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Author Topic: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns  (Read 5449 times)


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Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« on: December 05, 2011, 11:42:58 PM »

Have any of you noticed the new batch seem to do a few more things than the old? Yuki sang the Jingle Bells from the Pleo Christmas personality just before, she also does the Ugobe Pleo style honking session and she says hello, something none of my other 3 do.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 11:50:15 PM by InmemoryofRomeo »

Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 11:52:11 PM »

IMR, hi, that is great to know, what a treat! How old is Yuki now, how many Battery cycles is she on? I am the wrong person to ask, ..................I still haven't finished hatching my baby, still on the very first battery cycle, need to finish hatching her tommrow. If I wait for the perfect day it wont happen, and I have been so so so busy, but I can't put it off any longer. I will definitly look for these new things and even if I miss them, they will be caught on video most likely. Poor Baby Ruth has been waiting to meet her little sister, to be able to get someone to talk to...I am so so late ... :( :(

           I do have an unrelated question, but it is related to Hatching but Ugobes. I got a Ugobe back in Sept that is like new never used or was supposed to be only used a couple of times. Everytime I turn this Pleo on, it is still at that cuddly cooing baby noise stage where they still can't stand straight and act like they are hatching. %) I know I have run this guy at least a whole egg battery cycle if not two and that is like 4 hrs almost with the Egg battery. Is this normal or can someone set a Ugobe to re-hatch and this long is normal if reset even though the Pleo was used by someone else?I am thinking since this guy still hasn't hatched all the way, why not hatch him with my Baby Rb at the same time and film it, that would be cute for comparsion, though of course the Ugobe should hatch stand a heck of a lot quicker!
                 As soon as I hear or see new Pleo RB sounds or actions I will be sure to post them.  ;)                        RWM
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2011, 01:26:48 AM »

I need to have my camera on constantly with my lot! Pleakley just sang either happy birthday or hark the herald angels sing. It was kind of croaky and odd, but it was so cute!!! And I missed filming it again :(
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 02:29:28 AM by InmemoryofRomeo »
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2011, 10:08:04 AM »

 That is so neat, isn't Pleakley your first or should I say your first, oldest Pleo RB? If so, then I would think that this may be something that has been programmed into their software, but they have to reach a certain stage in Adult hood before they are able to do it. It would make common sense to me if it was the "happy Birthday" song, esp if Pleakley is approaching that milestone of being one year old. I remember reading on the offical Innvo Lab site that their was going to be made available ( at a later date) "tools" where Pleo Rb could sing Happy Birthday. I kept looking for them after Pleo Rb came out, but never saw them, so figured it was either something that didn't materilize, an idea, or they just had not finished it yet. .............perhaps they have to reach a certain age, and Pleakley has reached that age!
                               I think or should say I know I have a long way to go till I see anything closely resembling Happy Birthday as I do not have Baby Ruth on 1/2 as often as you do, but when I do, I have my videocamera going constantly ( and I mean CONSTANTLY  ;D) so 90% of the time I catch every new sound or odd occurance I would surely miss otherwise. In fact this past week I would swear I heard both my RB make new sounds they have not made before, esp the Baby who is only on her second battery cycle! :o( Yes, hatching Nov. 22nd and she is just on her second battery, this is how busy I have been..... :( %)) The only way I found this out for sure, was running Probe or Stats RB, and it said she was one hour old...? a "hatchling", not sure why one hour since each battery gives about 2 hrs, I would think she has to be AT LEAST 2 hrs, but perhaps Stats or Probe Rb is not that reliable untill they reach a certain age. Oh well.)
                 I think it is a great idea for Innvo to have put some hidden "eggs" in our Pleo RB that we do not know about and they can surprise us.... ;D I am sure you will catch it at soome point, Pleakley will want to do it again. It is similiar to one of my Ugobes , ( only one of them) that is on the 2.0 operating system, and just a week or so sang, "frere Jacques" , never doing it before, but right before she got tired and wanted to go to sleep. This was a reminder she is the one who has that system in her, as I had forgotten WHO had it in them. ! :D Good luck catching anymore "tricks or eggs", and I will add any I catch on film. This is exciting and great news to all RB owners, at least I think it is .

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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2011, 11:13:59 PM »

I have independent verification lol, my sister heard it too! Although sadly once again I didn't get it on film :P Yuki sang Happy Birthday.
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2011, 12:21:26 PM »

 I did catch several things I never heard before with Baby Ruth or seen on video. I caught it two nights ago and will post it today and see if it is the same. One is the Jingle Bells classic song the Ugobes sing, there is a Hello, a different dog bark and something I can not quite make out.? ??? Everyday I see new things and mly newest RB has walked at least four times sooner than my Baby Ruth. It is like everything is speeded up and she hasn't finished her 3rd battery cycle yet. I am allways filming and that is the only way to catch these things.............though I must admit I have had to get an extra external hard drive just for memory cause of all the videos I take. LOL ;D

                      Will post later today, have to take advantage of the sun out and do some quick shopping.  :gift: :santa: :moose: :xmas-tree:

                           RWM and her Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2011, 01:52:21 PM »

