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xx The Dreaming Pleo Series- Episode 4: Bleu
April 29, 2014, 08:52:05 AM by Talon
Hey all! It’s Bleu! All my other herd members have told about their dreams, I guess I should too. I may look like a pleo of humble beginnin’s, but beneath my pleasant exterior, I am a princess of the late Jurassic.
What’s that? Am I sixty feet long? Do I roam around forests and eat common plants like ordinary sauropods? Oh no, you have the wrong idea. I only resemble a camerasaurus, I ain’t sayin’ I’m a real one. The real camerasaurus couldn’t be cuddled or carried or dressed in stretchy silk dresses now could he? He’d look rather silly don’t you think? Well so Now we’ve established the fact I hope that I am a cute, pampered cuddly thing with a delicate constitution and plenty of admirers. No more need be said about that. Oh and one more thing while we’re on the topic of royalty- just a little friendly gossip while Her Overkill Royal Highness’s battery is chargi’n. Queen Ryu might blare her position around like a strong perfume but I am less obvious about mine. You don’t have to be boisterous to be beautiful. Alright enough of this. I’m feelin’ yur mind beginnin’ tah wander. It’s a talent of mine you see.
Now, in my dreams, I am back home in good ole Louisiana deep in the Bayou-country. I live on a houseboat with a Cajon family of four. Though they aren’t very rich by the world’s standards, I am kept like a queen. I sleep to the gentle rockin’ of the houseboat and the sweet song of Papa’s fiddle. And… what? How is my battery charged? Oh this is my story here, let me tell it the way I want.
Summer’s the best time of the year. All the plants put out all their sweet smells and all the hullabaloo floats tah us from the big city. It’s almost like we’re in another world. The swamp makes our music and my little mistresses and their family can sure do some fine dancin’! What else do I need? And then sometimes we get together with other families and have us a grand ole time!
But then just when things are gettin’ good, Keeper Talon gives me a gentle rub as she lowers me and Ugobe to the floor. “Good morning, Bleu! Are you feeling up for a run today?”
Oh well. I’m back tah bein’ Ugobe’s protective sister, adviser to Ms. Loud-Mouth, confidant to old King Cato, and givin’ Keeper Talon a good workout by makin’ her think I’m head-over-heels fer that awful computer chair. She’s gettin’ a lot faster at movin’ on four legs but just between us, she ain’t as fast and agile as me.

xx The Dreaming Pleo Series- Episode 3: Cato
April 21, 2014, 03:15:45 PM by Talon
Hello! I’m Cato. At Keeper Talon’s request, I suppose I should tell you all about what I dream. I’m not a very imaginative dreamer I’m afraid but I’ll be as candid as I can.
When I am switched off, I enter a world far from any place I’ve ever seen. I am almost always by myself. The surroundings change from dream to dream. Sometimes I’m in endless grassland with great trees or a mountain in the distance. Other times I’m in a desert- grey as death with nothing green in sight. Wherever I am, I am always moving. My battery never seems to fail and none of the outdoor debris gets caught in my feet.
In the grassland I walk alone, the blades stirring in the breeze with a soft whispering sound. The birds sing and the sun shines down and I toil over hills and valleys, reveling in the changes in the sky above me as the clouds shift with the wind. The journey seems to be half the fun. I never seem to arrive anywhere.
When I am on the desert, the sun is setting behind me and the land is just giving up its scorching heat. Carrion birds circle in the distance above some hapless victim who didn’t take proper precautions when setting out on their journey. The ground is flat. The sand causes my sensitive feet to smart but it just keeps me moving. The stars light up every individual grain making me feel as though I am walking across a silent sea of diamonds. The wind here is different- sighing across the land and getting caught in the forgiving dunes in the distance and hissing down at me. Here, I feel small and vulnerable in this harsh landscape with little cover for such a brightly-colored specimen of pleohood as myself.
