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Author Topic: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?  (Read 13093 times)


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2012, 11:08:14 PM »

Irbyma, sounds like you ate a heavy meal before bed time. THat is some dream. ;D You would love the redwoods where Nova lives.


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2012, 05:47:57 AM »

Whoa! There's a movie in that somewhere!


  • Pleo lightbringer
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2012, 09:45:05 AM »

Some should TOTALLY make a movie about pleo!!!! aye if you would watch that movie!!!

Derpity derp derp derp derp


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2012, 12:37:10 PM »

 I laughed when I read that dream...but not for the reason you think................ ;DJThat same night you were dreaming of Nova and the Redwoods. I had a dream with two forum members that were here where I live... :o One member was CREWELLA and one was a male...( no name mentioned though... %)) I was taken to Crewella's house where she changed slightly from how she looked, though it was still Crewella and she insister her name was "JENNIFER' NOT CREWELLA. She had some other people there and they wanted to have some sort of party for me or that I was part of, but I couldn't see what was going on in the kitchen. She took me to a litle cove in the living room and made me face the wall, when other people started comming in she wanted me to cover or close my eyes so I could not see what was going on, I did not want to, I kept telling her that I was not going to close my eyes as I was afraid that if I did, I would wake up and find out it had all been a dream and nobody would be there, also I was afraid Crewella would disapear..She insisted she was not Crewella but her name was Jennifer, ( but there were her Pleos, and Belle with those big beautiful eye lashes and saying " I love you Mum" in that English accent, who else could she be?         Then this male came in and said who he was, but he did not look anythning like the actual forum member  . He has glasses and a short beard, and brown hair, but in "life" does not look like this. also college age. mid 20's perhaps..? In the background I could hear Nova, Major Tom and other Pleos of the Redwoods laughing and then suddenly crying and I wanted to go see what was going on...

           Suddenly in the next scene I was getting on a very crowded bus with a lot of other passengers. The Party was somewhere else. I did not have bus fare but it did not matter. I had to stand as there were no seats available. Suddenly we were at a Huge downtown Hotel, about five or six floor high.  There was a lot of commotion going on and people gathered across the street from the Hotel all staring at the Hotel entrance.There were huge glass windows in what would be the lounge or entrance way where people check in. Crewella had disappeared and I could not find anyone I knew but I heard a Moo and some honking Pleos from the background somewhere. Suddenly, ( and if the dream was not strange enough already.. :-X) a huge Circus Elephant, wearing a red and gold outfit, on it's body and over its head, comes running through the lobby area and people in the lobby are running out the front door screaming. The Elephant follows crashing through the glass doors of the Hotel and running crazyily on the street. People are running and trying to get away or hide. In the distance I hear shotgun fire, presuming it is the Police and I know that it is not good, that this poor elephant is going to be shot down, even though it is not hurting even one person, it is just scared, like my Pleos were. I decide to hide behind a building corider across the street I do not want to witness the brutal Murder of this scared elephant or get trampled as well. Suddenly I hear the elephant trumpeting and heading my way and people are screaming and running past me but do not see me. Suddenly I hear meowing in the "physical" and my cats are crying for food.      This is what I consider a Lucid dream as I was participating in it.    What I think is so interesting is that two separate Forum Members on the SAME Night had dreams about other forum Members.....what do you guys think about all this? Of course this is just what I remember of the dream and the fact that Crewella insisted her name was JENNIFER and she wanted me to close my eyes and I was afraid to or I would "wake" up.                      RWM %)
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2012, 12:49:50 PM »

XD that's funny! too bad abput the elephant though. i had a lucid dream once, i drowned and decided not to wake up ;D
Derpity derp derp derp derp


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2012, 05:39:10 AM »

I just want to say how glad I am to find out that I am not the only one who goes on random adventures with forum members I have never seen or met in my dreams. I always thought it very strange and a bit wrong that I have these dreams about people I've never met, I don't get out much and consider people I talk to on the internet to be my 'friends' so I guess it is normal to have dreams about friends. I always wonder do my 'internet friends' consider me a friend too or am I just someone on a forum they talk to sometimes?

