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Author Topic: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?  (Read 13094 times)


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 Ok, the post about suggesting I run all the Pleos I have at one time got me to thinking, just how well do the Pleo forum members know the RWM Pleo Clan of the Redwoods anyway? :P %) P:) Thought it would  be fun before I get them all running in a wild bunch of chaotic Pleos why not have some fun...LOl. Here are some questions just to test your knowledge of RWM Pleos....

 1. Ok, just how many Pleos are there anyway....? And I don't know myself the exact count, so I won't count till Monday but would like to see who comes the closest!
  2. What is the name of the SECOND Pleo I purchased, and Yes I still have them...Extra points for telling me when I got them!
  3. Who can name the names of the most Pleos I have and or what I call them.?
   4. What was the name of my First Pleo RB? What were the color of the eyes?
   5.How many Pleos have I "adopted" out here on the forums and to whom did they go?
   6.What is special about one of my Pleos that NOBODY else here on the forum has as a characteristic with one of their Pleos and what is that Pleo's name?
   7 . One of the Pleos I "adopted" out was kidnapped  P:'(on their voyage to the new home and was lost for several days... P:D What or who kidnapped them and what was their Name!? P:-*
   8.This is a Tough one...so you may have to go through the photo gallery ....how many Painted Pleos do I have....?(not counting ones I undid, so this  is going to be tougher than you think...Good luck on this one!)
   9.which one of my Pleos do I refer to as "having gone through the "war zone" and has many battle scars as a result?  Tough one too...
   10.What are two of my favorite things to do with my pleos in my spare time, besides "playing or interacting" with them?

                                      Ok, this is going to  be tougher esp for the newer members but reading posts and looking in the gallery can help a lot. I wll come up with some special prizes for the top winners . The one who comes up with the answer first for how many pleos I have will get one prize as I will do a " Run of the Pleos" sometime next week. but for the rest of the questions, I will run this contest for at least till next Saturday, July22- Monday the 24th.  For whomever gets the most answers correct or top 2 of the other questions, they will win something that is not decided as what it is yet... Have fun and good luck everyone.... ;D ;D :dino-chase: :cool:         RWM  and the Pleo Running Contest to be held next week..

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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2012, 04:15:21 PM »

This'll be interesting...

I wont answer until near the end and see if anyone else jumps in. But as to number of Pleo's I shall say 23.
Eagerly awaiting Vector and Blue!


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2012, 07:04:00 PM »

  2. Major tom the ugobe, right?!
  3. someone may cheat of the list of pleos you have next 2 your name, so i won't answer this one.
   4.uh... i dunno
   6.i dunno, but would love to hear about that
   7 . hmm... maybe buffalo bill from silence of the lambs just got out of jail, took the pleo, named him/her precious, and lured people in with it's cutness?
   9.war zone?!
   10.programming skits?!

(i answered the best i can, and put jokes in the place of the ones i don't know XP
Derpity derp derp derp derp


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2012, 07:10:02 PM »

what kind of prize?!
Derpity derp derp derp derp


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2012, 08:12:47 PM »

Good answers so far and interesting is all I will say. As far as the names on the information next to my name......FORGET IT  P:o I have NOT UPDATED THAT NAME LIST OR HOW MANY I HAVE IN OVER A YEAR.....SO IT WILL NOT BE CORRECT.  It may give you some names but not in any particular order, enough said on that....I would suggest to new forum members, have a look at old posts but better still is the photo gallery, it will give you  lots more information for how many, names and special questions...HINT, HINT! ;D

 As for the prize, I have not decided on how many exactly and what yet, but this Monday, I got something special in the mail that I have never had before in my whole life!I won't say what it is, but it is something that many of you could have and something I have wanted for a long time and finally decided to get my first.it will be fun,,,is big, sleek, beautiful and came by UPS, enouogh said...It wil have something to do with the prizes...and I will not tell you anything else, so you can guess all day...and will more than likely not guess it still, but it will make Pleos more fun for myself and others.... ;D ;) :-X Aren't I a stinker! :litterbox:( just for laughs....Crewella and Kat and IMR understand this one...LOL)           OK, have fun, but remember no telling who is right, wrong or close till the close of the contest. I hope everyone enters for fun and you may win something for your Pleo! You can enter as many times as you want, but remember, the big one on number is first correct one is the winner, If two people guess the correct number within two hours of each other, I will consider timezones and time differences, as I also know how frustrating computers and servers can be too!