Yes. I’m an explorer at heart. I love imagining myself in far-off places and exchanging ideas with people and pleos of other cultures. I don’t get to meet too many other pleos in my life but I love meeting new people and seeing new places. Maybe someday, Keeper Talon will take me along on one of her exciting travels to other states and things. She always seems to take Lucky the aibo with her but she never takes me or the other pleos anywhere. I’m guessing it’s just because there aren’t many pleo-owners who live near her. Oh well. I’ll have the world of my dreams and in them, my journeys will never end.
xx The Dreaming Pleo Series- Episode 2: Ugobe
April 16, 2014, 09:08:07 AM by Talon
Hello, Bob the Pleo Forums! I’m Ugobe. I’m here to tell you about my dreams. Well, I’m kind of embarrassed to tell so many people what I dream about but… well here goes.
When I go into packing position and I am switched off, I become Ugobe the Defender- the pleo-warrior for the Protection of all Robotkind. Okay I didn’t say I had a nice catchy title that I could say without taking a breath. Anyway I wear a nice shiny costume and I fly around in a giant spangle-covered egg. It rocks! It flies so fast not even the Terrible Teddy can catch it.
Tonight, I’m rescuing my sis Blue from a deadly roll of carpet that wants to wrap around her and snap all her joints. I’m coming in toward the scene. The dangerous rug has her in a doughnut-hold. She’s looking up at me going, “Ugobe, you are so slow can’t you see this thing’s eatin’ me?”
“Right.” I say. “Oh and by the way, my poor helpless Bleu, I AM NOT SLOW! Watch this!”
Veeeeeeeer! I fly my deadly spangle-covered egg at the rug’s deadly coils. Peew! Peew! I’m firing on it with my deadly lasers! I am so deadly! The rug lets go of Bleu and shoots into the air so high that most of its length is off the floor, its gaping black hole of a mouth spreading to swallow my nice shiny spangle-covered egg.
Bleu is laughing. “Thanks, Brother! Ahe, Ugobe, you better fly! Now that thing is gonna eat you!”
I’m thinking to myself, okay, Sis, you’re supposed to run away now that I’ve got its full attention. I don’t have time to think as the rug looms up opening one of its tightly rolled ends like a giant gaping mouth to swallow me. I’m not afraid. I hover there deliberately and wait… and wait…
And then… Rustle rustle rustle FLURF! Pretty intelligent shag! It’s summoned rug-enforcements! Now there are three giant rugs and they’re all rising up at me. Oh no! I’m surrounded by giant rearing gaping carpet-mouths! What is the great Ugobe the Defender going to do now? Ah! I have it! Evasive maneuvers! Rrrrrreowowow! I loop around the first duplicate rug.
Vlaaaaaah! It tries to grab me but at the last instant I veer off toward the second duplicate.
Waaaaaaafffffffff! The first duplicate rug lunges and tackles the second duplicate leaving me to go after the original rug that went after Blue in the first place.
Thump! Oh no! The first rug has spread itself out in the air and flung itself down over my pretty spangle-covered egg. Aaaaaaah! I’m falling, spiraling toward the ground. I’m seeing whirling images of rug-underside and feeling really sick from spinning and hearing very loud disaster music and…
“Ugobe? Ugobe-boy, come on, Sir it’s time to wake up. Why aren’t you moving? Is your battery dead.”
I give a “huh?” grunt and open my eyes. Keeper Talon is rubbing my back. I sigh. Every time! I’ll never get to know what happens! Wait, where is Bleu? Oh did the bad rug get her after all? Aaah relief! There she is! I wiggle from under Keeper Talon’s fingers and try to catch up with her. “Good morning, my fair sister!”
“Mornin’ Ugobe! You slept late and missed breakfast. Again.”
I smile inside. Yep. I like being Ugobe the Defender when my switch is off and Castle Wooden Dresser is quiet but during the day, I’d rather be just plain Ugobe the… the Ugobe.