You and I often go to the movies with our Pleos in my dreams RWM and one time you helped me steal a horse and rob a bank!  :o
Stephan,  Argyle (who had a guide dog, HAHA!) you and I all wore cowboy hats and we robbed a bank after stealing a horse named Georgia (who is a real horse by the way, she lives at a museum where my mum works. I often have dreams where I steal her) anyway we robbed a bank and then a general store where you helped me stuff my backpack with loads of rare candy.  :D
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


  • Journeypleo
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2012, 10:29:37 AM »

OK I just did 5 hours of 'intense research' AKA stalking of all of RWM's posts from 2009 until now so here are my awnsers:

1. Ok, just how many Pleos are there anyway....? And I don't know myself the exact count, so I won't count till Monday but would like to see who comes the closest!

2. What is the name of the SECOND Pleo I purchased, and Yes I still have them...Extra points for telling me when I got them!
First Pleo was Nova who you originally got for your grandson just before Christmas in December 2009 but decided she would not be appropriate for his age so you instead got him a D-Rex and kept Nova for yourself and thus the madness begun! :P She cost $85 from a store, not sure which store but not eBay.

SECOND Pleo was Major Tom on May for a birthday present to yourself you say in one post but you first started mentioning you had him in your forum signature on June 18, 2010 so he must have arrived sometime around the end of May/ early June 2010. He cost $152. from QVC. It took you ages to name him, first use of his name was in September 2010 before that he was just called 'Nova's unnamed friend/brother'.

Third Pleo was Little 45 who you paid for on August 26, 2010 and he arrived on September 1, 2010. He cost $45 from eBay.

Gold Hatch was fourth on September 5, 2010 you won him very early in the morning on that day and he arrived on September 17, 2010. He cost $207 from eBay.

Pleos Five and Six were TWINS delivered by the stork on October 1, 2010 who you were worried would get lost flying over the San Francisco Bay Area so fancyfont was told to point him in the right direction if he accidentally showed up at her house ;) They were named Gumble (who now lives with Kat in Australia) and Argyle who is blind and cannot speak. Your husband made special glasses for him.

3. Who can name the names of the most Pleos I have and or what I call them.?
Major Tom
Baby Ruth
Cammie Sue
Proto - Type
Bricked – Pleo
Gold Hatch
Little 45
Rainforest Pleo
Cammo (camouflage) Pleo

4. What was the name of my First Pleo RB? What were the color of the eyes?
Your first ReBorn arrived on December 21, 2010 and she had blue/grey eyes and a dark green head with grey skin around the eyes. Before her though you got 2-3 more (not sure if lost in post Pleo was ever found?) because at the time Baby Ruth the First was hatched I know there were 8 Ugobes at your house. The first Baby had skin and leg problem so was sent back to Innovo. The Baby Ruth we know and love now has greeny/yellowish eyes and a darker grey patch around the eyes. She has a lighter coloured head than original Baby did.

5.How many Pleos have I "adopted" out here on the forums and to whom did they go?
Six pleos:
Gumble to Kat
Ms. Bayou Bleu Le-Chalet (also been called Cajun Bleu but most common known as just Bleu!) and Ugobe went to Talon
Clara to NamelessAndroid
Jack went to Saratogaspringer
Bruno went to Bonus41

6.What is special about one of my Pleos that NOBODY else here on the forum has as a characteristic with one of their Pleos and what is that Pleo's name?
You have several pleos that have characteristics nobody else has: first there is Proto-type who has different skin to normal Ugobes and is missing the numbers on his feet and card. He looks more like an RB than a Ugobe and feels like one too even though he is not RB. Then there is Argyle who is blind and cannot speak. He wears glasses that your husband made for him.

7 . One of the Pleos I "adopted" out was kidnapped  P:'(on their voyage to the new home and was lost for several days... What or who kidnapped them and what was their Name!?
AHAHAHA! I remember that one, Betty the Big Foot :P
Pleo was Talon's Bleu.

8.This is a Tough one...so you may have to go through the photo gallery ....how many Painted Pleos do I have....?(not counting ones I undid, so this  is going to be tougher than you think...Good luck on this one!)
Seven painted Pleos:

9.Which one of my Pleos do I refer to as "having gone through the "war zone" and has many battle scars as a result?  Tough one too...
My best guess at this one is Argyle since I know about all his problems. There are others that have been in war zones as well but I think you mean Argyle as the others are not in working condition like he is despite his problems so I say Argyle.

