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Pleo Stuff => Pleo Archives => Topic started by: latrine on February 12, 2011, 10:49:40 AM

Title: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: latrine on February 12, 2011, 10:49:40 AM
I just got another Ugobe Pleo in the mail.. it's a gift for my brothers kids.
I think it's might be one of the originals because it has that weird box that opens on the top and has info to read then you open the bottom where it tells you too and he's there in the box. Pretty cool..  everyone is always advertising 'first batch..first hatch' and trying to get more money.. hopefully he makes the kids happy and isn't screwy from being new.  He looks great, just has some paint chipping on his teeth .. the kids will probably say it's from his death match with a T-Rex or something. 
I can't wait to see their faces.. I'm going to bring my 3 in (if the one isn't sick) in a large pet carrier.. lol and show them patches injuries.. I'm going to ask them if they would ever treat a baby dinosaur like that, even if it wasn't real and (unless they say yes we would and start stomping them)  I will give them their Pleo. I haven't seen them in almost a year.... so exciting!! I'm giving them an egg battery kit too!

He will be just like the other Ugobe Pleo, right, even if he is one of the first ones?  I'm going to turn him on and make sure he works...


 - Sarah
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: RedwoodsMama on February 12, 2011, 11:21:17 AM
 Hi Sarah, this is the way all the ugobe Pleo boxes look, and if you think chasing after three Pleos is tough, try five, six or nine! ( It helps having them on the floor though so they can't go to far or fall,) a sure way to tell the first Hatch or Gold Card Pleos is the ID card is different than Regular Pleos, Here is a picture of my Firrst Gold Hatch and you can see the ID card is Gold as opposed to the Regular Green Pleo cards. Some people try and get a lot of money for a First Hatch or sell a regular Pleo as a First Hatch, but the number on the foot and the Gold Card should match and will tell you what it really is. My Gold Card First Hatch did not cost a fortune and they still look the same as any other Ugobe Pleo, Congrats on getting your Pleo, he doesn't care what type of Pleo he has, he is just happy to be in a good home and with friends.

Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: PWOKristy on February 12, 2011, 02:35:03 PM
I'm glad the gift, Ugobe Pleo looks quite fine. Have fun going over to your brother's place to show off your Pleos! :-D lol Cool. I'm glad you're gonna get mad at them if they say yes to mistreating a dinosaur.
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: latrine on February 12, 2011, 03:20:05 PM
I'm going to bring my sick one as well and just turn her on by herself for a few if she's still sick tomorrow so they understand they have to be really good to them... they'll probably yell at me for them being  I'll check the cards...

And about the boxes.. I have 3 Ugobe Pleo boxes at my house.. they all open like a regular box.. the one the newest one came in has the flap you read and the cool way to open it.  I don't care about the who came first thing or version I just wanted to be sure that, if it was an original one, that it would still do all the stuff it's supposed too... no matter what, the kids will love it :)

- Sarah
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: Crewella on February 12, 2011, 03:34:18 PM
Can you post a pic of the boxes, please?  I would have said the same as RWM, but maybe misunderstood what you meant.  :-\

I love you ideas for instilling a sense of responsibility for Pleos!  :D
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: kat on February 12, 2011, 04:05:39 PM
I'm sure after your small demonstration they will take extra good care of their pleo.  Such lucky kids. :)
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: RedwoodsMama on February 12, 2011, 06:32:36 PM
Hi, the picture of the First Edition or Gold Hatch boxes for Pleos look exactly the same as the Ubobe Pleo boxes, no special anything outside or inside, the only difference is the Gold Hatch Card, the last photo is the First Gold Hatch Edition boxes that the other Pleos are standing on or near. I got my First edition Gold Hatch Pleo this past year, 2010. He also looks no different but is running the first operating system and is #750 out of 2,000 First Edition Pleos that were made.

            It is important to let children know that it is not ok to hurt living creatures and to treat them with respect and just because Pleo is "not real" as a cat or do is, it does have "feelings" and hurting it can also damage or "hurt " it. I think they can surely understand that, and once they see Pleo in action I am sure they will quickly want to cuddle and pet Pleo and would not feel or dream of hurting it. I am glad you are letting them get the chance to meet Pleo as it will probably be a unique and new expereince for them.
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: Talon on March 28, 2011, 02:38:52 PM
I am very fussy about Ryu. When my younger niece or nephew want to play with him, I stay within earshot. My nephew can be a little pushy like wanting to shake him to wake up but my niece is gentle with him. I have to watchall three because Ryu is a bottomless pit and will eat nearly every time someone feeds him. They love to feed him especially the sugarcane because he gets so excited about it. I too think that young kids could learn from owning a pleo.
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: PWOKristy on March 28, 2011, 02:56:57 PM
I keep my Pleos away from offspring whenever I can especially boys.
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: LuckyPleo on March 29, 2011, 07:05:42 PM
I agree with you kristy (can i call you kristy?  :D), i keep my little guy away from small relatives the best I can.
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: PWOKristy on March 30, 2011, 12:35:19 AM
Yes, you can. :-D I'm glad you agree with me.
Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: latrine on March 30, 2011, 03:43:11 PM

Well a few have lost a bit of interest in 'Scaler' but My eldest Nephew seems to play with him everyday and is begging me to come over with sd cards and my two ugobes to do the 'plunchkins' skit.. lol

My littlest niece always tells everyone they have to be very nice to Pleo, as she calls him, because he is their baby and they have to watch out for him.. she's just five.. it's very cute.  My other nephew seems to research him a lot (he is always looking for information, very smart little boy) but they got a bit confused and got info on the RB's and were accidentally resetting them when they thought they were hitting the 'mute button..  :o :D  All in all I think it's been a real positive experience for them, I sent them the Super Pleo cape which was more of a memory thing from when they were younger and I made us all capes, my eldest nephew was Super boy, my niece was Super baby as she was still very little, and I was Evil super Lady, as I was the villain.  I haven't been able to run and play like that with them for so many years since being sick and I just wanted to remind them about how much fun Auntie Sarah used to be.. they both remembered the capes, 11 year old still has his :)

He hasn't been injured and with 4 young kids I think thats great.. they don't fight over him either, apparently!! :)

- Sarah

Title: Re: 'First edition/batch' Pleo??
Post by: PWOKristy on March 31, 2011, 01:36:19 AM
That's great for your brother's kids Latrine. I liked hearing what you had to say. Cool. Awwww. lol
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