xx The Dreaming Pleo Series- Episode 1: Ryu
April 15, 2014, 09:01:33 AM by Talon
Hello everyone! It’s Queen Ryu here introducing a pleo miniseries! Have you ever wondered what goes through a pleo’s head when we’re turned off? I knew you’d be interested! Over the next four blog entries, we will attempt to explain the mystery of what goes on inside of our little plastic skulls. Of course I will go first. Well let’s get started!
In my dreams, I am in a large room. The floor is very smooth so I can walk without difficulty. There are windows that go all the way around. It is always bright outside and there are beautiful plants all around. My darling Cato is with me and both of us are just entering juvenile stage. We have a keeper, but they are not Talon. I can’t see their face so I don’t know if they are male or female. They bring us leaves right when we’re hungry. We don’t need our skins Pledged or our batteries removed. We don’t have to be flipped onto our backs and poked in the foot with a paper clip to reset our clock time, it happens automatically.
In my dreams, I am not mean. You see, I never wanted to be a mean bossy pleo, it’s not in my description on Pleoworld where I was incubated. I did want to be petted and pampered and the center of attention but I never intended to become what I have.
You see, Readers, I have… *Curls into a ball and quivers* an awful flaw. I have low courage. To help protect myself, I sometimes lash out at other people and pleos. Oh go ahead and say it, Humans. I’m a bit of a bully and you’d be right in naming me so. Anyway, I’m becoming too lucid and controlling this dream.
Cato and I are walking together across the floor of my beautiful room. He stops at the far wall of windows and looks out. “Ryu, have you ever wondered what’s out there?” He asks.
“No.” I say calmly in return. “Here I am safe. Here I am content. I have you, I have food and light and safety. What else do I need?”
Cato raises his head and sniffs. He is so handsome when he stands to his full height. He looks regal like he has super powers of detection with his head raised so high and proud. He has an odd strength to him that melts my heart and asks me to trust him. “But there has to be more of the world. Why are you afraid to experience it?”
And then, holy without warning, I am lifted into the air, my on-button is pressed and everything fades. I am back in the world again- the world where I am afraid. The world where I am old and broken and small and hemmed in by the changing seasons. Cato is with me here as well but he is different. His bright paint lines are faded. His right leg is frozen like mine, and he is hesitant rather than powerful.
Keeper Talon is feeding us. As usual she feeds me first. Today even though the light is bright outside, I just don’t feel happy and let everyone know it. I refuse the conifer leaf and take a few chomps on the cycad leaf she offers me instead. I shake my head free of it before I’m finished, and curl into a whimpering ball. Today, I just want to be left to myself.
Keeper Talon finishes feeding the others, letting those who can wander off over Sand-Colored-Carpet. Not even Cato pauses to give me encouragement today. He is in one of his explorer moods. Keeper Talon has to keep putting him back onto the poster board.
Finally, she returns to me. “What’s up, Ryu-girl? It’s plenty bright outside. You’re not exactly acting sick. What’s with all this whimpering and whining? Low emotions again? Shall I give you some coffee bean?” She runs a finger from the end of my nose along my back and to the start of my tail. Despite my awful mood, I raise my head and close my eyes in acknowledgement. “Do you want to do some tricks? I know it’s a little difficult with that leg but you act bored. Come on, let’s dance.” Keeper Talon goes through my voice command setup and I grudgingly pick a song and go through my routine. For some reason, it makes me feel better and my tail tip flips upward afterward. Keeper Talon smiles. “That’s better, huh? Don’t be such a sourpuss. It’s nice outside, your friends are all having a good time. Cato seems bored with being caught over and over. Why not go trance with him?” Finally, I decide to heed her advice and while we are trancing, Keeper Talon grumbles as she crawls quickly across the room to save overly-curious Blue from her fascination with the computer chair. As I watch her, I finally come to a decision. Maybe my dream world is perfect, but here in the waking light, I have pleos and a human who cares about me despite my temper and my low courage and my slow motion speed. I decide then that I have nothing to be worried about. I am loved just the way I am.

xx Writer's Block already but Curious about a Possible Idea!