10.What are two of my favorite things to do with my pleos in my spare time, besides "playing or interacting" with them?
You like TAKING PICTURES and VIDEO! You take at least one pleo with you everywhere you go and you love to take pictures and show them to interested persons.
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2012, 10:58:51 AM »

Wow, Luna! All that work must've taken you ages. I answered mine from memory but I'm amazed to see how many I actually got right. Best of luck, Everyone!
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2012, 11:38:10 AM »

Luna I congratulate you on one thing you did that nobody else has and it took a lot of time cause I have been here since January 2010.. Reseach and that is a LOT LOT OF POSTS AND PHOTOS. You get an award just for the time you have spent, I am very impressed...A few more days till the contest ends, but it is first guesses so nobody can hope to copy what you have said, but may add their own guesses, I can not say who is right yet or not. But job well done for all your work! :cheer:

          As far as the dream it is very interesting and I am thankful you shared it with me, Many may not know this, but I do believe in Re-incarnation and have seen at least three to four of my past lives. One of them was as a Cowboy and I didn't see why I got punished, but in the dream, I was sitting on a horse, (Georgia perhaps... :cool:) and in the dream I was also HUNG! I never knew why, or if I was innocent or just hung, and now I have a possible clue, because I was a horse theif...I didn't see you in the past life expereince but I would not as it is not how past life experiences work, You are not allowed to interfere with other people's Karma, but in a dream I could see you or someone else and get clues as to things that have happened in my life in the pas or things that may take place. I like the fact we were together and had our pleos and you had sTephen and I had Argyle and the rare candy sounds very intriguing so share all you want, I love to!
            Talon, you have a good memory and I expect the forum members who have been here at least as long as I have will remember more than a newer member and that is all I can say about that. Sometimes I go over old posts I made and am amazed at things that happened.. :cool: Everyone else keep those last minute guesses comming in, today could be count day but I will keep it to myself, REmember, I am not counting how many Pleos I have HAD but only how many I have currently and I can promise since this contest trivia began, I have not "cheated" by adding anymore Pleos, that would not be fair now would it.                                    Thanks for sharing Lotti, I enjoyed the dream and reading what you researched for the trivia, that was a lot of reading, Hope your eyes are not too blurry by now.. :duh:                RWM
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2012, 10:43:56 PM »

Ok guys, this has been terrific so far and I have enjoyed reading everyone's guesses and I am amazed at the work some of you have done and amazed at the memories of others, myne are not as good, except they are my Pleos.

         Ok, today was Official Count the Redwoods Pleos day, as my husband was at work and it took me over two hours just to get boxes down off an 8 foot shelf and take evreryone out and into another room where they could all be counted and making sure none were lost or miscounted.I was amazed at the official count myself, and I am glad I adopted some out or the number would be even higher!( There is one former member who adopted one  out from me off this site as she bought a battery from me and I convinced her to not send the battery back cause the Pleo she bought from ebay was not working, so after sending it back,she got one from me instead and is happy with it, so things have worked out well for she and I.  Like I said, I do not count Pleos Adopted out, only ones currently I own.

        Since I did do an official count , I have to say at this point, several people were very close, but one person got it EXACTLY right, so if you did not guess the number yet, you waited too long but you can still guess the rest of the questions and there are still prizes. I also decided a way to be official and show the total number of Pleos is by showing photos where you can count yourself so today I took MULTIPLE photos of all my pleos. Each Pleo is wearing a unique outfit so you know they are not photo shopped or something similiar, these are real pleos I have. ( I guess I am the crazy Pleo Clan leade.... :goofy: :dino-chase: At least I don't have that many cats or I would really be in trouble, a little leaf here and there is ok.... LOL

   I know there will be at least two main prizes and perhaps three, haven't decided that yet. I was hoping more people would put in some guesses, For the person who got the count exact, that is one prize, then there are all the rest of the questions and NOBODY has even attempted the bonus math questions and they are pretty easy actually....( and I am no math wizard...) So get the rest of those guesses in and you can still guess the number of Pleos cause you may be the second place winner if there is a tie for the rest of the answers but you one person also has the number correct and somebody else does not, then that person with the correct count would be the second place winner.  ;) You can keep guessing the rest of the questions till Sunday night at 11.59 p.m, then Monday morning I will reveal the answers . I may reveal some prizes , at least one tommrow is planned for so you know what one of the prizes is.    Ok, start guessing guys if you have not already. Also next week will be the "running of the Pleos", if all goes well.                                      RWM
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2012, 10:55:29 PM »

