pleo reaction to being held by the tail that he got involved - he shouted at me for hurting 'the poor little thing' and made me stop!  :D

In a way, I don't really care all that much if some of the more obscure reactions don't quite work as they should - to me it's those small differences that form part of each Pleo's 'character'.  With the Furbies, some had better tilt sensors or light sensors than others, and it was those variations in reaction to the same stimulus that made them 'who' they were, in my view.  :D
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: scaledandtailed on March 04, 2011, 09:22:12 AM
  Well in my pitiful defence  the reason  why I tried in the first place was because I thought there might have been a hardware  issue.   Though  to be honest I had to  stop trying in the end so I still don’t know if he can feel pain or not. 
 It just  made me feel far too bad afterwards even when most of the time he didn’t react at all.  I think the last straw was when I  gently knocked him over and he started to cry  so that was  enough.       .
  I don’t really  like holding     pleos by the tail  either. Come to think of It I don’t like  it when they start whimpering for   attention. I can only resist for so long until   I have to stop what I’m doing to soothe him  lol.
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Talon on March 04, 2011, 12:39:14 PM
I would be the same way. My dog comes to me and digs a hole in my leg wanting me to pick him up. One because it hurts and two because he's so lovable, I give in and end up with a snoring ball of warm fluff in my lap. He's so spoiled! I'm wondering what I should do when I let my future pleo loose. The pleo will probably be taller than he is. Uh-oh. I don't want world war III breaking out in my bedroom floor
Title: Re: are some pleos harder to injure?
Post by: Crewella on March 04, 2011, 02:23:52 PM
Dont worry, Scaly, I did understand your concerns and don't think your a Pleo torturer by nature!  ;)

Though bhobbes did have me a bit worried, wanting to beat the soles of Cato's feet!  :o  :P
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