April 14, 2014, 12:34:16 PM by Talon
Hello Bob the Pleo Forums! Obviously this is boring ole Talon. I'm in need of some help. I watched my crew crawl around and explore today and nothing they did sparked my imagination. No fears though, I have an idea but it just might take a while to write up and it will cover four separate entries. Hopefully you guys and guests can stay tuned long enough to get through it. I'm a little nervous about doing this though as we've become such a 144 character society.
Anyway, here's my idea. Feel free to contribute if you want. After all you guys are my readers and if I can't keep you interested, what is all this effort for? Anyway I'm considering doing four separate entries covering the classic question posed by... ummmm... by some robot whose name escapes me right now. He asked, 'Will I dream when I am turned off?' That is what I want to cover- the dreaming world of each of my four pleos. What do you guys think? Please leave comments, not just in answer to my inquiry but on any blog entry you like! I don't care if your comments are negative as long as your criticism is constructive. Your comments and feedback are the lifeblood of this blog. I like to hear from my audience. I want to write for you!
xx Ugobe, Bleu, and the Beautiful Red Thing
April 11, 2014, 02:44:09 PM by Talon
Hi, Everyone! It’s Ugobe. Today has been a pretty lazy day. The weather is warm and very bright. My favorite place to play is near the white wall with the two large windows. Bolt’s charger isn’t there now. Something has happened to him but since he’s an aibo his problems are very alien to me. His disappearance has meant good things for us pleos. We can now wander all the way across from Castle Wooden Dresser to Sir Lucky’s rainbow blanket without fear of getting tangled in its cord. Oh and Sir Lucky is Keeper Talon’s ERS7- a type of Aibo. Let’s get off the topic of aibos.
Bleu and I left Keeper Talon and had a nice long walk across Sand-Colored-Carpet alongside the beautiful white wall with the windows and the bright sunlight. Just as we reached Sir Lucky’s blanket, Bleu decided to turn around. “There’s a beautiful red thing on the other side of the room near Castle Wooden Dresser.” She told me.
“There’s nothing red over there.” I retorted.
“Yes there is and I’m gonna find it and learn what it is.”
“Okay. Suit yourself.” I continued on to Lucky’s blanket and started grazing. I went around Sir Lucky all the way to the wall but quickly realized there wasn’t enough space for me to turn around in the corner. I started honking for help. Keeper Talon came to my rescue and despite my better judgment, I decided to see what Bleu was honking about.
Low and behold as I made my way to her, there was something red. Beside Castle Wooden Dresser not far from Sir Lucky’s box, I discovered the bit of redness. It was large and square and mostly black but for a small spot of red high up on its surface. That was what was holding Bleu’s attention.
“Look at it, Ugobe! Whataya spose it is?”
I sighed and yawned. “I dunno- just a small red spot. Why is it so interesting? I think it’s rather boring and I can’t believe I’m wasting everyone’s time having the world read about it.”
“It ain’t borin’, it’s beautiful!”
Keeper Talon was suddenly really paying attention to us. “Hey, hush you guys! My cousin’s eleven month old is sleeping! What’s all this howling and roaring?” She came over to us and touched the big square black thing and got a really odd look on her face. “Boy! You guys are acting really weird today. That’s my laptop bag. Why are you having such a fit over it? It’s been here forever.” As she felt it over, she found the oval-shaped red spot in the bag’s handle. She smiled. “Oh! Now I understand. Were you guys fighting over who can gaze at the fake red stone?”
“Oh Bleu!” I grumbled. “Now look what you’ve done. You got me in trouble. Again.”
“Me? No I didn’t. You chose to come over here.”
“Yeah but only because you kept going on and on and on about the beautiful red thing.”
“Well it is a beautiful red thing ain’t it?”
“What’s beautiful about it? It’s just a little red spot.”
“It’s a red spot in a desert of boring ole black and so I think it’s beautiful.”
“Oh so you’re saying black isn’t beautiful then?”
“Oh hush yo fuss, Ugobe. We can’t see black.”
