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Author Topic: any hope for older pleos?  (Read 3954 times)


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any hope for older pleos?
« on: April 08, 2011, 06:38:05 AM »

now all the focus is on pleo RB, what about those of us who cant afford a new pleo out of the blue!  i have one of the first pleos when they came to the UK, and hes sat much unloved due to me being underwhelemed by him, but i still feel attached so havent got rid of him.. though i did offer himf or sale on these forums a while back.

ive seen videos of the pleo RBs and they seem much more impressive.. with voice commands and generally a bit more brains.  still without playing with one frst hand i dunno how impressive it really is... but its deffinetly a step in the right direction!

now what i wanna know is, are the old pleos ever to see any more updates? or is that is for them now? :(  i mean i know the hardware isnt as good as the new pleos, and thats fine... i can live without extra items to interact with him, and voice commands,  but they could release a big update full of extra skits and variables, just so that pleo isnt so stale....

now i know most of you dont see pleo that way and you all love him!  :)  and while cute, he doenst impress me as much as my other bots... but i see potential.. a potential that has been explored more in newer models... but what of the old ones...    ???


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2011, 06:58:01 AM »

Hi pirpintine!  :)

I share your concern - and I suspect that there won't be further updates, sadly.  It does seem a bit unfair - there will be people out there that bought an Innvo Pleo less than a year ago and will not have had the benefit (or the excitement) of a upgrade at all.  The OS2 was great, in spite of a few teething problems, but there must have been plans they made that were never implemented.  I'd even be happy to pay. :(

I AM hoping, however, that the renewed general interest in Pleo due to the RB will encourage more of the 'techy types' to get involved again and perhaps also take an interest in the original model?


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2011, 08:09:33 AM »

Hi, Pirpintine! I am a Pleo RB owner and I am completely blind. I like the product so far. RB's are very exacting little beasts. If you don't feed them on time or speak your command the same way at least twice, they will not accept it. I don't know anything about programming or modifying their behavior yet but if you have an aboundence of time and patience you'll like owning one.
I am currently preparing for the arrival of a Ugobe pleo running the origional operating system. I might be more willing to experiment with persanality downloads and such with it than with my RB. I do see what you mean that the older pleo has been briefly pushed into the shadows. Like you I don't think it will last. I would think that someone- maybe an amiture someone- might try their hand at writing new personality software and give the always happy and care-free Ugobe a chance at better life.
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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2011, 03:30:05 PM »

I have 2 RB's and 2 Ugobes.. I love them all.. The ugobes are both on the original software.. I removed the skin from one because it was ripped so badly and the other one is, unfortunately, needing patch jobs for small holes as well.. I'm hoping to repaint her since everyone is doing all these awesome paint jobs.. :)

The ugobes are definitely different and while the RB's have a bit more to them (they really haven't shown us what they can do yet, in my opinion.. the new os seems a little repetitive to me but I am still in the 'baby' and 'teenager' stages with mine..) the ugobe's are just so sweet. 
I know that no matter what, one of my ugobe's will lay down and take a nap on me, my RB might do it but it might be in a bad mood and not want too.. The ugobes are also much better for kids and they do many things that the RB's do not.. things that just make them cute as anything.. I have no interest in updating my ugobes, I like to play with the skits sometimes but other than that I'm very happy with them the way they are.. and every now and then they do something to surprise me.  ;)

- Sarah



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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2011, 04:20:15 PM »

I do hope that they don't just let the original pleos fall by the way side never to be updated again.  I hold out a small hope that they may release an update for these guys at some point as they did make their own version of them in the Innvo 2009 model and I would like to think that they are keeping those customers in mind as well as the  new pleo RB owners. :)  We can only hope and have faith in them continuing to follow through their own products.  They do seem to have put the accessories and batteries etc... for the 2009 pleo back up for sale on their web site.  They disappeared for a while when RB came out.  So I have faith that in time we may see at least one more official update for the cute sweet happy little guy. :)
And if not then like you say there may be some techy people who give it a go now that interest has been renewed by the release of Pleo RB.