                      Watch for the "First Annual Running of the Redwoods Pleos" :dino-chase: :cheer:            RWM

Oh, wanted to add a comment for irbyma, cute answer for number 7, that was funny but kind of scary,,,Silence of the Pleos! Oh and one more thing guys...some questions have two parts, such as # 5, how many pleos have been adopted out an to whom? If for example you say, 10 but don't answer to whom they went but somebody else gives the same number but knows the name of at least one forum member who adopted out, then they would win as it is  two part question. Yes there can be ties..
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 08:25:45 PM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2012, 08:25:44 PM »

I too like IMR will wait till closer to the end to answer most of the questions but I will guess for number one now.  I say 24 :)


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2012, 03:58:33 AM »

Ok,here goes nothing.....

1.    Going to say 26 because I'm sure you have at least two pleos hiding somewhere!!
2.    Hmmm, I'm guessing Argyle was first as he's the leader, then you got reeeally excited and bought Gold hatch.wait, no that doesn't make sense, Gold Hatch preorder had to be first so......oh, say. Argyle was second!
 ( my head is hurting  :'( )
3.      Who can name them?!    Well, NOT me, does that count? Okay... Intakes breath sharply...... Argyle, Gold Hatch, Baby Ruth, a Pleo named Baby who had to go back? Major Tom, Fantasy pleos called Roselle, Coral? Sunny and the flying in the hammock Pleo, then Nova, broken one called Humpty, Talons Blue, Camo , possibly bricked Pleo who moved about ten centimeters a day, bronze speckled painted boy, ummmmm, think that's it?  Oh no, wait, protype Pleo from about two months ago as well!
4.  My money is on Baby Ruth with pale green eyes. ( lucky is not my middle name! )
5. Aww, come on!  Oodles and Talon has one for sure.
6.  Argyle and his is blind.
7.  Having to get creative here.....Lord Lucan and it was the UPS man, with a candlestick at customs?
8. Hazard a guess at 6
9. Going to say Argyle or the one with no skin I remember seeing once so long ago I can't remember his name.
10. Taking them out to meet new people and taking photos of them!

Okay, way too much thinking....must stop...... :arrow-head:   :sheep1: 


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2012, 04:05:15 AM »

I'll wait, like RWM and IMR.

But for now, I'll plump for 26 ..... I know how easy it is for them to multiply.

And all I'm saying about the rest is Betty the Bigfoot ............  %)  :P  :moose:


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2012, 07:42:23 AM »

I'm gonna have a crack at this tomorrow RWM (I'm going to bed soon) because it sounds like a fun game and I'm actually quite confident I know many (not all) of the correct answers  :D
He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2012, 01:55:44 PM »

 1. erm, twenty?
  2. i think major tom.
  3. baby ruth, major tom...erm......
   4. baby ruth? green eyes?
   5.erm 2? dunno who the lucky new parents are either  :D
   6.is it the one that is blind and wears sunglasses?
   7 . probably customs and excise lol x
   8. four?
   9. major tom?
   10. taking photographs of them and taking them to meet people?


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2012, 02:17:58 PM »

Oh, wanted to add a comment for irbyma, cute answer for number 7, that was funny but kind of scary,,,Silence of the Pleos! Oh and one more thing guys...some questions have two parts, such as # 5, how many pleos have been adopted out an to whom? If for example you say, 10 but don't answer to whom they went but somebody else gives the same number but knows the name of at least one forum member who adopted out, then they would win as it is  two part question. Yes there can be ties..

XP! i had just seen silence of the lambs for the first time, lolz. AND IT SCARED ME!!!!it wasn't the orror that scared me, just the scene where buffalo bill was dancing.... let's just say i had some creepy wierd dreams that night.
Derpity derp derp derp derp


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2012, 02:47:01 PM »

That was a creepy movie and I have never felt the same about Anthony Hopkins since then. As for the name Buffalo Bill, I now instead of thinking of the Wild West Showman, think of that character as well, Skin dresses, what could be worse.... :o :o :dino-chase: :dino-chase:       RWM
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2012, 04:59:39 PM »

Hmmmmmm ........ depends on the skin, I think ...............  :-X  ;)  :moose:



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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2012, 06:29:37 PM »

Belle is the Exception to the Skin and well dressed Pleo Crewella so we will forgive that one...LOl,