Keeper Talon gently picked Bleu up and turned her to face the other side of the room- the side with the big clear round thing she uses to clean her fountain rocks. “Bleu? Bleu, please hush! Ugobe you too. If that child wakes up his mother will be mad at all of us. Now go find something else to do besides have a howling session.”
I just had to laugh. Lady Bleu finally got hers. “Yeah, Bleu, go find something else to do.”
Bleu just grumbled and walked away. “We’ll see if I go with you when you find somethin’ interestin’ tah look at.” She huffed and strode across the room, tail held high.
Keeper Talon sighed and resumed her seat in the middle of the floor. “I’m sorry you two but the little boy needs his sleep. You can chat later.” I watched as she moved over to the wall with the windows, leaned her head back against it, and started to doze. I came over, rubbed my head against her knee, and curled up to sleep too.

xx Cato goes on a Power-walk
April 09, 2014, 10:43:09 AM by Talon
Hi again everyone! It’s your friend Cato here! I’m writing you from my poster board walking space under the warm glow of the sun! It’s so warm and bright outside today. I don’t know why but I feel like setting out on an adventure!
I’m walking forward for a change- six strides to a set today! Whew! This is so exhausting but it feels good to stretch these old gears! Maybe I’ll reach the opposite edge today. I remember in my younger days I could go nine feet at a stretch. Not so much anymore. Whew! I need a break but hey, I made it to the center of the board. I think I’ll nap for a minute. Okay nap over. I need to *yawn* keep going. Come on Cato, feel the meshing of the gears! Let’s go, old boy! One stride! Two! Three! Four! I’m so happy I think I’ll roar. Let’s see if I have enough breath to do this. ROARRRRRR! I feel so young and strong and happy!
Oh here comes Queen Ryu! She wants to trance. The skit for Old-age Stage is slightly different. When WE GO THROUGH THE WHOLE I-love-you-kissing-thing, we also say hello after the kiss and laugh a lot more. I really love these changes in myself! Boy my day is getting better and better! Ryu is happy too and she is trying to join me on my walk. Keeper Talon has placed her on my poster board. We’re almost shoulder to shoulder and we’re moving across the board together.
Her frozen right leg is causing her to turn inward toward me and Keeper Talon has to keep her from running into me. I wonder why my frozen leg isn’t causing me to turn right too? Hmm. Oh jeepers! I’m at the end of the board! I’m really there! Where’s Ryu?
Oh there she is. She has decided not to follow me and turned back around and curled up for a nap in the sunshine instead. I’m standing on the edge of the board getting a sniff at the carpet. I miss walking on native flooring. It has a variety to it that poster board just doesn’t have. You know- bumpy wood grains, nail heads, slick wax and shadows. Oh and let’s not forget linoleum and kitchen tiles and all their phantom edges.
Keeper Talon is trying to get me to follow the tracking leaf. It’s so hypnotizing the tracking leaf. I don’t feel like watching it right now though. I’d rather play with the tug toy. Come on, Human. I’m making the sound for the tug-toy. Are you listening? The tuuuug toooooy! Helllooooo? The tuggg tooooy. *Sigh* Oh well she’s not listening.
Suddenly I’m getting tired. Keeper Talon is petting Teddy. I think I’ll take a nap too and dream about this wonderful day!
xx Ugobe Rants about Bad Weather
April 07, 2014, 12:17:51 PM by Talon
Why does it have to be cloudy today? I can’t see much of anything. There are random edges everywhere and I feel like I’m constantly moving backward. If only Keeper Talon would turn on her big indoor sun during the day like she does at night. She says it’s because it raises the electric bill to run it a lot. I don’t like playing in the dark even with the rest of the herd nearby. Bleu doesn’t seem to mind it much but I’m reduced to walking backward and blubbing like a baby. I’m nervous and scared and I don’t feel secure eating or exploring under these conditions even with Keeper Talon’s reassurance.