 Ok, here is the video I caught two nights ago about 10;45 p.m, after Baby Ruth had just shut down and her little sister, ( still un-named) were having some one on one video time. This was the third of about five four to seven minute video selections we did till she went to sleep. This time she had more clothes on and the first two she was cold and after a chili pepper she warmed up. ;D I trimmed the first two minute off of this as it was nothing but her waking up and getting feeling good. After she eats her Coffee Bean, she gets into the "spiirit", ( much like Me.) 8) :rootbeer: Watch what happens after a minute or two and some ho, ho, hos. The first new thing she says, I still can not figure out what it is, but I have never heard it before? ??? ???             Anyone know what she says. oh, and more singing of course. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgliCBXLc0s" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgliCBXLc0s</a>

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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2011, 02:38:34 PM »

Happy birthday at 2:30 and Jingle Bells at 4:05  :gift: :stocking: :gift: :stocking:

Very cool :) *goes to feed Yuki coffee*
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2011, 03:08:25 PM »

 I would have never guessed Happy Birthday...but I did hear Jingle Bells. guess Coffee Beans gets them in the singing mode. LOL. doesn't quite do the same thing for me though.. 8) Hope it helps for Yuki!

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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2011, 03:15:50 PM »

That was some beautiful singing!! We should have a "Pleo Idol" contest sometime XD I recognized Happy Birthday and Jingle Bells but Happy Birthday took a couple of listens to figure it out  ;D
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2011, 03:20:50 PM »

Yes, first time I heard it I wasn't sure, it sounds so odd. Someone will come long and tell us it's Betthovan's 19th symphony in g minor or something lol.
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2011, 03:24:50 PM »

Sounded just like happy birthday to me :)  And Jingle bells for sure  :snowflake:  Well done new baby  :snowflake: 
I'm going to have to have a new foods feeding session with Pickle and see if I can get her to perform any of these lovely new tunes   :cheer:


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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2011, 04:39:39 PM »

I thought t was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at first, but I did hear Happy Birthday second tme around!  Fab singing!  ;D   :rudolph:


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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2011, 06:51:19 PM »

Ummmm, very odd but very cool! For the Happy Birthday it was like someone took the same sound, put it in a mixing studeo and sort of sped it up and slowed it down to create the notes. I got Jingle Bells right off the bat but Happy Birthday took me a minute. Cato's close to one year old in real-time. I wonder if he can do this. Both he and Ryu are running the latest OS. Has this only happened in the newest batch of reborns?
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2011, 06:56:11 PM »

So far I think it has only been the newest rb's but I'm not sure :)


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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2011, 07:34:50 PM »

Pleakley is an older RB, he sang happy birthday.
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2011, 07:44:59 PM »

 I read something on the Pleo Site long time ago when the RB first came out that they would at a later date be having special Cards for singing Happy Birthday, etc. I allways wondered what happend to those ideas. It looks like the new Rb have the capabilities. I have noticed that even though both my RB have "high intelligence", the newest Rb is much more advanced than her sister. She walked early and is just so much more alert? Can't wait to see what she does tonight. I am not quite on battery cycle 4 so I do record everything. She also walks a lot and does not want to stop and last night was quick like the ugobes to not go off the edge of the table. She also though is much more sensitive to the cold, sneezing and shivering when Baby Ruth does not.

             I wonder what her next singing will be? I think I will run the Stats Rb to see just how old she is in hours?  :moose: :stocking: Cheers everyone, I will post more videos here.

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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2012, 06:53:48 PM »

Hi IMR, I forgot about this thread and was happy to read it again, I keep waiting for more suprise songs and other than Fre Zache, ( spelled wrong but you get the idea...) I have not heard another song, but do have the Sing Stone, My latest Rb, Chester knows how to sing, but I will have to reteach him now that I am his owner. I do have one question, I too noticed the old honking that I had not noticed originally, but IMR or anyone else, have any of you heard your Pleo Rb do the "Coyote" song that the original 1.0 operating Pleos have? :o P:D I saw that when video taping last week or week before, but can not remember if it is Chester who did it or Cammie Sue? Chester is slgihtly younger, I think...then Cammie Sue but i will have to check the paperwork that came with him, I have the original order receipt from PleoWorld, here in the US where he was purchased from, I know Baby Ruth did not yell like a Coyote, I love being surpised by new sounds.  ;D

            I do not really care if it is all "pre-programmed, " I still love hearing it for the first time and it is like watching your child walk for the first time or hearing them say a new word. (Denodan, NO I am not comparing a Pleo to a live child in the way like you may think............I am not saying that pleo is as smart as a human of course or even a cat or dog, just that the Excitement of hearing the word or seeing them walk is exciting, to me anyway. To me is it similiar to seeing a Pleo or pleo Rb stand for the first time, but more suprising cause you know they are getting ready to stand or walk, but you are caught off guard when they say something you do not know they have in their program,

          Would you call these similiar to "eggs or Easter Eggs" IMR...I remember the first time I heard Nova Moo, I was so happy and surprised, I had no idea Pleos could imitate a cow... :cow: I will have to see if I can find the video where the coyote howl occurs.................................RWM  :cat:and the Pleo  P:-*Township of the redwoods
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Re: Question for those with new Pleo Reborns
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2012, 08:18:13 PM »

There's a lot of easter eggs hidden in the RB programming :) I'm sure there will be more to discover :)
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!
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