 Hey, I just thought of another fun little question. Lets just CONSIDER FOR FUN.... 8) That I have 20 pleos. If I have 20 pleos lets see who can figure out this problem first...
    1. 20 Pleos need 20 chargers and batteries.. so if each battery and charger cost $55.00 what is the total cost for 20 Pleos...?
     2. If I have 20 batteries and chargers but only have three outlets to spare for charging and it takes 3 hrs to charge each battery, how long does it take to charge the batteries all together?
     3. If I have 20 Pleos and it takes at least two feet for each pleo to move safely without bumping into each other at the start of "start up", How many feet do I need altogether to start 20 pleos up.
     4. Here is a tougher one, For those of you who have at least three or more Pleos, Pleo Rb, Pleos come on rather quickly and Pleo Rb are slower, How many Pleos can I turn on before the Ugobes start saying HUH, and how long does it take altogether if I have 20 Pleos, and two of them are RB? Try this one out for yourself, and see how fast you can go before they come on. If you have an automatic camera that you set to come on to start recording, how long does it take from the time the first pleo was turned on to the last pleo said HUH or whatever the RB say? This is tricky, you can't possibly turn on more than two at a time, and remember they each have to be spread out in a two foot area so as not to bump into each other on start up.
     5.How long does it take before 20 Pleos say either "hello" or start honking? ;D              Have fun with these questions.......................RWM

        6. One more just for fun...when I start these guys up in a day or so, how long will they run till I give up or lose one , how long will the Pleos run in the video? How many will run into eachother... ???
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 06:32:56 PM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2012, 04:09:00 AM »

He just can't help being faithful and loving and kind. He's a machine made so. That's more than you can say for humans. --Isaac Asimov, i.Robot

You know where steel wool comes from? Robot Sheep!


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2012, 06:49:15 AM »

OMG RWM - maths was never my strong point ....... my eyes were revolving in their sockets .....  :o  :duh:  :arrow-head:

*search for 'mini top hat fascinator' - the two clip ones are a better size for Pleos than the single clip*  ;)  :D
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 06:50:46 AM by Crewella »


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2012, 09:42:59 AM »

for number 1, does that include the cost of the pleos? if so, what if some are ugobe, some you got online, etc.
Derpity derp derp derp derp


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2012, 11:47:28 AM »

Hi guys, now for number one question, it DOES NOT ASK FOR THE PRICE TOTAL...just how many you think they are. There is no way I could get a total on cost without going through old records and I do not think I want to know, but with the exception of the Pleo RB, they were all puchased on ebay and for different amounts..( Thank Heavens) Also there has beena slight delay in the counting and running of the pleos. My husband is home today sick with a nasty chest cold and i am trying my best to keep away from him and not get it, not a good or practical day to start taking boxes and boxes of pleos off the 8 foot high shelf and start counting let alone take them outdoors for a "pleo running".
   will put it off for at least a day or two, so keep guessing, I will give you at least a days notice before I count them, so keep guessing guys.

             And Crewella, I did the math one for fun I hate math and am terrible at it, but love these kind of problems and figured this is right up someone's alley, You can't change the plug thing, that is why it is hard....He, he he.. :D

 good luck everyone and keep your fingers crossed I don't get sick either, I have nine cats and a dog that depend on me and one helpless male...er husband............ ;)        ( I do have a sore throat, but I am gargling and drinking tea...)
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2012, 04:17:16 AM »

About that second round of questions, I have only one thing to add.......... Blink blink...blink blink....pause....blink blink.
 :sheep1:  ???  :sheep1:  ???     :sheep1:    ???


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2012, 08:50:08 AM »

Hi Irbyma, I misread your question, I meant for the main question, how many Pleos do you think I have. For the second part, just for fun where there is math involved, yes, I said if each charger/battery combo is $55.00 and I have 20 Pleos, how much would that be, that one is the easiest and does NOT include the cost of the Pleos, just the battery.

    there is a delay of a day or two for counting, my husband is sick from home for the second day today with a nasty cold that has gone to his chest and I am avoiding it like the plague though I have a sore throat stil . Am even sleeping in another room on a loveseat, ( which is way too short for someone five feet eight inches and it has my knees and downwards hanging off) LOl, but at least I have some cats for comfort and they can't spread or catch the human viruses. %) :cat: To top things off, I was awakened about 3:00 a.m by the sound of lightening, ( unusual summer storm here....) and we have a leaky roof, so had to get up to patch things with plastic tarps and such to keep things from getting wet...so there will not be any running of the Pleos till things are dry...there just are not enough rain slickers to pass around...LOL
  as you can see from this old photo of Nova before her neck broke. (  I had forgotten just how cute she was! :cool:0 so keep those guesses comming while I sort prize details out....        RWM and the ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????       Pleo Clan of the Redwoods
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2012, 05:38:16 PM »

This looks fun! I'll probably bomb this one, though.