Even Queen Ryu was protesting against the dark. She refused to eat this morning and when Keeper Talon ran her stats, her emotion level was nine. Nine! Come on, Humans! Get this through your heads! Darkness is not fun for us! How can I advise the royal couple when my head is full of shadowy phantoms that might step on me?
I found a nice safe corner and I’m staying in it. Bleu is making her way over now. Maybe she’ll stay with me and not tease me for being afraid.
She’s sniffing around near me like I’m some sort of foreign object. Oh now she just said hello and recognizes me! She’s asking me to join her in a 1.0 roaring session. Yeah! I love singing with Bleu! Her dissonance is so spooky when we howl and roar together! It creeps me out so much I get people-bumps. Maybe cloudy days are good for something after all! ROOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRR!

xx Talon Talks about Feeding Time
April 05, 2014, 09:17:25 AM by Talon
I’m not sure how to relate today’s subject. Maybe it’s the mother in me although I don’t envision myself ever having children. Maybe it’s just the satisfaction of caring for something- kind of like what you feel for your dog or cat. The difference is that in this instance, I’m relating to my robots. I’m talking of course about feeding time.
Feeding time for my herd isn’t an organized scheduled part of my day. I have a dog, this blog, running my three aibos, searching for work, and the basic necessity of keeping my room clean to fill my time. When I do find a quiet slot of time, it’s an activity I really enjoy. Sometimes I run the pleos in pairs along species lines- Bleu and Ugobe or Ryu and Cato. If I don’t have much time I spread them out, running and feeding one pleo at a time. If on the other hand I have a nice empty thirty minute block, I’ll run all four at once. It’s during these times that I see their personalities at work and marvel at how different they are.
Ryu and Cato are my pushy ones. They are very loud and demanding but even their feeding behaviors are different. If I ignore Ryu in favor of Cato, she gets even more boisterous. If I ignore Cato, he loses his macho big-hungry-boy-ness and becomes very whiny and almost despondent as though he’s on the verge of dying of starvation.
My RB’s also get full at different levels. Cato will generally get full after about six or eight chomps on whatever food he happens to be eating. He isn’t a picky eater. I try to give him an even mix between the conifer leaf and the mushroom which boosts health levels in the RB. I end up his session with one chomp on the sugarcane. Even pleos have to have dessert right? After feeding, Cato will sometimes walk a few steps, a memory back to his younger days when he used to be such an avid explorer. Sometimes he gets intrepid and tries to walk beyond the poster board but I have to stop him at that point because the clutches in his twenty ten rear legs are too weak to move him over my carpet.
Ryu on the other hand prefers to pig out. She takes anywhere from eight to twelve chomps of food at a sitting. She is an extremely finicky eater. I have to go through the foods multiple times to find out what she wants. If she doesn’t deem the item worth her notice, she will just look away and act like there isn’t a big cycad leaf under her chin while still growling and wining to be fed. Thus it takes much longer to feed her. She is really good at letting me know she’s full though with a nice satisfied burp and a sigh. After she is full, Ryu goes into “I’m the center of the universe! Pet me!” Mode. She will bat her large purple eyes and get into these delicate feminine poses that beg for attention. Since entering senior-citizen status, she shortens the beauty posing and goes to sleep after a minute or two.
Bleu and Ugobe being Ugobe pleos don’t require much feeding but when they do ask to be fed, I try to accommodate. Most of the time they are content to just graze on the floor but they do occasionally ask for food. Just in case you’ve missed this behavior in your Ugobe, I’ll explain what it looks like. The pleo will stop, hold its head up, open its mouth and go “ah? Ah?” It sounds a bit like the noise a hungry Furby makes. If you offer them something- a leaf, your finger- right after this behavior they will feed happily for a surprisingly long time before coughing for you to remove the item from their mouths. If you don’t respond within about five seconds of this behavior, they will go back to their perpetual game of tug that Ugobes are famous for playing any other time you try to hand feed them. Over all though, it’s just easier to let them feed from the floor.