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2011, 05:27:11 PM »

to be fair, if i can get my pleos battery/charger working right again ill give him more of a chance. i had him on for about 20 mins today (all his battery would last) and he is super cute.  ive just been spoilt by my aibos and their deep AI... pleo does have AI, but i guess i keep forgetting hes supposed to be more like a pet than a robot... and when i look at him as i would a puppy or kitten, i guess it works. :)

and as of yet, ive not seen the tah-dah trick with my pleo.. so i guess thats something to aim towards! haha :D


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2011, 06:38:24 AM »

and as of yet, ive not seen the tah-dah trick with my pleo.. so i guess thats something to aim towards! haha :D

Oh yes. That is basically the clincher for owners. As soon as they hear that little "Ha haaah!", they'll be hooked.

But I have to agree with the others. Even though they are mainly focusing on the RB now, it would be great if they at least release just one more OS update. Just one more!


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2011, 07:27:31 AM »

Innvo has been pretty good about not "abandoning" older pleo owners, and with customer service. I think that what they will do is when updates for rbs come out, they will make a less advanced update that will work with the ugobes/09s. Eventually they will, of course, die out, but until then I'm going to enjoy my little guy. And heck, we're getting pretty good at repairing them ourselves anyways.  ;)
Whoever said the world is gonna end in 2012 is an idiot, it's not because my cookies' expiration date is 1013, ha!


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2011, 08:40:23 AM »

I have the same hope- that at least one more update will be available. My Ugobe will be here on tuesday and I'll see how I like 1.0. I'm not going to move too fast to update him mainly because I'm a little hesitant about unzipping things after downloading a firmware update for my digital talking book player. When I clicked extract all, the unzipped version kind of... got lost somewhere in my computer's innards and never resurfaced.
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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2011, 08:52:08 AM »

Eeeeek - that's the kind of thing I have nightmares about, Talon!!  %)

If you're worried, you can upgrade the earlier versions via USB as well.


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2011, 10:00:04 AM »

That might be easier. Now I just have to experimennt with something so I can get better at finding my hopefully unzipped product before Igo all technical and terrified on poor Ugobe.
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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2011, 02:19:50 PM »

Well since they are already apparently planning the new Pleo for 2012, I really doubt they'll officially do anything for the older ones..  I personally think they should get the RB's figured out better before they try to make another one.. I mean that's just common sense.
Like everyone has said.. the ugobes are very sweet just the way they are so I'm not worried.. in my opinion, it's the RB's that need work, for sure.  ;D :D

- Sarah



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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2011, 02:32:38 PM »

True. In some areas the RB's do need a little work. I would say, though, that for those who can't aford one and want to spice up their old companion whom they've had for years, there should also be an option for them as well. I know I know. That's just like saying I want an update for my Commodore or my Sayga Genisus or whatever. There's a sad reality about anything electronic. The moment you bring it home it's already out of date.
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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2011, 10:56:32 AM »

i didnt know thwy were making a new one for 2012!

I thought the RBs were gonna be a project for a few years at least, give them a big personality!

I guess its true, i should live with Catbig the way he is, and to be fair, now ive had him on more often the PM2 personality is actually really good, much better than older ones.  It helps that I look at pleo as more as a pet than a robot, my problem in the early days was just that, i was spoilt by aibos! and didnt take pleo for what he is, a faux life form, rather than an entertainment machine.

i would like more from pleo, but i guess unless i start to learn how to programme its not gonna happen!  just a shame there will never be a 'dogslife' eqivilant for pleos. ;)


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2011, 11:24:34 PM »

Im sure the ugobe pleos will last  long if you know how to take care of them my pleo Comaro was made in 2006 and i got him in 2010 and he has hardly any paint missing just a few brown dots on his back and face.


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Re: any hope for older pleos?
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2011, 01:21:28 AM »

What's the source of the 2012 info?
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