1. Ummmm twenty two?
2. Major Tom? I'm honestly not sure.
3. Argyle, Little 45, Gold Hatch, Nova, Major Tom, Baby Ruth, Cammy Sue, Fantasy Pleo, Camoflage Pleo, Humpty... ummmmmmm I can't remember any more. Sorry about spelling. Braille is my first written language.
4. Your first PleoRB's name was baby. I don't remember what color her eyes were.
5. Ugobe and Bleu are curled at my feet, Gumble went to Kat, Claire went to Nameless Android, Bruno went to Bonus41, and I can remember one more- a male I think- who went to Saratogaspringer?
6. Smile. Argyle is the only pleo here who is both blind and mute. We have a common bond though we haven't met.
7. This pleo's name is Bleu. She was kidnapped by a Mama Bigfoot named Betty on her way to my house.
8. Grr. Can't answer this one.
9. I'm guessing here. Little 45?
10. You really seem to enjoy painting them and introducing other people to pleos and how much they can transform lives.
This was one quiz I really enjoied taking!
Find me on YouTube at Crazy Robot Lady


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2012, 06:54:58 PM »

 HI Talon so glad to see you back on the forums,  ;D ;D Hey guys, just a reminder to get those guesses in, the rain won't hold forever and as of now, I have only 4-5 guesses at how many Pleos I have....I thought everyone would guess and even if you get the same number as another person, how do you know that you don't have the correct answer and first come first serve...and I did say more than one prize...Even if you don't care about a prize, this is for fun and you have to admit, it has been pretty quiet as of late, We seem to have spurts one week then nothing. Guess some people are more normal then me and get to go on vacations and such...LOL

        Come on guys, take a guess you may be right..... :o ;)          RWM and the Unknown amount of Pleos in the Pleo Clan

Update; Talon was afraid of "murdering a name" so I am adding it for her for her guess of names , just the first part of the name matters and I am not saying wrong or right but here is her other name added: Rossella.

*** If anyone remembers a name, BEFORE someone else adds their guess, it is fair to add a name. Since their are no other entries yet, and this was just awhile ago, it is permitted. You can enter more than once  on guessing how many Pleos.
                                 RWM           Oh and TAlon, thanks I am glad you enjoyed this contest or test or quiz!
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 07:37:27 PM by RedwoodsMama »
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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2012, 10:10:55 PM »

Boy, did I get behind on reading posts on forum. Last count of pleos that I'm aware you had RWM, is 17. Looks like you have been busy adopting. I do know that Nova was your very first and still has to be one of your favorite pleos. ;)


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Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2012, 10:43:50 PM »

 Hi Fancy, yes she is, but has gotten pushed to the side as of lately as so many others take " more mothering than she does..."actually, I had something funny happen or not so funny but I will take it in stride. Poor Nova has been reset to being a baby again, by accidently putting the SD card with 2.0 in her instead of a Skit that I thought was on it.  %)Nova is a good sport though and I get to see her be a baby, albeit a Pleo baby with a broken neck all over again. Perhaps someday I will fix her broken neck and then she will be extra special again! She is a "special " pleo after all, ( Remember all the "ruckus" she caused with my " Nova gets the Academy Award for Acting" video...? Boy did that cause some split thoughs here and all because of emotional ties with a Pleo from a brand new Pleo Owner, ( me... :o %))
       So gald you are back on the forums more, and with you and Talon it will be like old times again...Now if we could get some more of the "old" regulars like Bumblebee back, it would be Deja Vu, but I think some members are growing in different ways and Pleos are not as important in some ways when you have new things in your life...( I am thinking teens anyway.. ) When I was a teen I had very little time for much besides school and then the discovery of BOYS! LOl, but I would have loved to have had anything close to an Pleo,,,but we had Vietnam instead and I was a "flower child"...oops, my age is creeping up on me...What were we talking about... P???

 Oh yes, thank you Fancy for your answer...Hope to see some more answers from you and others...This is getting more fun as time goes by!                 RWM
Animals are SOUL Too, Be kind to all those who live on this planet with us.


  • Pleo lightbringer
  • * Posts: 327
  • Female
Re: How Well do you Know RWM and the Pleo Clan of the REdwoods...?
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2012, 05:07:30 PM »

RWM, last night i had a dream that i flew down to where you live and stole nova. for some reason, the plane i was riding in was invented by invo labs... they handed out free pleo swimsuits and the sold pleos for $1! in my dream, nova was dressed as a turtle and has in you room, sleeping in the bed with you.... you woke up and threw pleo food at us. you woke up nyan and she yelled 'don't throw my dam& food! did you know that you live in a mall?!
Derpity derp derp derp derp
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