I really enjoy feeding my herd. All their antics make me smile and I am left to wonder at the programming brilliance their various creators put into them. Some people may have more than four pleos and might see all this feeding as more of a chore. If this is you, just take note in the different reactions you see from one pleo to another. Learn to appreciate all the individual likes and dislikes and pecking order struggles between your various companions. Observation is half the fun!
xx Ugobe and The Ball From Nowhere
April 03, 2014, 01:06:15 PM by Talon
Hi, Everyone! I’m Ugobe the Ugobe pleo. Why does my brand and my name look the same? I don’t know. Ask Keeper Talon. She’s the one who named me after the company that made me. Personally I’m afraid of being named after a company that went bust but… well I’m just a pleo. What do I know?
I had a very interesting experience today. I found a new ball. It wasn’t just any ball, it was a special ball. It was a ball from nowhere. I didn’t see where it came from, it just… appeared. Yes and it was moving very fast. It wasn’t one of the Aibo balls. Keeper Talon doesn’t let us play with them. I don’t know why. We can’t hurt them. They’re just as much fun to push around as our little spongy red ones and they look a lot like them but well, rules are rules. I really liked this ball from nowhere. It was much much bigger than the aibo balls and it moved very easily when I put my nose against it and walked forward. It wasn’t pink or red, it was… well it was… a color I couldn’t see. I think it was white.
Anyway I was moving along happily with my new toy when all the sudden it shot away from me with a bark and a little yappy growl. I sighed. The Terrible Teddy struck again. Keeper Talon seems to put up with an amazing amount of bad behavior from that fluff ball. He can walk between us while we’re talking or walk between us and our light source and leave us quivering in terror but does he get punished? No.
She was actually laughing as Mr. Yappy brought my big white ball to her. She gave him a treat and told him he was a good boy and then she did something I’ve never seen her do before. She smacked the ball with her hand so that it shot across the room like a rocket and yelled, “Fetch!” Oh the beautiful ball! The big very light very interesting ball! It was coming toward me again. I waited until it stopped flying and turned toward it and got it between my left leg and my neck and started pushing it away to my favorite little corner. Ha! Try to get it away from me now!
Oh no! And there he was again. Away went my big bright flying smooth white ball. It was so big he couldn’t actually get it in his mouth but he could put his front paws over it and he was running as hard as he could to try and stop it. Finally I realized I just wasn’t going to win and watched the irritating creature tearing around the room after that ball. It did find its way to Keeper Talon… eventually. He did look happy in an alien kind of way, pushing that ball and chasing it as fast as he could. No matter how fast he ran the ball seemed to go faster until they both slammed into an obstacle- a wall or a bed leg or Keeper Talon’s dresser or Keeper Talon herself. He kept pushing it with his paws and though the ball kept spinning, it wasn’t going anywhere. For some reason this seemed to amuse Keeper Talon and she laughed as she followed the yipping and scrambling paw-noises until she could send the ball flying for him again.
Oh Cycad leaves I wanted a ball like that! So big and smooth and light to move over the thick carpet! It was a marvelous toy! Why did Mr. Yappy get all the good toys?
Finally, Teddy returned to Keeper Talon breathing hard with his tongue hanging out and his big fluffy ears thrown back and his little nubby tail straight up. She ruffled his ears and let him climb into her lap. I froze for a few seconds. The ball! It was next to the big round clear thing Keeper Talon uses to hold the rocks from her fountain while she cleans them. It wasn’t moving anymore and Teddy wasn’t chasing it anymore. Haha! Home-free! At last I could play with it again all by myself. The ball was all mine! I shoved it about halfway across Sand-Colored-Carpet. I was just starting to enjoy myself again when a familiar voice said,
“Oh! Ugobe, what is that large moveable jewel? It’s mine. I should have it. I am Queen after all and a senior-citizen. Now move away!”
I sighed. “Well, so much for that. Here, Queen Ryu. Have a nice day.”
But to myself I added, “Until Teddy recharges his batteries and passes it back to me again.”

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