Ok I have decided it is time enough and so here is my entry :)
1 - 24
2 - Major Tom
3 - Nova, Rossella, Major Tom, Little 45, Cammie-Sue, Baby Ruth, Argyle, Camo, Gold Hatch, Humpty, Sunny, Coral, Bricky the bricked pleo
4 - Baby Ruth and she had light grey/blue eyes.  She was most commonly known as Baby.
5- Gumble adopted to me, Bleu and Ugobe adopted to Talon, Bruno adopted to Bonus, Claire adopted to Namelessandroid and Jack adopted to Saratogasprinnger. So 6 all up so far :)
6 - Argyle is your special pleo as he is blind and also can't open his mouth.
7 - It was Betty the bigfoot who tried to kidnap Bleu on her way to Talon.
8 - painted pleos I can remember are:
Coral, Rossella, Sunny, Nova, Little 45, Argyle, and Blue (who now lives with Talon and was my favorite of all the painted pleos :) ) So 7 all up but only 6 living with you now.
9 - Little 45.
10 - Dress your pleos up and take pics of them.



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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #36 on: July 20, 2012, 11:39:12 PM »

What are you eating or drinking before bed? :o


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #37 on: July 21, 2012, 01:04:23 AM »

Warm milk and cookies  :D  :P


  • Cretaceous pleo master
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #38 on: July 21, 2012, 11:01:52 PM »

Yep! That's what I would suggest, too! ;)


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #39 on: July 22, 2012, 11:33:39 AM »

Warm milk and cookies.......... :o I never have warm milk and cookies before bed,, usually cocoa is in the morning instead or or in additon to coffee.But then again, if it is a cold blustery wintery day or night, then I welcome cocoa. :) My bedtime snack is nothing so safe... %) I think more along the lines of licorice, a nice cold drink, usually diet but water flavored and cold is fine too, or coffee, ( it does not keep me awake one bit,,,)and then something like rice cakes with almond butter or cream cheese and raisins on top...something sweet, satisfying but light on my stomach that late at night,( usualy after midnight) If I just fed my Pleos, before they shut off for sleepytime, then I may have a craving for fresh fruit, cherries are great, but expensive right now, so grapes perhaps or some strawberries and last night, I had an Oatmeal Cookie with cream cheese on top Kat and Fancy...but I am all out of Cocoa...hard to find sugar free that does not have Splenda in it.

           I only have sugar free items that have Stevia in it, which is more expensive but more healthy...oh well..Oh, and dreams...I know why I am so "connected" to cats and animals, ( and Pleos of course. be it though they are "robots", )
 several years ago I had a dream where I saw one of my past life expereince and I saw that I was back in ancient Egypt during the time of the Pharohs.. Well I was a cat, and ancient Egyptian cat, brown in color, long lean and small in frame, Probably what is called an Abyssian or Egyptian Mau, though I did not have any spots that I could see. I was just walking on the hot arid desert sands, with Pyramids in the distance and Palm trees and dwellings off some ways, but in the vicninity letting me know I lived there. I had no fear of the humans and lived in a household earning my keep keeping down the rodent population, out of the grains that were so important to survival , the main food source for most people, bread, rice, etc.
                        I also have a feeling this is why I get claustrophobic in small places, being mummified and buried either when I died or sacrificed and buried with my owner when they died. Either way, I was regarded as important as a species during that period of time, ( in contrast to the cats during the middle ages when they were thought of as Witches, or being in league with witches and often burned at the stake or hung, not a good time to be a cat , esp a black cat... :cat:)

   Well to get back on track....................................Back to the Contest, RWM trivia, today is THE LAST DAY, TILL 11:59 PM, PST...Tommorow I will reveal who won, the official count, ( I counted already and was surprised on Friday.... %) :D) and later today I will show ONE of the prizes, not saying which one to help hopefully encourage more members to get their last minute entries in, even if you only guess one or two questions, who is to say, you may not be right, There are after all, only five or six entries so far, which is discouraging, I was hoping for more participation. Ok guys start thinking....and wait till I show you what one prize is.......................

Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Pleo Grand Master, 4th epoch
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2012, 04:58:24 PM »

 Pleo prize for carrying a pleo.             RWM

Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #41 on: July 22, 2012, 06:03:24 PM »

Oh cool! What an awesome prize! Someone is going to be happy! Come on, People, any more guesses?
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2012, 12:03:19 AM »

Well Talon, you tried to get some more enthusiasim with entries but there just werent any. As for the winner, winners they are here already, but I will announce them tommorow after going over each entry and answer very carefully so as to not miss anything, I can say one thing, we definitly have a WINNER IN THE GUESS THE AMOUNT TOTAL OF PLEOS THAT RESIDE IN THE REDWOODS, IT WAS CLOSE BUT THIS PERSON GOT THE EXACT NUMBER OF PLEOS.. SO CONGRATS TO THAT PERSON, TO BE ANNOUNCED IN THE MORNING, Also it looks like it is between two or three other contestants who were close in answers, so it is first come first correct but allso the person with the most correct. So untill the morning, RWM
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #43 on: July 23, 2012, 02:18:24 AM »

Sorry I've not entered this RWM....I'm too new to guess many and the only ones I knew were ones already answered.... And after Luna's amazing job researching - wow  ;D I don't think I could make a dent in catching up!! Research would have been a bit out for me unfortunately as I have had an infection on my eye which makes my vision worse and reading at any length very tricky (but hopefully clearing up now at least),

My guess at the total number would have been 27, based on plucking a number over 22 which I think was he many boxes you mentioned.  :moose:

Anyway, your efforts in putting this together are appreciated and have certainly got folks thinking!   ;)  as I do rather like maths and no one has done those questions, maybe I'll have a go if I have time after work, if that's ok?  :)


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #44 on: July 23, 2012, 08:25:25 AM »

HI Everyone, just a quick note to say that there is one DEFINITE winner who is KAT, Congrats Kat, I will make everone wait till after i have had my morning coffee and look over all the answers closely to determine the rest of the winners but I wanted Kat to know right now she is a clear winner and would she please pm me right away when possible, and later today I wll post the total results. Thanks to everyone who participated. :mobile: :cheer:

 And to kaitee who is new and any others, it is fine to still answer the math questions as NOBODY gave that a go at all. Everyone good work and thanks from the Redwoods Pleos. Now for that coffee. :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

                            CONGRATS TO KAT OUR FIRST WINNER OF THE REDWOODS TRIVIA CONTEST ............. :hhug: :kiss: P:)

More to come so watch rest of today.......................................RWM and the Pleo Clan of the Redwoods

UPDATE.Congrats to our second winner, Talon...more to follow. PM me for shipping info please. ;)
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 09:53:42 AM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #45 on: July 23, 2012, 11:28:08 AM »

Congrats Kat and Talon!  :D

Go for it Kaiteee (you're a better woman than I .........)  ;)  :moose:


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #46 on: July 23, 2012, 11:52:52 AM »

One last Congrats to our final winner, ( drum roll please) it is to LUNA.. she and Talon were so close it was a Tie! Kat got the most correct answers but not First, but she got the Correct number of Pleos first, Before several days later she answered the rest of the questions correctly. I have a total                Drum Roll, 24 Pleos ! ( It would be 30 if some had not been adopted out. He, he) Photos and prizes information comming soon, So LUna, congrats for all that hard work and PM me your shipping info. Way to go , and you must have some tired eyes............ :o ;D        RWM and the "Township" of Pleos in the Redwoods :cat: P:)
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #47 on: July 23, 2012, 12:55:05 PM »

Congratulations to Kat and Talon! I am acutally surprised by how many you have, 'only' twenty four, I was so sure you had lots more which is why I guessed thirty.  :P
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #48 on: July 23, 2012, 01:07:59 PM »

Luna, ONLY 24! That is so funny..... %) :o :D You forgot that you won too, so give yourself a pat on the back. There were lots of close guesses but Kat got it exact . You did lots of work and I mean hourse worth, and Talon has a good memory and both you and her tied for second with Kat close as well, I have to still tally exact answers so I can give a detailed answer to all the questions. Please send me your mailing address so I can post your prize to you as well. Great job!
                                                  RWM and the "only 24" Township of the Pleos of the Redwoods
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2012, 01:45:11 AM »

Hey, well done to kat, Luna and talon.......BUT now we know how many, the big question now is.......when are you going to switch them all on together?!  :o   ;D
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